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Stopped and searched on street and made take urine test


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I have seen this several times. I did notice the only Drug Test they were supplied was for Methamphetamines and NOT the multi drug Coke/Herion/MJ type. I had one sprung on me the other day for my work permit and it was only for Meth. So before you take the test, look at the package that it comes in. Usually the purple colored is the Meth only test. Green/Brown is the multi.

At the end of the day, don't do drugs, don't sell drugs, and don't carry drugs and you'll be fine.

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I'm sure the police have some profiling tecniques. Not dressing as a backpacker with a chainsaw haircut would be a start to throw off the scent. Suppose you can't hide the tatts on your head and face. If you must partake in devil weed at least dress a little high end is all I'm saying. Can't hurt.

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It probably depends on how you look to them. If you have long hair, beads, sandals etc etc. At least that's what I imagine a marijuana smoker to look like although maybe I need to get out more

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Why every 2 or 3 weeks somebody comes up on this forum, crying and asking for sympathy, because the police searched them or made them have a drug test?

They should know by now this is perfectly legal, not only in Thailand but all over the world.

What is illegal in Thailand and they should put it in their thick heads, is that they shouldn't use any drugs or smokes while here.

Is this so hard to understand?

"They should know by now this is perfectly legal, not only in Thailand but all over the world" - NOT

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Last month I was stopped for a breathalyzer test. The cop just asked me for my license and I said I don't speak thai (even though I do) He checked the license then said in English. Do you drink? I said no which was true I was stone cold sober. He then produced a hand help breathalyzer and said. BLOW

So I did knowing it would not register anything. He then smiled said In Thai how long you here in Thailand. I said in Thai 9 years. He smiled handed my license back and said

Have a good night. No big deal and he was very pleasant. Glad to see there are really trying to keep the streets safe.

I am sure they nabbed some drinkers that night

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While it is legal to stop and demand a drug test without probably cause or even reasonable suspicion here, you do have the right to take the test at the cop shop where there is less chance of falsifying it. Yes, in the US one used to have rights, now you have the right to get beat up, tasered and/or shot by the cop and that's about all. Our Constitution turned out to be just another piece of paper. BTW, I was a certified/commissioned law enforcement officer in the states.

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Did you notice whether the cops were carrying guns? If not, they were probably BMA officers, the same Thetsakij who perpetrate the cigarette butt and litter extortion scam along Sukhumvit. Maybe they were real cops, but if they weren't carrying guns, they were probably the Thetskij. In which case you could have told them to f*** off and walked away.

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Why every 2 or 3 weeks somebody comes up on this forum, crying and asking for sympathy, because the police searched them or made them have a drug test?

They should know by now this is perfectly legal, not only in Thailand but all over the world.

What is illegal in Thailand and they should put it in their thick heads, is that they shouldn't use any drugs or smokes while here.

Is this so hard to understand?

random pee tests are legal all over the world?

what are you smoking?

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Why every 2 or 3 weeks somebody comes up on this forum, crying and asking for sympathy, because the police searched them or made them have a drug test?

They should know by now this is perfectly legal, not only in Thailand but all over the world.

Er, back in the states we have something called the fourth amendment which protects you from illegal search and seizures. Policemen would need "probable cause" (facts or evidence that would lead a reasonable person to believe that a suspect has committed a crime) to stop and search you on the street. And as for urine drug testing you'd have to be placed under arrest first before the policeman could even make a request for such a thing.

In Denmark too, which makes me believe that it's actually the norm. So no, it's not legal for the police searching people randomly all over the world. In Denmark, the poilice will try to search you, unless you make them aware that you actually know your rights. Possibly the same here too.

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Why every 2 or 3 weeks somebody comes up on this forum, crying and asking for sympathy, because the police searched them or made them have a drug test?

They should know by now this is perfectly legal, not only in Thailand but all over the world.

What is illegal in Thailand and they should put it in their thick heads, is that they shouldn't use any drugs or smokes while here.

Is this so hard to understand?

Costas, some countries it is legal to smoke marajuana, so actually someone could test positive if they had smoked it in the last 30 -35 days , and that might not have been in Thailand, so in a way it is nonsense.

I am not sure though if BIBs tests are multi drug panel testing, I suspect that might only be for meth on these shake downs. Irrespective, it's ridiculous that this is happening, without any real specific reason of suspicion. The area mentioned is a cesspool, with a rogue BIB element anyhow.

As Costas said - don't like the laws here? Going to ignore them? Don't cry when you get caught.

Again - don't know the laws here? Learn them or don't cry when you get caught.

Travelling as a tourist here? Do your homework, learn the local laws. Don't cry when you get caught.

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This is all part of the program to attract more tourists to Thailand...

Next up...they will make you remove all your clothes...out on a busy street...while they do a body cavity search...

This is Thailand...

Yes it is all legal...what is NOT legal in a country run by one unelected man...?

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They search people simply to try and find a reason to extort money.

