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Koh Tao murders: Lawyer for migrants wants DNA evidence verified


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So you are unable to educate your kids beyond the levels of the basics necessary to pass exams, and are not able to educate them about the realities of life outside of what is taught at school?

I fully agree. This (junta) country is lost. Raising children between fraud, lies, corruption, drugs, power abuse, everybody avoiding to take responsability, xenophobia, a fast growing criminality rate amongst youngsters, human trade and human abuse...... some foreigners stick in their ivory compounds and just do not want to see al of this.

Shame. If you could do that, they would have the best of both assumed worlds.

I'm fully able to educate them, what i am referring to is values, or the lack thereof in Thailand.

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Dismissing the USA FBI, was 1st concerning that they could solve it in 3 days. Tainted DNA samples. 1 Million Baht coverup? Something fishy on Ko Tao.

1 million baht is a pick up truck.

For that much of a cover up, I would say hundreds of pick-up trucks changed hand rather than one...

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What are the chances that all the DNA samples will ''go missing'' or be ''mislaid '' if the heat gets any higher ?

Or, put another way, are there any verified DNA samples taken from the victims bodies being held by a neutral party?

If not, it is child's play to frame these two Burmese even more absolutely.

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Get that DNA verified

Heres another family whos son was killed on KT earlier this year while on holiday with his family for crissake, I say killed because ... well you can read yourself.


Im beginning to think theres possibly a serial killer on the loose somewhere on KT

These kids and thier families deserve Justice

Just how many people have died in the last few years, or raped ? someone should look at the numbers there should be a real full investigation into KT AND the other Islands, this is beginning to stink to high heaven

Just how many people have died in the last few years, or raped ? someone should look at the numbers there should be a real full investigation into KT AND the other Islands, this is beginning to stink to high heaven

A big international investigation needs to be started.

I also actually think there is at least one serial killer circulating around Samui KPN and KT. It's the perfect environment.

A local in KPN told me in so many words(heavy hints, not a full-on declaration) that the two fisherman who got the death sentence(commuted a few months later after media spotlight had moved on into life sentences-funny that!?) for the rape and murder of that poor young woman on the beach in koh samui in 2006 either were not the guilty ones or that they were not all of the guilty ones. He spoke fearfully of "very very bad men" who hang on certain boats and at certain bars but no names given. He only told me cos he was warning me someone I care about had been "identified" by these men. As if they were just waiting and looking out for for an opportunity.This person I care about did fit a certain western archetype...

He was warning me off going to a certain place on a certain night.I thank him almightily for that.He was kind and caring...and terrified. As was I at the time...terrified that is.

Wanted to tell someone what I'd half been told but I couldn't work out how to or who to tell-certainly not the local police...

Hell,people are doing crack and heroin. I saw it when I was there. After the bar officially closes for the night and the mainstream short stayers have gone to bed.I saw addicted westerners come over to take advantage of this lawlessness and the cheap heroin. If you aren't off your head and you go to a party you see these gangster types on the edges, watching like goblins.This is a different underworld than even the obvious carnage of full moon parties. I sensed the presence of an underworld beneath the visible one.

Yes i think there is /are serial killer/s there for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And for that matter they are also in Nepal and India and anywhere you can go and blend in and be anonymous and be "forgotten" and be just another strange traveller where you can get away with noone knowing where you've been or what you've done.

I'm not saying it's all bars or all people but it is a pernicious narrow and deep vein of horror and it's there. And it's as much a scourge and a curse for the overwhelming majority of local thais as it is for tourists who fall foul of such people.

I'm really sorry if the mother of that young woman reads this.i feel for her loss. I sincerely hope change will happen that will minimise the chance of this happening again and again and again and again.

YES-verify the DNA!!!!!!!!! learn how to bloody well be police using forensics and actual investigating and may this be the last tragedy that is mishandled and the last time people's loved ones are not afforded the basic human respect of a genuine attempt at justice!!!

Here endeth my rant.

Rest In Peace.

