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Thai PM faces protest on first outing on world stage


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A little bit of sophistry never hurts.

Linking the anti-Shin propoganda and overthrow of democracy.

The Shins were elected with the largest minority. Fair enough. They then acted in a most undemocratic manner - refusing debate, accountability, telling lies and finally trying to sneak legislation through to pardon their criminal leader, whitewash his 15 outstanding charges, and absolve themselves of any criminal responsibility for their own actions since taking government. How long before they tried to abolish any other political parties and only allow candidates they approved?

Most, but not all, who posted against the Shins were against their lies and deceit, the growing corruption, their desire for unaccountable control of 2,2 trillion baht in loans, their attempt to whitewash Thaksin of everything and their inability or desire not to stop the daily attacks on and murder of any who opposed them.

Some posters on here were taken in by the Shin propaganda machine, Amsterdam and the often very obvious lies, many were not.

Many made the point at the time that being antI-Shin did not mean they supported Suthep or the factions that support him either. Many made it clear that should any replacement government administration behave in similar fashion they would start to comment about that too.

That is what you are seeing. Posters commenting about things they see wrong - which is fair enough. But that does not indicate opinions have changed about or support would be given to the Shin gang.

"The Shins were elected with the largest minority. Fair enough. They then acted in a most undemocratic manner - refusing debate, accountability, telling lies and finally trying to sneak legislation through to pardon their criminal leader, whitewash his 15 outstanding charges, and absolve themselves of any criminal responsibility for their own actions since taking government. How long before they tried to abolish any other political parties and only allow candidates they approved?"

Apart from the first part refering to being elected, do you not agree that the rest of what you are accusing the Shins of is EXACTLY what the Dictatorship has done. "Refusing debate, accountability, telling lies and absolving themselves of any criminal responsibility for their own actions since taking government."

The reality was that the Shins COULD be removed at an election, who is able to remove a 'government' that stole power by holding a gun to the country's head? More and more TV readers are seeing the reality of what has taken place and are revising their views. Maybe you will too, ultimately, seeing that 'government' by the army for the elite is not acceptable and that government on behalf of the people through elections is the only way.

Just how do you propose they unite the country when they are inhibited by people who do not want the country united. They are not and do not pretend to be a democracy so don't waste your time with your Democracy dribble. Unless you are prepared to back it up with dribble about the Shinawatra clan dictatorship.

They are doing what is necessary to clean up the mess. Was the old government even remotely interested in it. Or was there primary purpose to white wash a convicted criminal? Think hard about that. Under the Shinawatra dictatorship corruption grew as the government cut funding to fight it. Looks pretty suspicious to me. Also the majority of the people did not want them but were willing to put up with them up until it was made crystal clear that what they wanted was of no interest to the government. What kind of a fool would put up with that for two years and say it is OK I can take it for two more years.

The answer to that can be found in many posts on Thai Visa.wai.gif

The people that do not want the country united are the people who are currently in power.

The most united Thailand has ever been was during the period of Thaksins re-election in 2005 when he won an astonishing 375 seats and the approval of over 60% of the voters in the election with the highest ever turn out in the history of Thai elections. It was this devastating thumping dished out to the "elites" that served as the starting point for the

Under the Shinawatras corruption declined. Repeat...CORRUPTION DECLINED. Take your pick as to which international bodies figures you want to use. but they all show the same fact, CORRUPTION DECLINED UNDER SHINAWATRA RULE - your Yellow propaganda is worthless here.

If the majority wanted the Shinawatras gone, why the fear of elections then.

How elections work is that the side with the majority wins, if you have the majority, elections are the very thing you want ASAP - not unelected committees and farcical excuses to delay elections

The truth is the minority want the Shinawatras gone. They had to use illegal means to get the job done because of the simple fact that THEY ARE THE MINORITY.

