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First alleged Isil terror plot on UK foiled amid growing fears of beheadings


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First alleged Isil terror plot on UK foiled amid growing fears of beheadings
Four men arrested in London suspected of plotting "significant" attack in UK with alleged links to Syria terror group Isil
By Tom Whitehead, Security Editor

LONDON: -- The first alleged Isil-linked terror plot on UK soil has been foiled by police and MI5 amid fears jihadists are returning from Syria to carry out beheadings on British streets.

Four men were arrested in dramatic armed raids in London during which one suspect had to be Tasered by police.

The men are feared to have been in the “early stages” of planning a “significant” attack and it is understood one line of inquiry is whether they wanted to emulate the sort of brutal execution that has become Isil’s hallmark on a British street.

Police and intelligence agencies have become increasingly concerned that the terror group, which has already beheaded four Western hostages, is encouraging similar attacks overseas.

Fears have heightened further after the UK joined air strikes against the terrorists.

Last month police in Australia arrested 15 suspected Islamist extremists amid fears they were planning random killings, including a public beheading.

During the same month, Algerian fanatics linked to Isil beheaded kidnapped French tourist Herve Gourdel in revenge for French air strikes in Iraq.

In August the UK terror threat level was raised to “severe” – its second highest – as David Cameron warned Isil was planning attacks on the UK.

The Daily Telegraph understands one of the men arrested had returned from Syria and had links with Isil – possibly as a fighter there.

Full story: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/terrorism-in-the-uk/11147495/First-alleged-Isil-terror-plot-on-UK-foiled-amid-growing-fears-of-beheadings.html

-- The Telegraph 2014-10-08

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I guess governments like those in the UK, USA and Australia seem to think that collateral damage in the form of lost civilian lives is an acceptable form of political diplomacy.

If people really cared, then cities would be bombed, immigrants would be deported and funding parties would have bullets put in their heads from 1000 yards, and idealists and lawyers would be imprisoned.

At least Israel seems to agree with this view, and gives a damn what anyone thinks, whether they are wrong or right about it. But at least they get respect and civilians do not have to waste time in Israel reading about the possibilities of having their heads lopped off. Pure BS.

I guess civilians in the UK, USA and Australia do not have a right to survive, or else their governments are representing the offending parties.

"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt

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Just saw some one posted a speech from Russian leader Putin . He basically said if you want to live work in Russia you learn and practice the Russian culture and be able to converse in Russian. He said if you wanted to practice muslim culture and dress maybe better stay in your own country where you are free to do this. He said he observed what has happened in the UK and Europe and the US and he won't let it happen in Russia. Not often I agree with his views but with this I am 100% behind him.

That speech is FALSE. But it reads well :)

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As we post an army of human rights lawyers will be making sure that the precious human rights of these suspected terrorists are in no way infringed and you can guarantee the stupid British taxpayer will also be footing the bill. Why if they knew this man had just returned from fighting in Syria was he not stopped at the airport, arrested and thrown into prison as a warning to any others thinking they can just waltz back into the UK.

I will predict they will soon be quietly released with lodged claims for compensation pending.

Your post is typical of the attitude of the great unwashed. Not saying you are part of that group, just that your sentiments echo those peoples' knee-jerk reactions.

Media headlines and sensationalism works.

1. They didn't know the suspect had returned from fighting, they suspect he had.

2. Human rights lawyers do a valuable service. Don't condemn them unless you want a totalitarian state and dictatorship.

3. If....IF.... they are released, it will be because they are innocent.

4. IF they deserve compensation, it should be paid. IF they do not deserve compensation, it will not.

Our system of rights works usually. I will give you that smart lawyers can twist the system, but when that happens, usually somewhere down the track, "karma" occurs.

Re point 2. If they care so much I trust they work for free.

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Your post is typical of the attitude of the great unwashed.

Andyour posts are typical of someone with Affleck's Affliction.

" " Affleck said they were “stereotyping.”

But the data doesn’t stereotype. Especially in less-developed countries, it is appalling."


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Well done he police, but I think that all muslims must be segregated.

Those that are not British should be sent home and I mean even after 30 years.

Close all Islamic temples and evict all evil speaking preachers they have.

These people we welcomed in the 50s are now our greatest threat, they have not integrated,

they have not gone by our laws, so they should be put back where they came from before they

cause more chaos than they are doing now.

