Unconvinced Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 Condoms!!!?? Who puts on a condom before raping?? A rapist that doesn't want to leave semen inside the victim as it can be a bit of a give away!!! So ... not just your average rapist then. Other possibilities (not mutually exclusive; may apply simultaneously): - an experienced rapist - an educated rapist - a date-rape artist - a rape pack leader
Lozza Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 2 people hold the key to unlocking the mystery of this crime: Nom Sod and the Scot. 2 people that the police don't seem interested in.I quite agree old chap, sterling work, though, just a thought mind, ones missing another suspicious fellow by the name of Montgomery or Mon for short. Beastly fellow if ever I saw one. Was that the gentleman seen up bright and early, in spite of his late night schedule, down on the beach poking about at the evidence at the crime scene? Yes, that's him. He's into everything, crime scene pictures within metres of the bodies, playing a major role it the re enactment. It has been said his brother the headman was with him wearing a blue glove picking through the beach early that morning (after organising the speed boat for his son) 2
ParadiseLost Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 Sean Hayes McAnna says at 0:01: To everyone commenting. I never said I knew the killers. I said that if I died that night it was the guy from in touch who "did it". anybody with half a brain knows it would always be blamed on Burmese. I'm gutted for everyone involved, but there's really nothing I can do. I'm sorry the newspapers lied to you. Believe me, they lied about a lot of things. They just like a story. scroll down to that time in the comments https://soundcloud.c...anmcanna/johnny Edited by englishoak, A minute ago @thailand-people: I had that wound from the 9th. There are plenty of people who seen me with the cut every day in restaurants, bars and dive shops. When I left the message on his facebook a few days after (When Dave's name was released), I only meant that I knew the type of person he was. He was a great guy who would stand against wrong in any situation. There is a photo of S in drag dated the 12th. I can't make out if there are any marks, but there may be other people with photos of that evening. Edit: photo not from the date mentioned. It would be good to know just how much we can believe this guy. Not looking very good to me...
Popular Post PaPiPuPePo Posted October 9, 2014 Popular Post Posted October 9, 2014 not sure, what everyone is waffling about those two clowns. - they repeatedly confessed to the crime - they confessed to their lawyer having raped the victim - they were at the crime scene around the time (they said so, 3rd man=friend said so, know when they came back) - if anything, then the CCTV-runner looks like one of them (skinny migrant bar worker) - they never claimed torture, not even to their lawyer "not treated well" (only their friends believed of torture) - if anyone, then they blamed the pancake man of mistreating - who then further attended every HumanRights-meeting - we never saw a single pic of any of their torture-wounds, even though the guardian will have seen them - newspaper should be the first to publish those torture pics, no ? is everyone around this case retarded ? Why do you ask if they are retarded? Simply because they are all advocating for the release of the "likely" brutal murderers of the British couple? The keyboard CSI:TVF community has concluded, based on the hearsay and 3rd hand evidence of poorly interpreted Coconut news releases that the guilty party must be Thai and some have even made a connection all the way back to the kid who killed the cop in his Ferrari. This thread is like a lost chapter from a Ken Kesey book. All that the most of your posts about this show is that you're clueless about how things go in Thailand. If you think this obviously messed-up investigation, with more holes than swiss cheese in it, as was said above, found the killers, and if you think two Burmese workers did it and the locals fingers are pointing at had nothing to do with it, then you've never spent a day with your eyes and ears open on a Thai island or interacted with either of the above types of island residents. The odds against what you and these so-called police apologists (I don't think they're that, just deluded) think are so great that it's nearly laughable. But again, you'd have to step out of your mind and into the real world of Thailand's tourist islands to see that so I don't expect anything but complete disagreement, probably spiced with attacks on me, in response to what I'm saying here. 4
