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TAT to promote 'martial law tourism'


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The logic on this forum amazes me.

The sad story of the Koh Tao murders are remembered as if martial law is a complete failure.

I say how many terrorist attacks have there been in the capital of Thailand since martial law? None. Martial law was implemented because General Prayuth was sick of seeing innocent blood spilt by the red terrorists. It was not implemented in late May because of tourists getting murdered or raped. Was it? It was to stop the senseless killings by red shirts. It worked and my golly gee it worked well. 10/10 for the Good General on that one. Complete success.

But lets pretend ( a bit of red shirt "make believe" if you will) martial law was implemented to protect tourists. Below is a list of a few crimes committed under a democratically elected government like;

Two female tourists die mysteriously at same Koh Phi Phi resort

Fishermen find body of murdered British tourist

Pirates attack, kills British yachtie near Koh Dong

Thai man arrested, charged with murdering tourists

Two female tourists shot dead on Thailand resort beach

Murder in Thailand: another tourist shot dead

Paradise lost: Another tourist raped at Thailand resort island

Increasing violence against tourists threatens Thailand's tourism industry

A Swiss woman was found dead on a beach in Krabi where she may have been strangled and robbed. Edith Jungen, believed to be in her 30s, was found in shallow water on Noppharat Beach in Tambon Ao Nang in Krabi's Muang district.

German woman was killed during a full moon party on a beach in southern Thailand.

Two young female tourists were murdered on the beach in Pattaya.

Two Thai men were convicted of raping and killing 21-year-old British tourist Katherine Horton on Koh Samui.

The next day a Swedish woman who was visiting Thailand with her husband and children, was also raped on Koh Samui.

So through deductive reasoning tourists are safer under martial law according to the frequency of murders and rapes (or the lack there of) since they have implemented it when comparing it to a democratically elected government.

That is PTP logic right there.

I for one feel a lot safer walking the streets of Bangkok knowing I can walk freely anywhere and not be a casualty of a red terrorist attack.

Under martial law and under a democratically elected government the crimes against tourists go unabated. That won't change.

Great post. Unfortunately you are throwing pearls of wisdom at swine. I have read the first 50 posts and yours was the first one to make sense.

I was thinking they could offer a tour of mindless uninformed prejudiced posters with Thai Visa being the star attraction. Could add in sore losers as a side attraction.

'I have read the first 50 posts and yours was the first one I agreed with' might be a better way of putting it...

Ohh look the 3 Whiny apologist stooges in one thread quote .... clap2.gif

Thawatchai said that martial law is beneficial to tourism, because it ensures that foreign tourists can be safe 24 hours a day.

"We want the tourists to be confident that they can travel in Thailand both day and night with safety at all times," Thawatchai said, adding that he hopes to promote this concept by creating a "buzz" on social media.

It didnt help David or Hannah to stay safe did it ? ....... social media will just take a big dump all over it laugh.png

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The logic on this forum amazes me.

The sad story of the Koh Tao murders are remembered as if martial law is a complete failure.

I say how many terrorist attacks have there been in the capital of Thailand since martial law? None. Martial law was implemented because General Prayuth was sick of seeing innocent blood spilt by the red terrorists. It was not implemented in late May because of tourists getting murdered or raped. Was it? It was to stop the senseless killings by red shirts. It worked and my golly gee it worked well. 10/10 for the Good General on that one. Complete success.

But lets pretend ( a bit of red shirt "make believe" if you will) martial law was implemented to protect tourists. Below is a list of a few crimes committed under a democratically elected government like;

Two female tourists die mysteriously at same Koh Phi Phi resort

Fishermen find body of murdered British tourist

Pirates attack, kills British yachtie near Koh Dong

Thai man arrested, charged with murdering tourists

Two female tourists shot dead on Thailand resort beach

Murder in Thailand: another tourist shot dead

Paradise lost: Another tourist raped at Thailand resort island

Increasing violence against tourists threatens Thailand's tourism industry

A Swiss woman was found dead on a beach in Krabi where she may have been strangled and robbed. Edith Jungen, believed to be in her 30s, was found in shallow water on Noppharat Beach in Tambon Ao Nang in Krabi's Muang district.

