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My observation going through customs at the airport very quiet


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I landed on thai airways at swampy about 10:30 pm the other night was very surprised at immigration there was almost no people at. Immigration I could pick from about half a dozen open imigration desks were there. Was no person in a line up . I know in the past massive line ups at immigration at this time of night

I have never seen it this quiet in 11 years flying in and out of here .

And the plane was the same 747 maybe 40 % full and from what I seen only about a dozen westerners on the plane , we're as in the past there would be man westerners there was row upon row with no person in the seats could sit almost any were and stretch out on the seats .

Not saying the reason or cause it was just an observation have others noticed this to ?

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It's low season (end of it anyway) and this is the reason flights are pretty cheap right now.

Look up a flight to Thailand arriving just before Christmas and returning right after new year - flights are sold out and prices 2-3 times the norm.

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at some hours, few international flights arrive. then again there are actually two rows of immigration, so if some flights arrive at the left wing, the Pax will all walk to the Immi on their side. I have seen it many times that one immigration wing was overcrowded, and the other one was very quiet.

plus of course, it's low season.

last time came I arrived from KL early October around 8.30 pm or so, I was the first and lone "customer" at Immi when I arrived there (thanks to my front-row-seat at MAS ^^ )

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I landed on thai airways at swampy about 10:30 pm the other night was very surprised at immigration there was almost no people at. Immigration I could pick from about half a dozen open imigration desks were there. Was no person in a line up . I know in the past massive line ups at immigration at this time of night

I have never seen it this quiet in 11 years flying in and out of here .

I have, many times. It mostly seems to be luck of the draw as to who else just landed before you.

I have also seen it backed up out of the immigration hall. Now THAT is a nightmare.

Edited by WhizBang
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Different times of the day and some days more busy than others. Last night at midnight, very busy incoming and outgoing. Same at midnight last Saturday night incoming. High season approaching, if what the press has been reporting and it continues with 10% reduced arrivals from 12 months prior, probably will not notice a big change. Traffic is no easier than a year ago running into Pattaya!

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It's low season (end of it anyway) and this is the reason flights are pretty cheap right now.

Look up a flight to Thailand arriving just before Christmas and returning right after new year - flights are sold out and prices 2-3 times the norm.

Yeah sure . . . .

Round trip from the States is usually about $1,500 USD So you are now telling me I can not even get a flight and that it will cost more that $3,000?

From the UK/ Europe it's about $1,000 USD ( just to use the same denomination) and once again, no flights to be had and if so $2,000 or more?

Just checked. Seats available and prices about the same.

Hard to imagine what makes people want to come up with this crap.


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A lot of excuses being thrown about here, but the fact is - supported also by news stories recently on this site - is that the tourism economy has tanked. And if TAT is releasing very low numbers, that means they are actually worse than that.

It seems pretty clear; the reason many people want to deny it's a problem, is because they cheered on the martial law, and all the irrational crackdowns that came after. And those voices blasted any person who pointed out how badly it was going to hurt the ecconomy.

So, surprise: it's hurt the economy, a lot. Even anecdotally, all the Thai's I speak with every day say the economy is in frightening shape. And, it is.

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I avoid Swampy like the plague. If I have to return to the States, I take Silk Air from CNX to Singapore, then EVA to LA. Evergreen Deluxe class. Not much more expensive than Coach, but 10 times the comfort. Return trip the same way.

Edited by Just1Voice
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When one flies business class one never queues,

but the last thing I want to do is gloat about.it.

in case your sarcastic comment was referring to me: I never ever flew business class into BKK in my life, but I still sit in front (of Y class) as I am smart enough to check in online as soon as it is possible.

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I landed on thai airways at swampy about 10:30 pm the other night was very surprised at immigration there was almost no people at. Immigration I could pick from about half a dozen open imigration desks were there. Was no person in a line up . I know in the past massive line ups at immigration at this time of night

I have never seen it this quiet in 11 years flying in and out of here .

I have, many times. It mostly seems to be luck of the draw as to who else just landed before you.

I have also seen it backed up out of the immigration hall. Now THAT is a nightmare.

So you've arrived at your departure airport 2 hours before boarding..flown voluntarily anywhere between 9 and say 14 hours to get to BKK.

So all up maybe anywhere between 11 hours or 16 hours or more to get to Thailand and now have to wait 45 minutes to get through immigration...that is a nightmare?

Stop complaining.

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I avoid Swampy like the plague. If I have to return to the States, I take Silk Air from CNX to Singapore, then EVA to LA. Evergreen Deluxe class. Not much more expensive than Coach, but 10 times the comfort. Return trip the same way.

Repeat that in English.

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It's low season (end of it anyway) and this is the reason flights are pretty cheap right now.

Look up a flight to Thailand arriving just before Christmas and returning right after new year - flights are sold out and prices 2-3 times the norm.

.....and we are the only country with Marshal Law, that in reality just improves the country (soon coming to America) The Ruskis Rubble is down, 15 to 20% less arrivals

Edited by BlueSkyCowboy
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Just maybe.... A Big MAYBE!! smile.png

If P.M. wants to increase Tourism.... Biggest and Best way would be to Not Say when Something happens... People are Murdered! Raped! When it involves Farangs... "It is Tourists Problem, Not Thailands!"

Would be to #1... Invite Home Country of Victims to get Involved ASAP! With any and all investigations!!! Not Say we have it under control.... You are not needed here!!!" PM being from Military, has very little insight into the inner circle and workings of Police Forces in Thailands Provinces... Yes There are some who try to good Job... but that is a Minority! Most have a second income source.... Which should and must be declared and reported, or Officer be dismissed... Either one way or you are no longer Employed, Period! Not get moved to Inactive Post... (Vacaction? at same rate of pay? Easy Street because nothin to do?)