They will stop locals and foreigners, taxis, motorbikes and locally made cars - but never a Mercedes or BMW as the owners will be too much trouble.

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Sorry but stopping people and carrying out body searches and piss tests is not acceptable (unless you are physically showing effects of drugs, even alcohol could be justification for a random stop)

This week there has been a lot of press about the drop in Thai tourism, and the steps that are being taken to try and make the country a safer place! Meanwhile in Bangkok CPL Sonboom and Whanchai are carrying out random body and urine tests on tourists.

Don't get me wrong I don't believe all BIB are corrupt and trying to rip off tourists and alike, Thailand is trying to clean out the bad eggs and corruption now that they have started this process they need to take a good look at themselves.

Suppose it does help if you have a hot line to one of your Thai friends who has influence (rank)

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Why every 2 or 3 weeks somebody comes up on this forum, crying and asking for sympathy, because the police searched them or made them have a drug test?

They should know by now this is perfectly legal, not only in Thailand but all over the world.

Er, back in the states we have something called the fourth amendment which protects you from illegal search and seizures. Policemen would need "probable cause" (facts or evidence that would lead a reasonable person to believe that a suspect has committed a crime) to stop and search you on the street. And as for urine drug testing you'd have to be placed under arrest first before the policeman could even make a request for such a thing.

Surely you must know how strict they are here, and half the time I'd not be surprised if they're chasing a boost to their income.

Different countries, different laws.

Look at the traffic: they'd be taken off the road within the hour in either of our countries.

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Why every 2 or 3 weeks somebody comes up on this forum, crying and asking for sympathy, because the police searched them or made them have a drug test?

They should know by now this is perfectly legal, not only in Thailand but all over the world.

What is illegal in Thailand and they should put it in their thick heads, is that they shouldn't use any drugs or smokes while here.

Is this so hard to understand?

That isn't hard to understand.

What is however, is that someone could have arrived from Amsterdam or Washington State in the US or indeed a number of other places just the day before and then get stopped, made to take a urine test, come up positive because of something they are "legally allowed to do in their own country" and be in big trouble.

Fine if you are found in actual possession of the substance, but arresting tourists who may just have it in their system is wrong.

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Many of us are more familiar with a less intimidating level of treatment by police. This, when combined with the widely acknowledged levels of dishonesty and corruption with those performing these searches and drugs testing and its thus not at all surprising that when tested those targeted may feel highly uncomfortable.

In my home country,

if on foot, you get to lie on the ground with your hands behind you

if in a car, you get to put your hands on the steering wheel, and they shoot you if you move.

(OK, it's not always that bad, but mostly it is)

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Wellred, this is Thailand , drugs are illegal & police are a law unto themselves. Do ur home work before coming & anyone stupid enuf to have drugs in their system before arriving deserve everything they get. Stupidity doesn't come with instructions because people who take drugs would read the instructions. Drug users deserve everything they get

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Last month I was stopped for a breathalyzer test. The cop just asked me for my license and I said I don't speak thai (even though I do) He checked the license then said in English. Do you drink? I said no which was true I was stone cold sober. He then produced a hand help breathalyzer and said. BLOW

So I did knowing it would not register anything. He then smiled said In Thai how long you here in Thailand. I said in Thai 9 years. He smiled handed my license back and said

Have a good night. No big deal and he was very pleasant. Glad to see there are really trying to keep the streets safe.

I am sure they nabbed some drinkers that night

Which is a good and positive story - I have no issues with being breathalised and I doubt many reasonable ThaiVisa members / contributors to this thread would either.

However, how would you have felt if after passing the breathalyser the BiB then ask you to step out of the vehicle, search your clothing and subject you to a urine test ?

Yes, of course you have nothing to worry about, you'll pass the tests. But, the nagging doubt of Police Corruption hangs in the air as does the offensiveness and indecency of having been subjected to such treatment without justification or reasonable cause.

The issue that I'm sure many have is when the checks are taken too far, taken beyond the point which many of us find acceptable or reasonable.

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Why every 2 or 3 weeks somebody comes up on this forum, crying and asking for sympathy, because the police searched them or made them have a drug test?

They should know by now this is perfectly legal, not only in Thailand but all over the world.

What is illegal in Thailand and they should put it in their thick heads, is that they shouldn't use any drugs or smokes while here.

Is this so hard to understand?

its difficult to judge the relative merit of this type of thread or the thread in which you claim to be defeated by a rubber band.

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Shoulda hung it out on the street and peed all over it and handed it back....or done a number 2 on it and say you no unnerstan

How swashbuckling one is when posting anonymously on the Internet. I bet you'll cut quite a swath of terror this Halloween.


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yeah, dangerous init... they do random pee test here in pattaya to, so best not to ever smoke here or before you get here - think it stays in your pee 30 days according to my classmate at language school who works for the tourist police here in pattaya.

If used regularly it can stay in your system for up to 30 days, occasional use is 24 hours.

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