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Just a question but can you guys who frequent prostitutes not pick up a respectful female?

I can only speak for myself so you're right maybe I could've but I never had the patience.

After a couple of months working in the desert with no girls in sight you get kinda horny so the first hooker that comes along will do. After a couple of weeks it's back to work and the whole cycle repeats itself.

In the end I married a hooker which makes sense considering the above. I have to admit that initially for me it was about sex and for her probably easy money but after a couple of years you could say an emotional bond also developed and I guess we are both better off.

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having personaly never * dated a prostitute.


Just remind me, your hatred relates to prostitues or farang pimps?

Is it ringpiece that hates the pimps and you hate the protitutes, or is the other way round?

Actually hate is a bit strong, I just don't like none of them.

Thailand is a wonderful place once you get away from the smut.

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I hate to answer a question with a question but how would I tell if she wanted to be with me?

By telling her you will NEVER pay for sex is one way.

Refusing to pay the bar fine is another.

Good luck Romeo. :o

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having personaly never * dated a prostitute.


Just remind me, your hatred relates to prostitues or farang pimps?

Is it ringpiece that hates the pimps and you hate the protitutes, or is the other way round?

Hate is a strong word, I don't hate anyone.

I dislike and have no time for idle and lazy people. I also dislike foolish people.

I dislike people that give there fellow countrymen and woman a bad reputation, I am a farang living and working in Bangkok, there are times i see other Farang with Thai prostitutes, on the BTS for example, feeling them up and generaly behaving in a way that the Thai populus finds discusting. These people give the rest of us a bad name in Thailand and the prostitute gives Thai woman the world over a poor reputation that the majority don't deserve.

A Farang bar owner in Thailand who has prostitutes for hire in his bar, is in my opinion, on a level par with the afore mentioned. :o

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Do you think all bar girls are shallow creatures who dote on posters of movie stars?

Do you think all women only consider age and physical appearance as the most important things in a relationship trumping all others?

Do you believe you're having a "relationship" when you take a hooker for a short-time? :D

Sure they are not so "shallow" that they'd look for your physical features, they admire your wit and character, dude! :o


Edited by psychedelix47
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So, staying until the end of your shift is "part of the responsibilities of being an adult" when you are referring to someone working at a 7-11, restaurant, gas station, ect. But if that same someone starts working at Lennie's, or Jenny's or Beavers, they should be allowed to up and leave on a whim, and the business owner should be forced to just live with that ?

What are you on about? It's their job to leave when they get a customer who pays the barfine.

If you can't tell the difference between dating an office girl and paying a hooker you got seriously bad karma, man.

What if they accept a more stable lifestyle, (complete with house, car, ring on the finger and a sense of security and safety), instead of cash ?
Can't tell the difference between a short-time hooker and a married woman, can ye?

As for 'violating', have a read through some of the reports of physical and psychological damage to those who've spend a long time in the horizontal business.

I have done frequent healing meditations for one of my ex's who got involved in prostitution.

Dude, the character changes she's gone through - it's not a pretty pic, it gets me into a bad trip evrytime I see her, about once a year.

Haven't been to Pattaya myself, but looking at the resident's coments here, the place got powerful bad vibes going.

The difference between dating an office girl and a bar girl in Thailand.

1. The bar girl asks you for money right away the office girl wait’s a while.

2. The bar girl dresses sexy every day the office girl only on weekends.

3. The bar girl takes you to meet her parents in two weeks the office girl in two months.

4. You find out about the bar girls ex husband quite quickly. You find out about the office girls ex husband a little later.

5. The bar girl’s parents ask for an outrageous amount of Sin sot. The office girl’s parents ask for an outrageous amount of Sin sot. The bar girl’s parents will settle for ¼. The office girl’s parents will settle for ¼.

6. You know the bar girl has had many lovers. You don’t know the office girl has had a lot of lovers.

I would suggest a trip to Pattaya to see the reality of the horizontal business.

If your ex was a Western woman she brought with her a whole set of Western traditions of guilt that do not effect Thai women.

The only bad vibes in Pattaya are from those who can’t live there or those who don’t have the personal discipline to face their own frailties.

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When i said 'respectful' what i was implying is the fact that no person who willingly lets people violate their body for money can have any self respect nor can they expect to command much respect in return.

So in actual fact you meant neither, you meant self-respecting...unless you mean they cannot be respected by you for “violating their bodies” - whatever you mean by that....where do you dig up these phrases? - then you DO mean respectable, but not respectful....

Your language reflects the total paucity of your arguments; it and they are gibberish.

There is an expression that says your are entitled to your own opinion.....I would suggest that that only applies if it is based on some form of rational thought or argument....I can see little in what you say that remotely suggests your are entitled to any opinions whatsoever...

