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Australian planes kill Islamic State militants


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"He wouldn't give exact details on how many missions had involved bombing targets or how many militants were killed for fear of feeding the aggressive propaganda campaign of IS."

....and how many innocent women and children killed?

If Women and children are with ISIS then they are ISIS supporters.....not innocents.

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"He wouldn't give exact details on how many missions had involved bombing targets or how many militants were killed for fear of feeding the aggressive propaganda campaign of IS."

....and how many innocent women and children killed?

War is war NOT Utopia! Do you believe that the extremists have NOT killed any women and children? Get real. They hide behind children and the skirts of women, always have and always will.

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I have no idea how does it feel for Australians to know that there country is killing people without any particular reason - just because the master ordered to fight.

Australia does't not have anything to protect in Iraq, no goals, no objectives...

And how would you stop the slaughter, by the Islamic State militants, of the innocents? Beat them to death with your gums? I am sure those threatened innocents would love to know that you really care for them, NOT.

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"He wouldn't give exact details on how many missions had involved bombing targets or how many militants were killed for fear of feeding the aggressive propaganda campaign of IS."

....and how many innocent women and children killed?

If Women and children are with ISIS then they are ISIS supporters.....not innocents.

Crap. IS has reacted to the bombing by embedding themselves in civilian infrastructure. Sure there will be some civilians supporting IS, but the vast majority will have zero choice on co-location with IS forces.

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They must have bombed them with a 1 ton Vegemite bombs, they died out of disgust of the taste

and the smell alone....

Seriously now, I wish they would also drop pigs' blood on the scum. They would then feel that they had become "unclean", and lose their dreams of going to heaven if killed in jihad!

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coma, on 17 Oct 2014 - 18:59, said:

ezzra, on 17 Oct 2014 - 17:35, said:

They must have bombed them with a 1 ton Vegemite bombs, they died out of disgust of the taste

and the smell alone....

Unfortunately all vegemite is Halal now. We don't want IS scum picking vegemite up off the battlefield and using it as Popeye did spinich.

Um, slightly wrong, vegemite has not changed, only the label has, this is from Kraft, the makers of vegemite "Now, as far as I understand it (and I may be wrong here), this should really be a non-story. Vegemite has not been changed. Vegemite has always been halal. (It is made from brewers yeast, a by-product of beer-making, but since it contains no alcohol it is fine for Muslims to consume.) All that has happened is that it now carries a small symbol that certifies it as halal, which I'm thinking is to clear up any confusion that Muslims may have had, given its association with brewing." What you may not know is that vegemite is also kosher.

Umm ! You maybe "slightly wrong ". Requirements for halal are more than just sticking the halal logo on a product. Although many probabley do.

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Excellent news, keep it up chaps

Killing people are never excellent news. It might be necessary but it isn't a reason to cheer.

"Necessary"......A word that i could learn to love.

Don't forget the "MIGHT BE". If we didn't think that it is necessary to support "them" (under a different name) when they fought against the Soviets, we wouldn't have the problem now.

But as that can't be reversed, it might or might not be necessary to fight them now. Or we are wrong again and cutting Saudi Arabia from all funds would be the better idea.

In 20 years we'll know.....

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coma, on 17 Oct 2014 - 18:59, said:

ezzra, on 17 Oct 2014 - 17:35, said:

They must have bombed them with a 1 ton Vegemite bombs, they died out of disgust of the taste

and the smell alone....

Unfortunately all vegemite is Halal now. We don't want IS scum picking vegemite up off the battlefield and using it as Popeye did spinich.

Um, slightly wrong, vegemite has not changed, only the label has, this is from Kraft, the makers of vegemite "Now, as far as I understand it (and I may be wrong here), this should really be a non-story. Vegemite has not been changed. Vegemite has always been halal. (It is made from brewers yeast, a by-product of beer-making, but since it contains no alcohol it is fine for Muslims to consume.) All that has happened is that it now carries a small symbol that certifies it as halal, which I'm thinking is to clear up any confusion that Muslims may have had, given its association with brewing." What you may not know is that vegemite is also kosher.

Wow, kosher and halal. Who would have thunk?

That will get all the TV conspiracy theorists out won't they? Vegemite - the victim of a Islamist Jewish plan to take over the world!

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you guys are seriously off chops. Now that Australia has dropped bombs what do you think the repercussions will be? This continuous battle/war is because of America. If they stayed on their own soil and out of everyone else's business this wouldn't be such an issue as the media has made it out. The US are the ones supplying the Islamic State with weapons, they want war so they have an excuse to increase presence in the region. The truth is the US wants control of resources that what all the wars in the middle east have been about. I remember years ago a video being release by Saddam Hussein stating that they just wanted other countries to leave them alone because the war between Iran and Iraq has nothing to do with them. He said that all countries who left them alone and removed groups would be left alone as well. All countries who did remove their groups and have stayed out of it have to date been left alone. America never did and instead increased their numbers so look at what has happened. Now that Australia has backed America again they will attack Australia, this is almost guaranteed, and remember Australia has a very small defence force.