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There are a lot of Muslims in the US. The census doesn't ask for religion so no one is sure. The US Embassy estimates somewhere between 2 and 7 million. LINK

Fortunately beheading is illegal so no one will do it. tongue.png Knives don't kill people, people kill people. w00t.gif

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Great Britain is finished as a nation, run for years by a succession of spineless governments, who have allowed any piece of scum from any s*** hole on the planet to enter. Now this is the inevitable, predictable result. A once great nation overrun by these extreme murdering vermin

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There are a lot of Muslims in the US. The census doesn't ask for religion so no one is sure. The US Embassy estimates somewhere between 2 and 7 million. LINK

Fortunately beheading is illegal so no one will do it. tongue.png Knives don't kill people, people kill people. w00t.gif

I don't see the same crowds of muslim agitators protesting in the US when there is a parade to honour the soldiers who have died in Afghanistan and Iraq, the same as I've seen in the UK. I honestly don't think they'd have the balls to try that on in the US, the backlash would be devastating. The Americans aren't quite as apathetic as the Brits.

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Great Britain is finished as a nation, run for years by a succession of spineless governments, who have allowed any piece of scum from any s*** hole on the planet to enter. Now this is the inevitable, predictable result. A once great nation overrun by these extreme murdering vermin

It's a great shame as I have very fond memories of the UK from when I first travelled there by ship from Australia in the 60's, and did the backpacking thing around the UK and Europe. I subsequently went back there on working holidays twice more as I loved the place. Not sure I'd love it so much now.

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There are a lot of Muslims in the US. The census doesn't ask for religion so no one is sure. The US Embassy estimates somewhere between 2 and 7 million. LINK

Fortunately beheading is illegal so no one will do it. tongue.png Knives don't kill people, people kill people. w00t.gif

I don't see the same crowds of muslim agitators protesting in the US when there is a parade to honour the soldiers who have died in Afghanistan and Iraq, the same as I've seen in the UK. I honestly don't think they'd have the balls to try that on in the US, the backlash would be devastating. The Americans aren't quite as apathetic as the Brits.


Between 2 and 7 million for a Country the size of America is very small. According to the UK Census 2011 the official figure was 2.6 million. Anyone who knows the UK will tell you that the official figure is a load of cr#p.


Not quite sure that apathetic is the best way to explain it. Certainly 2 of the major differences between the US and UK would be the relative size of the Muslim population and the fact that a huge number of Americans own firearms. Very easy to kick up a shit storm when you know that the chances of getting a gun pulled on you are very very slim.

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There are a lot of Muslims in the US. The census doesn't ask for religion so no one is sure. The US Embassy estimates somewhere between 2 and 7 million. LINK

Fortunately beheading is illegal so no one will do it. tongue.png Knives don't kill people, people kill people. w00t.gif

I don't see the same crowds of muslim agitators protesting in the US when there is a parade to honour the soldiers who have died in Afghanistan and Iraq, the same as I've seen in the UK. I honestly don't think they'd have the balls to try that on in the US, the backlash would be devastating. The Americans aren't quite as apathetic as the Brits.


Between 2 and 7 million for a Country the size of America is very small. According to the UK Census 2011 the official figure was 2.6 million. Anyone who knows the UK will tell you that the official figure is a load of cr#p.


Not quite sure that apathetic is the best way to explain it. Certainly 2 of the major differences between the US and UK would be the relative size of the Muslim population and the fact that a huge number of Americans own firearms. Very easy to kick up a shit storm when you know that the chances of getting a gun pulled on you are very very slim.

You are probably right about the firearms, too many "good old boys" in the US who wouldn't tolerate their troops being disrespected and would only be too happy to burn down a few mosques.

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Great Britain is finished as a nation, run for years by a succession of spineless governments, who have allowed any piece of scum from any s*** hole on the planet to enter. Now this is the inevitable, predictable result. A once great nation overrun by these extreme murdering vermin

The UK is NOT finished as a nation.

The succession of spineless governments will end very soon.

I can see that there will possibly be another hung parliament in next year's general election. That means next time round it won't be the Lib Dems who are invited to join in a coalition with one of the two parties polling the most seats. It will be UKIP.

I can guarantee they won't want to get into bed with Labour, but they might consider forming a coalition with the Cons, and we all know what the demands from UKIP are going to be...... ONLY IF the other party commits to a national referendum on EU membership.

