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I simply say you keep following me i don't buy and walk on out if they continue,then i explain to her indoors what i require,sometimes this involves a written explanation and some crude drawings you see i was bottom in art lol.

Then off she goes and gets what i need,reminds self to get her to go for me so i can relax with a beer and not waste any effort in the first place.


They are taught to do it, sadly, but thats why there are so many of them, their job to sell you something. Unfortunately they don't realise it has the opposite effect with (most) farangs (me)......sad.png

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Well since I shan't tell you to beat it back from where came from all I should mention is that I personally have a list made in (Thai) and I hand it off to the first staff that isn't sleeping at the wheel. I then sit back and watch the circus begin. Personally I tend to take care of my own emotions as there is little chance of changing people or circumstances that seem to be a daily occurrence here in Thailand. I do however enjoy your rants so by all means carry on.

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Just ask them for something that you are certain they haven't got.

For example purchasing a Blue-ray Player, (or not lol) after listening to their spiel about how the brand that matches their tee-shirt is completely superior to any other brand on the planet. Tell them you want a blue one, like it says on the box. wai.gif


They are taught to do it, sadly, but thats why there are so many of them, their job to sell you something. Unfortunately they don't realise it has the opposite effect with (most) farangs (me)......sad.png

+1 Trans, you can't blame the staff for doing their job, most are employed by the suppliers so it's in their interest to sell you a Samsung and not the Mitsubishi you're looking at.

That said, I really don't like the 'following' bit, particularly after you've told them 'just looking' or something similar, try walking around a display two or three times (my wife does dig me in the ribs rather hard when I do that). When you do need to ask staff, not a single one in sight.

The regular staff in our local HomePro know me and leave me alone, except the water pump lady who always asks if we need another pump (she's joking, we already bought 3 or 4).

Such is life, this place has so many pluses that the odd minus gets lost in the noise.

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"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


go in when you just finished a good pub, start running up to each and every one of them and start jabbering away. After several days of this, nobody will be pestering you.

Or fart continuously...........w00t.gif ....................laugh.png

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I would write a letter to all major companies not to harass a skirt wearing man walking about saying Sawadee Khrap to himself.

My heart is bleeding for you, the mental anguish they put you through. At least you have a shoulder to cry on with all the compassionat members here.

On that note moved to PUB.

Sir, may I draw your attention to the footnote of my posts?

Don't wish it to you.........but you never know............


Thai Watsadu Buriram - yesterday afternoon - I was probably the only visible customer/

It was a continuous Sawasdi kha/khrap.

I wanted some special nails. Approached 4 lads, sitting around with nothing to do. Asked in Thai where the nails were. All pointed in the same direction. Eventually found the nails (not what I wanted) in a totally different location.

Went to pay for my 3 purchases. 1 cash desk open 4 people in the queue!!!!!

The big stores could easily cut their prices by 5-10% if they got rid of many of the unnecessary staff who know bugger all anyway!

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stupidest shop experiences

looking for ten minutes at a tile with 'assistant' hovering, only to be told when wanted to buy them they not make any more -can't get the materials, er why didn't you tell us then and why is it on display- blank look

Phone shop- what's the difference between these two models, - 'well this one black and that one red'

Fed up with being followed round the booze dept in Tops asked what the difference is between blended and single malt whisky - 'malt more expensive', what would we do without them!

Forgot one the Nokia shop and Nokia care shop, they only deal with phones and only Nokia ones. Mrs went into both asking how to change the language on a Nokia x she just bought, nobody could tell her!


In the grocery meat counter one store butcher was bothering me and I asked if he had pigs feet, he said "Yes have". I then asked him if he had problems finding shoes that fit.


Thai Watsadu Buriram - yesterday afternoon - I was probably the only visible customer/

It was a continuous Sawasdi kha/khrap.

I wanted some special nails. Approached 4 lads, sitting around with nothing to do. Asked in Thai where the nails were. All pointed in the same direction. Eventually found the nails (not what I wanted) in a totally different location.

Went to pay for my 3 purchases. 1 cash desk open 4 people in the queue!!!!!

The big stores could easily cut their prices by 5-10% if they got rid of many of the unnecessary staff who know bugger all anyway!

Reminds me of a post on here once about nails. No have in the tray, popular size and type so bloke asks assistant if they have any, kid runs off. No they don't have any, bloke asks when they will be getting some more in, kids runs off again. Not ordering any more- they sell out too fast! Don't know if it was true, but it does have a certain ring of truth here.

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