No - most of the posters here seem sensible and support the fight against a dangerous fanatical bunch of murdering rapists who use their perverted version of a religion to justify their illegal and barbarous acts.

Turning into an anti American rant is more likely "off chops".

Saddam Hussein - keep your nose out while I invade and conquer Kuwait to steal their wealth, drop chemical weapons on the Kurds, murder imprison and torture any who appose me, and their extended families, put my offspring and family into senior positions because I want to etc etc. And you suggest believing things he said. Thankfully his evil self enriching autocracy ended with his rope dance.

Australia is more than capable of holding its own. A small but very professional, highly skilled and capable defense force, who have proven when necessary they can deliver.

Go Aussie Go! And thank you for being a good world citizen willing to take action for the greater good.

Well said Bearboxer.

Phuketboy.. Its attitudes like yours that have allowed situations like these to develop. There are already attacks in western countries and asian countries against western get togethers so sitting back and ignoring this issue of a threat will only allow them to gain more strength.

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They must have bombed them with a 1 ton Vegemite bombs, they died out of disgust of the taste

and the smell alone....

Unfortunately all vegemite is Halal now. We don't want IS scum picking vegemite up off the battlefield and using it as Popeye did spinich.

The Kraft stuff is, and from memory Kraft is now American owned.. Not Australian any more. Dick Smiths products are not HALAL and I for one believe Australians should be supporting Dick a little more than they are. Last I read his business has taken a tumble.

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I have no idea how does it feel for Australians to know that there country is killing people without any particular reason - just because the master ordered to fight.

Australia does't not have anything to protect in Iraq, no goals, no objectives...

You obviously havent been keeping up with the news. Australia has foiled a number of serious attacks planned out by suspected ISIS members/followers lately.

And apart from that, virtually anyone is at risk of terror attacks so any country that does not welcome ISIS beliefs being pushed upon their communities should be involved for the others they will have nothing to cry about when it happens to them.

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you guys are seriously off chops. Now that Australia has dropped bombs what do you think the repercussions will be? This continuous battle/war is because of America. If they stayed on their own soil and out of everyone else's business this wouldn't be such an issue as the media has made it out. The US are the ones supplying the Islamic State with weapons, they want war so they have an excuse to increase presence in the region. The truth is the US wants control of resources that what all the wars in the middle east have been about. I remember years ago a video being release by Saddam Hussein stating that they just wanted other countries to leave them alone because the war between Iran and Iraq has nothing to do with them. He said that all countries who left them alone and removed groups would be left alone as well. All countries who did remove their groups and have stayed out of it have to date been left alone. America never did and instead increased their numbers so look at what has happened. Now that Australia has backed America again they will attack Australia, this is almost guaranteed, and remember Australia has a very small defence force.

Absolute bullshit. This war is to stop a genocide..its Muslim on Muslim. Any other talk is crap. Remember the shit in Bosnia? Nato was trying to stop a genocide of the Muslims by the Christians in that war. But the Muslims never remember. It is always kill the infidels.

Why do we bother....let them do whatever..consolidate their positions..and the a few nukes.

Just joking...maybe......but food for thought

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you guys are seriously off chops. Now that Australia has dropped bombs what do you think the repercussions will be? This continuous battle/war is because of America. If they stayed on their own soil and out of everyone else's business this wouldn't be such an issue as the media has made it out. The US are the ones supplying the Islamic State with weapons, they want war so they have an excuse to increase presence in the region. The truth is the US wants control of resources that what all the wars in the middle east have been about. I remember years ago a video being release by Saddam Hussein stating that they just wanted other countries to leave them alone because the war between Iran and Iraq has nothing to do with them. He said that all countries who left them alone and removed groups would be left alone as well. All countries who did remove their groups and have stayed out of it have to date been left alone. America never did and instead increased their numbers so look at what has happened. Now that Australia has backed America again they will attack Australia, this is almost guaranteed, and remember Australia has a very small defence force.

Very small defence force maybe. But balls of steel. Bring it on if you dare. If you really believe Australia was disarmed of guns a few years ago you are very much mistaken.

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coma, on 17 Oct 2014 - 18:59, said:
ezzra, on 17 Oct 2014 - 17:35, said:

They must have bombed them with a 1 ton Vegemite bombs, they died out of disgust of the taste

and the smell alone....

Unfortunately all vegemite is Halal now. We don't want IS scum picking vegemite up off the battlefield and using it as Popeye did spinich.