You are starting to see how Tourists have read between the lines on how the P.M. has invited them... "Thailand wants good!! Tourists... Interpitted to english from Thai thinking... is if you have lots of MONEY... Rich... International Figure... please come... we want you to enoy Thailand!!!

Mr. P.M. These are the peope who are smart enough to "Not" come here! Why should they feed the crime that seems to be the 2nd most Important Thai Job... in "All" Tourist locations???? Not to say If you come here... You come at your risk... "Not Thailands!"

This is read this way because in your 2nd breath you stated that we must be careful! You "Did Not" anywhere say that Thailand would Protect us.. Nowhere did you try to impose a sense of security in the minds of future Tourists that they would be insured Thailand... Because they were visitors would try to make sure that while being here they could feel secure...

All you said was this is Thailand... Rest of the World you cannot come here to protect your people here when there is problem... Only that you would insure Thai People they would be protected from the rest of the world.... ????? You say you are trying to boost Tourism? Think again!! With a mind set such as this you might also be closing the doors on World Trade!!

If you take a good look at Crime sindicate thinking seems to be seen that From the Boss on down the Mafia Rule Book is also closely related to the thinking here.... "I have Money... Can can kill policeman, leave Thailand and I am protected!" Is it a fact that in Thailand Money is more Powerful then the "Law"???

My Company in America, used to do Millions of Dollars Trade here each year! This will be our last year to Import "Anything" from Thailand!! Other Companies, friends doing same Business World-wide have asked us for advice... What to do... to continue Trade here. I don't Lie! My answer has been. Study Political Thinking in Thailand... Then you have to make this decision, but yes we have! 100%

Anyone in control of a Countries future also has the important responsiblity of providing for his or her Countrymen's survival.... I think this has been forgotten here. The common thought is if things are kept quiet no one will get hurt! This is not the 19th Century... It's almost the 21st! It is impossible to hide things now... Yes! Thailand is not MH370! Yes it has not been found! Not everyone has same thoughts to zip-up their mouth... Some people on both sides of the issue also have "Souls".

You speak from one side of your Mouth you want!!!... But from one side of your Mouth you say... and your Hands sign into Laws a different Story!

Just so you know we have beenwatching Thai News for a long... time! There are Murders all over Thailand! Over 80% of those killed are not Thai... but Farangs!! Comment from Senior Police Official in that a Thai Person... Could not do this type of crime! Who is there to Blame??? How many Thai Nationals are in Prison for Murder?? How many have Paid (because they can afford!) to make it go away. To go free on some sort of legal technicallity??

Yes you started on right path... but you need to get back on it! (Change your wornout shoes so asphalt not burn your feet) The correct Path is never... the easiest! Remember that! If it gets easy, climb a tree and take a good look at where you are...! Where you came from...! How you got there...! and correct it!

I know my Decision on trade will hurt Families, Companies, Single Parents and Children! But it was not my decision that caused this... It was yours!

Which is better for Thailand??

Edited by davidstipek
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before 1 month from FRA to BKK, A380,

same, maybee 40% occupation,

6.30 -7.00 am immigration -

no que - no people,

was before Koh Tao Thai murder gang;

for me just 2 example:

Singha beer:

reduced from 0,67 l to 0,5 lit - same price evrywher = = cheating;

Stooped strictly to order singha;

My favour Hotel in jomtien: half tourists than usual,

price: up min 50% ( and agoda call it for extra special insider deal )

I think 1000 es of reason can be found ;

Thai should remember :

Once if you out in mind of tourists -

you will fight for 10 years to get then back;

But I fear, they still not realiced,

they have to start with the 10 year fight to get the good tourists back;

We sooooooooooooooooooo lucky !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now in SE Asia, we get every day much and much more oportunities,

No cheating from beginning on the flight - gold memeber of Thai - start again cheating on award tickets,

5 months in advance - not peak season - 3 days flexible, not on weekend !!

no seat available on day FRA BKK . no seat available evening BKK - FRA ;

Than you come to immigration, will they accept my Visa ? Haircut, tie, long sleevs, black shoes - all ok ??

you have Hotel booking, you have money? you have return ticket ?

Your priority lagguage with red tag comes last to the belt, ( sorry immigration is now fast - no tourists )

Take the taxi - sir where you go ? Oh - mister - where you go ? ayuthaya ! very good, you been ever there ? no !

Sir - I can give you a special price - meter would be too expensive;

Hotel: Hi Sir, you have a booking ? cant find you ! oh, by Agoda, just a moment sir, but you know, your rate

is a special one, so without breakfast ! how much is breakfast ? 650 only sir;

( dont come at 9.30 - is buffet, than employes have taken to good things off already )

I claiming the perfect view i have seen and booked - and can see , some rooms have it -

Oh sorry Sir, this category of this rooms is not available over Agoda;

You can upgrade sir ! 2.800,- only ! for 2 days ? no per day sir ! but you will get perfect view !

Lets take a nice shower after so long travell - open hot - cold water - half a minute cold - than hot - than cold - than hot - no üpressure -

claim to thge receiption - sorry Sir, this is try season all thai have water shortage;

Lets go out in abeergarden to relax - best you take a taxi - but we can offer you our hotel Limo , how much ? xxx. xx please ??

No I will take a taxi in front, Sir where you want go ?? to XXX - Sir this is not agood place for a farong,

I will bring you to a better one, is it far, no, any a short drive ; ok ,

Oh - your meter is not on - Oh sorry Sir, just broke down Yesterday , dont worry, I'll give you a special price;

Have your trips to LOS different ??

Please come back again !!

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