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PM Prayut loses his cool


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You are such a homer that your responses end up sounding clueless,,,

Obama gets raked over the coals by reporters journalists and writers...if the General took the abuse Obama gets, he would throw them in jail and that's the between having a democratic society and one that isn't...

Why is the Generals brother so wealthy? Maybe the General too? Are we sure he even has a thai birth certificate?


Every Leader gets crap from reporters, including the queen and the last 2 ELECTED prime ministers. I have always said be careful of this military man. he smiles like a crocodile and probably bites like one too.

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let the mods do their job he just said the truth
Ignore him. Just a patetic attempt to save face... and it failed.

Ignore who or what maxme? Please be more specific.

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He seems to forget he is not a general anymore. Let someone else runs the country if he can't handle a little pressure from the press.

Its unfortunate that you can't comprehend there is privilege that comes with the position of being a leader of a country.

That is one of respect.

Do you think the US President would even allow a reporter like this in? No, part of being granted a Press Pass is to be respectful.

The PM raised his voice. That is how you remind a subordinate that they are stepping out of line.

Obviously you have always been an underling to not grasp even that simple truth.

Although I agree that there should be a level of respect I also think everyone should remember that the PM has a boss, the general public. He basically is a servant of the people, he is assigned to run the country on behalf of the people and as such he needs to be fully accountable for everything that happens.

I have a question because your last sentence sounds quite loaded.

What country are you from? Is your leader fully accountable for EVERYTHING that happens?

"Everything" seems a bit too broad a stroke of the brush to me. Can you provide some examples?


Not loaded at all, the statement is as you read it. The PM is fully accountable for affairs of running the country, thats his job.

Don't see what country I am from has to do with it really. Every PM is accountable for affairs of running the country whatever country it is, its as simple as that.

No examples needed, should be easy to understand.

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Obama loses cool?


President Obama lets a reporter know who is the Boss?

Nice try, but you're trying to compare apples n oranges. As much as I'm not into the bloke, Obama was being heckled. The General, on the other hand, was being asked a simple question, calmly, and he didn't like it simply because he was being questioned. It is not the Thai way to question a senior, period, and he was just being typical. Please tell me you are new to Thailand?

You said it yourself here Dave, the reporter was behaving outside of cultural norms and by doing so was disrespectful to the Commander in chief.

Those cultural norms are different than in the US but the result is the same--it is considered a provocation and the Boss rightfully reminds the reporter he is the boss.

Yes, I am new to Thailand, three years now. Fact is I miss the US and I miss the culture in the US.

There are things in Thailand I do not care for...but rather than whine incessantly about them like so many negative posters here, I am choosing to spend far more time back home in my little part of the world.

Now howabout you Dave. Are you are an expert on Thainess? Do you think Thailand was governed better prior to the Junta?

Serious question--I would like to know the opinion of someone who has long experience here. What made Thailand better pre-Junta?


You say we ( Dave and others) whine incessantly about the negatives in Thailand your the 0ne with over 2,650 posts (over 442 per month) in the 6 months you have been a member of this forum saying incessantly how little we know about Thainess. Sure Obama let the reporter know he's in charge because he was being heckeled --what would the General have done if that happened to him. And Obama did answer the questions he was asked. By the way you say your staying in your little corner of the world , would that be Thailand ? Because if you were staying in USA don't see the need for you keep upholding all things Thai--why should you care?


The 65-page report by Amnesty International calls for the restoration of full civil and human rights.

Edited by Tony125
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I was development manager for 250 people at sony and never had to raise my voice, respect is earned... you can't shout to get respect

Eh Umm! Aren't Sony almost bankrupt now?

Now we know the reason. Too soft management. Mai pen rai~~

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Someone is off to summer camp a little early? To be reprogrammed?

It’s OK to ask a question; it’s not Ok to use your power to control what you want heard.

No one is asking the hard questions of the Prime Minister. If he was in the west he would be branded as someone with anger issues.

Running a country you are still responsible for your actions and more important to the people of that country.

When you have martial law you can do and say whatever you want.

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Nice guy! Stress is showing. Maybe his brother's wealth should not have come to light. giggle.gif

Well a hater is going to hate.

I guess if you can't find any dirt on the General then hold him responsible for his brother...his brothers wealth.

I think the General should do what world leaders do everywhere else--get a spokesperson and limit access of reporters.

Maybe I missed it, but has the general declared assets already ?

I think, write, give orders, follow up on the work and write the plans. Anyone who can write [the plan as I do] please come and stand here.

The guy clearly suffers from the Superman syndrome.

So if anyone can write a plan, they should stand up and explain how they can write a plan? And if more than one person can write the plan, they should all explain their plan, and then the people could decide who has the best plan. Oh wait, that would be called a campaign and an election...

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There is no such thing as a democracy in any Military organisation it's an autocracy you follow orders it's that simple, that's the problem the General is facing he's used to the autocracy of his position.

People with such power in the past find it incredibly difficult to relinquish it and adopt a much softer and democratic process.

