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Father-in-law's drunk.....again!


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In my wife's village there are two, men, who drink from dawn to dusk, and beyond. They been doing it for years.

They talk to themselves and argue, total alcoholics, just a couple of brain cells left hanging on for dear life!! How they mange to stay alive I just don't know. Smoke like chimlies, don't know if there is a background of mental health. I do tend to stay clear of them as they can get, a little excited, sometimes, don't fancy getting into a situation with them, but most of the time they just wave and laugth at the silly farang in the village

Chimlies?? You mean lums.

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Just make sure he's not going to the shop and saying to them "Farang jai" If he is, you're paying, via the missus.

Yes be careful.

I walked into a shop in my village. I made a purchase and then started conversing with the shop owner. A Thai walked in a few minutes later and grabbed 2 Leo's from the fridge and walked out without looking at anyone or even saying a word. I thought the guy was a close relative.

The shop owner, for some reason unbeknownst to me, told me 100 baht, assuming I was going to pay. I told him I had no idea who that guy was. The shop owner immediately ran out after the Thai guy and got the 2 bottles of Leo back and returned them to the fridge. LOL!!

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In my wife's village there are two, men, who drink from dawn to dusk, and beyond. They been doing it for years.

They talk to themselves and argue, total alcoholics, just a couple of brain cells left hanging on for dear life!! How they mange to stay alive I just don't know. Smoke like chimlies, don't know if there is a background of mental health. I do tend to stay clear of them as they can get, a little excited, sometimes, don't fancy getting into a situation with them, but most of the time they just wave and laugth at the silly farang in the village

Chimlies?? You mean lums.

Aye, like a reekie lum

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Sounds like he has a drink problem.....the problem being he can't get enough of the stuff.

It sounds more like he gets as much as he wants. So the OP as others have said is most likely paying for his supply.

OP you are very lucky he is not inviting his friends over to join him.

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People who have had an alcoholic in their family will know all about this.

A bender drinker is just another form of it.

You seem to be taking it quite lightly and are unphased by it.

He will be difficult to change, and deny he has a problem if anyone tries to talk to him.

But you have to help persuade him he has a problem that needs to be addressed.

Beware of any associated depression which can also acompany this type of behaviour.

The one that was in my family is no longer with us and I often wish I had done more.

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Ask your wife to make a choice between you and her father-in-law.

If she chooses you, then take her out of the household - preferably a considerable distance away.

If she chooses him, then do a runner as soon as possible.

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Usually TV-member are older than their In-laws,so give him few years to fill his quota.

Usually?? Really? All the Thai-farang relationships I know there is never any more than 15 years age difference, so I would assume most if not all of them are younger than their inlaws.

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