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Police looking for 11 year old Swedish boy of Thai descent


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Police looking for 11 year old Swedish boy of Thai descent

BANGKOK: -- A convicted Swedish pedophile illegally brought his 11 years old stepson to Thailand last Christmas. The police are still searching for the boy.

In November 2013 The Social Welfare Board of Sweden gave green light for a Swedish man to adopt his stepson after his Thai wife had died. Shortly after this decision, Swedish newspaper Helsingborgs Dagblad revealed that the process of approving the man as an adoptive father was full of mistakes.

The approval was withdrawn, but since the boy had no other guardians in Sweden he stayed with his Swedish stepfather. Even though the stepfather was convicted for child abuse in 2004 and has subsequently been suspected of raping another child. All in all, this man is not an average family father, he has been sentenced to serve time in prison four times for a total of 90 offenses, most of them related to financial crimes.

Just before Christmas 2013 the stepfather violated Swedish law and traveled to Thailand with his former stepson. According to Helsingborg Dagblad the stepfather claims to have handed the boy over to his biological father, but this cannot be confirmed since both stepfather and biological father refuses to cooperate with the authorities and reveal where the boy is.

The Thai police have been looking for the boy the last three to four months. The boy’s Swedish lawyer hopes to get him back to Sweden through a Haag Convention. But the boy’s mixed nationality makes the case more complex. Helsingborg Dagblad has spoken to an officer at the Attorney General’s Office in Bangkok, according to her the case will end up in a family court if the boy is found and none of the parties are willing to cooperate.

Source: Helsingborg Dagblad

Source: http://scandasia.com/police-looking-for-11-year-old-swedish-boy-of-thai-descent/

-- ScandAsia 2014-10-13

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political correct Swedish law system: "in prison four times for a total of 90 offenses" why is this guy out of the prison.

With the first time he should stay in prison till he is 90 and not get released.

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Why would the biological father not want to gelp the police? Something here does not seem right and imo it does not bode well for the child. I hope I am wrong and that he is soon found and can then be cared for by someone more willing to give him a chance at a happy fullfilling life.

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pictures might help

Keystone cops haven't connected the photo idea yet….Give em a few days one of them who can tell time - might get the idea out of a comic book or something ?

Were the police interviewed for this article? This is simply an article being retold in English from a Swedish news item as mentioned in the OP. Keystone Internet Detective?

If you want to point a finger about there not being more awareness of this case over the thousands of others in Thailand, then you should be looking towards the Swedish Embassy.

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What in the world are the Thai press' motives for revealing these types of stories at this stage? Do they think because a foreigner is involved that it will deflect any criminal intention from Thais? Their perpetual premature release of stories headlining foreigners is a noteworthy discrimination and attempt to taint the readership thinking. The prematurely released stories never have all the facts, there is little or no substantiated evidence, and in the case of the Koh Tao double bludgeoning murders, there is a conscious effort to prematurely accuse and deny any possible involvement by THais. This all serves to illustrate Thailand's deep rooted discriminatory attitudes and behaviors.

ScandAsia simply translated an article in a Swedish Newspaper. There is not a conspiracy theory with everything ... the story does not just involved a Swedish stepfather but also a Thai father not cooperating with police.

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You can expect the government run media to shoot out anything & everything over the next few months to try to divert attention from more important issues.

If you're western educated (That is to say 'well educated') You'll refrain from getting involved in their propaganda.

Edited by ScubaPhuket
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What in the world are the Thai press' motives for revealing these types of stories at this stage? Do they think because a foreigner is involved that it will deflect any criminal intention from Thais? Their perpetual premature release of stories headlining foreigners is a noteworthy discrimination and attempt to taint the readership thinking. The prematurely released stories never have all the facts, there is little or no substantiated evidence, and in the case of the Koh Tao double bludgeoning murders, there is a conscious effort to prematurely accuse and deny any possible involvement by THais. This all serves to illustrate Thailand's deep rooted discriminatory attitudes and behaviors.


There's a kid missing and police was already looking three, maybe four months for it?

Maybe even a bit more, maybe even a bit less. Suppose they were just not quite sure

how long and what they were looking for?

Now a Swedish news paper reports the case and suddenly, somebody remembers again

what they were looking for since, - well, some months.

So yes, I would expect the police to publish pictures of the MISSING CHILD or his dads

fairly early in their investigations. Or would that be too PREMATURE in your eyes?

Maybe police should just say they are looking for two *****

<names, race, nationality withhold due to data protection>

who are wanted in connection with *****

<reason withhold due to possible defamation charges>

and the Missing Child poster will be publish after the sentencing?

<picture withhold due to age of the possible victim>

Edited by JoeLing
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Poor kid, what a terrible state of affairs for a child to have to endure.

At least if the boy is taken back to Sweden he will have a chance of being cared for in a proper child home or more likely adopted by a loving couple. But if he ends up having to remain in Thailand then who knows what his future may hold.

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You can expect the government run media to shoot out anything & everything over the next few months to try to divert attention from more important issues.

If you're western educated (That is to say 'well educated') You'll refrain from getting involved in their propaganda.

You don't think finding a missing 11 year old child, especially considering the deeply troubling circumstances of his home life, is important?

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The continuing saga of the RPT incompetence continues, this is a case that starts from 2012 , the press need a kick in the arse for not bring this to the public arena sooner and the picture described of this case is a nightmare for the young lad, nothing of good can be said about the RTP and it is doubtful that any progress (than what was known in 2012) , has been made, although a case could be made for the total overhaul of the RTP although I favour a total destruction, not that will solve anything.bah.gif

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What in the world are the Thai press' motives for revealing these types of stories at this stage? Do they think because a foreigner is involved that it will deflect any criminal intention from Thais? Their perpetual premature release of stories headlining foreigners is a noteworthy discrimination and attempt to taint the readership thinking. The prematurely released stories never have all the facts, there is little or no substantiated evidence, and in the case of the Koh Tao double bludgeoning murders, there is a conscious effort to prematurely accuse and deny any possible involvement by THais. This all serves to illustrate Thailand's deep rooted discriminatory attitudes and behaviors.

Let's not forget the maxim:

The best foreigner is only as good as the worst Thai.

Proven all the time.

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Just another case of overzealous Governments sticking their nose into a families business.

The US is the worst for taking children away from their families. There have been many court cases where people had to spend

many thousands of dollars fighting in court to prove the governments wrong.

Obviously if the stepfather was released from prison, then he has completed his sentence, and paid his debt to society, so why

the need to punish him further.

He most likely brought the boy to Thailand to get him away from the repressive nanny state.

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Who is the idiot that wrote this article? First if mother is Thai and father is biological father is Thai wouldn't child also be Thai? Not adopted father's nationality Idiot.crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif


Beware, don't look in the mirror!!!

You might just see an other crazy.gif


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