Well I wasn't here in the 2005 elections. But with a mandate like that why did he call for elections next year? What happened to that enormous support he had in just one year? I do know the corruption history under him. It did not decrease it pretty much stayed the same. The difference was he was the one doing it others were not allowed to do it. After the coup and the next election when he once again took control the corruption started and continued upward until Abhist was elected and managed to stop the rise. Even in the face of fierce opposition he held it. When Thaksin once again resumed power it once again took of like a rocket.

You say the people who do not want the country are the ones in power what is your basis for that? Any fool knows they have just taken over and are just beginning to do the job. Have you any idea of how massive a problem it is?

"Yellows to turn their back on democracy and do all they could to divide and destroy the nation for the selfish and greedy purpose of continuing their parasitic existence sucking the life blood out of the country at the expense of the poor, rural masses."

I was here in 2010 and it seemed to me that it was Thaksin doing that. Where were you? As for the fear of elections. Well that is a two edged sword. Why did the PTP fear honest elections. They could have easily moved police and army in to guard the polls. Yes you are correct the side with the majority wins. In this case the winner did not have the not have the majority. They represented less than half that is a minority.

To put it gently the redshirt school on Democracy did not help you one bit you are still confused and listening to your leaders with out giving a thought to what they are saying. You are falling for their nonsense hook line and sinker.

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Proper reforms to educate the population on democracy, what it entails, what it expects, the duties and rights. All those things Europeans took a few centuries to learn.

As for WWII, well that was an occupation by the armed forces of another country. Now as far as I know Thailand has never been conquered, not even in WWII rolleyes.gif

What makes you believe that repression is a form of education?

Did I mention repression? I mentioned reforms. Now of course if you're totally unwilling to participate, or cooperate, provide input because you 'know' your input will be ignored, well, no progress.

It would seem you look forward to another seven months or maybe seven years of 'democratic' chaos.

Edited by rubl
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Proper reforms to educate the population on democracy, what it entails, what it expects, the duties and rights. All those things Europeans took a few centuries to learn.

As for WWII, well that was an occupation by the armed forces of another country. Now as far as I know Thailand has never been conquered, not even in WWII rolleyes.gif

What makes you believe that repression is a form of education?

he is trolling you.

and he is also wrong. Even with the last claim that Europe took centuries to 'learn' democracy. It takes very little time for people to understand democracy. What takes time is for the old power brokers to accept democracy or to get swept out of the way.

Thailand - as you already understand - has had a military faction, an anti-democratic royalist faction, and an educated democratic faction for 70 years or more. The educated democratic faction has gotten the short end of the stick for most of that time.

The promise today, which may bear fruit in the future, is a growing understanding of and desire for democratic rule among a much broader spectrum of the Thai population. This last group understands much more about how the world works. They understand 'respect my vote' and people I know honestly want nothing more than that simple freedom.

This is not the Thailand of the 1950's and 1960's. In my opinion, this group of the Thai population is growing more aware of it's own power and the past cycles of the elite & military fighting among themselves, and telling the rest of Thailand to go back to the rice-paddies, are finished.

My dear TB, if I'm trolling as you state none of the contents of my post would have any value. To state the post is 'wrong' and going on as to where you think it's wrong emphasizes the impression that it's you who is trolling.

As such I'll ignore the trolling stuff if you don't mind.

2AM, time for this Dutch uncle to lay down and close his weary eyes. Tomorrow another day smile.png

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He has been branded a criminal by Italian protestors

All eight of them, none of whom have ever even been to Thailand.



why have you altered my comment, where is the rest of it?

you are not the only one..i suppose he cuts the comments as he likes for the audience

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Strangely the people here with Stockholm Syndrome compare censorship and restrictive freedoms of speech that include being sent to jail for protesting and arrested if your anti - Junta (even on social media- with some security act that weeds out Terrorists in Australia .

Sure both are an infringement .

However , i can say Tony Abbott is a dick and i don't like the Queen of Australia …..