ClutchClark Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 Why do you ask if they are retarded? Simply because they are all advocating for the release of the "likely" brutal murderers of the British couple? The keyboard CSI:TVF community has concluded, based on the hearsay and 3rd hand evidence of poorly interpreted Coconut news releases that the guilty party must be Thai and some have even made a connection all the way back to the kid who killed the cop in his Ferrari. This thread is like a lost chapter from a Ken Kesey book. All that the most of your posts about this show is that you're clueless about how things go in Thailand. If you think this obviously messed-up investigation, with more holes than swiss cheese in it, as was said above, found the killers, and if you think two Burmese workers did it and the locals fingers are pointing at had nothing to do with it, then you've never spent a day with your eyes and ears open on a Thai island or interacted with either of the above types of island residents. The odds against what you and these so-called police apologists (I don't think they're that, just deluded) think are so great that it's nearly laughable. But again, you'd have to step out of your mind and into the real world of Thailand's tourist islands to see that so I don't expect anything but complete disagreement, probably spiced with attacks on me, in response to what I'm saying here. On the contrary, I am familiar with how things go in Thailand, they work the same place everywhere. Why all the "hate" in your post? Can't you simply have a discussion? Confessions hold quite alot of influence in a court of law. Defense Attorneys lie, or more PC, add "Spin" to exonerate their client. Claims of severe torture and scalding have the best chance of being believed when photo evidence or a medical report can be produced. Meanwhile, the police have two suspects who are reported to have admitted being near the scene of the crime within hours of its occurance. As for DNA evidence, I have indicated a number of times that I would not trust any of it since it was not collected in a manner that would prevent contamination by either an intentional or accidental act. Cheers
PaPiPuPePo Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 When the little girl was killed and thrown from the train and the police thumped the accused around a bit for his confession, nobody cared or tried to tuen him into a victim or say his confession didn't count. Why do so many here want to make these potential killers into victims? Does Burma not have any violence? Why is it so impossible for some to fathom that these confessed killers could have done this crime? Now their high fallutin attorney has arrived and started a defense lime every attorney does everywhere. Do the numerous defenders of these two accused always believe what a defense attorney says about their client? Has anyone presented photo evidence of physical abuse? deleted post Bam. Thanks for putting my thoughts into words! 2
ClutchClark Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 Bam. Thanks for putting my thoughts into words! Poor little guy, why all the resentment? As you follow that thread you have quoted you will be glad to learn the poster admits he confused me for someone else. Now would you like to try for some mature discussion?
MikePhuket1970 Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 When the little girl was killed and thrown from the train and the police thumped the accused around a bit for his confession, nobody cared or tried to tuen him into a victim or say his confession didn't count. Why do so many here want to make these potential killers into victims? Does Burma not have any violence? Why is it so impossible for some to fathom that these confessed killers could have done this crime? Now their high fallutin attorney has arrived and started a defense lime every attorney does everywhere. Do the numerous defenders of these two accused always believe what a defense attorney says about their client? Has anyone presented photo evidence of physical abuse? deleted post Bam. Thanks for putting my thoughts into words! Bam Bam,its just pure joy to read this !!!
ClutchClark Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 ^^^^Come on guys, not capable of actual discussion so you have to reply like kids? How disappointing.
Lozza Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 So the photos of the two on the beach in helmets and vests was taken within 1-2 days of their confession? Typically a bruise gets more discolored after 24-24 hours, yet there are no visible bruises at all on either man. Not even one. Not to say they weren't roughed up but if they suffered "extreme duress" and "torture" I do wish there was some small evidence of corroboration, There is corroboration in the opening post of this thread. Perhaps you should read about this subject before posting? Parinya also said a Rohingya interpreter was used during the police interrogation of the two suspects, who are from Rakhine state, who allegedly bore a grudge against Rohingya people, apart from their different languages. He added that both suspects bore wounds as a result of what they claimed was "the police not treating them properly". There has been photo's of scalding marks around shoulder and armpit of one of the offenders.
