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18 hours ago, Bredbury Blue said:

Manchester City defender Bacary Sagna has been asked by the Football Association to explain the "10 against 12" Instagram post he made after his side's 2-1 win over Burnley on Monday.

Sagna = idiot.

Quick explanation could be crowd + 11. 

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7 hours ago, Bredbury Blue said:

Thought Smokie had eloped with Chicog...both been MIA.


Been on my holidays BB!



Edit: Still on em in fact....Singapore is <deleted> expensive....looking forward to getting back to Bangkok.

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12 hours ago, alfieconn said:


So it was harsh because one of there players went unpunished ? :biggrin:     Bravo did get fouled but the ball had already gone over the line.


I see that you didn't mention that Sagna should have been off for kicking Boyd, strange that :laugh:


wrong quote

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12 hours ago, mrbojangles said:


I think it was harsh (we have had a full 2 footed lunge at one of our players totally go unpunished) but also I am still not sure their goal should have counted. I thought Bravo got fouled before it went over the line

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Manchester City's Fernandinho has had his appeal for wrongful dismissal rejected by the Football Association.


Guess that clears that up :smile:

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16 hours ago, alfieconn said:


Manchester City's Fernandinho has had his appeal for wrongful dismissal rejected by the Football Association.


Guess that clears that up :smile:


If you believe that appeals are fair.  I said it was "harsh" meaning that many tackles worse than that go totally unpunished depending on the view of the ref. That tackle can sometimes be punished and other times get a yellow. The problem is that decisions get made on the pitch and once made, are very hard to get overturned.

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14 minutes ago, mrbojangles said:


If you believe that appeals are fair.  I said it was "harsh" meaning that many tackles worse than that go totally unpunished depending on the view of the ref. That tackle can sometimes be punished and other times get a yellow. The problem is that decisions get made on the pitch and once made, are very hard to get overturned.

 Previous post's


Alfie :  So it was harsh because one of there players went unpunished ?


bj :  No. It was harsh because I thought it was harsh. 


I'm lost now :unsure:

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7 minutes ago, mrbojangles said:

Your not lost at all Alfie and you know full well what I am saying. Your just being your normal good self and fishing for bites.


To be fair bj your best just to look at decisions on a individual basis otherwise it can get very confusing :biggrin:

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4 minutes ago, alfieconn said:


To be fair bj your best just to look at decisions on a individual basis otherwise it can get very confusing :biggrin:


You can't though Alfie, when all you really want is consistency. to get consistency, you have to look at how other decisions are made

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Just now, mrbojangles said:


You can't though Alfie, when all you really want is consistency. to get consistency, you have to look at how other decisions are made


“Using excessive force” means that the player has far exceeded the necessary use of force and is in danger of injuring his opponent. • A player who uses excessive force must be sent off


Now does that apply to that challenge ? yes / no       forget any other incidents they are immaterial, refs being inconsistent is another talking point. 

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Finally got to see the Burnley game on YouTube. Definitely from the sending off onwards we were excellent, at no point was it noticeable that we were a man down and we bossed the game. Credit to Pep, one for his bold 2nd half kickoff subs of Aguero for Nacho and Silva for Navas, and two for being brave enough to play 4-3-2 defending and 3-4-2 attacking (with Sagna pushed forward), an offensive midfield of KdB, Yaya and Silva with Aguero and Sterling up front.

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On Wednesday, January 04, 2017 at 6:44 AM, nev said:


Other comments which were seized upon were about how Guardiola viewed City as being behind the likes of Manchester United, Barcelona and Juventus, but he was speaking in a historical context.He said: "When I said compare history and titles with United and Liverpool, Barcelona and Madrid, that kind of club, we are behind. If people don't understand that, I am sorry. In terms of just titles, we are behind other clubs in the last 20 years."But the moment I took charge of a club like Manchester City, or before in Barcelona or Munich, it is the most important thing in my life to try to help them, to get them better."In the last five or six years Manchester City have been the best club. They are the club who have achieved the most. In terms of targets of getting better, of growing, of achieving the most, they are the best in the world, by far.


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13 minutes ago, Bredbury Blue said:

Finally got to see the Burnley game on YouTube. Definitely from the sending off onwards we were excellent, at no point was it noticeable that we were a man down and we bossed the game. Credit to Pep, one for his bold 2nd half kickoff subs of Aguero for Nacho and Silva for Navas, and two for being brave enough to play 4-3-2 defending and 3-4-2 attacking (with Sagna pushed forward), an offensive midfield of KdB, Yaya and Silva with Aguero and Sterling up front.

