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Stopped and searched on street and made take urine test

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yeah, dangerous init... they do random pee test here in pattaya to, so best not to ever smoke here or before you get here - think it stays in your pee 30 days according to my classmate at language school who works for the tourist police here in pattaya.


Don't worry about being stopped just because you are young.

I'm 52 and got stopped ages ago just because I had a bag with me. No bag no get stopped. Often see the BIB stopping people on Sukhumvit.

No just farang either.


Why every 2 or 3 weeks somebody comes up on this forum, crying and asking for sympathy, because the police searched them or made them have a drug test?

They should know by now this is perfectly legal, not only in Thailand but all over the world.

What is illegal in Thailand and they should put it in their thick heads, is that they shouldn't use any drugs or smokes while here.

Is this so hard to understand?

What's wrong with it?

They aren't worried that a weed smoker is a threat to society, they just stop people so that thy can 'help' them.

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Just out of interest what would happen if someone were coming to Thailand from a place where Marujuana was obtainable legally? e.g Amsterdam or Denver Colorado? How long does it stay in your system?

I'm going to Thailand in early January but I'm also going to Amsterdam in mid November.


Why every 2 or 3 weeks somebody comes up on this forum, crying and asking for sympathy, because the police searched them or made them have a drug test?

They should know by now this is perfectly legal, not only in Thailand but all over the world.

What is illegal in Thailand and they should put it in their thick heads, is that they shouldn't use any drugs or smokes while here.

Is this so hard to understand?

Many of us are more familiar with a less intimidating level of treatment by police. This, when combined with the widely acknowledged levels of dishonesty and corruption with those performing these searches and drugs testing and its thus not at all surprising that when tested those targeted may feel highly uncomfortable.

It feels like an invasion of our privacy and the BiB are deliberately intimidating.

While I disagree with a number of claims I read on ThaiVisa.com this is one of many examples I have read where the BiB are specifically targeting foreigners, it always seems to be in the Sukhumvit 22 area and by the Thonglor Police.

Recently I was heading out for a beer (*thus not driving) at 9pm, my taxi was pulled aside near Asoke, I was asked for my Passport. I showed the BiB my Thai drivers licence which they wouldn't accept. They insisted on my passport which I didn't have.

They told me to get out of the car for a search. I refused and called a friend to get them to back down which they did after speaking to him.

My issue with all of this is that it was simply a shake down...

I get the impression that the BiB from Thonglor have it in their heads that foreigners are easy targets from whom to turn a quick profit. It must be true or they wouldn't target foreigners with such frequency.

it always seems to be in the Sukhumvit 22 area and by the Thonglor Police.

Best someone phone The General and he steps in and sorts it out, this area is renowned.

They told me to get out of the car for a search. I refused and called a friend to get them to back down which they did after speaking to him.

I got out the taxi, took my shirt off and asked them, "aow mai", followed by my shoes and socks, I was about to unbutton my Levis when Khun Sgt Somchai told me me, "kair nee", F em.

Taxi driver was pissing himself with laughter.

My issue with all of this is that it was simply a shake down.

You dont need to go so far from there to reach a certain junction where "fake" policemen appeared and where doing shakedowns on motorists, their mistake was trying to shakedown a certain policeman from the area, if you can understand Thai, watch the Thai news, its like something from the Keystone Kops.


The chemicals produced from smoking weed can stay in your system for as long as 3 months, but would only be found from a blood test, not urine test.

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Why the policeofficer has to come with you into the toilet to see you pee? Are the hardcore junky's carrying a bag of water to fill the cup if the officer is not watching them?

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Why every 2 or 3 weeks somebody comes up on this forum, crying and asking for sympathy, because the police searched them or made them have a drug test?

They should know by now this is perfectly legal, not only in Thailand but all over the world.

What is illegal in Thailand and they should put it in their thick heads, is that they shouldn't use any drugs or smokes while here.

Is this so hard to understand?

Costas, some countries it is legal to smoke marajuana, so actually someone could test positive if they had smoked it in the last 30 -35 days , and that might not have been in Thailand, so in a way it is nonsense.

I am not sure though if BIBs tests are multi drug panel testing, I suspect that might only be for meth on these shake downs. Irrespective, it's ridiculous that this is happening, without any real specific reason of suspicion. The area mentioned is a cesspool, with a rogue BIB element anyhow.

That then opens a can of worms.

Smoke it legally in one country then come here the next. Have traces in your system but no effects active.. I do not promote nor do I use drugs but this seems to allow the police to charge for offenses that have not been committed under this countries law as it was done in a country where it is illegal... Im sure it would be a difficult one to prove but again, tests should not show traces but actually if you are under the effects of drugs to prove use.


I didn't know that ordinary Thai policemen can conduct a urine test by themselves on the street/in a petrol station toilet, where the conditions are not pristine.

