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Thai tourism may get Ebola-fear leg up


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Walls don't stop viruses like Ebola and it's ignorance that allows it to spread the poster saying Thais don't need electricity either is quite out of touch with most villages too.

Try cooking for a month inside with no gas or electricity also trying to wash and dry your clothing without boiling water to kill basic germs never mind something like Ebola.

Never mind rhe intelligence part it's the ignorance of how such viruses work mate

You know you really should visit Thailand. The gas comes in bottles mate. The clothes are washed in a bucket with a sanitizer agent tis Thailand here never had hot water to do the washing. I ave two bottles of gas and plenty of sanitizer.

I've been cooking inside with bottled gas forever in Thailand. I can go to bed when the sun goes down. I've got enough rice and water to last me three months.

I've lived in Thailand before with no electricity. It's nothing new for me.

And yet.....with almost 7000 posts....doubtful that you could survive without the internet for long.!

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So who do you all think will be the first country to ban travel from ebola effected areas? A. Thailand B. UK C. USA C. France D. Australia? All of the above have big tourist dollars coming in. Seems like a no brainer. Looking at the leadership of all of the above Thailand may have the edge on pragmatic non PC crap rule right now.

The first one to ban all flights and connecting flights will get the tourists.

I agree ... a country who wants tourists - should first ban any entry of a person from an Ebola Stricken West African Country ... Thailand immigration should do this tomorrow and publicize it ... And some of you think I am joking - No I am not... And I have no apologies...

The USA will not do it and many other countries will not do it ... even though it is the sensible thing to do.

Every country in the world does not have to be Politically Correct... some can be pragmatic and sensible.

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Walls don't stop viruses like Ebola and it's ignorance that allows it to spread the poster saying Thais don't need electricity either is quite out of touch with most villages too.

Try cooking for a month inside with no gas or electricity also trying to wash and dry your clothing without boiling water to kill basic germs never mind something like Ebola.

Never mind rhe intelligence part it's the ignorance of how such viruses work mate

You know you really should visit Thailand. The gas comes in bottles mate. The clothes are washed in a bucket with a sanitizer agent tis Thailand here never had hot water to do the washing. I ave two bottles of gas and plenty of sanitizer.

I've been cooking inside with bottled gas forever in Thailand. I can go to bed when the sun goes down. I've got enough rice and water to last me three months.

I've lived in Thailand before with no electricity. It's nothing new for me.

And yet.....with almost 7000 posts....doubtful that you could survive without the internet for long.!

I got to Thailand in 1968. No INTERNET and no problems. Ne refrigerator either. I didn't have a TV but it was only B&W cartoons anyway. I know you are trying to mock me but I think you have failed.

Try and post about the subject of the post rather than attack the poster. Attacking the poster is called ad hominem posting and is troll behavior.

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This is by far one of the most inane and disgusting articles I have read to date and those responsible should be castigated for showing the world how their degenerate little greedy minds actually function.

Should we encounter an Ebola outbreak it would only be justice should they be the first to be infected.

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This is by far one of the most inane and disgusting articles I have read to date and those responsible should be castigated for showing the world how their degenerate little greedy minds actually function.

Should we encounter an Ebola outbreak it would only be justice should they be the first to be infected.

Do you not think that the manager of the Mandarin Oriental in Bangkok discussed switching to Japanese food in December of 1941 or that the Swiss hotels didn't talk about raising prices at the beginning of WWII to accommodate the increase in tourists and bankers expected to arrive?

If Thailand wants to exhibit some sanity in this insane PC world it would not bother me. The African countries are smart enough to ban travel why not the rest of the world.

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I said she went off to get some shot that the Thai health care said was to do with Ebola I suggest you read a bit closer too.

And again your house isn't protected if you have to take deliveries and you never answered the question about your house water where's the source come from?

You do flush your toilets right? But not with bottled water either? It's impossible to lock down your home environmentaly and I'd assume your home lacks AC too ?

My home is impossible to lock down to prevent anything getting in that's airborne or through the water supply and I suspect yours would be the same?

