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French national nabbed in under-age sex and drugs den

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To all those trying to justify or give reason that this nonce didn't know the girl was under age or was duped into believing she was older than she was, you are as sick as the #$&! arrested... It's a 14 year old <deleted>, make up or not only someone devoid of a moral compass would reason that she looked older, she's a child...

Why you do not complain about Norvegian guy who is going LEGALLY rape 12 years kid today?

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I have seen Thai girls in their 20s who look very young. In the case of this person I wonder if he considered that the girl was under age. Also, what is the age of consent in Thailand? In all likelihood what will happen to this guy? Just wondering.

To answer you question the age of consent in Thailand is 15 ( in certain prefectures in Japan its 13) however in 1997 when USA and others bailed out Asia during financcial crisis they made them adopt law that says PAYMENT for sex with a person under 18 would be deemed a criminal offense under international law. The US can prosecute any US citizen whoi engages in underage sex even if its legal in the country the act is commited in.

The law doesn't care if she looks older its the persons duty to check ID and make sure they are old enough, no excuses.

“Section 282 Whoever, for sexual gratification of another person, procures, lures, or
traffics a man or woman for an indecent sexual purpose, even with his or her consent, shall be
punished with imprisonment of one to ten years, and a fine of two thousand to twenty
thousand baht.
If the commission of the offence in the first paragraph is committed against a person
over fifteen years but not yet over eighteen years of age, the offender shall be punished with
imprisonment of three to fifteen years, and a fine of six thousand to thirty thousand baht.
If the commission of the offence in the first paragraph is committed against a person
not yet over fifteen years of age, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of five to
twenty years, and a fine of ten thousand to forty thousand baht.
Whoever, for sexual gratification of another person, receives the person who was
procured, lured, or trafficked as provided in the first, second or third paragraph, or aids or
abets in the commission of such offence, shall be punished with the punishment accordingly
provided in the first, second, or third paragraph as the case may be.
Section 283 Whoever, for sexual gratification of another person, procures, lures, or
traffics a man or woman for an indecent sexual purpose, by using the deceitful means, threats,
physical assault, immoral influence, or mental coercion by any means, the offender shall be
punished with imprisonment of five to twenty years, and a fine of ten thousand to forty
thousand baht.
If the commission of the offence in the first paragraph is committed against a person
over fifteen years but not yet over eighteen years of age, the offender shall be punished with
imprisonment of seven to twenty years, and a fine of fourteen thousand to forty thousand
baht, or life imprisonment.
If the commission of the offence in the first paragraph is committed against a person
not yet over fifteen years of age, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of ten to
twenty years, and a fine of twenty thousand to forty thousand baht, or life imprisonment, or
death penalty.
Whoever, for sexual gratification of another person, receives the person who was
procured, lured, or trafficked as provided in the first, second, or third paragraph, or aids or
abets in the commission of such offence, shall be punished with the punishment accordingly
provided in the first, second, or third paragraph as the case may be.”

Pattaya is full of guys like these , last time i sat opposite Mikes mall on Beach Road i overheard a conversation between two Indian sexpats and a girl ( obviously sitting there ) they wanted to take her to their room ( shared ) and were trying to negotiate for 500 baht total cost.

Ooopps shouldn't of posted that ... now there will be droves more heading there biggrin.png


To answer you question the age of consent in Thailand is 15 ( in certain prefectures in Japan its 13) however in 1997 when USA and others bailed out Asia during financcial crisis they made them adopt law that says PAYMENT for sex with a person under 18 would be deemed a criminal offense under international law. The US can prosecute any US citizen whoi engages in underage sex even if its legal in the country the act is commited in.

In other words, if he would not pay 700 bath but instead bought a bar of chocolate it would be legal? hahahaha OMG, what's going on with this world?


When I took girls back to my hotel, which was a pretty common occurrence, I made sure ID's were checked on reception and left there until the girl with whom I'd been having a 'meaningful relationship' left

Reception would often ring my room to ensure everything was in order

Short - time' rooms off Beach Road Pattaya offer no such safeguards, and probably dozens of underage girls use these facilities every week

I'm always highly sceptical of persons acting for organisations purporting to be monitoring under age sexual activity

Safeguarding children is a job for the police not foreign voyeurs

On any given night I reckon there are scores of foreigners having sex with underage girls and boys in Pattaya alone

If my Thai wife is correct a majority of underage girls in some regions have had very early sexual experiences

'Criminal' behaviour? The jury is out


What will the girl's mom say, and what happens to the girl herself next ?

