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Australian planes kill Islamic State militants


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coma, on 17 Oct 2014 - 18:59, said:
ezzra, on 17 Oct 2014 - 17:35, said:

They must have bombed them with a 1 ton Vegemite bombs, they died out of disgust of the taste
and the smell alone....

Unfortunately all vegemite is Halal now. We don't want IS scum picking vegemite up off the battlefield and using it as Popeye did spinich.

Um, slightly wrong, vegemite has not changed, only the label has, this is from Kraft, the makers of vegemite "Now, as far as I understand it (and I may be wrong here), this should really be a non-story. Vegemite has not been changed. Vegemite has always been halal. (It is made from brewers yeast, a by-product of beer-making, but since it contains no alcohol it is fine for Muslims to consume.) All that has happened is that it now carries a small symbol that certifies it as halal, which I'm thinking is to clear up any confusion that Muslims may have had, given its association with brewing." What you may not know is that vegemite is also kosher.

My sister worked for 10 years as head dietician for Kraft, what you have stated above is BS. Vegemite is continually being changed and every time it must go through screening, every batch in fact. It was changed for Halal Certification, along with a huge range of Kraft products. This does not incorporate the ingredients in many of their products, as correctly stated most were already 'halal', but rather the storage, transport and methods used in the factory, all of which, YES, did come at an additional cost to the consumer in the end. The certification would be on top of this, inspectors, licensing etc.. on a yearly basis, but no more or less than that associated with the health department, balh blah in our nanny state. I hope this puts some end to the blaming Vegemite for the terrorists in Syria...seriously people..

But this thread is hardly about Vegemite...

Good on the RAAF, I hope they get all the support they need from their allies and don't get hung out to dry as has happened in the past.


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lvr181, on 17 Oct 2014 - 19:58, said:
globin, on 17 Oct 2014 - 17:29, said:

Well done tony, hard at work spending that carbon tax before the ink is dry.

Extremists should live so you can have a carbon tax?

Some people need to keep up with the real world, Tony has removed the "carbon" tax, this was a few months back.

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Jeffreyake, on 17 Oct 2014 - 20:01, said:

I have no idea how does it feel for Australians to know that there country is killing people without any particular reason - just because the master ordered to fight.

Australia does't not have anything to protect in Iraq, no goals, no objectives...

Maybe we feel happy that we can kill the traitors, who have gone to fight with IS, hopefully stopping them returning and spreading their terror in Australia. You need to "THINK" just a little harder than you do.

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coma, on 17 Oct 2014 - 18:59, said:

ezzra, on 17 Oct 2014 - 17:35, said:

They must have bombed them with a 1 ton Vegemite bombs, they died out of disgust of the taste

and the smell alone....

Unfortunately all vegemite is Halal now. We don't want IS scum picking vegemite up off the battlefield and using it as Popeye did spinich.

Um, slightly wrong, vegemite has not changed, only the label has, this is from Kraft, the makers of vegemite "Now, as far as I understand it (and I may be wrong here), this should really be a non-story. Vegemite has not been changed. Vegemite has always been halal. (It is made from brewers yeast, a by-product of beer-making, but since it contains no alcohol it is fine for Muslims to consume.) All that has happened is that it now carries a small symbol that certifies it as halal, which I'm thinking is to clear up any confusion that Muslims may have had, given its association with brewing." What you may not know is that vegemite is also kosher.

Wow, kosher and halal. Who would have thunk?

That will get all the TV conspiracy theorists out won't they? Vegemite - the victim of a Islamist Jewish plan to take over the world!

Well maybe it is better if everyone set aside the need to have kosher or halal and let everyone decide themselves what to eat and get rid of one of the reasons that enforces all these divisions which lead to people....yes people not Muslim" or "Jews" or "Isis" getting killed.

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coma, on 17 Oct 2014 - 20:48, said:coma, on 17 Oct 2014 - 20:48, said:
MediaWatcher, on 17 Oct 2014 - 19:12, said:MediaWatcher, on 17 Oct 2014 - 19:12, said:
coma, on 17 Oct 2014 - 18:59, said:coma, on 17 Oct 2014 - 18:59, said:

coma, on 17 Oct 2014 - 18:59, said:

ezzra, on 17 Oct 2014 - 17:35, said:ezzra, on 17 Oct 2014 - 17:35, said:

ezzra, on 17 Oct 2014 - 17:35, said:

They must have bombed them with a 1 ton Vegemite bombs, they died out of disgust of the taste

and the smell alone....