ClutchClark Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 So the photos of the two on the beach in helmets and vests was taken within 1-2 days of their confession? Typically a bruise gets more discolored after 24-24 hours, yet there are no visible bruises at all on either man. Not even one. Not to say they weren't roughed up but if they suffered "extreme duress" and "torture" I do wish there was some small evidence of corroboration, There is corroboration in the opening post of this thread. Perhaps you should read about this subject before posting? Parinya also said a Rohingya interpreter was used during the police interrogation of the two suspects, who are from Rakhine state, who allegedly bore a grudge against Rohingya people, apart from their different languages. He added that both suspects bore wounds as a result of what they claimed was "the police not treating them properly". There has been photo's of scalding marks around shoulder and armpit of one of the offenders. Lazza, Thats very useful information...actual supporting evidence. Any chance you can find them or have a link? Thanks
hellyes2oo2 Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 clutchclark, i think the accusations about scalding weren't made by the 2 suspects . they were made by 3 other burmese people that said police tried to force them to implicate the 2 boys in the murder, and when they refused they were scalded. i believe that pictures were taken of the three but sorry i don't have any links. as for pics of the boys scald marks being taken, this is the first i have heard of this. 2
jdinasia Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 Condoms!!!?? Who puts on a condom before raping?? A rapist that doesn't want to leave semen inside the victim as it can be a bit of a give away!!! So ... not just your average rapist then. Other possibilities (not mutually exclusive; may apply simultaneously): - an experienced rapist - an educated rapist - a date-rape artist - a rape pack leader Or any rapist... Including an average rapist that has ever heard of DNA.
Popular Post Mackie Posted October 10, 2014 Popular Post Posted October 10, 2014 A total farce. This case has already failed on so many levels that is simply unbelievable that anyone rational would proceed to obtain the court verdict against those two Burmese. Even if they are guilty the Thai police completely ruined the case. Thai murder suspects 'retract' confessions http://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/thai-murder-suspects-retract-confessions/ar-BB8h6ga Two migrant workers accused murdering two British tourists were reported to have retracted their confessions, as Thai prosecutors rejected a police report into the killings claiming it lacked "crucial information" and a leading forensic expert said the investigation "contradicted the principles of forensic science". Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun, both 21, were arrested last Friday for the murders of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller whose disfigured bodies were dumped on a beach on the Thai island of Koh Tao on September 15. Police chief Somyot Poompanmoung this week described the investigation as a "perfect job". However, the inquiry has been dogged with criticism from the outset, including accusations of botched forensic work and, this week, claims about the alleged torture of the two accused men. Aung Myo Thant, who has been described as a lawyer with connections to the Burmese embassy in Bangkok, met the accused men on Monday and, in interviews with Thai and Burmese media, said they claimed to have been beaten and threatened with electrocution in order to confess. "They said they didn't do it, that the Thai police beat them until they confessed to something they didn't do," he was quoted as saying by Myanmar's 7Day Daily newspaper, according to the Bangkok Post. "They were a really pitiful sight," he added. "Their bodies had all sorts of bruises." Mark Kent, the UK ambassador in Bangkok, received a two-hour briefing on those allegations from human rights activists on Wednesday afternoon and Foreign Office officials, who initially offered support to Thai police, now say they are "concerned" about the alleged mistreatment of the accused men. In a statement, the family of Hannah Witheridge, a 23-year-old from Great Yarmouth, also hinted at their concerns over the investigation. "As a family we hope that the right people are found and brought to justice," the statement, released ahead of Ms Witheridge's funeral on Friday, said. Thailand’s top forensic expert added her voice to the criticism on Thursday, accusing police of failing to involve a forensic pathologist in the initial investigation. “A case of two murdered people certainly needs a forensic physician,” Khunying Porntip Rojanasunan, head of Thailand’s Central Institute of Forensic Science, was quoted as saying by the Bangkok Post. The police’s actions “contradicted the principles of forensic science,” the expert claimed. Meanwhile, prosecutors in Surat Thani province, where the murders took place, reportedly rejected the police's investigation, telling officials they needed to "fix certain flaws" and supply "more crucial information", according to a report in Thailand's The Nation newspaper. The police report was "incomplete", another prosecutor said, according to the Bangkok Post. The father of Win Zaw Htun, one of the accused men, told Burmese media he did not believe his son was capable of murder . "My son is helpful and friendly," U Tun Tun Hteik told Myanmar's Mizzima News website. "He is not a wild guy." “I think he will be released if the investigation into this case is fair and systematic." Residents of Koh Tao have expressed extreme scepticism about the police claims that the Burmese men, one of whom worked as a waiter in a pub, were responsible. More than 280,000 people have joined a Facebook discussion group that has pointed out key discrepancies in the investigation. A Koh Tao resident, who knew one of the accused, told The Telegraph: "There is not an aggressive or bad bone in his body." "They are both tiny," the source said of the accused men. "It is hard to believe they could overpower a girl who was fighting for her life." Close 3