Do you believe she was forced to do this kind of business? You underestimate people laziness and power of easy money... If she was forced then only by her parent's requests, you have to dig dipper in culture to understand it.

Gertrude, is it? A woman's name but obviously a male.

You wouldn't find an actual woman anywhere that would say an underage girl victim of sexual assault had deserved it.

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Two flame posts removed.

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Gertrude, is it? A woman's name but obviously a male.

You wouldn't find an actual woman anywhere that would say an underage girl victim of sexual assault had deserved it.

Oh, seems like you did not attended those perverted lessons for kids, otherwise you would not judge about person's gender based on his/her name or existing of certain body parts hahaha Konchita is my idol!!! hahaha This story is pure circus for unexperienced europeans... do not judge based on your country's moral!


Pattaya is full of guys like these , last time i sat opposite Mikes mall on Beach Road i overheard a conversation between two Indian sexpats and a girl ( obviously sitting there ) they wanted to take her to their room ( shared ) and were trying to negotiate for 500 baht total cost.

Ooopps shouldn't of posted that ... now there will be droves more heading there biggrin.png

And you were in Pattaya to immerse in asian culture and see the temples?? ???


Pattaya is full of guys like these , last time i sat opposite Mikes mall on Beach Road i overheard a conversation between two Indian sexpats and a girl ( obviously sitting there ) they wanted to take her to their room ( shared ) and were trying to negotiate for 500 baht total cost.

Ooopps shouldn't of posted that ... now there will be droves more heading there biggrin.png

And you were in Pattaya to immerse in asian culture and see the temples?? ???

That's what person thinks, who goes there for sex, just some places around Pattaya: botanic garden, tiger zoo, siracha zoo, dolphin show, underwater world, mini siam, alkazar, safari, diving, big fishing, kochan, bungy jump, sky rider... numerious golf clubs...


Bickering about a tenuous connection to the topic has gone on long enough and some argumentative posts were removed.

Any similar posts that might follow may be removed without notice given.

petercool - moderator


What will the girl's mom say, and what happens to the girl herself next ?

Do you believe she was forced to do this kind of business? You underestimate people laziness and power of easy money... If she was forced then only by her parent's requests, you have to dig dipper in culture to understand it.

Oh no, no under-estimation here, I am well aware of the complicity that can be involved. My point being exactly that. One foreigner named and shamed, yet no mention of how this well-intentioned "Group/Authority" is going to help this underage girl from being exploited and abused in the future. ( Regardless of whom is actually instrumental in the exploitation.)

Business as usual, I expect.


What will the girl's mom say, and what happens to the girl herself next ?

Do you believe she was forced to do this kind of business? You underestimate people laziness and power of easy money... If she was forced then only by her parent's requests, you have to dig dipper in culture to understand it.

Oh no, no under-estimation here, I am well aware of the complicity that can be involved. My point being exactly that. One foreigner named and shamed, yet no mention of how this well-intentioned "Group/Authority" is going to help this underage girl from being exploited and abused in the future. ( Regardless of whom is actually instrumental in the exploitation.)

Business as usual, I expect.

like I said, she will be back out there tonight, i dont think she works for the police, just that someone followed, nobody cares that theres a 14 tear old prostitute out there, and dont count on the farang going to prison either, I guarantee you wont hear anything of the court case, its low season, he will pay a lot of money to the police


Eyes need to to be checked. If not for the black hair and skin tone, I wouldn't have noticed him.

All kidding aside. If guilty, why go after one so young, there's not enough of age to choose from? Sicko...


It should be a nice little earner for the boys in blue this one no wonder they 'rushed' to the scene.

It's not everyday you get one like this.

Next please.

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As reported by the "news" and already "judged" by some readers.

What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Even in Thailand, this is a requirement, which some would prefer to bypass.

Pray you are never detained or arrested for some offense, and your sentence is summarily meted out by the "holier-than-thou" camp.

Sounds like you have out-Holied the Holier-than-thou camp with this post.

Innocent until proven guilty is fine for most crimes but not when the exploitation of children is involved. And then all this jibberish that the child must have looked older than her age...this is Asia...no asian looks older than their age.

And then there is the look on the guys face...pretty much says it all.

Ben, even Sister Teresa wouldn't throw her support behind this guy.


I know a girl in Bangkok, now a good friend who I was convinced was probably about 17 tops when I met her so stayed away from taking it further as it was a bit too close to call (so I thought) - it turned out she was a 31 year old mum with 3 kids !! You can automatically take 10-15 years off most Thai Women under 40 so its a minefield out there!