"For evil to exist all that is necessary is for good people to do nothing." And this is the case whenever and wherever horrific things happen anywhere in the world.

Edited by intune53
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The Investigation Into Thailand’s Backpacker Slayings Is Officially a Farce


In addition, upon initially being picked up, neither the accused were apparently provided with a lawyer as they were being questioned under the Immigration Act rather than as part of a murder inquiry.

It is ironic that, in order to question them under the Immigration Act, police used a Rohingya interpreter who must be an illegal immigrant himself, since neither Burma nor Bangladesh recognise them as citizens which means they don't have passports.

What about the other 6,000 illegal aliens working on Koh Tao and tens of thousands more working in Koh Phangan, Koh Samui, Phuket, Phan Nga, Krabi etc? Shouldn't they also be questioned under the Immigration Act. Mr Pancake, the Rohingya interpreter, can question himself.

Edited by Dogmatix
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OH come on ... The RTP are an excellent example of the world's finest boys in blue. Professional, competent, honest and caring and don't forget above reproach.

Are the RTP smart enough to 'mis-handle' the DNA so it CAN'T be used in the trial, including the 'real killer(s)'

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Sorry I just read what I wrote,

Nah they aren't - just a lucky bunch who get to keep their 'mafia bonuses' as the real killers are now one step closer to getting off scot free!

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Nomsod’s lawyer said this picture was taken at Bangkok University. However, this picture was captured from Pon Amon Dormitory next to Bangkok University. Therefore, we must request an original file from the owner of this apartment.

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What about Bangkok Airways flight Monday morning which his father was traveling on, but he actually was still on the island.

I flew bkk airways yesterday and they triple checked my boarding card and ID. My booking name and ID were slightly different, ie Chris / Christopher and it was checked by 2 people. Was this a result of their allowing someone of the wrong name on a flight from Samui on the Monday am....?

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Third incident this year with foreigners dying in suspicious circumstances on (the way to) Ko Tao again.


From the report:

"Police investigators are now trying to determine whether the man fell or was pushed and why he was not wearing a life jacket, as tourists are required by law to do"


the colonel said. ''We will be asking the captain why there was no safety vest and why he wasn't pulled alive from the sea.''

I also would like to know why they didn't pull him out of the water. There were only 30 people on the small boat, surely there must have been 1 person that could save him from drowning.

Edited by kriswillems
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Even if it matches ,it should not take away from the suspicion that there are other people involved. People who have been giving date rape drugs to girls and raping them on that island. And specifically a foreigner who has been setting the girls up.

There are some people who are very quiet now. They should not be allowed to fade away. Sean your name keeps popping up everywhere. It's only a

Matter of time before you are caught up with. I hope you get everything you deserve.

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Even if it matches ,it should not take away from the suspicion that there are other people involved. People who have been giving date rape drugs to girls and raping them on that island. And specifically a foreigner who has been setting the girls up.

There are some people who are very quiet now. They should not be allowed to fade away. Sean your name keeps popping up everywhere. It's only a

Matter of time before you are caught up with. I hope you get everything you deserve.

if this is true what Sean as been doing then he deserves to go to hell

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The Investigation Into Thailand’s Backpacker Slayings Is Officially a Farce


he left out the most important parts.

Sean McAnna, the Ware brothers, the other suspects. the speedboat

That article also brings up something interesting about the receipt for cigarettes and 3 bottles of beer. Apparently they were extremely drunk, I wonder if they bought any other alcohol that night...

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  • 1 year later...

Article in today's Independent criticising the DNA evidence in this case.......http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/thailand-beach-murders-dna-investigation

Your link appears to be broken: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/thailand-beach-murders-dna-investigation-death-of-british-backpackers-hannah-witteridge-and-david-a7002421.html

Very much want to know what's going on with this case at the moment.

Most likely the authorities are hoping the whole thing dies down... The last thing they want is outside experts sticking their justice-seeking-noses into the case (as per the article above)!

I'm actually quite surprised that they haven't already executed the two scapegoats.

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