German woman was killed during a full moon party on a beach in southern Thailand.

Two young female tourists were murdered on the beach in Pattaya.

Two Thai men were convicted of raping and killing 21-year-old British tourist Katherine Horton on Koh Samui.

The next day a Swedish woman who was visiting Thailand with her husband and children, was also raped on Koh Samui.

So through deductive reasoning tourists are safer under martial law according to the frequency of murders and rapes (or the lack there of) since they have implemented it when comparing it to a democratically elected government.

That is PTP logic right there.

I for one feel a lot safer walking the streets of Bangkok knowing I can walk freely anywhere and not be a casualty of a red terrorist attack.

Under martial law and under a democratically elected government the crimes against tourists go unabated. That won't change.

Great post. Unfortunately you are throwing pearls of wisdom at swine. I have read the first 50 posts and yours was the first one to make sense.

I was thinking they could offer a tour of mindless uninformed prejudiced posters with Thai Visa being the star attraction. Could add in sore losers as a side attraction.

You must be daltonic. When you talk about pluriassassins monsters ultracorrupt you mean your heroes the yellow shirts who have massacred innocents , lynched people who tried to vote, stole, bribed etc... Not a single innocent has ever been attacked by a Red Shirt and even less a tourist. Instead the pluriassassins corrupt yellow shirts have killed dozens and lynched people trying to go to the airport.

You forgot to mention the International journalists killed without even an investigation.

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Are they serious??

Tourists are no safer here now than before martial law?

In fact many cannot get travel insurance to a place under martial law.


Please somebody inform TAT that travel insurancies di not cover countries under martial law !!!

Maybe TAT can come up with its own insurance plan, if somebody trusts them!!!

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Thick as two short planks. As useful as a chocolate fireguard. But they are really funny,do they employ ex stand up comedians at TAT.

"enjoy 24 hour Thailand Martial Law" "where going to buzz the social media" like its a latest record release. TIT come on, you know its a good laugh.Far more fun than the boring politicians of other countries.

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The logic on this forum amazes me.

The sad story of the Koh Tao murders are remembered as if martial law is a complete failure.

I say how many terrorist attacks have there been in the capital of Thailand since martial law? None. Martial law was implemented because General Prayuth was sick of seeing innocent blood spilt by the red terrorists. It was not implemented in late May because of tourists getting murdered or raped. Was it? It was to stop the senseless killings by red shirts. It worked and my golly gee it worked well. 10/10 for the Good General on that one. Complete success.

But lets pretend ( a bit of red shirt "make believe" if you will) martial law was implemented to protect tourists. Below is a list of a few crimes committed under a democratically elected government like;

Two female tourists die mysteriously at same Koh Phi Phi resort

Fishermen find body of murdered British tourist

Pirates attack, kills British yachtie near Koh Dong

Thai man arrested, charged with murdering tourists

Two female tourists shot dead on Thailand resort beach

Murder in Thailand: another tourist shot dead

Paradise lost: Another tourist raped at Thailand resort island

Increasing violence against tourists threatens Thailand's tourism industry

A Swiss woman was found dead on a beach in Krabi where she may have been strangled and robbed. Edith Jungen, believed to be in her 30s, was found in shallow water on Noppharat Beach in Tambon Ao Nang in Krabi's Muang district.

German woman was killed during a full moon party on a beach in southern Thailand.

Two young female tourists were murdered on the beach in Pattaya.

Two Thai men were convicted of raping and killing 21-year-old British tourist Katherine Horton on Koh Samui.

The next day a Swedish woman who was visiting Thailand with her husband and children, was also raped on Koh Samui.

So through deductive reasoning tourists are safer under martial law according to the frequency of murders and rapes (or the lack there of) since they have implemented it when comparing it to a democratically elected government.

That is PTP logic right there.

I for one feel a lot safer walking the streets of Bangkok knowing I can walk freely anywhere and not be a casualty of a red terrorist attack.

Under martial law and under a democratically elected government the crimes against tourists go unabated. That won't change.

Are you still wearing your yellow shirt disguise?

Are you still unable to rebut my posts?

Still got your heroes picture in your loo?

Pathetic mate.