Try that over in Thailand

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Proper reforms to educate the population on democracy, what it entails, what it expects, the duties and rights. All those things Europeans took a few centuries to learn.

As for WWII, well that was an occupation by the armed forces of another country. Now as far as I know Thailand has never been conquered, not even in WWII rolleyes.gif

What makes you believe that repression is a form of education?

Did I mention repression? I mentioned reforms. Now of course if you're totally unwilling to participate, or cooperate, provide input because you 'know' your input will be ignored, well, no progress.

It would seem you look forward to another seven months or maybe seven years of 'democratic' chaos.

You don;t need to mention repression. Enforced disappearances for people who dare to criticise, locking them up incommunicado mentions it on your behalf. Is your idea of education?

You should go and live in North Korea. Your kind of system over there.

You don;t seem to have as many friends here now though, do you? coffee1.gif

Edited by Thanet
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What makes you believe that repression is a form of education?

he is trolling you.

and he is also wrong. Even with the last claim that Europe took centuries to 'learn' democracy. It takes very little time for people to understand democracy. What takes time is for the old power brokers to accept democracy or to get swept out of the way.

Thailand - as you already understand - has had a military faction, an anti-democratic royalist faction, and an educated democratic faction for 70 years or more. The educated democratic faction has gotten the short end of the stick for most of that time.

The promise today, which may bear fruit in the future, is a growing understanding of and desire for democratic rule among a much broader spectrum of the Thai population. This last group understands much more about how the world works. They understand 'respect my vote' and people I know honestly want nothing more than that simple freedom.

This is not the Thailand of the 1950's and 1960's. In my opinion, this group of the Thai population is growing more aware of it's own power and the past cycles of the elite & military fighting among themselves, and telling the rest of Thailand to go back to the rice-paddies, are finished.

I think you're right. He's a troll.

All he does is use sophism to build arguments on his own false opinions rather than facts. For example:

1) just now he was trying to equate Australia's anti-terror laws as a 'culture of fear', similar to Thailand's political repression.

2) A while back, he also tried to pretend that the junta was new and didn't inherit its members from the RTA, that they were 'new people' and should be treated as such.

3) Ignoring Prayuth's rich kid bro in the NLA

4) Calling repression 'reforms'and 'education'

5) Ignoring past instances of corrupt Thai military rule

6) Hypocritically expecting Thais to live under a dictator while he himself is the product of a liberal democracy


I think he'll say that black is white to troll his point.

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It is good to see that so many of those who were ‘taken in’ by the anti-shin propaganda and cheered when democracy was overthrown are now ‘having the scales removed from their eyes' and are seeing the reality of what they wished for. There are a few, a very few, who persist, either because of being naïve or just ‘pig headed’ in their views. These people are, of course, entitled to their opinion, it is, after all, a free… oh…er…. country. I’m sure you know what I mean.

A little bit of sophistry never hurts.

Linking the anti-Shin propoganda and overthrow of democracy.

The Shins were elected with the largest minority. Fair enough. They then acted in a most undemocratic manner - refusing debate, accountability, telling lies and finally trying to sneak legislation through to pardon their criminal leader, whitewash his 15 outstanding charges, and absolve themselves of any criminal responsibility for their own actions since taking government. How long before they tried to abolish any other political parties and only allow candidates they approved?

Most, but not all, who posted against the Shins were against their lies and deceit, the growing corruption, their desire for unaccountable control of 2,2 trillion baht in loans, their attempt to whitewash Thaksin of everything and their inability or desire not to stop the daily attacks on and murder of any who opposed them.

Some posters on here were taken in by the Shin propaganda machine, Amsterdam and the often very obvious lies, many were not.

Many made the point at the time that being antI-Shin did not mean they supported Suthep or the factions that support him either. Many made it clear that should any replacement government administration behave in similar fashion they would start to comment about that too.

That is what you are seeing. Posters commenting about things they see wrong - which is fair enough. But that does not indicate opinions have changed about or support would be given to the Shin gang.