BigHornBull Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 I posted this on another thread, so hope its ok to duplicate on this one... For anyone interested, the CSI LA page spotted that Sean McAnna uploaded two songs to Soundcloud on 4th October, so it looks like he's alive, unless someone has access to his stuff - https://soundcloud.com/seanmcanna There are some interesting lyrics in the track 'Johnny' - 1:38 "I'm still waiting at the hotel bar. They beg of you, but they don't need you, still they won't let you go. And I, I, so near so far...'. Might be nothing, but could be a message in there somewhere. What a lot of rubbish is being put out on here about Saun MCanna! No big mystery at all. He was in the company of UK media journalists shortly after the convenience store incident until he left the Island and gave a number of interviews to the UK press. It was later reported by those sources that he had left Thailand safely and gone to his girlfriend in Italy. His sister also confirmed that on Facebook before she shut the page down as advised by the UK FO. All this nonsense about him being in sinister cahoots with Mon and co to set up gang rapes is complete fantasy concocted out of mindless gossip. The guy is just a very young over dramatic attention seeking spliff smoking musician. Thailand and the cheap backpacking circuit is full of them world over. ALL friends of the victims would have been advised to keep any evidential statements quiet as their testimony could be highly relevant in obtaining convictions at the correct time. Spewing their guts to media or anywhere else for the titillation and entertainment of a load of ghoulish morons pawing over their friends awful deaths would be of no value to them. Seriously, get a grip people. Agree, good words. Hmmmmm, sorry but Sean said the AC guy killed the couple......... Indeed. He did say in his first post on FB "Owner of AC Bar did it". Did what? The best clue here is Mcanna. Solve him and you solve the murders. Here is a sceenshot of what he posted on Facebook after the murders: http://pbs.twimg.com/media/ByF2-m2IMAAkDO-.jpg:medium
sweatalot Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 When the little girl was killed and thrown from the train and the police thumped the accused around a bit for his confession, nobody cared or tried to tuen him into a victim or say his confession didn't count. Why do so many here want to make these potential killers into victims? Does Burma not have any violence? Why is it so impossible for some to fathom that these confessed killers could have done this crime? Now their high fallutin attorney has arrived and started a defense lime every attorney does everywhere. Do the numerous defenders of these two accused always believe what a defense attorney says about their client? Has anyone presented photo evidence of physical abuse? deleted post Bam. Thanks for putting my thoughts into words! Agreed, he forgot Nr. 7. you are a keyboard merc 1
ClutchClark Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 When the little girl was killed and thrown from the train and the police thumped the accused around a bit for his confession, nobody cared or tried to tuen him into a victim or say his confession didn't count. Why do so many here want to make these potential killers into victims? Does Burma not have any violence? Why is it so impossible for some to fathom that these confessed killers could have done this crime? Now their high fallutin attorney has arrived and started a defense lime every attorney does everywhere. Do the numerous defenders of these two accused always believe what a defense attorney says about their client? Has anyone presented photo evidence of physical abuse? deleted post Bam. Thanks for putting my thoughts into words! Agreed, he forgot Nr. 7. you are a keyboard merc All three of you taking the time to write. But only the first poster would receive a "like" since his post had some creativity. The last two guys are just kind of hitching a ride on daddy's coattails.
BigHornBull Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 Here are some pictures of Sean in the 7\11 store at the time he posted his facebook messages: https://democracyforburma.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/10390481_10152766777744701_6800787255986652101_n.jpg https://democracyforburma.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/1384305_10152354526531641_4977398476631894262_n.jpg https://democracyforburma.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/10632585_739840516063630_5480837041902011187_n.jpg
ClutchClark Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 Here are some pictures of Sean in the 7\11 store at the time he posted his facebook messages: https://democracyforburma.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/10390481_10152766777744701_6800787255986652101_n.jpg https://democracyforburma.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/1384305_10152354526531641_4977398476631894262_n.jpg https://democracyforburma.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/10632585_739840516063630_5480837041902011187_n.jpg What a dirtbag.