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Thailand: It's a very nice place and you should visit it sometime.

lol at people who were in bangkok phuket and pattaya only and tell me to visit thailand..

Get this right... You'll be a very happy camper.

dude..i have been in places in thailand u dont even know...

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Someone is off to summer camp a little early? To be reprogrammed?

It’s OK to ask a question; it’s not Ok to use your power to control what you want heard.

No one is asking the hard questions of the Prime Minister. If he was in the west he would be branded as someone with anger issues.

Running a country you are still responsible for your actions and more important to the people of that country.

When you have martial law you can do and say whatever you want.


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Once more..... I don't live in Mexico, or the Middle east, although i've spent a lot of time in the middle east.. I live in Thailand, and i've seen incidents like Koh Tao and much more regularly swept under the rug to save face and to protect friends and family, and usually with a monetary exchange into the bargain. The sole reason why this case has risen to the heights that it has, is because of the sheer brutality of the crime, with the ensuing transparent "FIT UP" and now because the world's looking at Thailand and it's leaders, they're getting a bit hot under the collar. So they bloody well should ! It's about time incidents like these stop, or next time it could be you or someone from your family........ Oh and by the way, the ice caps melting ! perspective, i don't think seven 11 sells it...........

Once more?

And you need to focus on this topic and not hijack it into another KT thread since there are already seversl of those.

The issue is the General losing his cool, he's losing his cool because he's being asked awkward questions that he could answer very easily but he can't due to the implications. If you stick with the truth you can't too far wrong, but once you start hiding the truth, then it's gets hot under the collar, maybe that's the reason why the generals losing his cool. The Kt incident is one of the hottest potatoes at the moment on the generals agenda, and all he has to say is, please come in and investigate all you want, but imagine the implications of that ? I think maybe the general might like to take a leaf out of Pattons book, straight and truthful......... no problems there.......

The General is a strsight and truthful man.

You just have to get rid of your prejudice.

This is slightly unnerving, this is not prejudice, i would say that to anybody whether he be a General or a toilet cleaner. If you're asked a question, tell the truth...... Simple. As for the much repeated statement of the General being a straight and truthful man, please tell me, are you family or friend ?

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There is no such thing as a democracy in any Military organisation it's an autocracy you follow orders it's that simple, that's the problem the General is facing he's used to the autocracy of his position.

People with such power in the past find it incredibly difficult to relinquish it and adopt a much softer and democratic process.

I would extend the accurate statement to also point out generals are not educated or trained to rule or govern nation states. A military governor or ruler is exactly and precisely that, nothing more. Any such country is essentially a military installation under a commanding general that expects everyone around him to hop to.

No general or admiral accepts being questioned either in public or in his office which is another core reason military commanders make lousy rulers.

To bring the point closer to home, imagine your mother- in- law walking in as a general you can't question or argue with .....

....or your gf...wife.....

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He seems to forget he is not a general anymore. Let someone else runs the country if he can't handle a little pressure from the press.

Its unfortunate that you can't comprehend there is privilege that comes with the position of being a leader of a country.

That is one of respect.

Do you think the US President would even allow a reporter like this in? No, part of being granted a Press Pass is to be respectful.

The PM raised his voice. That is how you remind a subordinate that they are stepping out of line.

Obviously you have always been an underling to not grasp even that simple truth.

" The PM raised his voice. That is how you remind a subordinate that they are stepping out of line." blink.png


Since when has the Press been his subordinate?


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There is no such thing as a democracy in any Military organisation it's an autocracy you follow orders it's that simple, that's the problem the General is facing he's used to the autocracy of his position.

People with such power in the past find it incredibly difficult to relinquish it and adopt a much softer and democratic process.

I would extend the accurate statement to also point out generals are not educated or trained to rule or govern nation states. A military governor or ruler is exactly and precisely that, nothing more. Any such country is essentially a military installation under a commanding general that expects everyone around him to hop to.

No general or admiral accepts being questioned either in public or in his office which is another core reason military commanders make lousy rulers.

To bring the point closer to home, imagine your mother- in- law walking in as a general you can't question or argue with .....

....or your gf...wife.....

Mind you, somehow even PMs don't seem to be trained to 'rule' or 'govern'. Especially those who are simply positioned by a big brother and only bring having been the president of their families company as 'experience' with them.

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He seems to forget he is not a general anymore. Let someone else runs the country if he can't handle a little pressure from the press.

Its unfortunate that you can't comprehend there is privilege that comes with the position of being a leader of a country.

That is one of respect.

Do you think the US President would even allow a reporter like this in? No, part of being granted a Press Pass is to be respectful.

The PM raised his voice. That is how you remind a subordinate that they are stepping out of line.

Obviously you have always been an underling to not grasp even that simple truth.

" The PM raised his voice. That is how you remind a subordinate that they are stepping out of line." blink.png


Since when has the Press been his subordinate?


2014-05-22 ?

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There is no such thing as a democracy in any Military organisation it's an autocracy you follow orders it's that simple, that's the problem the General is facing he's used to the autocracy of his position.

