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Universal doubts cloud 'perfect' Koh Tao murder investigation

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It is a "perfect" result in Thai terms: Lies, bribery, corruption, torture etc

Sort of like when I was teaching the policy was "Every student must pass" and with this universal policy we see the results.

The British Authorities and the families of the victims must be fuming at this sheer incompetence.

Thais - If you can't do the job properly you need to lose your bloody face and ask the poms for help or better give them unfettered access to this case to get it solved and put the perps where they should be, in hell!

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An interesting point from the recent police statements on the television is that suspect Zaw Lyn took David's phone and gave it to a Burmese friend who found it didn't work (with a Thai SIM card) and smashed it up before helpfully depositing in the bushes next to Zaw's residence. The police didn't name this accomplice but then they don't seem to know the real names of the suspects anyway.

Why has this accomplice not been named and arrested as an accessory after the fact?


Perhaps the UK Government should just do their own analysis on any samples recovered and fully publish them online for future verification by anyone who cares to do so.

For example the parents / siblings of the accused will show familial matches with the evidence assuming they are guilty.

This won't go away, proof of innocence would be just as damning as proof of guilt.

I suspect the Burmese and British governments will be setting this up right now if they care at all about this case.

There's nothing the Thai's could do to prevent this or meddle with it in any way.

Over 45,000 signatures now asking UK government to act



Perfect police, a perfect army,a perfect PM running a perfect government.

With everything so peachy I feel next years TAT slogan should read


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Would love to, but what goes where? it is all in Thai. i tried and filled in what I thought was correct, but it was rejected.

This is the with the English tab checked at the bottom, but the form is still in Thai:


The fields are:






then uncheck the box so your name doesn't appear on the site.

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Conspiracy theorists aside, if the Thai Police want to clear up any doubts they should get Scotland Yard briefed and involved with the entire evidence gathering, interviewing and judicial process. I don't believe they can pull the wool over experts eyes.

For the rest of us untrained in police investigative methodology I doubt we can say with certainty whether these migrant workers are guilty or not.

Its nothing but speculative heresay that does nothing to contribute to the pursuit of justice and closure for the parents of those murdered.



Now that has clout to quote another, the pressure is mounting.

I wonder how JTJ will spin this one out

Good Article. The RTP cannot afford to have this case go to trial or undergo any kind of scrutiny at all - it will fall apart very quickly.

Makes it a bit scary for the lives of these two then - and the third "witness" being held incognito.

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Perhaps the UK Government should just do their own analysis on any samples recovered and fully publish them online for future verification by anyone who cares to do so.

For example the parents / siblings of the accused will show familial matches with the evidence assuming they are guilty.

This won't go away, proof of innocence would be just as damning as proof of guilt.

I suspect the Burmese and British governments will be setting this up right now if they care at all about this case.

There's nothing the Thai's could do to prevent this or meddle with it in any way.

Over 45,000 signatures now asking UK government to act


The UK has no jurisdiction to act in this matter. If the Thais want an independent investigation that is for them to ask. 'Independent' may mean some entity other than the UK government as it is UK nationals that were the unfortunate victims.


Here's the non-suspect who fled the island the day after and has not provided a dna sample.

Mon sot.....408749_2516699513748_939083871_n.jpg?oh=

Taken from his fb page

So why are the police not on this freak's tail?

Because of who he is and probably large brown envelopes


UK Rules--you often suggest that the UK Government 'should' do XYZ--but, as we all know, this is very unlikely--Cameron has enough on his plate with ISIS, UKIP, and other anagrams and really--does he have the balls? The UK Police are about as likely to get involved as Deputy Dawg.

This has nothing to do with Cameron and how busy he is. There's a full and dedicated system in place for creating DNA profiles of the whole population, in fact I believe this is their ultimate goal.

When a victim arrives back in the UK after a vicious murder it is investigated, inquests can be held regardless of where the person dies.

If thi shappens samples will have been collected and stored permanently. These samples would be sent to a well equiped DNA lab along with 1000's of other samples collected every week and a full DNA profile of the material will have been produced.

This will have been done already as it's a standard procedure.

Read this - Section 5.2 in particular :


If the families of the victims are fully satisfied that a full and honest investigation has taken place then I'm sure there will be no issue.

However if they aren't 100% satisfied then the following appears to apply :


Also this one from the above link :


So to sum it up, a murder investigation will be launched.

Do you think the families are full satisfied at this stage ?

Is it confirmed that the bodies of the deceased were sent for autopsy in the UK? I thought the Thais only send embalmed bodies abroad after removal of all internal organs in cases like this to avoid the embarrassment of conflicting autopsy reports.

Is is also confirmed that there will be inquests? Without reliable autopsies inquests would be a lot less effective.

Nothing is confirmed. From what I've read it's up to the families. If they are 100% satisfied with the investigation abroad then there would be no investigation.

Do you think the families of the victims are 100% satisfied ?

Don't expect any announcements of intentions. If we hear anything if will be when the results are beyond doubt.

I have a feeling that familial DNA testing could be useful here. Familial DNA analysis can be used to prove guilt just as easily as it can be used to prove innocence.

It's worth remembering that the victims bodies were repatriated quickly, before there were any suggestions that someone with influence may or may not have been involved in this case.

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This is really sad, I find it hard to believe that these 2 little runts are guilty.

Exactly.. How big was David Miller? Certainly much bigger then these two guys... And we are suppose to believe that they over powered David with a hoe and a stick while Hanna waited and watched? I find it very hard to believe...