Is there any articulation from you to rebut what I said or is it simply red shirt condescension hour!! Which I might add is a predictable response.

You have certainly highlighted why reform is needed.

Come on. One more belittling if you will!!

It says more about you than me...

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Great idea. But need to add tourist murder tourism. Visit the beaches on Koh Tao and Koh Samui where David and Hannah, Nick Pearson and Katherine Horton were murdered, the guest house in Chiang Mai where Kirsty Jones was raped and murdered probably by a policemen, the streets in Kanchanaburi and Pai where Vanessa Ascott and Leo del Pinto were murdered by policemen. Take home souvenir pictures of the bloodied corpses leaked by police and finish up with a pep talk about police integrity and efforts to protect foreign tourists at National Police HQ. This will be a more gripping tour than Madame Tussaud's lame effort in Siam Paragon.

Add to the list my mate Steven Shot 6 times in Ban Pai, Khon Kaen 2011 while being forced to sign some documents by his wife and her pals RTP involved in the murder. Never hit the MSM. Cold blooded ruthless business ... just not human.

Edited by Norvabc
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The logic on this forum amazes me.

The sad story of the Koh Tao murders are remembered as if martial law is a complete failure.

I say how many terrorist attacks have there been in the capital of Thailand since martial law? None. Martial law was implemented because General Prayuth was sick of seeing innocent blood spilt by the red terrorists. It was not implemented in late May because of tourists getting murdered or raped. Was it? It was to stop the senseless killings by red shirts. It worked and my golly gee it worked well. 10/10 for the Good General on that one. Complete success.

But lets pretend ( a bit of red shirt "make believe" if you will) martial law was implemented to protect tourists. Below is a list of a few crimes committed under a democratically elected government like;

Two female tourists die mysteriously at same Koh Phi Phi resort

Fishermen find body of murdered British tourist

Pirates attack, kills British yachtie near Koh Dong

Thai man arrested, charged with murdering tourists

Two female tourists shot dead on Thailand resort beach

Murder in Thailand: another tourist shot dead

Paradise lost: Another tourist raped at Thailand resort island

Increasing violence against tourists threatens Thailand's tourism industry

A Swiss woman was found dead on a beach in Krabi where she may have been strangled and robbed. Edith Jungen, believed to be in her 30s, was found in shallow water on Noppharat Beach in Tambon Ao Nang in Krabi's Muang district.

German woman was killed during a full moon party on a beach in southern Thailand.

Two young female tourists were murdered on the beach in Pattaya.

Two Thai men were convicted of raping and killing 21-year-old British tourist Katherine Horton on Koh Samui.

The next day a Swedish woman who was visiting Thailand with her husband and children, was also raped on Koh Samui.

So through deductive reasoning tourists are safer under martial law according to the frequency of murders and rapes (or the lack there of) since they have implemented it when comparing it to a democratically elected government.

That is PTP logic right there.

I for one feel a lot safer walking the streets of Bangkok knowing I can walk freely anywhere and not be a casualty of a red terrorist attack.

Under martial law and under a democratically elected government the crimes against tourists go unabated. That won't change.

Great post. Unfortunately you are throwing pearls of wisdom at swine. I have read the first 50 posts and yours was the first one to make sense.

I was thinking they could offer a tour of mindless uninformed prejudiced posters with Thai Visa being the star attraction. Could add in sore losers as a side attraction.

'I have read the first 50 posts and yours was the first one I agreed with' might be a better way of putting it...

Ohh look the 3 Whiny apologist stooges in one thread quote .... clap2.gif

Thawatchai said that martial law is beneficial to tourism, because it ensures that foreign tourists can be safe 24 hours a day.

"We want the tourists to be confident that they can travel in Thailand both day and night with safety at all times," Thawatchai said, adding that he hopes to promote this concept by creating a "buzz" on social media.

It didnt help David or Hannah to stay safe did it ? ....... social media will just take a big dump all over it laugh.png

"Thawatchai said that martial law is beneficial to tourism, because it ensures that foreign tourists can be safe 24 hours a day.

Nice one. Agree totally that is was wrong to say that, but the popular PM Prayuth is holding people responsible for their actions now and if you were held you were responsible for not being pro active in promoting tourism then the most popular PM in the last decade will have you sacked which is why he is the most popular PM.