Unfortunately all vegemite is Halal now. We don't want IS scum picking vegemite up off the battlefield and using it as Popeye did spinich.

Um, slightly wrong, vegemite has not changed, only the label has, this is from Kraft, the makers of vegemite "Now, as far as I understand it (and I may be wrong here), this should really be a non-story. Vegemite has not been changed. Vegemite has always been halal. (It is made from brewers yeast, a by-product of beer-making, but since it contains no alcohol it is fine for Muslims to consume.) All that has happened is that it now carries a small symbol that certifies it as halal, which I'm thinking is to clear up any confusion that Muslims may have had, given its association with brewing." What you may not know is that vegemite is also kosher.

Umm ! You maybe "slightly wrong ". Requirements for halal are more than just sticking the halal logo on a product. Although many probabley do.

Absolutely right, but it seems you will not believe anyone, if they disagree with you, the quote is directly from Kraft, the manufacturers of Vegemite...take your disbeliefs to them... Personally I do not think Kraft would tamper with Vegemite just to satisfy a small number of vegemite eating Muslims. You should also know what "halal" means... specificity, animal products and alcohol, which are NOT in vegemaite... go read this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halal

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saramsland, on 18 Oct 2014 - 00:15, said:saramsland, on 18 Oct 2014 - 00:15, said:
coma, on 17 Oct 2014 - 18:59, said:coma, on 17 Oct 2014 - 18:59, said:
ezzra, on 17 Oct 2014 - 17:35, said:ezzra, on 17 Oct 2014 - 17:35, said:

They must have bombed them with a 1 ton Vegemite bombs, they died out of disgust of the taste

and the smell alone....

Unfortunately all vegemite is Halal now. We don't want IS scum picking vegemite up off the battlefield and using it as Popeye did spinich.

The Kraft stuff is, and from memory Kraft is now American owned.. Not Australian any more. Dick Smiths products are not HALAL and I for one believe Australians should be supporting Dick a little more than they are. Last I read his business has taken a tumble.

Only two days ago tricky Dicky announced the closure of his food products. Dick himself said his products are NOT certified halal simply because of the cost of certification, no other reason.

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"He wouldn't give exact details on how many missions had involved bombing targets or how many militants were killed for fear of feeding the aggressive propaganda campaign of IS."

....and how many innocent women and children killed?

If Women and children are with ISIS then they are ISIS supporters.....not innocents.

Unless of course they just happened to live there, were human shields or sex slaves, as per another topic.

But what the heck, it has never worried the coalition of the killing before.

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you guys are seriously off chops. Now that Australia has dropped bombs what do you think the repercussions will be? This continuous battle/war is because of America. If they stayed on their own soil and out of everyone else's business this wouldn't be such an issue as the media has made it out. The US are the ones supplying the Islamic State with weapons, they want war so they have an excuse to increase presence in the region. The truth is the US wants control of resources that what all the wars in the middle east have been about. I remember years ago a video being release by Saddam Hussein stating that they just wanted other countries to leave them alone because the war between Iran and Iraq has nothing to do with them. He said that all countries who left them alone and removed groups would be left alone as well. All countries who did remove their groups and have stayed out of it have to date been left alone. America never did and instead increased their numbers so look at what has happened. Now that Australia has backed America again they will attack Australia, this is almost guaranteed, and remember Australia has a very small defence force.

Nonsense! without Americas help, IS would attack the world at will! and unimpeded!

And as for Sadaam he attacked Kuwait,so that makes his video a complete lie!

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"He wouldn't give exact details on how many missions had involved bombing targets or how many militants were killed for fear of feeding the aggressive propaganda campaign of IS."

....and how many innocent women and children killed?

If Women and children are with ISIS then they are ISIS supporters.....not innocents.

Ebony appears to be a fan and supporter of this ISIS scum.
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I love the little sniggering, Vegemite argument going on in the background.......time to get a life, me thinks! 555.