Your man pep is looking tired and frustrated. That last chap Manwell was treated pretty shoddily last season. To be fair man city have not acted all that professionally since the sheiks takeover.  Who was that brummie former Nike guy who was overseeing stuff a while back? Gary something? All these plans for pep looked like long term plans and yet he's looking and sounding a bit defeatist. I think the press duties are a big shock to new PL bosses. 

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Just now, Rc2702 said:

I think the press duties are a big shock to new PL bosses. 


Particularly the Managers who's first language isn't English. They say a single word that may have been lost in translation, or chose the wrong word when trying to explain something and the press jump on it.

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2 minutes ago, mrbojangles said:


How so?

The announcement of PG last season so early took your rails off. Unfair to Manwell who showed true professionalism.


Not giving out birthday cards and cakes to key players.


Mark Hughes was not given a hope in hells chance and that would have been fitting. A utd legend ringing the changes in the city.


I could dig out a few more but this is all that comes to mind. 









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Gary Cook was City CEO when Hughes got the push. Mancini was in the tunnel after City beat Sunderland. He also criticised City's sponsors and advertisers calling them small fry. He was lacking in professionalism and class. Mind you, Peter Kenyon gave him a run for his money. I remember before the 2008 CL Final in Moscow both clubs made some sort of tribute prior to the game. Bobby Charlton looked dignified representing Utd. Kenyon, for Chelsea, wore a full length leather coat and looked like dodgy trader off Lickle Ulton market.

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"Your man pep is looking tired and frustrated."
Think you'll find he always looks intense, he's a football manager, underpressure and is no different to Klopp and the rest.

"That last chap Manwell was treated pretty shoddily last season."
Nonsense! He was fully aware that he was 2nd choice to Pep who City had been chasing for many years. And did you watch us last season? We were stagnating under him. We all like and respect This Charming Man for what he did for us, he won the Premier in his first season and he was a safe pair of hands but it was time to move him on. He was also offered positions within the City Group; he left on very good terms with everybody. Now BobbyManc was treated shoddily by the club and I don't think any City fans were happy he was moved on but I dont think it has fully come out yet why he supposedly lost the dressing room for which the management felt he had to go - they were proved right as Pellegrini made us champions again.

"To be fair man city have not acted all that professionally since the sheiks takeover."
Why? Back it up if your going to make such a statement. You certainly won't find City fans agreeing with you and we feel very fortunate to have such a great owner, VERY FORTUNATE.

"Who was that brummie former Nike guy who was overseeing stuff a while back? Gary something?"
What are you on tonight? Do you know why Gary something is no longer there? Apparently not. Google 'gary cooke + nedum' and then come back here if you think he didn't deserve to fall on his sword.

"All these plans for pep looked like long term plans and yet he's looking and sounding a bit defeatist."
He's been with us for is it 19 premier league games and supposedly we're doing so badly (we're 2 points behind Liverpool in 3rd and still in the champions league). He's inherited basically Mancini's team (Aguero, Silva, Yaya, Kolarov, Clichy, Zaba, Kompany and Hart) and some Pellegrini players. He's had one transfer window when he picked up a few players but failed to get the 3 defenders he wanted. Give him time. Did Klopp turn Liverpool around in 19 games? No. He needed time - he still neefs time. Pep needs time to build HIS team.

"I think the press duties are a big shock to new PL bosses."
Yeah right, they've never done press duties before.

Do us a favour will you and go and annoy Alfie on the Spurs forum again will ya because you clearly know bugger all about City.

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City's owners inherited Mark Hughes. Where exactly were City when he was axed so the owner could bring in their own man - not doing well. Were any City fans unhappy about it; don't think so. Did City's owners act unprofessionally/badly? Not really except it was unfortunate that the news leaked out to Hughes that he was going to be axed. Hughes isn't a City legend by the way and naturally wasn't liked.

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5 minutes ago, Bredbury Blue said:

"Your man pep is looking tired and frustrated."
Think you'll find he always looks intense, he's a football manager, underpressure and is no different to Klopp and the rest.

"That last chap Manwell was treated pretty shoddily last season."
Nonsense! He was fully aware that he was 2nd choice to Pep who City had been chasing for many years. And did you watch us last season? We were stagnating under him. We all like and respect This Charming Man for what he did for us, he won the Premier in his first season and he was a safe pair of hands but it was time to move him on. He was also offered positions within the City Group; he left on very good terms with everybody. Now BobbyManc was treated shoddily by the club and I don't think any City fans were happy he was moved on but I dont think it has fully come out yet why he supposedly lost the dressing room for which the management felt he had to go - they were proved right as Pellegrini made us champions again.