Was it a scam? Could it have been a bogus test kit, and they were really sussing you out to see whether they could extort money from you ("The test is Positive, give us 2000 Baht or else ..."), but got scared and decided to let you go?

Thonglor police are the worst and should be the first to have a Reform broom shoved up their derrieres.

  • Like 1

Why every 2 or 3 weeks somebody comes up on this forum, crying and asking for sympathy, because the police searched them or made them have a drug test?

They should know by now this is perfectly legal, not only in Thailand but all over the world.

What is illegal in Thailand and they should put it in their thick heads, is that they shouldn't use any drugs or smokes while here.

Is this so hard to understand?

Costas, some countries it is legal to smoke marajuana, so actually someone could test positive if they had smoked it in the last 30 -35 days , and that might not have been in Thailand, so in a way it is nonsense.

I am not sure though if BIBs tests are multi drug panel testing, I suspect that might only be for meth on these shake downs. Irrespective, it's ridiculous that this is happening, without any real specific reason of suspicion. The area mentioned is a cesspool, with a rogue BIB element anyhow.

That then opens a can of worms.

Smoke it legally in one country then come here the next. Have traces in your system but no effects active.. I do not promote nor do I use drugs but this seems to allow the police to charge for offenses that have not been committed under this countries law as it was done in a country where it is illegal... Im sure it would be a difficult one to prove but again, tests should not show traces but actually if you are under the effects of drugs to prove use.

The simple test kits widely distributed amongst the BiB are to check for the presence of amphetamine in the urine... a positive result would identify recent consumption (I'm guessing within the past 12 hours or so)...

Traces of substances with a higher trace latency would not be recognised in a street urine test - Thus consumption of a substance (i.e. Marajuana) in another country and testing positive in Thailand at a later date is somewhat of a moot point.

In this case its clear that the BiB having stopped the OP were pulling out all the stops in attempt to score themselves a pay off... he could have been carrying something in his bag, weed could have been hidden in a cigarette packet... I'm sure they thought they were on to a winner only to be disappointed with a 'no result', face pushed them to pursue the issue to the urine test... Perhaps in their perverse logic they see it as they were doing something and thus had earned their pay-off.

  • Like 1

Why every 2 or 3 weeks somebody comes up on this forum, crying and asking for sympathy, because the police searched them or made them have a drug test?

They should know by now this is perfectly legal, not only in Thailand but all over the world.

What is illegal in Thailand and they should put it in their thick heads, is that they shouldn't use any drugs or smokes while here.

Is this so hard to understand?

Costas, some countries it is legal to smoke marajuana, so actually someone could test positive if they had smoked it in the last 30 -35 days , and that might not have been in Thailand, so in a way it is nonsense.

I am not sure though if BIBs tests are multi drug panel testing, I suspect that might only be for meth on these shake downs. Irrespective, it's ridiculous that this is happening, without any real specific reason of suspicion. The area mentioned is a cesspool, with a rogue BIB element anyhow.

That then opens a can of worms.

Smoke it legally in one country then come here the next. Have traces in your system but no effects active.. I do not promote nor do I use drugs but this seems to allow the police to charge for offenses that have not been committed under this countries law as it was done in a country where it is illegal... Im sure it would be a difficult one to prove but again, tests should not show traces but actually if you are under the effects of drugs to prove use.

The simple test kits widely distributed amongst the BiB are to check for the presence of amphetamine in the urine... a positive result would identify recent consumption (I'm guessing within the past 12 hours or so)...

Traces of substances with a higher trace latency would not be recognised in a street urine test - Thus consumption of a substance (i.e. Marajuana) in another country and testing positive in Thailand at a later date is somewhat of a moot point.

In this case its clear that the BiB having stopped the OP were pulling out all the stops in attempt to score themselves a pay off... he could have been carrying something in his bag, weed could have been hidden in a cigarette packet... I'm sure they thought they were on to a winner only to be disappointed with a 'no result', face pushed them to pursue the issue to the urine test... Perhaps in their perverse logic they see it as they were doing something and thus had earned their pay-off.

Your reply did make me giggle but I completely agree with you. Always good to tell them to spread their own fingers for inspection before letting them anywhere near your pockets or backpack. Each time I am stopped I do ask this of them, they are always offended but sadly they can not be trusted due to the corrupt amongst them.


Why every 2 or 3 weeks somebody comes up on this forum, crying and asking for sympathy, because the police searched them or made them have a drug test?

They should know by now this is perfectly legal, not only in Thailand but all over the world.

What is illegal in Thailand and they should put it in their thick heads, is that they shouldn't use any drugs or smokes while here.

Is this so hard to understand?

All over the world????

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I have so many issues with this I can't even list them all. Let's say for the moment that we get past all of the "can they" or "should they" do this questions.

Well, Thais are not very exacting when it comes to anything. Do you really trust a Thai person doing very exacting lab work. Even with highly trained individuals, the false positives on tests like this can be very high. I would not trust them with organization, handling, and potential contamination of the samples. I would not trust them with anything. Legitimately too, I really would not trust them with this sort of work, and anybody who would is crazy.

