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Insurgents set fire to six Pattani schools

Lite Beer

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Isn't it difficult for the Junta to conduct peace negotiations with the insurgent groups while the Junta is arresting key figures in the insurgency? It would seem the Junta is more serious about one over the other - an inactive army is a lazy army.

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I am tempted to write something now that would be deleted anyway since it would a politically incorrect rant at a certain religion, that is described by ignorant dogooders as "religion of peace"...

Torching schools, thus hurting the ones who are most vulnerable and innocent is an atrocity beyond belief.

I believe Gen PM Prayut's biggest task at hand at the moment would be to clean up the deep south, but I fear that it might result in bloodshed beyond imagination.

Personally I know what I would do if in charge, but again - that pamphlet of probably A1 size would be deleted anyway with a warning and cause outrage amongst the dogooder society. Thus I better keep my mouth shut.

Edited by catweazle
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They are not terrorists, just ordinary faithful who apply the verses of the Koran to the letter:

This example:

Quran IV verse 91/89: The hypocrites would like you to be wicked as they were, and you are tied [with them]. Do not take them from bosses before they emigrate (sic) in the Way of Allah! if you turn away, take them and KILL THEM where you find them! Do not take among them neither patron nor helper.

Or this one:

Quran IX verse 5: "When the sacred months are expired, KILL the infidels wherever you find them Take them Besiege them Make them for ambushes!!"

So this religion contains tens and tens of calls to murder without ever did his lords thought of changing them.

Frankly, I do not see a solution to these conflicts or cohabitation courteous with them. To me if they go north, I go south.

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I am tempted to write something now that would be deleted anyway since it would a politically incorrect rant at a certain religion, that is described by ignorant dogooders as "religion of peace"...

Torching schools, thus hurting the ones who are most vulnerable and innocent is an atrocity beyond belief.

I believe Gen PM Prayut's biggest task at hand at the moment would be to clean up the deep south, but I fear that it might result in bloodshed beyond imagination.

Personally I know what I would do if in charge, but again - that pamphlet of probably A1 size would be deleted anyway with a warning and cause outrage amongst the dogooder society. Thus I better keep my mouth shut.

No, you should vent your feelings on this forum.

You can't let the mooslum scumbags stop you from stating your feelings.

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And I remember to have read in TV that our dear PM declared that the situation in the South was improving.

Maybe he was saying the South Pole?

Can't keep their trap shut for one minute, Thai arrogance is inbred, comes from all the decades of ignorance.

Yeah, and anyone moving to such a country would need their head examined..............oh wait a moment.....

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I am tempted to write something now that would be deleted anyway since it would a politically incorrect rant at a certain religion, that is described by ignorant dogooders as "religion of peace"...

Torching schools, thus hurting the ones who are most vulnerable and innocent is an atrocity beyond belief.

I believe Gen PM Prayut's biggest task at hand at the moment would be to clean up the deep south, but I fear that it might result in bloodshed beyond imagination.

Personally I know what I would do if in charge, but again - that pamphlet of probably A1 size would be deleted anyway with a warning and cause outrage amongst the dogooder society. Thus I better keep my mouth shut.

No, you should vent your feelings on this forum.

You can't let the mooslum scumbags stop you from stating your feelings.

Let's just call them terrorist scum shall we.

What these scum do has nothing to do with faith.

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They are not terrorists, just ordinary faithful who apply the verses of the Koran to the letter:
This example:
Quran IV verse 91/89: The hypocrites would like you to be wicked as they were, and you are tied [with them]. Do not take them from bosses before they emigrate (sic) in the Way of Allah! if you turn away, take them and KILL THEM where you find them! Do not take among them neither patron nor helper.
Or this one:
Quran IX verse 5: "When the sacred months are expired, KILL the infidels wherever you find them Take them Besiege them Make them for ambushes!!"
So this religion contains tens and tens of calls to murder without ever did his lords thought of changing them.
Frankly, I do not see a solution to these conflicts or cohabitation courteous with them. To me if they go north, I go south.


Muslim scholars and religious leaders have condemned those who claim to kill for their faith.

Terrorist scum warp faith to suit their own agenda.

They take things out of context and use them to justify their foul deeds.

As do all bigots of all faiths or non faith based philosophies.

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Nobody has claimed responsibility?

Can anybody explain the reasoning behind these stupid childish acts to me ?








Tick where appropriate.

Edit: Oh yes, I forgot

Publicity. Propaganda

Edited by Bluespunk
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And I remember to have read in TV that our dear PM declared that the situation in the South was improving.

Maybe he was saying the South Pole?

Can't keep their trap shut for one minute, Thai arrogance is inbred, comes from all the decades of ignorance.

Yeah, and anyone moving to such a country would need their head examined..............oh wait a moment.....

You can always leave.

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Another example of the peaceful religion of Islam - how much longer does the world have to listen to their total BS before our eyes actually open to the threat.

If a non Muslim committed some of the crimes they say are in the name of Islam , it would lead either to indictment in the International Criminal court or sectioning and a life in an institution for the criminally insane.

Wake up and smell the coffee world - non Muslims have a right to live a life free of forced indoctrination and terrorism and it is about time we started some payback.

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Let's not condemn all people who have chosen Islam as their faith. We can debate the Koran until the cows come home but it isn't any more violent than the old testament of the Christian bible. Also, Christians have been responsible for worse terrors if you can believe it. What you have here are violent extremists who happen to be Muslim. Unfortunately there is a kind of backwards renaissance going on in the Muslim world currently. It would be better to understand the issues of the Muslim world and work together to beat back these murderers rather than condemn all of them blindly.

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Another example of the peaceful religion of Islam - how much longer does the world have to listen to their total BS before our eyes actually open to the threat.

If a non Muslim committed some of the crimes they say are in the name of Islam , it would lead either to indictment in the International Criminal court or sectioning and a life in an institution for the criminally insane.

Wake up and smell the coffee world - non Muslims have a right to live a life free of forced indoctrination and terrorism and it is about time we started some payback.


That's exactly what the terrorist scum say.

They blindly condemn all those who think differently from them and have no tolerance for any thoughts but there own.

Much like those who blindly blame the crimes of the bigots on every member of a faith.

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It's the terrorist way. Instil fear into the younger generations - like attack their schools. I'd sure like to see an attempt at such in the US or the UK nowadays - with such increased intelligence post 9/11 - they'd be shot dead in seconds, and every moment of their movements would be known about, way before such an attempt.

In short, the Muslim terrorists are at the losing end in the West, so now they try to infiltrate the developing countries, as money speaks.

Poor show guys - you should take on the battle against the West YOU started, and see exactly how far you get now. Then again, you can't even make the news or any noise in the West... forget - bunch of twisted losers.

I'm glad you have confidence in the "Wests" intelligence but I think you are wrong. There will be more attacks in the near future and there is little we

can do to prevent them.

Until we forget about human rights etc we will continue to encounter these attacks.

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Let's not condemn all people who have chosen Islam as their faith. We can debate the Koran until the cows come home but it isn't any more violent than the old testament of the Christian bible. Also, Christians have been responsible for worse terrors if you can believe it. What you have here are violent extremists who happen to be Muslim. Unfortunately there is a kind of backwards renaissance going on in the Muslim world currently. It would be better to understand the issues of the Muslim world and work together to beat back these murderers rather than condemn all of them blindly.

Exactly. What the extremists/fundamentalists want is for all non-muslims to hate and fear all muslims, in order to ignite a world wide religious war. Those who fall for this are playing right into the hands of the extremists. I know several people who are muslims. They are not at all interested in creating violence and hatred. They are just normal people.

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