Reminds me of the "Thai amnesty bill will bring reconciliation". Absolute bullsh%t, but at least martial law stopped 3 deaths and 40 injuries a month of innocent people by red terrorists.

Thawatchai shot from the hip without thinking. The popular PM needs to reinforce to his subordinates that they need to be measured and realistic in their comments.

Well done to the popular PM for showing us that his people are taking him seriously and trying their hardest to strengthen tourism.

Shame on the ones that want tourism to fail at the behest of millions of jobs simply because they hatre the popular PM.

That is the 7% talking. That is the 7% the majority ignore.

If you reply I dare you to not be condescending or belittling towards me. I dare you.

EDIT - "3 winey apologist stooges" count as the famous red condescension which is why reform is needed.

I am not angry with you englishoak. I pity you..

Edited by djjamie
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Look at the faces of the tourists on the picture. The man thinks "amazing Thailand". So, for him it seems to work. Well, he is on holiday, he does not want to worry...

But look at the girl : she seems at least a little worried....At least, she realizes this is not normal....!

Why does this general not realize that this is not normal and certainly not a way to promote Thailand or even his policy?

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"Thawatchai said that martial law is beneficial to tourism, because it ensures that foreign tourists can be safe 24 hours a day.

Nice one. Agree totally that is was wrong to say that, but the popular PM Prayuth is holding people responsible for their actions now and if you were held you were responsible for not being pro active in promoting tourism then the most popular PM in the last decade will have you sacked which is why he is the most popular PM.

Reminds me of the "Thai amnesty bill will bring reconciliation". Absolute bullsh%t, but at least martial law stopped 3 deaths and 40 injuries a month of innocent people by red terrorists.

Thawatchai shot from the hip without thinking. The popular PM needs to reinforce to his subordinates that they need to be measured and realistic in their comments.

Well done to the popular PM for showing us that his people are taking him seriously and trying their hardest to strengthen tourism.

Shame on the ones that want tourism to fail at the behest of millions of jobs simply because they hatre the popular PM.

That is the 7% talking. That is the 7% the majority ignore.

If you reply I dare you to not be condescending or belittling towards me. I dare you.

EDIT - "3 winey apologist stooges" count as the famous red condescension which is why reform is needed.

I am not angry with you englishoak. I pity you..

Excuse me Sir, are you for real??

"The most popular PM in the last decade", I am afraid that the majority of Thais, who voted in free and fair elections will disagree with you! Elections, you know, like in 1 person=1vote!coffee1.gif

And which majority are you talking about? You might not have realised it, but we are living under a military dictatorship with a selfappointed PM with absolutely no mandate from the people.

As for belittling you, no need, you are doing a splendid job yourself!!

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The "Buzz" is most likely to be conversations concerning the bizarre and aloof ideas that sprout from various offices and officials.

TAT really could stand a complete reorganization that would focus on realistic, sustainable and verified projects.

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"because it ensures that foreign tourists can be safe 24 hours a day."

Seriously????? Aren't we forgetting something else going on right now?

Or does the fine print say "unless you're in a bikini"

Unless you were reported to be in a bikini but actually had on shorts and blouse.........

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The logic on this forum amazes me.

The sad story of the Koh Tao murders are remembered as if martial law is a complete failure.

I say how many terrorist attacks have there been in the capital of Thailand since martial law? None. Martial law was implemented because General Prayuth was sick of seeing innocent blood spilt by the red terrorists. It was not implemented in late May because of tourists getting murdered or raped. Was it? It was to stop the senseless killings by red shirts. It worked and my golly gee it worked well. 10/10 for the Good General on that one. Complete success.