"The Shins were elected with the largest minority. Fair enough. They then acted in a most undemocratic manner - refusing debate, accountability, telling lies and finally trying to sneak legislation through to pardon their criminal leader, whitewash his 15 outstanding charges, and absolve themselves of any criminal responsibility for their own actions since taking government. How long before they tried to abolish any other political parties and only allow candidates they approved?"

Apart from the first part refering to being elected, do you not agree that the rest of what you are accusing the Shins of is EXACTLY what the Dictatorship has done. "Refusing debate, accountability, telling lies and absolving themselves of any criminal responsibility for their own actions since taking government."

The reality was that the Shins COULD be removed at an election, who is able to remove a 'government' that stole power by holding a gun to the country's head? More and more TV readers are seeing the reality of what has taken place and are revising their views. Maybe you will too, ultimately, seeing that 'government' by the army for the elite is not acceptable and that government on behalf of the people through elections is the only way.

Just how do you propose they unite the country when they are inhibited by people who do not want the country united. They are not and do not pretend to be a democracy so don't waste your time with your Democracy dribble. Unless you are prepared to back it up with dribble about the Shinawatra clan dictatorship.

They are doing what is necessary to clean up the mess. Was the old government even remotely interested in it. Or was there primary purpose to white wash a convicted criminal? Think hard about that. Under the Shinawatra dictatorship corruption grew as the government cut funding to fight it. Looks pretty suspicious to me. Also the majority of the people did not want them but were willing to put up with them up until it was made crystal clear that what they wanted was of no interest to the government. What kind of a fool would put up with that for two years and say it is OK I can take it for two more years.

The answer to that can be found in many posts on Thai Visa.wai.gif

I think their reactions in the Kao Tao debacle amply demonstrate they are patently not yet doing what needs to be done. They may do in future but that is as yet Unseen in Thailand

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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This is Thailand, the junta are in charge, hence I am more interested in what the junta says or does rather than the Australian government.

Here some condemn the Thai PM for being undemocratic, dictatorial, requiring censorship, being against free speech. References are made as to other countries our PM could learn from.

Well, it would seem he can learn from Australia with it's new law on Internet surveillance and a few additional powers they can apply against their own citizens.

Of course, if you really feel like 'only Thailand' I wonder why you ever came up with a document describing the Italian 'refugee status application' procedure.

Nice try rubl but no cigar. I came up with a document about Italian refugee status in response to your implication that the protest against the coup leader/PM was populated by Thai "refugees" that were acting illegally,thus trying to diminish the impact of Thais abroad having the temerity to protest against your "great leader". Do you have any argument to offer in defence of accusations that the coup leader/PM is "being undemocratic, dictatorial, requiring censorship, being against free speech", other than trying to divert attention to internet surveillance in Australia?

No? I didn't think so.

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Thaskin may be many things,

but the country grew faster under his direction, than at any other time

He was at the right place at the right time, unlike 'the coffers are empty' PM Gen. Chavalit and 'clean the mess up' PM Chuan

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He is trolling you.

and he is also wrong. Even with the last claim that Europe took centuries to 'learn' democracy. It takes very little time for people to understand democracy. What takes time is for the old power brokers to accept democracy or to get swept out of the way.

Thailand - as you already understand - has had a military faction, an anti-democratic royalist faction, and an educated democratic faction for 70 years or more. The educated democratic faction has gotten the short end of the stick for most of that time.

The promise today, which may bear fruit in the future, is a growing understanding of and desire for democratic rule among a much broader spectrum of the Thai population. This last group understands much more about how the world works. They understand 'respect my vote' and people I know honestly want nothing more than that simple freedom.

This is not the Thailand of the 1950's and 1960's. In my opinion, this group of the Thai population is growing more aware of it's own power and the past cycles of the elite & military fighting among themselves, and telling the rest of Thailand to go back to the rice-paddies, are finished.