Edited by wilko
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having personaly never * dated a prostitute.


Just remind me, your hatred relates to prostitues or farang pimps?

Is it ringpiece that hates the pimps and you hate the protitutes, or is the other way round?

Hate is a strong word, I don't hate anyone.

I dislike and have no time for idle and lazy people. I also dislike foolish people.

I dislike people that give there fellow countrymen and woman a bad reputation, I am a farang living and working in Bangkok, there are times i see other Farang with Thai prostitutes, on the BTS for example, feeling them up and generaly behaving in a way that the Thai populus finds discusting. These people give the rest of us a bad name in Thailand and the prostitute gives Thai woman the world over a poor reputation that the majority don't deserve.

A Farang bar owner in Thailand who has prostitutes for hire in his bar, is in my opinion, on a level par with the afore mentioned. :o

Your point about reputation is valid and I agree. I dont get too wrapped up the idea though on a day to day basis. Thai's tend to judge a book by its cover and merely the way you dress is good enough to seperate you from the undesirable farangs you speak of.

The issue of the Thai populus looking with disgust at prostitutes is open for discussion. It would appear that the parents of these girls who do what they do dont have a low opinion of this trade. Economic conditions dictate their choices in most cases.

I also beleive that Thai society plays a significant part in keeping these families skint and options limited. These so called Hi So's have a lot to answer for and in my opinion should not be the ones to cast stones.

I've lived here for about 18 months now and from what I've seen of the Thai goverment they have done nothing to discuss what can be done about the issue of prostitution.

They are too busy squabbling amongst themselves or lining thier own pockets.

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Thailand is a wonderful place once you get away from the smut.

Maybe you should have that printed on a t-shirt so we can all kick you in the balls if we ever have the misfortune to meet you?


Then why did you start this type of thread ? Better to start one about the wonderfulness of Thailand , the culture, the food the beauty of it all .............. :o

Your done .. Next

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Haven't been to Pattaya myself, but looking at the resident's coments here, the place got powerful bad vibes going.
Haven't been to Pattaya myself, but looking at the resident's coments here, the place got powerful bad vibes going.

THAT is glaringly obvious :o

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I hate to answer a question with a question but how would I tell if she wanted to be with me?

By telling her you will NEVER pay for sex is one way.

Doesn't work Maigo. Once you stop paying for sex you start paying for love. As in married :o

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When i said 'respectful' what i was implying is the fact that no person who willingly lets people violate their body for money can have any self respect nor can they expect to command much respect in return.

So in actual fact you meant neither, you meant self-respecting...unless you mean they respect you for “violating their bodies” - whatever you mean by that....where do you dig up these phrases?

Your language reflects the total paucity of your arguments; it and they are gibberish.

There is an expression that says your are entitled to your own opinion.....I would suggest that that only applies if it is based on some form of rational thought or argument....I can see little in what you say that remotely suggests your are entitled to any opinions whatsoever...

Thanks Wilko, there is an ignore member feature built in to this site, you may exersise your right to use this at any time you feel fit.

As for the English lesson, no thanks. I hope your not an English teacher, at my kids school anyway.

If you are respectful what are you full of? Respect, be that for yourself, your country or whatever, the fact is you are full of respect in one form or another. We are able to conclude that most prostitutes and johns for that matter lack this fundamental. :o

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I hate to answer a question with a question but how would I tell if she wanted to be with me?

By telling her you will NEVER pay for sex is one way.

Refusing to pay the bar fine is another.

Good luck Romeo. :o

I really didn’t think you would answer the questions I posed.

From reading some of your other posts I assume you have been with a number of bar girls and perhaps married one. Do you continue to pay bar fines after you have established a relationship with a bar girl? And how many bar girls have you started a relationship with without paying a bar fine?

Perhaps I misinterpreted some of your earlier posts and if I did and you are one of the men in Thailand who has never paid for sex I truly apologize.

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As Matthew Broderick says at the end of the movie, Ferris Buhler's Day Off, "Are you still here? It's over! Go home!"

If you wish to report a post, use the report ! button at the bottom of that post. No need to PM a moderator who's about to go to bed with someone he isn't legally married to. Good night, y'all.

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Sex tourism has turned Pattaya into a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.

Sodom and Gomorrah?

Sodom and Gemorrah did not have BBQ lobster for dinner or English breakfasts or Guinness’s.

Can you imagine Arab ladyboys? I don’t think so.

Don’t get me wrong but middle eastern women sitting on the beach and saying “hello handsome man” in burkas doesn’t do it for me.

I think a more accurate statement would be Pattaya has turned into Paris of the 1920’s with a beach and Pub food and better looking women.

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Sex tourism has turned Pattaya into a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.