But lets pretend ( a bit of red shirt "make believe" if you will) martial law was implemented to protect tourists. Below is a list of a few crimes committed under a democratically elected government like;

Two female tourists die mysteriously at same Koh Phi Phi resort
Fishermen find body of murdered British tourist
Pirates attack, kills British yachtie near Koh Dong
Thai man arrested, charged with murdering tourists
Two female tourists shot dead on Thailand resort beach
Murder in Thailand: another tourist shot dead
Paradise lost: Another tourist raped at Thailand resort island
Increasing violence against tourists threatens Thailand's tourism industry
A Swiss woman was found dead on a beach in Krabi where she may have been strangled and robbed. Edith Jungen, believed to be in her 30s, was found in shallow water on Noppharat Beach in Tambon Ao Nang in Krabi's Muang district.
German woman was killed during a full moon party on a beach in southern Thailand.
Two young female tourists were murdered on the beach in Pattaya.
Two Thai men were convicted of raping and killing 21-year-old British tourist Katherine Horton on Koh Samui.
The next day a Swedish woman who was visiting Thailand with her husband and children, was also raped on Koh Samui.

So through deductive reasoning tourists are safer under martial law according to the frequency of murders and rapes (or the lack there of) since they have implemented it when comparing it to a democratically elected government.

That is PTP logic right there.

I for one feel a lot safer walking the streets of Bangkok knowing I can walk freely anywhere and not be a casualty of a red terrorist attack.

Under martial law and under a democratically elected government the crimes against tourists go unabated. That won't change.

Great post. Unfortunately you are throwing pearls of wisdom at swine. I have read the first 50 posts and yours was the first one to make sense.

I was thinking they could offer a tour of mindless uninformed prejudiced posters with Thai Visa being the star attraction. Could add in sore losers as a side attraction.

The point is that one is no safer under the junta than before they took over. Sure now the tourist and expat can freely walk around without fear of getting caught up in a political disturbance but you are no safer from the types of crimes that have continually been perpetrated against farangs than before the coup. If you think the general staged a coup because he was sick of seeing innocent blood spilled by "red terrorists" then you are indeed quite naive about politics in Thailand. If you think things will really change for the better, I am looking forward to your comments when and IF the general returns Thailand to democracy. Let's see what has changed in three years. I predict nothing will have changed. It will be the same as it was before this coup, the last coup, and the ones that preceded those coups. Dream on!!!!

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The logic on this forum amazes me.

The sad story of the Koh Tao murders are remembered as if martial law is a complete failure.

I say how many terrorist attacks have there been in the capital of Thailand since martial law? None. Martial law was implemented because General Prayuth was sick of seeing innocent blood spilt by the red terrorists. It was not implemented in late May because of tourists getting murdered or raped. Was it? It was to stop the senseless killings by red shirts. It worked and my golly gee it worked well. 10/10 for the Good General on that one. Complete success.

But lets pretend ( a bit of red shirt "make believe" if you will) martial law was implemented to protect tourists. Below is a list of a few crimes committed under a democratically elected government like;

Two female tourists die mysteriously at same Koh Phi Phi resort

Fishermen find body of murdered British tourist

Pirates attack, kills British yachtie near Koh Dong

Thai man arrested, charged with murdering tourists

Two female tourists shot dead on Thailand resort beach

Murder in Thailand: another tourist shot dead

Paradise lost: Another tourist raped at Thailand resort island

Increasing violence against tourists threatens Thailand's tourism industry

A Swiss woman was found dead on a beach in Krabi where she may have been strangled and robbed. Edith Jungen, believed to be in her 30s, was found in shallow water on Noppharat Beach in Tambon Ao Nang in Krabi's Muang district.

German woman was killed during a full moon party on a beach in southern Thailand.

Two young female tourists were murdered on the beach in Pattaya.

Two Thai men were convicted of raping and killing 21-year-old British tourist Katherine Horton on Koh Samui.

The next day a Swedish woman who was visiting Thailand with her husband and children, was also raped on Koh Samui.

So through deductive reasoning tourists are safer under martial law according to the frequency of murders and rapes (or the lack there of) since they have implemented it when comparing it to a democratically elected government.

That is PTP logic right there.

I for one feel a lot safer walking the streets of Bangkok knowing I can walk freely anywhere and not be a casualty of a red terrorist attack.

Under martial law and under a democratically elected government the crimes against tourists go unabated. That won't change.

Its hard to disagree with your logic, but most of the people on this forum follow Thailand's politics. The people TAT are targeting are tourists and believe it or not martial law is not a tourist attraction, in fact its the opposite. Look at Burma, people were rightfully scared to visit but as soon as the military dictatorship lifted a flood gate of tourists turned up waiting to visit.