I think you're right. He's a troll.

All he does is use sophism to build arguments on his own false opinions rather than facts. For example:

1) just now he was trying to equate Australia's anti-terror laws as a 'culture of fear', similar to Thailand's political repression.

2) A while back, he also tried to pretend that the junta was new and didn't inherit its members from the RTA, that they were 'new people' and should be treated as such.

3) Ignoring Prayuth's rich kid bro in the NLA

4) Calling repression 'reforms'and 'education'

5) Ignoring past instances of corrupt Thai military rule

6) Hypocritically expecting Thais to live under a dictator while he himself is the product of a liberal democracy


I think he'll say that black is white to troll his point.

Well, if I'm a troll I can only give you one advise


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I think you're right. He's a troll.

All he does is use sophism to build arguments on his own false opinions rather than facts. For example:

1) just now he was trying to equate Australia's anti-terror laws as a 'culture of fear', similar to Thailand's political repression.

2) A while back, he also tried to pretend that the junta was new and didn't inherit its members from the RTA, that they were 'new people' and should be treated as such.

3) Ignoring Prayuth's rich kid bro in the NLA

4) Calling repression 'reforms'and 'education'

5) Ignoring past instances of corrupt Thai military rule

6) Hypocritically expecting Thais to live under a dictator while he himself is the product of a liberal democracy


I think he'll say that black is white to troll his point.

Ah well, Sunday adternoon and nothing better to do for a while, so since you asked for it ... ...

ad1. I quoted from an Australian website which posted on 2014-10-10

""Welcome, reader, and welcome, anonymous Australian Security Intelligence Organisation oversight employee whose name and position we will never know, and could face criminal prosecution for mentioning even if we did. That isn’t a joke. That isn’t hyperbole. The National Security Amendments Bill (No. 1) has been passed into law, and that means every single thing that’s Australian and online is potentially under investigation.

The bill’s amendments allow ASIO to spy on an unlimited number of computers on a single warrant, to share more information with other agencies, and to send people to jail for even mentioning the specifics of when those things happen.""


ad.2 please tell me where I did that.

ad.3 I also ignore other rich people. Tell me why I should pay special attention to PM Pratut's brother? Did anyone already ask the NACC to have a look at him? Do we have any information on his wealth other than alleged 'inexplicable'?

ad.4 Incorrect. I said reforms are still to be defined.

ad.5 You forget to mention ignoring past instances of corrupt civilian governments.

ad.6 Two things here. One most Thai seem either happy or don't care. Secondly my background has nothing to do with what you think I should believe or stand for. BTW did you study in Australia as under privileged Thai?

ad.7 Black isn't white. Both are no colours though.

Correction: Either one or the other is seen by some as a colour it would seem


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BANGKOK — Thai junta leader and Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha has called on all dissidents of his military regime to return from exile and face prosecution in Thailand.


sure...they are boarding already whistling.gifrolleyes.gif

Well not those who applied for 'political refugee' status in Italy as that would be seen as voluntarily returning and therefor voiding their application. Probably same in other countries. Of course those self-exiles may have no financial problems like their much maligned example.

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What makes you believe that repression is a form of education?

he is trolling you.

and he is also wrong. Even with the last claim that Europe took centuries to 'learn' democracy. It takes very little time for people to understand democracy. What takes time is for the old power brokers to accept democracy or to get swept out of the way.

Thailand - as you already understand - has had a military faction, an anti-democratic royalist faction, and an educated democratic faction for 70 years or more. The educated democratic faction has gotten the short end of the stick for most of that time.

The promise today, which may bear fruit in the future, is a growing understanding of and desire for democratic rule among a much broader spectrum of the Thai population. This last group understands much more about how the world works. They understand 'respect my vote' and people I know honestly want nothing more than that simple freedom.

This is not the Thailand of the 1950's and 1960's. In my opinion, this group of the Thai population is growing more aware of it's own power and the past cycles of the elite & military fighting among themselves, and telling the rest of Thailand to go back to the rice-paddies, are finished.