So you do have a religious, American 'born-again fee-paying evangelist' agenda. I suspected this.

That is Old Testament stuff: JRingo (or should I say JRingpiece) are you on some kind of religious mission?

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I think a more accurate statement would be Pattaya has turned into Paris of the 1920’s with a beach and Pub food and better looking women.

Ah yes and you and your friends are the modern day James Joyce's, Ezra Pound's, Gertrude Stein's and Ernest Hemingway's.

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whilst travelling anyhere be it in your own country or someone else's you should treat each country and it's society you pass through and each person regargdless of political social or financial position you meet with the same respect you expect to be greeted with

if you cant do this then maybe you should stay at home!

if this treatment is not reciprocated by those you meet and countries you visit/stay in and

if you do not like what you find there then do not stay in their company or their country!

All bar girls/owners and punters are human,some maybe a little less human than others,

but to be human is to err just some err more than others

And,yes, you can express whatever opinions you like about whatever subject at any time anywhere in the world but be prepared for a certain reaction or two from those you express it to!

to form ,hold and express these opinions is not just freedom of speech but also what seperates us from the animals i.e. the ability to communicate effectively and think coherently

unfortunately this is limited by different languages and accents,timezones,social standing and financial outlook,political bias and cultural upbringing and lastly but perhaps more importantly personal experience and your current alcohol state :o .

everybody is different thankfully but unfortunately some are more different than others and this is where the problems come to the fore

it's how people deal with these differences that makes society what is it


so if you don't like it don't do or visit it

if you continue to do it even if you dont like it live with your own guilt

dont force it on others then play innocent


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"Sodom and Gemorrah did not have BBQ lobster for dinner or English breakfasts or Guinness’s.

Can you imagine Arab ladyboys? I don’t think so.

Don’t get me wrong but middle eastern women sitting on the beach and saying “hello handsome man” in burkas doesn’t do it for me.

I think a more accurate statement would be Pattaya has turned into Paris of the 1920’s with a beach and Pub food and better looking women. "

Well said, kerryk!!!!! :D:D:D

Try to keep in mind that ringpiece is the same guy that believed it when someone told him that traditional thai dancing is just another way to chase away the flies! :o

That post had me in stitches....


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I think a more accurate statement would be Pattaya has turned into Paris of the 1920’s with a beach and Pub food and better looking women.

Ah yes and you and your friends are the modern day James Joyce's, Ezra Pound's, Gertrude Stein's and Ernest Hemingway's.

James Joyce’s writings on prostitutes are legendary maybe you should Read The Odyssey.

Ezra Pound, “Men do not understand books until they have a certain amount of life, or at any rate no man understands a deep book, until he has seen and lived at least part of its contents.”

“Saint Paul … was a rounder and a chaser and then when he was no longer hot he said it was no good. When he was finished he made the rules for those of us who are still hot.”

I wonder who wrote that?

Gertrude Stein was a lesbian and would have loved Pattaya. If you didn’t know it Lesbianism was not very well accepted in 1920.

Is there any great writing coming out of Pattaya or Washington Square or Chiang Mai?

I honestly don’t know. I have three or four favorites who write from those locations. They write about bar girls and junkies and men who never go with working girls.

I have lived in every place Hemingway lived, on purpose, even Traverse city Michigan.

The first story I read by Hemingway I read was as a child looking for police gazette magazines in my grandfathers attic. It was The Snows of Kilaminjaro that was published in Esquire a men’s magazine.

If I were to imagine a place for writers to write that would be stimulating, adventurous, filled with all the emotions of the human experience it would be Thailand and in particular Pattaya.

Edited by kerryk
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I have not gone out with a bar girl in close to 15 years now.

In my opinion, falang bar owners who collect barfines are nothing more than pimps.

They give falangs a bad name.

"I have not gone out with a bar girl in close to 15 years now.

In my opinion, falang bar owners who collect barfines are nothing more than pimps."

A reformed john dissing unreformed 'pimps'?

"They give falangs a bad name."


Does an average Thai know or care about barfines collected by falang bar owners? Bar owners are highly unlikely to give falags a bad name because their business practices are not conspicuous. Who gives falangs a bad name are individuals who are highly visible: white trash (drunk, dirty, loud); johns (not yet reformed by you) who parade around with their teeruks on Sukhumvit, Silom; etc. The key to not getting a “bad name” is discretion. A drunk, unkempt falang tottering along Sukhumvit does more damage to “falangs’ name” in 15 minutes than a bar owner does in 15 years. The vast majority of prostitutes and mia nois service Thai men, not Westerners, but there is no “bad name” associated with it because it’s done discreetly, rather than with a ‘in you face attitude’.

In summary, your pimp bar-owner argument is a stale red herring.

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