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I had have my gallbladder removed about 2 months ago, at first I had some discomfort under right ribs nothing major. Over time it has gone away. About 3 to 4 weeks ago I had endoscopy done, and doc said I had gastririts of stomach and esophagus along with some damage to the later one. I felt no pain what so ever. However when my discomfort appeared my liver function test was slightly elevated GLobulin and Billirubin. Pain subsided, I got put on Rabeprazole, mucosta and sucrate gel. Anyway.....

About a week ago while still on meds I went to a friends BD party. Had about 4-5 large beers, next day I woke up I started having this dull pain under right ribs, same place where it was after surgery and even before but much stronger. Its a dull pain, it gets better if I sit down, it goes away almost completely when I lie down on my back. When I wake up in the morning its not there but when I get up and start my day it comes. It might go away for some time then comeback .I don't have jaundice, yesterday went in to do liver tests all stats are within range of normal. What can this be?

How I can get to feel pain better? Exhale, press under right ribs and then while pressing inhale, very painful. The doctor at CM ram was a ....... don't know what do say, he refused to investigate and said it is all in my head. At the moment I'm n a rural area but will go to BNH On monday.

Any advice or help would be appreaciated.


I sometimes get a pain in the same place, never above a two or three out of ten, and it usually doesn't last too long, comes and goes and only for a couple of days, sometimes a week. I had it checked out, and had x-rays. The doctor said I had a slight curve in my spine, that was probably causing it. Now that I know the cause I don't worry about it, and when it does occur, it doesn't seem as bad, and I barely notice it.


George, I kind of believe it might be something else in my case. It seems that it happened after I had a drink and when I was on a ton of meds. I'll have it checked out, it also could be something gastric related, recently after a bad lifestyle I cant tolerale a lot of carbs, for example I cant eat rice anymore as it makes me bloat and gives me really painful cramps. In my case after having GB removed it might be something related. Will check it out on Monday or so.


Given that you have documented gstratis and the pain occurred after drinking alcohol, it may be due to that.

It would help to know why the gastroscopy was done in the first place since you say you had no symptoms at that time? I think there is some missing info here...


SherylI had history of gastric problems but mainly the reason for it was that before my gallbladder surgery I had a blood test for celiac profile at BNH. It came out with number 33 doc said usually its 200 for those who have celiac. So he advised to go edcoscope. Well the doc in CM Ram just ingored check for celiac he didnt even bother checking. But found gastritis and other stuff I mentioned earlier. It hurts in place where there usually isnt anything related to stomach or duodenum as one GI said.


Gallbladder removal is not effective for all patients.

Something like 1 in 8 people with removals, have continued stomach problems for the rest of their life.


"The "sphincter of Oddi" (SO) is a valve found within the small intestine that regulates the flow of bile and pancreatic juices. A very small number of people may experience "sphincter of Oddi dysfunction" (SOD), a functional gastrointestinal disorder (FGD). In SOD, the sphincter does not relax as it should, preventing the bile and pancreatic juices from entering the small intestine. The Rome III criteria for SOD describe its symptoms as "episodes of moderate to severe steady pain" located in the central and upper right regions of the abdomen that lasts for at least 30 minutes. This type of pain generally occurs a short time after eating. Some people report nausea and vomiting. The pain symptoms of SOD are thought to be the result of the excess accumulation of the juices in the ducts."


I have had what doctor thought was IBS but symptoms were always not exactly matching IBS. I would often get diarrhea, but nothing apart from spicy food or alcohol would trigger those. Then I had gallbladder inflammation without any stones. Things progress, I pretty much cant tolerate any carbs now specially rice, fiber would just like rice would get me bloated to excruciating pains. ATM I'm on salad and lean meat diet only. Though eating bread does not give me any symptoms I come to suspect maybe it is delayed or mixes with all the other problems.

Doctor decided to do this test, its the first one who suggested it after so many years, and also up north they can;t do those takes weeks they dont even bother.


From the sounds of it you have a long-standing chronic disease which may not have been correctly diagnosed and which the GB removal may not have addressed. I think you need a thorough re-evaluation by a really good specialist. Where do you live?


Well after a good drinking session couple of months ago, I started having similar pains but also with feeling of being overrun with pain and feat and god knows what. I would woke up pale and nauseous, prior to this 6 months before that I was told about small gallstones in my GB. After that session I got another ultrasound and was told my GB is inflamed, went to CM RAM found only 1 stone and after course of antibiotics was told its subsided BUT I should still do surgery. Got discharged and was feeling s...t for about a month more. Then went to BNH for a checkup of my stomach and my gallbladder got inflamed again, so i decided to go for it. Felt pretty good after surgery apart from minor pain but all nausea and other stuff disspeared.

Biopsy of GM found no stones but put as chronic inflammation.

Anyone knows if constant drip of bile can cause gastritis?

P.S my gb removal video is up on youtube, i''m not expert but it didnt look normal had polyps and doctor said it was the "stickiest" had ever came across.

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