I think you're right. He's a troll.

All he does is use sophism to build arguments on his own false opinions rather than facts. For example:

1) just now he was trying to equate Australia's anti-terror laws as a 'culture of fear', similar to Thailand's political repression.

2) A while back, he also tried to pretend that the junta was new and didn't inherit its members from the RTA, that they were 'new people' and should be treated as such.

3) Ignoring Prayuth's rich kid bro in the NLA

4) Calling repression 'reforms'and 'education'

5) Ignoring past instances of corrupt Thai military rule

6) Hypocritically expecting Thais to live under a dictator while he himself is the product of a liberal democracy


I think he'll say that black is white to troll his point.

see, he's back. He can't help himself. smile.png

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I think you're right. He's a troll.

All he does is use sophism to build arguments on his own false opinions rather than facts. For example:

1) just now he was trying to equate Australia's anti-terror laws as a 'culture of fear', similar to Thailand's political repression.

2) A while back, he also tried to pretend that the junta was new and didn't inherit its members from the RTA, that they were 'new people' and should be treated as such.

3) Ignoring Prayuth's rich kid bro in the NLA

4) Calling repression 'reforms'and 'education'

5) Ignoring past instances of corrupt Thai military rule

6) Hypocritically expecting Thais to live under a dictator while he himself is the product of a liberal democracy


I think he'll say that black is white to troll his point.

Ah well, Sunday adternoon and nothing better to do for a while, so since you asked for it ... ...

ad1. I quoted from an Australian website which posted on 2014-10-10

""Welcome, reader, and welcome, anonymous Australian Security Intelligence Organisation oversight employee whose name and position we will never know, and could face criminal prosecution for mentioning even if we did. That isn’t a joke. That isn’t hyperbole. The National Security Amendments Bill (No. 1) has been passed into law, and that means every single thing that’s Australian and online is potentially under investigation.

The bill’s amendments allow ASIO to spy on an unlimited number of computers on a single warrant, to share more information with other agencies, and to send people to jail for even mentioning the specifics of when those things happen.""


ad.2 please tell me where I did that.

ad.3 I also ignore other rich people. Tell me why I should pay special attention to PM Pratut's brother? Did anyone already ask the NACC to have a look at him? Do we have any information on his wealth other than alleged 'inexplicable'?

ad.4 Incorrect. I said reforms are still to be defined.

ad.5 You forget to mention ignoring past instances of corrupt civilian governments.

ad.6 Two things here. One most Thai seem either happy or don't care. Secondly my background has nothing to do with what you think I should believe or stand for. BTW did you study in Australia as under privileged Thai?

ad.7 Black isn't white. Both are no colours though.

Correction: Either one or the other is seen by some as a colour it would seem


How do you know that most Thais are happy with the military government? Of course you don't know, because you have no way of putting this premise to the test. Elections do just that, but you don't seem keen on holding one, do you?

Behold yet another example of your putting forward a falsehood as a fact, then trying to build an argument on top of it.

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I think you're right. He's a troll.

All he does is use sophism to build arguments on his own false opinions rather than facts. For example:

1) just now he was trying to equate Australia's anti-terror laws as a 'culture of fear', similar to Thailand's political repression.

2) A while back, he also tried to pretend that the junta was new and didn't inherit its members from the RTA, that they were 'new people' and should be treated as such.

3) Ignoring Prayuth's rich kid bro in the NLA

4) Calling repression 'reforms'and 'education'

5) Ignoring past instances of corrupt Thai military rule

6) Hypocritically expecting Thais to live under a dictator while he himself is the product of a liberal democracy


I think he'll say that black is white to troll his point.