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Clip from Thai PBS about the Burmese takraw players who were allegedy treated with boling water.

The clip also shows David's black iPhone 4 (before it was broken and left in the bushes) with a document purporting to show it was part of the deceased's personal effects.

The condom is also shown and the commentator mentions the fact that Hannah's DNA was found on the outside but none was found on the inside. She said that the police declined to answer their questions about the relevance of the condom.

A policeman is shown insisting that only the two suspects whose DNA was allegedly found inside the victim were involved in the rape and murder (despite the apparently contradictory evidence of the condom) and begging for the public to understand that.

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There was nothing perfect about it, there were so many holes in it, you could shift-screen dirt through it, and dirt there was, for sure, the whole thing stunk from day one. I for one speculated they'd get some unsuspecting patsies, to take a fall with these murders, and this proved to be right. Tortured, lied to, and threatened, they have there men, and are sticking to it.

Bring in a independent investigative unit, from the UK, or USA, what ever happened to the onetime remark, that the FBI was going to join in on this case, and DNA samples?

These two workers need some real forensics specialists, to help them, or they are going to go down, and there will always be doubts on every bodies minds, as to who really did this tragic murder. wai2.gif I see pictures in here of the Thai, who ran away, what about him, no capture, no DNA, no nothing, no case as far as I see.

Keystones cops could do a better job of putting it all the together, way too many convenient, explanations by the Thai cops, and yes they did this, no it was a farang the DNA proves it, blah, blah , blah , anything to make it stick, or cover up the truth. So many times now, has this happened, that I think most everybody is getting as confused with all this so called (none) evidence, that they just quickly want to sweep it under the carpet, sort of speak, and turn the page, on real hard facts.

Shame, shame, shame on us all for letting this get as far as it did !!!!

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UK Rules--you often suggest that the UK Government 'should' do XYZ--but, as we all know, this is very unlikely--Cameron has enough on his plate with ISIS, UKIP, and other anagrams and really--does he have the balls? The UK Police are about as likely to get involved as Deputy Dawg.

This has nothing to do with Cameron and how busy he is. There's a full and dedicated system in place for creating DNA profiles of the whole population, in fact I believe this is their ultimate goal.

When a victim arrives back in the UK after a vicious murder it is investigated, inquests can be held regardless of where the person dies.

If thi shappens samples will have been collected and stored permanently. These samples would be sent to a well equiped DNA lab along with 1000's of other samples collected every week and a full DNA profile of the material will have been produced.

This will have been done already as it's a standard procedure.

Read this - Section 5.2 in particular :


If the families of the victims are fully satisfied that a full and honest investigation has taken place then I'm sure there will be no issue.

However if they aren't 100% satisfied then the following appears to apply :


Also this one from the above link :


So to sum it up, a murder investigation will be launched.

Do you think the families are full satisfied at this stage ?

Is it confirmed that the bodies of the deceased were sent for autopsy in the UK? I thought the Thais only send embalmed bodies abroad after removal of all internal organs in cases like this to avoid the embarrassment of conflicting autopsy reports.

Is is also confirmed that there will be inquests? Without reliable autopsies inquests would be a lot less effective.

Nothing is confirmed. From what I've read it's up to the families. If they are 100% satisfied with the investigation abroad then there would be no investigation.

Do you think the families of the victims are 100% satisfied ?

Don't expect any announcements of intentions. If we hear anything if will be when the results are beyond doubt.

I have a feeling that familial DNA testing could be useful here. Familial DNA analysis can be used to prove guilt just as easily as it can be used to prove innocence.

It's worth remembering that the victims bodies were repatriated quickly, before there were any suggestions that someone with influence may or may not have been involved in this case.

I understand what you are saying, and obviously would be as happy as anyone were it to happen, but how do you suppose the UK investigators would go about getting 'familial DNA'if the family doesn't wish to provide it?


Now the burmese have their lawyers perhaps we could start a fund to match the $1 million baht that the head man said he would pay if anyone could prove anyone from his family was involved....

Let's rustle up a million baht and offer it to the heads mans family if they give DNA samples to the UK authorities..All the sons and cousins...not put the samples in a taxi fto Singapore and end up in bkk...Let the uk compare them with the samples they have

If they have nothing to hide they'd jump at it and all this inuendo would vanish...

Then their sweet little Island can return to business as normal, even regain their already lost face and income,

What's worse for a Thai, loss of face or money? Well you have all of the above now..

Would be the perfect call for his disgusting offer of a million to prove his family did it...

The familes DNA holds the key..

What's this bullshit about giving DNA to the Pommies,,,If one wants a independent investigation I would say the only ones that could maybe help the Thai investigators is a combined effort from the UN and the Thai Police,,,Not UK!


Now the burmese have their lawyers perhaps we could start a fund to match the $1 million baht that the head man said he would pay if anyone could prove anyone from his family was involved....

Let's rustle up a million baht and offer it to the heads mans family if they give DNA samples to the UK authorities..All the sons and cousins...not put the samples in a taxi fto Singapore and end up in bkk...Let the uk compare them with the samples they have

If they have nothing to hide they'd jump at it and all this inuendo would vanish...

Then their sweet little Island can return to business as normal, even regain their already lost face and income,

What's worse for a Thai, loss of face or money? Well you have all of the above now..

Would be the perfect call for his disgusting offer of a million to prove his family did it...

The familes DNA holds the key..

What's this bullshit about giving DNA to the Pommies,,,If one wants a independent investigation I would say the only ones that could maybe help the Thai investigators is a combined effort from the UN and the Thai Police,,,Not UK!


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