Yes we know its probably safer but to promote tourism, come on.

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Next they can brag to all infected people to come for the BEACH and be CURED OF EBOLA!

We are the only country that claims a Cure.

Come one Come all.

What are they teaching Thais that make them so ignorant as adults in power?

Edited by IAMSOBAD
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Great post. Unfortunately you are throwing pearls of wisdom at swine. I have read the first 50 posts and yours was the first one to make sense.

I was thinking they could offer a tour of mindless uninformed prejudiced posters with Thai Visa being the star attraction. Could add in sore losers as a side attraction.

'I have read the first 50 posts and yours was the first one I agreed with' might be a better way of putting it...

Ohh look the 3 Whiny apologist stooges in one thread quote .... clap2.gif

Thawatchai said that martial law is beneficial to tourism, because it ensures that foreign tourists can be safe 24 hours a day.

"We want the tourists to be confident that they can travel in Thailand both day and night with safety at all times," Thawatchai said, adding that he hopes to promote this concept by creating a "buzz" on social media.

It didnt help David or Hannah to stay safe did it ? ....... social media will just take a big dump all over it laugh.png

"Thawatchai said that martial law is beneficial to tourism, because it ensures that foreign tourists can be safe 24 hours a day.

Nice one. Agree totally that is was wrong to say that, but the popular PM Prayuth is holding people responsible for their actions now and if you were held you were responsible for not being pro active in promoting tourism then the most popular PM in the last decade will have you sacked which is why he is the most popular PM.

Reminds me of the "Thai amnesty bill will bring reconciliation". Absolute bullsh%t, but at least martial law stopped 3 deaths and 40 injuries a month of innocent people by red terrorists.

Thawatchai shot from the hip without thinking. The popular PM needs to reinforce to his subordinates that they need to be measured and realistic in their comments.

Well done to the popular PM for showing us that his people are taking him seriously and trying their hardest to strengthen tourism.

Shame on the ones that want tourism to fail at the behest of millions of jobs simply because they hatre the popular PM.

That is the 7% talking. That is the 7% the majority ignore.

If you reply I dare you to not be condescending or belittling towards me. I dare you.

EDIT - "3 winey apologist stooges" count as the famous red condescension which is why reform is needed.

I am not angry with you englishoak. I pity you..

You really are a source of amusement....keep on making excuses all you like but the buck stops at the top as you have been so keen to point out in the past.

They are ruining tourism all on their own with constant stupid headlines and dumb gimmicks that really are just too stupid and thoughtless to make up.

You do know a high % of insurance travel policies dont cover places under martial law right ?

You do know Martial Law MEANS theres a safety issue by its very existence right ?

You do know tourists do like to be safe and be insured when on holiday right ?

You do know that tourists have a choice where they go right ?

You do know trying to justify or god forbid defend this idea makes you look real silly, I worry for you sometimes, i really do ...

The responsibility of tourism is all on Thailand and Thailand alone. If they ruin it itll be all home grown and self inflicted, nothing to do with anyone else.

To even try to spin TATs dumbest tourist attraction idea this year into something political yet again about sums you up.

Its very hard not to be condescending when you spend half a post in Idol worship or making pitiful excuses for someone.. im not even going to waste my time, besides I dont have a sick bag large enough.

PS im glad your not angry, I would however save that pity for yourself thumbsup.gif

Edited by englishoak
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Are they serious??

Tourists are no safer here now than before martial law?

In fact many cannot get travel insurance to a place under martial law.

well IMO everyone is safer now red short murdering thugs are tamed. Not being able to get health insurance has nothing to do at all

with being safe. Anyway insurance can still be obtained it just can cost a little more. I guess nothing to loose for TAT since

anyone pout off by scare mongering about Thailand probably wont come. How ,much damage to tourist industry have red shirts mayhem,]killings and rest done and also all nasty scams which at least the junta is trying to do something about. How successfully is yet to be seem n next few years. It took UK years to rid London and rest of huge corruption by police (cray twins and all rest).

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Martial Law should STOP all morons in the government from speaking to a microphone or making public decisions without approval from Prayuth first.

He is hardly immune to the occasional faux pas himself..

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