Ah well, Sunday adternoon and nothing better to do for a while, so since you asked for it ... ...

ad1. I quoted from an Australian website which posted on 2014-10-10

""Welcome, reader, and welcome, anonymous Australian Security Intelligence Organisation oversight employee whose name and position we will never know, and could face criminal prosecution for mentioning even if we did. That isn’t a joke. That isn’t hyperbole. The National Security Amendments Bill (No. 1) has been passed into law, and that means every single thing that’s Australian and online is potentially under investigation.

The bill’s amendments allow ASIO to spy on an unlimited number of computers on a single warrant, to share more information with other agencies, and to send people to jail for even mentioning the specifics of when those things happen.""


ad.2 please tell me where I did that.

ad.3 I also ignore other rich people. Tell me why I should pay special attention to PM Pratut's brother? Did anyone already ask the NACC to have a look at him? Do we have any information on his wealth other than alleged 'inexplicable'?

ad.4 Incorrect. I said reforms are still to be defined.

ad.5 You forget to mention ignoring past instances of corrupt civilian governments.

ad.6 Two things here. One most Thai seem either happy or don't care. Secondly my background has nothing to do with what you think I should believe or stand for. BTW did you study in Australia as under privileged Thai?

ad.7 Black isn't white. Both are no colours though.

Correction: Either one or the other is seen by some as a colour it would seem


How do you know that most Thais are happy with the military government? Of course you don't know, because you have no way of putting this premise to the test. Elections do just that, but you don't seem keen on holding one, do you?

Behold yet another example of your putting forward a falsehood as a fact, then trying to build an argument on top of it.

Did you notice the "most seem to either be happy or not care". Now that's the impression I get from looking around me, mostly in Bangkok only. Your opposite opinion seems just that as well. Now as for holding elections, first reforms, even first defining and agreeing on reforms. Now that's the difficult part with some rather not participating, rather obstructing, rather have a few more months or years of chaos. Without reforms having elections doesn't make sense.

Oh, btw I'm not against elections in a democracy, but Thai first need to learn what that means. That includes you with your fequent suggestions that I should know better, I should think differently, just because you want it so.

Lastly, making statements like "falsehood" based on incorrect interpretations and assumptions don't give much value to all you conclude from it.

PS I guess you agree with the other points rolleyes.gif

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Rid Thailand of corruption, what a joke. He just rewarded the Koh Tao police for thier activities. He is a huge supporter of corruption and getting what he wants by any means.

There does seem to be some sincere desire to tackle corruption. But, the truly devastating aspect of this, is that so far they are only going after small fry, and those that cannot defend themselves. There appears to be a total refusal to go after the big guys, the corporations, the elite, or the ministers who are as corrupt as the day is long. And even in the case of going after a few mayors, is there enough follow up with the courts, to make sure the prosecutors and judges are not compromised? A 10-30 year sentence, handed out to someone high profile, along with a ten million baht fine, imposed on the family, after these guys are thrown in a prison, would go a long way toward serving as a deterrent. Going after the tiny guys does not. Are you real, or are you a showman?

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Rid Thailand of corruption, what a joke. He just rewarded the Koh Tao police for thier activities. He is a huge supporter of corruption and getting what he wants by any means.

There does seem to be some sincere desire to tackle corruption. But, the truly devastating aspect of this, is that so far they are only going after small fry, and those that cannot defend themselves. There appears to be a total refusal to go after the big guys, the corporations, the elite, or the ministers who are as corrupt as the day is long. And even in the case of going after a few mayors, is there enough follow up with the courts, to make sure the prosecutors and judges are not compromised? A 10-30 year sentence, handed out to someone high profile, along with a ten million baht fine, imposed on the family, after these guys are thrown in a prison, would go a long way toward serving as a deterrent. Going after the tiny guys does not. Are you real, or are you a showman?

You can be sure they feel their judicial system is most superior, as lengthy jail sentences for females caught with small amounts of drugs get sentenced to 15 years, while the cousins and brothers of the government are free to traffic in all the full moon party drugs they like,

or does the general think those drugs are airlifted by aliens to those islands?

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