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Would Ebola Make You Leave Chiang Mai


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Did you see the news? :

New York & New Jersey have unilaterally gone beyond the Feds measures and instituted mandatory quarantine for all returning medics or likely contact peoples arriving from west Africa.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said. "We've seen what happens... You ride a subway. You ride a bus. You could infect hundreds and hundreds of people."

Search Sky news, Reuters if you don't believe me.

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Re New York and New Jersey:


And Illinois is taking a similar but slightly less move:

Governors in New York and New Jersey announced today that they would enforce mandatory quarantines for all travelers who had contact with Ebola-infected people and were arriving from Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.

This comes one day after Spencer’s Ebola diagnosis, and two days after the U.S. Centers for Disease Control tightened guidelines to require 21-day self-monitoring -- but not quarantines -- for travelers to Ebola-affected regions.

In addition, the Illinois Department of Public Health late today also announced a mandatory 21-day home quarantine for high-risk individuals who cared for Ebola patients in the same countries.


Meanwhile, it's looking like the second suspected returning health care worker who arrived to New Jersey seems to be testing negative:

Health Worker Quarantined in New Jersey Tests Negative for Ebola
Oct 25, 2014, 6:52 AM ET

A preliminary test for Ebola came back negative for a health care worker who was quarantined at a New Jersey airport after she returned from treating Ebola patients in Sierra Leone, the state's Health Department said in a statement today.

The woman, who hasn't been identified, was quarantined at Newark Liberty International Airport despite not having any symptoms, health officials said. Hours later, she developed a fever.

The woman was transferred to University Hospital in Newark, where she remains in isolation.


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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You have a fair point there. I really hope that it's just a co-incidence, him being Nigerian. More than likely is, but I could see it being a huge problem if the E word were to be widely circulated in the same sentence as any optional, leisure hotspot. Very easy to find another beach with no E's mentioned.

I am following this Patong story very closely, being a Phuket resident.

The stories in various news outlets have been all over the place.

First it was thought to be Sam an Indian national.

Then it was thought to be a Nigerian national.

Now it seems to be confirmed as Martin John Roberts Clark. Nationality ???

I don't know what to think other than the Phuket newspapers have very poor reporters.

It's almost a certainty that it will blow over and be nothing. The media don't seem to know what to do. I've been watching with an objective viewpoint to see how different countries are handling it, and I've got to say I'm rather impressed. I don't think it's an accident that there isn't mass panic. I like to think that the editors are being responsible and not over-reporting or whipping up hysteria to sell papers - I'm thinking particularly of the red-tops in UK which are renowned for doing such things. I'm trying really hard not to think that it isn't a case of 'the public won't be interested/won't sell papers' and that they are really trying to contain themselves. I'm probably kidding myself, but I live in hope. In that way, it's a good thing that the media here is so ineffectual, we can only hope that the Thai language papers are equally impotent.

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Another report I saw on twitter today says they are dismissing it as a heart related death even though blood was found splattered all over the room!

One thing you can count on in Thailand, is horrible journalism and anything but the truth.

If it is true blood was splattered around the room, then I would place money on him dying of ebola, which can also cause heart and respiratory issues before killing you. "Bleeding out" is part of dying of ebola, and many often violently vomit blood.

Whatever the case, I hope he is negative. I just don't think we will be told the truth if he's not. It would be the final nail in Thailand's tourism and the kiss of death for Phuket.

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All the chat about Africans and so far we are waiting on a possible Pom in Phuket (recently deceased) and now an Oz in Trat....but no results on the more than 2400 Africans screened in Thailand so far. This is harder than working out Cluedo.

A doctor at Trat Hospital’s emergency unit said the man had been told to “remain at home” under observation, until November 5, three weeks after returning from Africa.

“He doesn’t come to the hospital, he just stays at home,” the doctor told AAP.

The order is in line with the mandatory 21-day quarantine for medics returning to the US who may have had contact with Ebola patients in west Africa.


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kind of illustrates how amateur the Thai press can be.

You can look at the picture and the fellow is not that decomposed or African


check the bangkok post. I guess cannot post their links.

What does it take to be a reporter in Thailand?

Fail the Song Taew drivers exam and have an active imagination?

Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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What does it take to be a reporter in Thailand?

Fail the Song Taew drivers exam and have an active imagination?

Hahah no such thing as failing the Song Taew exam

They are very proud of their 100% passing rate ;)

Edited by mania
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All the chat about Africans and so far we are waiting on a possible Pom in Phuket (recently deceased) and now an Oz in Trat....but no results on the more than 2400 Africans screened in Thailand so far. This is harder than working out Cluedo.

