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After all the previous allegations of murdered Rohingas, forced labour on Thai fishing boats and the ongoing travesty of justice on Koh Tao the BBC have just reported dozens of modern day slaves from Bangladesh and Burma have been rescued in Southern Thailand.....it is difficult to know just how low Thailand can go but what is becoming apparent is Thailand is becoming an International embarrassment



Are you saying you did not know about all the allegations. about slavery , Sex workers, Corruption, Racism, Sexism, Extortion. I thought it was common knowledge about Thailand. It use to be called the Land of Smiles.

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slavery exists everywhere in the world, including europe and north america. spare us your outrage

Trafficking harms 30,000 in EU - most in sex trade

The EU says 30,146 people were registered as victims of human trafficking across the 28-nation EU in the three years to 2013.


And the point is ? Different definitions of slavery, think it wouldn't do any harm to subject AYJAYDEE to some but then maybe he's just protecting his trade.


Btw. What a lot of people are not seeing here are the economic implications. Thailand is pretty much on the downward slope internationally anyway with the military takeover, this only makes stalled negotiations with the EU more problematic, ditto USA. The SEA leper is taking form and I'm certainly not a Thai basher, love the place and the people but can distinguish it from the rampant greed and corruption from a few that is taking it into place from which return is all but impossible.

  • Like 1

slavery exists everywhere in the world, including europe and north america. spare us your outrage

Trafficking harms 30,000 in EU - most in sex trade

The EU says 30,146 people were registered as victims of human trafficking across the 28-nation EU in the three years to 2013.


And the point is ? Different definitions of slavery, think it wouldn't do any harm to subject AYJAYDEE to some but then maybe he's just protecting his trade.

The point is Ayjaydee is right slavery and human trafficking is going on all over the World. Although just because it does doesn't make it any less terrible wherever it happens and every decent person should be outraged.

Those Europe numbers are horrifying.

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And you still buy your cheap fish and veg products

Smell the coffee. Most Thai veg imports into EU banned due to insect infestation, my holy basil comes from Vietnam. Prawns from Vietnam. Chicken is the biggest import product for use in frozen products, multi-million export product for Thailand and a market that is increasingly under threat.


slavery exists everywhere in the world, including europe and north america. spare us your outrage

Trafficking harms 30,000 in EU - most in sex trade

The EU says 30,146 people were registered as victims of human trafficking across the 28-nation EU in the three years to 2013.


And the point is ? Different definitions of slavery, think it wouldn't do any harm to subject AYJAYDEE to some but then maybe he's just protecting his trade.

not different definitions at all. someone held against their will and forced to work is slavery and it happens everywhere. try reading sometime.


Btw. What a lot of people are not seeing here are the economic implications. Thailand is pretty much on the downward slope internationally anyway with the military takeover, this only makes stalled negotiations with the EU more problematic, ditto USA. The SEA leper is taking form and I'm certainly not a Thai basher, love the place and the people but can distinguish it from the rampant greed and corruption from a few that is taking it into place from which return is all but impossible.

we see the economic implications just fine. but your example you used waas silly because it goes on everywhere and by pretending outrage at thailand alone makes you a thai basher


Unfortunately there is a lot to bash, every time you open the news there is another dirty little secret or shameful act being exposed or one of the leadership coming out with another retarded statement, surely even the rabid apologists/junta brown nosers can see that.....all of this can only be bad for Thailand, no amount of burying of heads in the sand is going to make Thailand's present woes go away, this action requires honesty, balls and integrity and unfortunately imho this appears to be in very short supply amongst the present Junta their supporters and the apologist's

agreed but whingeing about it here helpls no one


I disagree by forcing people to look at it and face what is going on there is a chance something could change. I live in Thailand and my daughter is the next generation, I am embarrassed for the Thai people and I worry for my family when I see all this shameful shit on the news and unless people in authority start to act Thailand is on the slippery slope....


I disagree by forcing people to look at it and face what is going on there is a chance something could change. I live in Thailand and my daughter is the next generation, I am embarrassed for the Thai people and I worry for my family when I see all this shameful shit on the news and unless people in authority start to act Thailand is on the slippery slope....

folks in thai visa are going to institute change in the people in authority? lol


Why not things have happened with the Koh Tao farce that have been forced by people on social media, the world is looking at LOS and maybe somebody in authority might grow a pair and start doing something about the corruption here, that said I am a realist so I wont hold my breath.....


I thought they were all working for that company that makes running shoes?

Strange why Malaysia won't let them in I wonder why?


The unfortunate thing about slavery here is that it happens at the instigation or help of, police and navy authorities. If you report it or even quote a paragraph from a prize winning Reuter's report, you don't get your work permit renewed (thus effectively closing down your newspaper) but find yourself on trial for libel with the threat of imprisonment / very heavy fines. At least this doesn't happen in Farang land. much.

They do appear to be doing something about it, so nothing wrong with keeping up the pressure.

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And you still buy your cheap fish and veg products

Smell the coffee. Most Thai veg imports into EU banned due to insect infestation, my holy basil comes from Vietnam. Prawns from Vietnam. Chicken is the biggest import product for use in frozen products, multi-million export product for Thailand and a market that is increasingly under threat.

Or in your case, smell the BS.

There were problems back in 2013 with a few fruit and vegetable items not meeting EU standards, but these issues have since been resolved.

As for your statement; Most Thai veg imports into EU banned due to insect infestation, source please that these are now banned from the EU?

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On the BBC news today a headline, several times, has been 'Thai government and Police intend to prosecute the Bangladeshi's discovered in Southern Thailand as illegal immigrants'. This despite reports that they were lured, drugged, and transported to Thailand by Thai people smugglers. Apparently by labeling them as criminals, this means the Thai's need not treat them as refugees.

  • Like 1

On the BBC news today a headline, several times, has been 'Thai government and Police intend to prosecute the Bangladeshi's discovered in Southern Thailand as illegal immigrants'. This despite reports that they were lured, drugged, and transported to Thailand by Thai people smugglers. Apparently by labeling them as criminals, this means the Thai's need not treat them as refugees.

They are economic migrants. There is no war in Bangladesh so how could they be refugees?

If they were drugged and lured it would have been by their own kind, if you know what I mean.

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