They can hardly be refused that... That is what Farage is pinning his hopes on, and I know full well that the UK people will vote themselves out of Europe in a landslide.

That is when the game will change and it will change dramatically.

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Great Britain is finished as a nation, run for years by a succession of spineless governments, who have allowed any piece of scum from any s*** hole on the planet to enter. Now this is the inevitable, predictable result. A once great nation overrun by these extreme murdering vermin

The UK is NOT finished as a nation.

The succession of spineless governments will end very soon.

I can see that there will possibly be another hung parliament in next year's general election. That means next time round it won't be the Lib Dems who are invited to join in a coalition with one of the two parties polling the most seats. It will be UKIP.

I can guarantee they won't want to get into bed with Labour, but they might consider forming a coalition with the Cons, and we all know what the demands from UKIP are going to be...... ONLY IF the other party commits to a national referendum on EU membership.

They can hardly be refused that... That is what Farage is pinning his hopes on, and I know full well that the UK people will vote themselves out of Europe in a landslide.

That is when the game will change and it will change dramatically.

The trouble is it isn't just immigration that has finished the UK. It is years of political correctness and the insidious EU human rights act. Decades of spineless and gutless politicians have taken a tolerant people and a once Great Britain and totally destroyed everything that made it great.

UKIP are a start but it is going to take the people of the UK to rise up and tell the politicians that are supposed to be doing the wishes of those that elected them into office that enough is enough

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I like to support civil and human rights but IMHO these "returning Jihadists" should be shot on sight.

So you do not support the fundamental principle of British jurisprudence that the accused is innocent until proven guilty?

Not everyone who returns from Syria or Iraq was there as a fighter for or even supporter of IS. Many, Muslim and non Muslim, where and still are there as aid and humanitarian workers helping the victims of IS!

Obviously, if the security services and/or police suspect that someone has committed a crime, then that person should be investigated, the evidence gathered and if sufficient then the person should be arrested and tried; where a jury will decide his or her guilt on the evidence.

If certain people think that by saying this I am in someway apologising for IS or any other terrorist group, then all that proves is that whatever intelligence they may have has, on this issue, been replaced by the ignorance of their prejudice.

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There are a lot of Muslims in the US. The census doesn't ask for religion so no one is sure. The US Embassy estimates somewhere between 2 and 7 million. LINK

Fortunately beheading is illegal so no one will do it. tongue.png Knives don't kill people, people kill people. w00t.gif

I don't see the same crowds of muslim agitators protesting in the US when there is a parade to honour the soldiers who have died in Afghanistan and Iraq, the same as I've seen in the UK. I honestly don't think they'd have the balls to try that on in the US, the backlash would be devastating. The Americans aren't quite as apathetic as the Brits.


Between 2 and 7 million for a Country the size of America is very small. According to the UK Census 2011 the official figure was 2.6 million. Anyone who knows the UK will tell you that the official figure is a load of cr#p.


Not quite sure that apathetic is the best way to explain it. Certainly 2 of the major differences between the US and UK would be the relative size of the Muslim population and the fact that a huge number of Americans own firearms. Very easy to kick up a shit storm when you know that the chances of getting a gun pulled on you are very very slim.

You are probably right about the firearms, too many "good old boys" in the US who wouldn't tolerate their troops being disrespected and would only be too happy to burn down a few mosques.

Support for action by vigilantees is exactly the narative that governments are seeking to stop, as would create even more law and order complexity for our societies.

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I like to support civil and human rights but IMHO these "returning Jihadists" should be shot on sight.

So you do not support the fundamental principle of British jurisprudence that the accused is innocent until proven guilty?

Not everyone who returns from Syria or Iraq was there as a fighter for or even supporter of IS. Many, Muslim and non Muslim, where and still are there as aid and humanitarian workers helping the victims of IS!

Obviously, if the security services and/or police suspect that someone has committed a crime, then that person should be investigated, the evidence gathered and if sufficient then the person should be arrested and tried; where a jury will decide his or her guilt on the evidence.

If certain people think that by saying this I am in someway apologising for IS or any other terrorist group, then all that proves is that whatever intelligence they may have has, on this issue, been replaced by the ignorance of their prejudice.

After all that has/is going on and they are still there as aid workers. They need locking up for there own safety. The rest try them and kill them.

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