A doctor at Trat Hospital’s emergency unit said the man had been told to “remain at home” under observation, until November 5, three weeks after returning from Africa.

“He doesn’t come to the hospital, he just stays at home,” the doctor told AAP.

The order is in line with the mandatory 21-day quarantine for medics returning to the US who may have had contact with Ebola patients in west Africa.


In that linked article, there's also this following reference:

But it is understood that at least one man, a Canadian official slipped through the net and presented himself at a central Bangkok hospital with symptoms of the disease having touched a number of staff — the primary method of infecting others with Ebola.

Is the Canadian case a new report, or one that's already been mentioned elsewhere here?

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The US Army has started isolating soldiers returning from an Ebola response mission in West Africa, even though they showed no symptoms of infection.

Among those being kept in isolation is an Army two-star general and 11 of his staff at a base in Italy.

The decision came just as President Barack Obama's administration sought to discourage precautionary quarantines being imposed by some US states on healthcare workers returning from countries battling Ebola.

Odd isn't it?

You can look up my info yourself if don't believe me.

The big news networks have this story on right now.

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A good idea not to comment, especially in view of the fact that one of the links is to the Daily Mail. This is just sensationalist garbage that these type of newspapers dig out to keep a topic going. The new Black Death! Brilliant, that'll sell papers, and fill column inches.

There is a good reason that Black Death hasn't re-occurred and conversely, why Ebola is killing so many people in places like Liberia , and it's called 'hygiene', or the lack thereof. Does anyone know much about Liberia? It isn't one of those countries with an area of slums, it is a whole country of slums, with rivers of raw sewage in the main roads. How could anyone with more than an ounce of common sense compare what is happening in countries like that with what would happen if this virus made it's way to anywhere that is only half civilised!

Ebola is news because it is easy to sensationalise. This strain has been worse than most others, but the idea of it becoming a global new Black Death is just ridiculous. It will sell plenty of newspapers and fill the otherwise boring slots on 24 hour news channels, as well as justifying the pathetic existence of Preppers, but ultimately it will fizzle out like every other Ebola outbreak. If you aren't living in the slums of a third world failed state, or working directly with Ebola patients, the likelihood of you contracting Ebola is too remote to even calculate.

If you're a Prepper though ....... Best to stock up, just in case. Oh, sorry, I forgot, you're already stocked up.

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I bet the preppers in New Orleans; or Central Thailand were glad they were stocked up when floods hit their areas.

Disaster strikes all over the world regularly.

I rather be in a position to help myself and hopefully other to some extent if bad things happened.

If nothing happens then great; it's not like the money is wasted since we need to eat anyway; it just gets rotated.

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Kaci Hickox, self centred member of the pc brigade

Crying for her personal liberty after returning from West Africa

Feel relieved going home, I wonder if her town feel the same?

Governor Christie was correct, but

He should have kept her there in restraints if necessary.

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Kaci Hickox, self centred member of the pc brigade

Crying for her personal liberty after returning from West Africa

Feel relieved going home, I wonder if her town feel the same?

Governor Christie was correct, but

He should have kept her there in restraints if necessary.

I just had to google her, I haven't been watching too much news.

How incredibly selfish of her. As a nurse, she must be fully aware of the dangers. I haven't looked yet to see what the general public are saying on Twitter etc, I hope they are giving her a good slating.

I never thought I'd ever say this, but I seriously hope she comes down with a dose of dengue fever just as bad as, if not worse than the one that knocked me off my feet for about 3 months a couple of years ago, AND I hope that her pain threshold is much lower than mine. That's a really mean thing to say, but I won't apologise for it. She deserves it.

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Germany’s top lender reported quarterly pre-tax income of 266 million euros, lifted by a 4 percent pre-tax profit rise from investment banking.

Deutsche's CFO, Stefan Krause, is also being shuffled into a strategy role as of May 2015. He's being replaced by Marcus Schenck of Goldman Sachs, who'll start as Deputy CFO and then take over from Krause fully in 2015.

The bank spent 894 million euros on litigation costs in the quarter, bringing to around 7 billion euros the amount the bank has spent on fines and settlements since 2012.

New meaning to hostile take over? Weakening through US governments Fines , "Suicides" and then the Goldman Alumi comes swinging in.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

A good idea not to comment, especially in view of the fact that one of the links is to the Daily Mail. This is just sensationalist garbage that these type of newspapers dig out to keep a topic going. The new Black Death! Brilliant, that'll sell papers, and fill column inches.

There is a good reason that Black Death hasn't re-occurred and conversely, why Ebola is killing so many people in places like Liberia , and it's called 'hygiene', or the lack thereof. Does anyone know much about Liberia? It isn't one of those countries with an area of slums, it is a whole country of slums, with rivers of raw sewage in the main roads. How could anyone with more than an ounce of common sense compare what is happening in countries like that with what would happen if this virus made it's way to anywhere that is only half civilised!

