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How much for the RTP to find the real killers?


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Just a thought.............

If the RTP have been paid off to protect the real Koh Toa murderers and set up a couple of innocents, how much would it take for them to find (stop protecting) the real killers?? There seems to be a lot of support from Thai visa members that the two Burmese workers have been set up and the real killers (on Kho Tao) are still at large, so if the RTP have been paid off (the figure of around 1million baht has been mentioned), then would 2 million (or 3, 4 or 5) get them to arrest the real killers??? Thai visa has many members and many people have expressed their anger over this tragedy so why not get a kitty going to offer the said police (or anyone else)??? Over a 100,000 people signed the petition to Camaron, £1 each, £100,000, or 5,000,000 bht, that would get the police thinking!!! Or Thai visa, I would be more than happy to donate £10 or £20 to get justice for Hannah and David and I'm sure at least 1000 other members would too, any thoughts?

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