Um, slightly wrong, vegemite has not changed, only the label has, this is from Kraft, the makers of vegemite "Now, as far as I understand it (and I may be wrong here), this should really be a non-story. Vegemite has not been changed. Vegemite has always been halal. (It is made from brewers yeast, a by-product of beer-making, but since it contains no alcohol it is fine for Muslims to consume.) All that has happened is that it now carries a small symbol that certifies it as halal, which I'm thinking is to clear up any confusion that Muslims may have had, given its association with brewing." What you may not know is that vegemite is also kosher.

yes mate we understand. The product vendors pay some self appointed Islamic agency for the right to say a product is Halal. Some people call this the Muslim tax. And the money raised goes.....where....

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I have no idea how does it feel for Australians to know that there country is killing people without any particular reason - just because the master ordered to fight.

Australia does't not have anything to protect in Iraq, no goals, no objectives...

We all should worry - ISIS is a plague that needs to be crushed before it spreads worldwide. In the US there was an attempted beheading recently, in the UK there was a beheading, in Oz there was an attempt but fortunately the perp was shot. This isn't going to go away. while ISIS exists.

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you guys are seriously off chops. Now that Australia has dropped bombs what do you think the repercussions will be? This continuous battle/war is because of America. If they stayed on their own soil and out of everyone else's business this wouldn't be such an issue as the media has made it out. The US are the ones supplying the Islamic State with weapons, they want war so they have an excuse to increase presence in the region. The truth is the US wants control of resources that what all the wars in the middle east have been about. I remember years ago a video being release by Saddam Hussein stating that they just wanted other countries to leave them alone because the war between Iran and Iraq has nothing to do with them. He said that all countries who left them alone and removed groups would be left alone as well. All countries who did remove their groups and have stayed out of it have to date been left alone. America never did and instead increased their numbers so look at what has happened. Now that Australia has backed America again they will attack Australia, this is almost guaranteed, and remember Australia has a very small defence force.

You are nothing but a cowardly IS apologist.

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"He wouldn't give exact details on how many missions had involved bombing targets or how many militants were killed for fear of feeding the aggressive propaganda campaign of IS."

....and how many innocent women and children killed?

If Women and children are with ISIS then they are ISIS supporters.....not innocents.

True. Kids holding the decapitated heads of non believers and celebrating the murder are not innocent and they just like thier parents will slit your throat before you know it.
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coma, on 17 Oct 2014 - 18:59, said:

ezzra, on 17 Oct 2014 - 17:35, said:

They must have bombed them with a 1 ton Vegemite bombs, they died out of disgust of the taste

and the smell alone....

Unfortunately all vegemite is Halal now. We don't want IS scum picking vegemite up off the battlefield and using it as Popeye did spinich.

Um, slightly wrong, vegemite has not changed, only the label has, this is from Kraft, the makers of vegemite "Now, as far as I understand it (and I may be wrong here), this should really be a non-story. Vegemite has not been changed. Vegemite has always been halal. (It is made from brewers yeast, a by-product of beer-making, but since it contains no alcohol it is fine for Muslims to consume.) All that has happened is that it now carries a small symbol that certifies it as halal, which I'm thinking is to clear up any confusion that Muslims may have had, given its association with brewing." What you may not know is that vegemite is also kosher.

I wanted to write the same. Products without pork and alcohol (and a few other things maybe) are almost automatically halal. As long as it isn't about slaughter of animals the symbol is just an information.

But you also have to pay for the halal certification and the money goes to the Islamic council of Australia as they own the word. So if Aussies want to sell thier products to the muslim community they 1st have to pay them.
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Excellent news, keep it up chaps

Killing people are never excellent news. It might be necessary but it isn't a reason to cheer.

Agreed. Killing people is never excellent news. The only thing is that these are not people.

They are lower than disease bearing cockroaches and I for one will cheer every time that somebody steps on one of those.

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I have no idea how does it feel for Australians to know that there country is killing people without any particular reason - just because the master ordered to fight.

Australia does't not have anything to protect in Iraq, no goals, no objectives...

You are joking and having a lend of us right? Do you really believe that Australia is killing people for no reason? These people have already threatened Australia and it's citizens and are more than capable of carrying out it's threats if Australia just sat back and allowed it. These people are an enormous threat to Australia security. They have already attacked people on Australian soil. Blow this scum of the planet before they do it to you and you children.
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I have no idea how does it feel for Australians to know that there country is killing people without any particular reason - just because the master ordered to fight.

Australia does't not have anything to protect in Iraq, no goals, no objectives...

You are joking and having a lend of us right? Do you really believe that Australia is killing people for no reason? These people have already threatened Australia and it's citizens and are more than capable of carrying out it's threats if Australia just sat back and allowed it. These people are an enormous threat to Australia security. They have already attacked people on Australian soil. Blow this scum of the planet before they do it to you and you children.

Oz has sent six Hornets out of 24 for bombing missions in Iraq. Not permitted to take on missions in Syria that is the main base for IS. OK, but in my opinion a political gesture.

The greatest threat to Oz is home grown terrorism, which appears Oz security is now getting on top of, assisted by an additional $600m allocated expenditure.

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