Ebola is news because it is easy to sensationalise. This strain has been worse than most others, but the idea of it becoming a global new Black Death is just ridiculous. It will sell plenty of newspapers and fill the otherwise boring slots on 24 hour news channels, as well as justifying the pathetic existence of Preppers, but ultimately it will fizzle out like every other Ebola outbreak. If you aren't living in the slums of a third world failed state, or working directly with Ebola patients, the likelihood of you contracting Ebola is too remote to even calculate.

If you're a Prepper though ....... Best to stock up, just in case. Oh, sorry, I forgot, you're already stocked up.

I do believe you have covered it all

How could anyone with more than an ounce of common sense compare what is happening in countries like that with what would happen if this virus made it's way to anywhere that is only half civilised!

It is truly amazing what paranoia will do to people.

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Case load is dropping in Liberia, according to the Red Cross. Nothing even close to significant is happening anywhere outside West Africa.

Over 80% survival rate among patients treated in US hospitals.

Zombie Apocalypse called off unless you're doing the Halloween walk on Rathviti Friday night.

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This had dropped to page 4 already. Who was it said that it would soon lose it's popularity? Does it still get mentioned on the news? Yet another pandemic that didn't materialise and yet another big disappointment for the panic-merchants and Preppers that were ready for the total breakdown of society and the ensuing anarchy and chaos. Secondhand gas mask anyone?

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This had dropped to page 4 already. Who was it said that it would soon lose it's popularity? Does it still get mentioned on the news? Yet another pandemic that didn't materialise and yet another big disappointment for the panic-merchants and Preppers that were ready for the total breakdown of society and the ensuing anarchy and chaos. Secondhand gas mask anyone?

Actually Ebola is still raging in west Africa.

Not only is the illness a problem but now so are good supplies since all borders been closed and the countries are in total lock down. Reports on the news of patients breaking out of hospital any jacking markets for good coz they are starving and in the process exposing and infecting countless more.

This what a total collapse is looking like.

WHO reports whole villages disappeared off the face of the map because all peoples dead or fled.

Also they are saying actual deaths rather than reported cases are more like 20 thousand based on the numbers of bodies piling up on the streets in areas under supervision and extending those numbers to areas that are not.

This is really still early days in the outbreak unfortunately by the looks of it.

Yes; last year 700,000 people died of smoking related illnesses; and Ebola is only 5 to 20k currently; but it could be getting much worse.

Up to u ready or not; can see how in those countries with main infection that once it's past the point of control then food supplies etc system breaks down and ones literally risking your and your families life by going down the shops.

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My joke conspiracies in the wrong thread I see.

It was good of you to point it out, as most of us didn't realise it was a joke. Any chance of you explaining to us which bit was funny? The punch-line was a bit weak, if you ask me.

Obviously you are ignorant of the back story.

"Hostile take over" financial term; not normally involving murder. Henderson the joke if you knew the detail.

Obviously you don't read much news.

Still to the bars and trolling on TV; matches your IQ the best; congratulations on finding your calling in life.

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This had dropped to page 4 already. Who was it said that it would soon lose it's popularity? Does it still get mentioned on the news? Yet another pandemic that didn't materialise and yet another big disappointment for the panic-merchants and Preppers that were ready for the total breakdown of society and the ensuing anarchy and chaos. Secondhand gas mask anyone?

Obviously hasn't lost its popularity with you. wink.png

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Midterm elections in the USA today. Let me guess, soon stories will come out about Ebola not spreading fast. Soon the ebola news will go to the back page. Then the issues that were purposefully covered up will become news after it is too late.

we are the dumb sheep, pawns who must read what we are given.

elections cost big money. big money owns the media. you do that math....

i've seen it done with huge stories on North Korea, only to get our minds off the real stories.

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My joke conspiracies in the wrong thread I see.

It was good of you to point it out, as most of us didn't realise it was a joke. Any chance of you explaining to us which bit was funny? The punch-line was a bit weak, if you ask me.

Obviously you are ignorant of the back story.

"Hostile take over" financial term; not normally involving murder. Henderson the joke if you knew the detail.

Obviously you don't read much news.

Still to the bars and trolling on TV; matches your IQ the best; congratulations on finding your calling in life.

Thanks for the explanation. It's still not even remotely funny, although your suggestion that my not liking your 'joke' makes it obvious that I don't read the news is mildly amusing, which is a start. For a 'comedian' you're a bit too sensitive to be making a career out of it. The hecklers would have a field day.

To bring this back on topic, do you have any Ebola jokes?

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