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Suprised Naz got MoM. Toure surely?

I didn't think Nasri was anywhere near MoM. Probably would have given it to Yaya just (didn't think anybody was that great, again, though Demis cool defending caught my eye at times) in what was probably his best game of the season...fantastic goal. MoM was definitely Fabi...ski.

Thought we struggled when Frankie came on for Jovetic; Frankie seemed to be in Yayas space and vice versa.

Still don't know how Milner doesn't start every game these days.

So we got over the line after another so-so performance.

Anybody agree that Aguero is trying too hard and has become a little too greedy of late.

Bet Bayern after today's 4v0 victory can't wait to visit the Etihad again.

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Unable to see the match today. Nice to see three points gathered.clap2.gif

If I was to describe our performance for you in one word, 'unconvincing'.

Got it, though for me any three points without Silva is cause for celebration.smile.png

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We definitely deserved the win but we were far from our best. We are soooo missing Silva it's painful to watch at times. Now ay should Nasri get MOM.

Best move was Toure's goal. Sublime.

City have to try and hang in there with Chelsea until their form returns which is what they are doing.

I really hope you do for an end of season finale. I'm already getting visions of Mourinho's smug gloating face, and the inevitable little horse became a big horse crap.!! biggrin.png

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We definitely deserved the win but we were far from our best. We are soooo missing Silva it's painful to watch at times. Now ay should Nasri get MOM.

Best move was Toure's goal. Sublime.

City have to try and hang in there with Chelsea until their form returns which is what they are doing.

I really hope you do for an end of season finale. I'm already getting visions of Mourinho's smug gloating face, and the inevitable little horse became a big horse crap.!! biggrin.png

Chelsea are looking far too strong at the moment but they have been lucky to not have had any serious injuries. The December fixture list coupled with Champs League may take a strain on some of their key players. So we'll see how they are coping at the end of Jan. If they are at least 8 points clear by that stage I think they'll go on and win by a country mile.

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We definitely deserved the win but we were far from our best. We are soooo missing Silva it's painful to watch at times. Now ay should Nasri get MOM.

Best move was Toure's goal. Sublime.

City have to try and hang in there with Chelsea until their form returns which is what they are doing.

I really hope you do for an end of season finale. I'm already getting visions of Mourinho's smug gloating face, and the inevitable little horse became a big horse crap.!! biggrin.png

Yeah - your "dirty little teams" (Chelsea and WHam) wiping the floor with you and the rest of us big boys must really stick in the craw Carminebiggrin.png.

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We definitely deserved the win but we were far from our best. We are soooo missing Silva it's painful to watch at times. Now ay should Nasri get MOM.

Best move was Toure's goal. Sublime.

City have to try and hang in there with Chelsea until their form returns which is what they are doing.

I really hope you do for an end of season finale. I'm already getting visions of Mourinho's smug gloating face, and the inevitable little horse became a big horse crap.!! biggrin.png

Yeah - your "dirty little teams" (Chelsea and WHam) wiping the floor with you and the rest of us big boys must really stick in the craw Carminebiggrin.png.

What on earth are you talking about?

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Be interesting to see Pelles team selection and formation tonight vs Bayern. Hopefully he'll start the same back 5 as last Saturday (Hart...Zaba...Vinny...Demi...Clichy). Midfield kind of picks itself if you're fit: Fernando in the middle...presumably Jimmy alongside him...Navas and Nasri. Aguero (if honestly fit) up front. Then I guess it's Frankie or Jovetic. Bare bones isn't it. Doesn't leave much for the bench does it. Hard to see us getting a result but you never know.

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Be interesting to see Pelles team selection and formation tonight vs Bayern. Hopefully he'll start the same back 5 as last Saturday (Hart...Zaba...Vinny...Demi...Clichy). Midfield kind of picks itself if you're fit: Fernando in the middle...presumably Jimmy alongside him...Navas and Nasri. Aguero (if honestly fit) up front. Then I guess it's Frankie or Jovetic. Bare bones isn't it. Doesn't leave much for the bench does it. Hard to see us getting a result but you never know.

Still no SIlva, Dzecko, Fernandinho or Kolarov who are still injured and with Yaya serving a ban it's gonna be a tough test. As you say BB, seeing as we were only allowed a squad of 21 in the CL, the bench will certainly be thin. Can't say I'm bothered either way. Don't want to win tonight to then not win in the next match and have to play in the UEFA

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