"To be fair man city have not acted all that professionally since the sheiks takeover."
Why? Back it up if your going to make such a statement. You certainly won't find City fans agreeing with you and we feel very fortunate to have such a great owner, VERY FORTUNATE.

"Who was that brummie former Nike guy who was overseeing stuff a while back? Gary something?"
What are you on tonight? Do you know why Gary something is no longer there? Apparently not. Google 'gary cooke + nedum' and then come back here if you think he didn't deserve to fall on his sword.

"All these plans for pep looked like long term plans and yet he's looking and sounding a bit defeatist."
He's been with us for is it 19 premier league games and supposedly we're doing so badly (we're 2 points behind Liverpool in 3rd and still in the champions league). He's inherited basically Mancini's team (Aguero, Silva, Yaya, Kolarov, Clichy, Zaba, Kompany and Hart) and some Pellegrini players. He's had one transfer window when he picked up a few players but failed to get the 3 defenders he wanted. Give him time. Did Klopp turn Liverpool around in 19 games? No. He needed time - he still neefs time. Pep needs time to build HIS team.

"I think the press duties are a big shock to new PL bosses."
Yeah right, they've never done press duties before.

Do us a favour will you and go and annoy Alfie on the Spurs forum again will ya because you clearly know bugger all about City.


"Your man pep is looking tired and frustrated."
Think you'll find he always looks intense, he's a football manager, underpressure and is no different to Klopp and the rest.


Klopp smiles a bit too much for my liking and your defensive nature is telling. I think your a bit unsure of PG yourself given the comments. Blowing off a bit of steam eh. 


That last chap Manwell was treated pretty shoddily last season."
Nonsense! He was fully aware that he was 2nd choice to Pep who City had been chasing for many years. And did you watch us last season? We were stagnating under him."


I'll take your word for it but I'm pretty sure a few people would disagree but you know best blue your propa! - so you believe he was told "keep this seat warm for us and even if you win your just a seat warmer" PG kept you hanging and he is already thinking of his next move. 


By the looks of Mancini's it was a fiery temperament that lost the dressing room and clearly I know a bit of info or you would not be typing out this rebuttal but i'll tell you. Thanks for reminder RE Gary Cooke I knew the story I just could not put my finger on it. and that other chap Marwood.  Calamitous times as I said unprofessional and shoddy from the management down. What was it with these chaps. They wanted a bit of airtime make a face I have no idea but it was shoddy stuff and I see you are in agreement. Thanks for confirming my thoughts and providing the damn in evidence that shows what a bloody shambles you have been during the sheiks tenure. Best get it straightened out.


"He's been with us for is it 19 premier league games and supposedly we're doing so badly (we're 2 points behind Liverpool in 3rd and still in the champions league). He's inherited basically Mancini's team (Aguero, Silva, Yaya, Kolarov, Clichy, Zaba, Kompany and Hart) and some Pellegrini players. He's had one transfer window when he picked up a few players but failed to get the 3 defenders he wanted.

Give him time. Did Klopp turn Liverpool around in 19 games? No. He needed time - he still neefs time. Pep needs time to build HIS team. "


Sounds a bit desperate blue he made the following signings 


 Gundogan, Nolito, Aleksandar Zinchenko, Aaron Mooy, Leroy Sane, Gabriel Jesus, Marlos Moreno John stones


Fair enough some young heads but gundog an and nolito and stones are for now. Sane should be tuned in shortly. Add those to a world class stars like Aguero and KDB sprinkle in some extremely strong potential in raheem sterling (approaching 100 Pl appearances? ) and inheanacho and there's a fair few not being mentioned still and your getting all "bossed" about burnley at home? Your in the prem lad div 1 days are over it was a given even with 9 men. (Burnley away very different team to burnley at home)


Those tops turvy days are back for you lad and I'm beginning to wonder if perhaps PG knows something we all don't.  No one cracks as fast as that as experienced as he is. He speaks 5 languages fluently btw and FYI the one feature I noted more than anything about Klopp arrival was his enthusiasm and it rained from him with words, expressions etc. Your man looks like he is already regretting the task in hand so I am not shocked by your defensive stance.


Thanks for the ammo son.







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