I would not take the test and just suffer the consequences, whatever those may be. As was already said it is just another way to shake people down, total joke. Tell them to take a hike (refuse with a serious vibe about yourself) and they usually leave you alone ironically. It is just a profit treadmill for them, you are putting up a stink and it is on to the next customer and greener pastures.

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I have so many issues with this I can't even list them all. Let's say for the moment that we get past all of the "can they" or "should they" do this questions.

Well, Thais are not very exacting when it comes to anything. Do you really trust a Thai person doing very exacting lab work. Even with highly trained individuals, the false positives on tests like this can be very high. I would not trust them with organization, handling, and potential contamination of the samples. I would not trust them with anything. Legitimately too, I really would not trust them with this sort of work, and anybody who would is crazy.

I would not take the test and just suffer the consequences, whatever those may be. As was already said it is just another way to shake people down, total joke. Tell them to take a hike (refuse with a serious vibe about yourself) and they usually leave you alone ironically. It is just a profit treadmill for them, you are putting up a stink and it is on to the next customer and greener pastures.

With the aim of providing some balance to this thread:

These portable test kits are remarkably simple to carry out and interpret.

In identifying the presence of amphetamine in urine further tests may be required to eliminate the possibility of false positives.

That said: those who have partaken are likely to try and get out of the situation as easily and quickly as possible - I'm sure this is what the BiB are hoping for.

I'd suspect that those refusing to permit a search or a urine test may encounter greater difficulties (unless phone a friend is an option).

While there does appear to be an increased incidence of checks made on foreigners in the Thonglor Police district there have been no first hand reports of falsifying evidence or findings.

If you are carrying something illegal or have taken an illegal substance such as amphetamine and are found out you will either be processed according to the law or get away with alternative measures of absolving your guilt.


I wanted to go by minivan its faster and less stops is the reason I went to VM

No ones crying or looking for sympathy especially not on here! I have got searched many times in my home country but never like that and with such aggressive tone for no reason and never got made to do a drug test, the only thing the thai cops found was cigarette box and this was enough it seems to accuse me of smoking marijuana and take a test thats why im curious is this normal because never experienced it before and i wanted to know if i failed and didnt have the cash to pay a fine what would happen? Also people do smoke weed before they come to thailand it would be handy to know what happens if they fail the test as could happen to a lot of tourists.

What i find funny is i get asked do I want to buy drugs nearly everyday and never see those people being stopped or searched but people minding their own business is put through this because you have a bag and a pack of cigarettes. I need to tell my friends not to smoke weed for at least a month before they come to thailand incase they get stopped. This is a weird country

What sort of places do you frequent where you are asked if you want to buy drugs nearly every day, or what impression does your appearance give that encourages all these pushers to target you?

Maybe the police noticed the same things that all those pushers you come across noticed? You admitted to smoking a joint in your OP so maybe drug users like you give out some kind of signal to the authorities.


I wanted to go by minivan its faster and less stops is the reason I went to VM

No ones crying or looking for sympathy especially not on here! I have got searched many times in my home country but never like that and with such aggressive tone for no reason and never got made to do a drug test, the only thing the thai cops found was cigarette box and this was enough it seems to accuse me of smoking marijuana and take a test thats why im curious is this normal because never experienced it before and i wanted to know if i failed and didnt have the cash to pay a fine what would happen? Also people do smoke weed before they come to thailand it would be handy to know what happens if they fail the test as could happen to a lot of tourists.

What i find funny is i get asked do I want to buy drugs nearly everyday and never see those people being stopped or searched but people minding their own business is put through this because you have a bag and a pack of cigarettes. I need to tell my friends not to smoke weed for at least a month before they come to thailand incase they get stopped. This is a weird country

What sort of places do you frequent where you are asked if you want to buy drugs nearly every day, or what impression does your appearance give that encourages all these pushers to target you?

Maybe the police noticed the same things that all those pushers you come across noticed? You admitted to smoking a joint in your OP so maybe drug users like you give out some kind of signal to the authorities.

I have noticed that the police tend to target a very loose group- 'farang under fifty' would sum it up best- in their stop and searches. I've seen people dressed like backpackers being stopped and searched, and I've seen people in business clothes. Obviously drug users (and drugs themselves) come in all shapes and sizes and the police are naive enough to think there's a 'look'.

I got stopped and searched twice in the same night a few weeks ago - a Thursday night. Different checkpoints, taken out of taxis, then the usual procedure- taxi seat searched, wallet and pockets- not socks and shoes this time but that's happened. Weird thing is that both times they didn't ask for any ID. The second time the police man was reduced to hopefully asking "You have drug? You have drug?" by the end, like that was going to work.

edit: ha, just saw someone above saying they were stopped and searched and are fifty-two. I'll split the difference and say the loose group is 'farang under sixty' then... ;)

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