seahorse Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 Here are some pictures of Sean in the 7\11 store at the time he posted his facebook messages: https://democracyforburma.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/10390481_10152766777744701_6800787255986652101_n.jpg https://democracyforburma.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/1384305_10152354526531641_4977398476631894262_n.jpg https://democracyforburma.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/10632585_739840516063630_5480837041902011187_n.jpg Thanks for that. Never noticed the little push knife on Sean before.
canuckamuck Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 Is it coincidental that Sean is wearing a punch knife around his neck? this version shows a little more detail. This is not of course any kind of proof, but it certainly makes you think. Perhaps it's the kind of thing you wear when you want to fit in with the AC crowd
jamstock Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 Condoms!!!?? Who puts on a condom before raping?? A rapist that doesn't want to leave semen inside the victim as it can be a bit of a give away!!! So ... not just your average rapist then. Other possibilities (not mutually exclusive; may apply simultaneously): - an experienced rapist - an educated rapist - a date-rape artist - a rape pack leader Probably an expert rapist but could be all or any of the above. Practicing safe sex whilst raping takes rape to new levels.
jamstock Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 Condoms!!!?? Who puts on a condom before raping?? A rapist that doesn't want to leave semen inside the victim as it can be a bit of a give away!!! So ... not just your average rapist then. Other possibilities (not mutually exclusive; may apply simultaneously): - an experienced rapist - an educated rapist - a date-rape artist - a rape pack leader Or any rapist... Including an average rapist that has ever heard of DNA.I think it's a safe sex rapist who left the condom behind to prove that he was practicing safe sex before he murdered.
BigHornBull Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 Here are some pictures of Sean in the 7\11 store at the time he posted his facebook messages: https://democracyforburma.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/10390481_10152766777744701_6800787255986652101_n.jpg https://democracyforburma.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/1384305_10152354526531641_4977398476631894262_n.jpg https://democracyforburma.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/10632585_739840516063630_5480837041902011187_n.jpg Thanks for that. Never noticed the little push knife on Sean before. We dont know that it is a knife. It resembles a knife, yes. Sean is seen with the same thing around his neck in the video interview. I dont know what it is.
jdinasia Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 Condoms!!!?? Who puts on a condom before raping?? A rapist that doesn't want to leave semen inside the victim as it can be a bit of a give away!!! So ... not just your average rapist then. Other possibilities (not mutually exclusive; may apply simultaneously): - an experienced rapist - an educated rapist - a date-rape artist - a rape pack leader Probably an expert rapist but could be all or any of the above. Practicing safe sex whilst raping takes rape to new levels. Actually it doesn't. It is common.
BigHornBull Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 Is it coincidental that Sean is wearing a punch knife around his neck? this version shows a little more detail. This is not of course any kind of proof, but it certainly makes you think. Perhaps it's the kind of thing you wear when you want to fit in with the AC crowd He has the same thing around his neck in the video interview.
jamstock Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 Condoms!!!?? Who puts on a condom before raping?? A rapist that doesn't want to leave semen inside the victim as it can be a bit of a give away!!! So ... not just your average rapist then. Other possibilities (not mutually exclusive; may apply simultaneously): - an experienced rapist - an educated rapist - a date-rape artist - a rape pack leader Or any rapist... Including an average rapist that has ever heard of DNA. Yes it's very common for rapists to wear condoms these days in fear of getting stds
BigHornBull Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 Here is Sean`s Google+ page. Alot of pictures from his previous visits to Koh Tao. https://plus.google.com/101768055405292405319/posts/htdEKCwJcDW?pid=5829060578898717346&oid=101768055405292405319 https://plus.google.com/101768055405292405319/posts/gdRexLAR9Vz Can anyone make out what the yellow stickers in the background says? http://i.newsrt.co.uk/upload/news/large/14/39/Js46959413.jpg Sean also worked at Karma Bar during his previous visits to Koh Tao.
SeaVisionBurma Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 Some more bickering posts have been removed. Keep your replies civil and stop with these bickering matches please. Stay on topic, and dispense with the obsessions with members' post counts. Any further infractions related to the above will earn some holidays. Give it a rest.
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