People with such power in the past find it incredibly difficult to relinquish it and adopt a much softer and democratic process.

I would extend the accurate statement to also point out generals are not educated or trained to rule or govern nation states. A military governor or ruler is exactly and precisely that, nothing more. Any such country is essentially a military installation under a commanding general that expects everyone around him to hop to.

No general or admiral accepts being questioned either in public or in his office which is another core reason military commanders make lousy rulers.

To bring the point closer to home, imagine your mother- in- law walking in as a general you can't question or argue with .....

....or your gf...wife.....

Mind you, somehow even PMs don't seem to be trained to 'rule' or 'govern'. Especially those who are simply positioned by a big brother and only bring having been the president of their families company as 'experience' with them.

It is clear from the OP that Prayut didn't need to be trained, since he considers himself a born leader.

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It would seem that, to this point, the general has failed to grasp that as the unelected leader of, what was, a democratic country, there are myriad expectations of him. Upon assuming leadership, the general made numerous promises to the people of Thailand; promises that, so far, are, in the minds of the people, slow in coming. The general promised reforms, including transparency in governance. The reporter was fully entitled to bring to the general's attention the perception that he is being evasive, and failing to provide full and complete disclosure...something that the people, following his promises, are expecting. The general is a life-long career army man, and is unaccustomed to having his word, or, in the role of commander, his performance questioned. My advice...get used to it. The people have extraordinarily high expectations, and, in my opinion, the general's performance to date has been middling. After an initial outburst of surface house cleaning, there does not seem to be a commitment to following through on the difficult tasks that are necessary to seeing Thailand emerge from a decades long rule by corrupt, incompetent "big shots" who are loathe to give up the status quo, and are doing, and will do, whatever they can to maintain the perks they have become accustomed to. Reform was promised...the people are waiting, and waiting for crystal clear transparency from their leaders, elected or otherwise. I strongly believe that the general wants the best for Thailand. I have no doubt that there are those in high positions that are doing their dead-level best to undermine him. He has the highly unenviable task of keeping God only knows how many balls in the air. But this was the job he took on. So now it's time to take on the powerful interests, kick butt when and where necessary, and get the job done.

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The real story here is that whenever the Army get into power, they quickly show they are political amateurs.

And this is in a country where the bar for political performance is so low that worms bruise their shins on it..

Edited by canuckamuck
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It appears in history that it is often easier to take power than to govern. I had to agree that seizing power prevented an imminent outbreak of increased violence in Thailand, especially in Bangkok. I also confess to being an optimist or wishful thinker when it came to announcements of broad reforms being instituted.

But now the rubber is hitting the road and some time has passed. The junta is finding that those who bid their time are now seeing where this affects them and are starting to show resistance in defense of their interests. Several interest fronts will now begin their opposition, the General will be forced to spend increased amounts of time facing this political/social opposition and have increased opposition to instituting reforms. In the end? Let us start the betting....overthrow of the junta? Restoration of a controlled "democracy" under an elite controlled constitution? A new constitution with increased democracy, reflecting a need to help the poor? What are your other scenarios for the future of Thailand?

Yep! I think the general started with good intentions but now finds EVERYONE is on the take and no-one wants to lose their own special gravy train/s. It must be really hard to try & clean up a quagmire like this. Even the people he thought he could trust will be misleading him by now and institutions everywhere will be opposing every change.

I think he should start on a couple of big ones ASAP. (One or more corrupt islands & land-locked enclaves and the R T police) while he still has martial law to back him up. If not very soon, then it will be too late & the people may decide (before the next election) that the reforms have lost their impetus and it has all turned into "same old, same old Thailand"

Please General, keep up the good plans you had when you started. Let the people see real results. Thailand desperately needs the changes you came in promising to achieve. If not you, who on this earth will do it?

. You mean the lottery to be no more than 80 baht,that didn't last long back up to 100 baht now,I am guessing that there are more back as they were.
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There is no such thing as a democracy in any Military organisation it's an autocracy you follow orders it's that simple, that's the problem the General is facing he's used to the autocracy of his position.

People with such power in the past find it incredibly difficult to relinquish it and adopt a much softer and democratic process.

I would extend the accurate statement to also point out generals are not educated or trained to rule or govern nation states. A military governor or ruler is exactly and precisely that, nothing more. Any such country is essentially a military installation under a commanding general that expects everyone around him to hop to.

No general or admiral accepts being questioned either in public or in his office which is another core reason military commanders make lousy rulers.

To bring the point closer to home, imagine your mother- in- law walking in as a general you can't question or argue with .....

....or your gf...wife.....

Mind you, somehow even PMs don't seem to be trained to 'rule' or 'govern'. Especially those who are simply positioned by a big brother and only bring having been the president of their families company as 'experience' with them.

It is clear from the OP that Prayut didn't need to be trained, since he considers himself a born leader.

Or superior?

It is a high and mighty response from the fellow, along with being arrogant aloof and showing his decisions are not to be questioned. But then again we are not talking about a democratic elected regime?

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