This boils down to could he have reasonably have known? Remember Polanski being banned from the USA for having sex with a minor, (also 14) yet check out that 'minor' - not a man on earth would have placed her under 25!

Still I doubt sense is going to get far when you've got 'Hang em High' comments !!

Firstly, children of 14, and we are talking about children here, are not fully grown even if mature for their ages and I am certain that it would have been blatantly obvious that this girl was a minor, legally under age to have sex.

Minors that willingly or unwillingly participate in having sex with adults are not described as jail bait for no reasons, because under the law a minor is considered as not mentally mature enough to be consensual to having sex and under the law having sex with a minor is considered as child rape for this reason, which is exactly what this is.

Adults that can find sexual gratification in children are sexual deviants of the lowest order, abusers that must face heavy penalties for their crimes. Of the parties involved in using and setting up a child for sex are all as guilty as each other, there can be no excuses, if, buts or maybes or any leniences shown towards them.

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Au revoir mon ami, you will enjoy life much more in a Thai prison as you deserve it.

As about "ATCC And Police Cracked Down Human Trafficking Gang" hardly a gang, just a money grabbing woman without morals.

Don't worry after he serve is jail term in Thailand, he'll send to jail in France too....

French national who commit crime in foreign country will be prosecute too in France.....

One Crime two times in Jail.......


When nabbed and prosecuted in Thailand there will not get a second prosecution in Europe. Depending the binational treaties a foreigner may get transferred home to comlete his Thai sentence there. If the foreigner flees Thailand theymay get prosecuted at home for certain specific actions abroad, but evidence must be sufficient.


in my opinion,this man is a dirty filthy scumbag... 46 years old, and looking for a girl that young...even if she did look 18 - 21, its still wrong...there is so many good looking girls of all ages in Pattaya, why would someone who is 46 need to have a young girl like that?? im sorry, but this guy deserves what he gets... she is young enough to be his grand daughter...


Sounds like a set up. How did the director of human traffic know? Was he and the police around the corner? Poor girl will be back in the street and helping the police. Always ask for ID. Not worth it. Thai Prison is going to suck!

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Cant see why the two adults in a different room having sex are in the same article as this underage sex case.

I was wondering the same thing, maybe surmise the police being fathers were outraged that a seedy Hotel would allow this and decided to do a room by room search in case of other young girls

in danger or being exploited.


We are certainly allowed to find him guilty before innocent. He is French so lets look at his country France where it is Napolianic law and one is presumed guilty at the outset and must prove themselves innocent at their own expense.


As reported by the "news" and already "judged" by some readers.

What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Even in Thailand, this is a requirement, which some would prefer to bypass.

Pray you are never detained or arrested for some offense, and your sentence is summarily meted out by the "holier-than-thou" camp.

Sounds like you have out-Holied the Holier-than-thou camp with this post.

Innocent until proven guilty is fine for most crimes but not when the exploitation of children is involved. And then all this jibberish that the child must have looked older than her age...this is Asia...no asian looks older than their age.

And then there is the look on the guys face...pretty much says it all.

Ben, even Sister Teresa wouldn't throw her support behind this guy.

I can't speak for Mother Teresa or any other person and a persons face is not proof of quilt as far as I know.

The basic tenants of English, Thai and American law is based on proof, not the type of crime committed.

Support of the individual is not my platform. Support of a fair and legal system of trial by peers or judge is.

I'm not holy, but rather a rational human being, who knows nothing more about this alleged crime than what I read.


Ok since people are asking about age of consent If illegal where your from most likely illegal here. But I believe 14 here but for Thai's farang legal 18. Bet it will be the frog jumping soon.cheesy.gif The scumbag. Hey I love poddy tat too But I make sure of legal age, So if it looks to young I stay far away, rule of thumb must at least look 25. next another Quality European tourist.coffee1.gif next


Sounds like he was framed. Set up bye the girl and the police.

Or perhaps where the Frenchman was caught is a well known area where this sort of practice operates and had been under observation, or the 14 year old girl was already known to the police and followed.

Just means that Mr.Lertporn Noja-director of (ATCC) and the police done an excellent job in apprehending this child rapist and others involved with the abuse and should be congratulated for a job well done.

Strange actually, even when the Thai police do a fantastic job, there are still those who try to make this seem like a set up, as if the police had dubious reasons for nailing that filth. Whether they catch the culprits or don`t catch the culprits it seems they can never do right and still get criticised one way or another.

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