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Allergy Vaccination


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For some time now I have suffered with chest inflamation, this was diagnosed as "late onset Asthma" and I've had the usual regime of treatments together with extensive tests for all manner of causes.

Yesterday I had a consultation with an allergy consultant here in Rome. He's now undertaking a series of tests for allergy and is proposing (subject to test results) that I undergo allergy vaccination.

Now a couple of observations: Firstly I have always thought allergy was the cause of my breathing problems and I have always felt that my questions regarding allergy have been dismissed (by UK doctors).

I then find out that the allergy vaccination is no longer used in the UK, but is widespread in Europe and the US.

So, while it is still no way certain that I shall actually undergo allergy vaccination, has anyone any direct experience they can share?

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I then find out that the allergy vaccination is no longer used in the UK, but is widespread in Europe and the US.
No personal experience on my part.

You may already have read this but since you brought up the subject, others may be interested in reading it.



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if u are allergic to a few specific things that are in your area, then the shots may help (not vaccines they are serums that desensitize u to specific allergens that u tested positive for)...

if u are allergic in thailand and do the shots in rome, it wont really be much help...

they worked for my dad for a long time after he discontinued them, but as bodies change, so do sensitivity to allergens and his allergies have come back -- also he moved locale so the allergens themselves changed.

my son was offerred serums after testing; he refused (age 13 and faints easily with anything to do with needles); now at 16 reconsidering to be re tested before going to army in two years, and in army most asthmatic allergic boys prefer to be with the shots and not be sick and dragging around while having to deal with boot camp etc (not wanting to reduce their 'profile of health')...he tested for specific trees and plants here... at moment using buticort/symbicort etc...

for food allergies, avoidance is usually the best thing

i used something that was an one off shot w/some kind of steroids and serums like a cocktail allergy mix when i had awful asthma/allergies due to olive trees which we have everywhere ... it worked like a charm for three months, but was told not to use it every three months only during the olive blooming season (april may june)... rest of the year, its loratadine, chlortimeton, etc...

good luck

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Different thoughts as to causes and steps to take.

If you subscribe to the medical modle then look a little at the vaccination (hopefully from more than one angle as well as more than one person).

If you think there may be more to it... I know many people who have gotten rid of allergies and asthma etc by changing diet and life styles.. sugar, grains, alcohol etc are big ones

water and salt are both big players in histamine regulation as well.

If you are interested in any reading or a suggestion how to find someone that may help (only if you are willing to make changes in your life) feel free to msg me.

for a good place to read articles on vaccines from many sources go to

www.mercola.com type in vaccines in the search and you'll likely have 100s of articles to choose from

you may find info on the specific one you are considering.

good luck :o

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