Last week vegemite announced a new low salt vegemite......wonder if the TVF experts here knew about that?

As for the guy that's worried about the size of the Australian military, time to grow a set lad. For a country with only 22 million people, it's ranked 20th out of 106 countries on the Global Firepower military ranks for 2014. Some of the worlds best SAS troops.......and Australian soldiers have a solid reputation for the way they stick around when the going gets tough.....that is the AUSTRALIAN way.

Size of the Australian army ......get ur hand off it.

How do they find their way to TVF......what's next, farang instructions for Thai to make green curry ?

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Nice work by the Aussies thumbsup.gif :Unfortunately in a war the risk of civilian casualties can be high,but there is no exuse for not eliminating ISIL and their supporters.Rest assure if we not they will try to kill as many of us as they can.

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I don't know what names those squadrons use, but how about: "The Screaming Roos"

Well done, mates! Make 'em eat sand.

BTW, what are the Saudis or Jordanians doing, besides cowering on the sidelines? I guess it's easier to get others to fight your battles for you, eh?

Saudis & Jordanians are supporting the coalition with airpower & training facilities. Don't believe they will be invited to provide ground forces due to regional balance of power considerations.

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... slaughtered, dismembered, tortured, raped... by IS!!

"He wouldn't give exact details on how many missions had involved bombing targets or how many militants were killed for fear of feeding the aggressive propaganda campaign of IS."

....and how many innocent women and children killed?

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I don't know what names those squadrons use, but how about: "The Screaming Roos"

Well done, mates! Make 'em eat sand.

BTW, what are the Saudis or Jordanians doing, besides cowering on the sidelines? I guess it's easier to get others to fight your battles for you, eh?

Saudis & Jordanians are supporting the coalition with airpower & training facilities. Don't believe they will be invited to provide ground forces due to regional balance of power considerations.

Who invites? The US? The Iranians should also be irate, as it's their fellow Shi-ites (among others) who are being killed, raped and rendered homeless by sunni-leaning ISIS. Saudis, Iranians and Turks should go charging in there with bayonets fixed. Allow no groveling or excuses. Kill every rag-head who puts up armed resistance, put the remainder in prison for life.

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I don't know what names those squadrons use, but how about: "The Screaming Roos"

Well done, mates! Make 'em eat sand.

BTW, what are the Saudis or Jordanians doing, besides cowering on the sidelines? I guess it's easier to get others to fight your battles for you, eh?

Saudis & Jordanians are supporting the coalition with airpower & training facilities. Don't believe they will be invited to provide ground forces due to regional balance of power considerations.

Who invites? The US? The Iranians should also be irate, as it's their fellow Shi-ites (among others) who are being killed, raped and rendered homeless by sunni-leaning ISIS. Saudis, Iranians and Turks should go charging in there with bayonets fixed. Allow no groveling or excuses. Kill every rag-head who puts up armed resistance, put the remainder in prison for life.

If we are talking about Syria, the US 'invites'. At a minimum do not believe the US would authorise Saudi or Iranians ground forces into what is now being legally defined as "ungoverned areas"; who would enforce their removal if & when a polical vacuum eventuates? Don't believe any Western powers want Assad forces to occupy, as highly likely to carry on with extremely cruel ethnic cleansing policies against the local population. Could be wrong, but do not believe any regional power will support Kurds of any nationality to occupy and declare independence in Northern Syria. In fact has any government articulated a vision for a political end state acceptable to regional State players in Northern Syria?

Iraqi government authorises foreign powers for legal military action within their territory, as has been the recent case for Oz Status of Forces agreement; allegedly now going to be used as a template for other foreign powers. Interestingly, yesterday, in the Oz media was a comment that US military command are resisting Oz SF to have a direct relationship with Iraqi military & is further delaying their operational deployment to Iraq; do not know what that's about.

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"He wouldn't give exact details on how many missions had involved bombing targets or how many militants were killed for fear of feeding the aggressive propaganda campaign of IS."

....and how many innocent women and children killed?

War is war NOT Utopia! Do you believe that the extremists have NOT killed any women and children? Get real. They hide behind children and the skirts of women, always have and always will.

War is war? Are you sure?


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