Your making out as if your able to shut out all foreign objects whether that be in moisture or vapour form and I know full well the capabilities of Ebola, and how it can be delivered it's a biological agent, it's a deadly virus, and I just think you're mKing it sound like your protected because you can live off brown rice and water without considering any other potential pathogens than are already in your home that you seem to think can be locked down like an airlocked building such as the CDC has?

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I said she went off to get some shot that the Thai health care said was to do with Ebola I suggest you read a bit closer too.

And again your house isn't protected if you have to take deliveries and you never answered the question about your house water where's the source come from?

You do flush your toilets right? But not with bottled water either? It's impossible to lock down your home environmentaly and I'd assume your home lacks AC too ?

My home is impossible to lock down to prevent anything getting in that's airborne or through the water supply and I suspect yours would be the same?

Your making out as if your able to shut out all foreign objects whether that be in moisture or vapour form and I know full well the capabilities of Ebola, and how it can be delivered it's a biological agent, it's a deadly virus, and I just think you're mKing it sound like your protected because you can live off brown rice and water without considering any other potential pathogens than are already in your home that you seem to think can be locked down like an airlocked building such as the CDC has?

Thailand has nothing to give anyone that will prevent Ebola. You don't need an airlock to prevent Ebola. Try reading a bit about the disease. You have to come in contact with a person who has it. If an Ebola patient walks past your house nothing bad is going to happen to you. As long as thousands of them don't die in the water supply at the same time that chlorine is stopped you will be OK. Go read a bit and then come back and post. Ebola is not airborne.

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I don't believe that the "west" is taking any hard hits because of the Ebola crisis, at least not yet, and I assume that theses Thai tourism managers at thinking of the Japanese, Korean or Chinese travellers. The handful of cases have all been quarantained and in hospital care. There is no epidemy and public scare in Europe nor in the Americas.

On the other hand, these managers of Thainess would be well advised to brainstorm over how to minimize damage of a local outbreak of Ebola of the tourism industry.

I did not join that other thread on speculating on the result of an Ebola outbreak in Thailand (Chang Mai) but it's my strong believe that this would be a major desaster in the country and the local tourism industry will reach a Ground Zero, with no visitors at all for a couple of years.

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I said she went off to get some shot that the Thai health care said was to do with Ebola I suggest you read a bit closer too.

And again your house isn't protected if you have to take deliveries and you never answered the question about your house water where's the source come from?

You do flush your toilets right? But not with bottled water either? It's impossible to lock down your home environmentaly and I'd assume your home lacks AC too ?

My home is impossible to lock down to prevent anything getting in that's airborne or through the water supply and I suspect yours would be the same?

Your making out as if your able to shut out all foreign objects whether that be in moisture or vapour form and I know full well the capabilities of Ebola, and how it can be delivered it's a biological agent, it's a deadly virus, and I just think you're mKing it sound like your protected because you can live off brown rice and water without considering any other potential pathogens than are already in your home that you seem to think can be locked down like an airlocked building such as the CDC has?

Thailand has nothing to give anyone that will prevent Ebola. You don't need an airlock to prevent Ebola. Try reading a bit about the disease. You have to come in contact with a person who has it. If an Ebola patient walks past your house nothing bad is going to happen to you. As long as thousands of them don't die in the water supply at the same time that chlorine is stopped you will be OK. Go read a bit and then come back and post. Ebola is not airborne.

Where did I specifically mention Ebola was only am airborne virus? Like every other biological agent it had the potential to be airborne, which is the worst case scenario for ANY host country.

There's no point in trading insults about reading up on the disease this isn't the first time Ebola had done it's rounds, tell me this, why do you think Obama sent the military to deal with this, and not a dedicated team from The CDC?

Shades of the movie "outbreak" ?

Now your still going about the lockdown of your home and have said you would need to have come onto contact with a carrier yes?

HOW do you know who has and hasn't been exposed to the virus? that bloke delivering your water or rice might be a carrier,and unless you have OCD and Are constantly washing your hand with sanitizer, you simply won't know who is going to pass it on, having all the brown rice and water in the world is not going to be much use to you unless you force yourself and your family into complete isolation and that's about as insane as thinking the country is about to have a pandemic with the disease.

It's not Workd war Z although it looks like that's the scenario your making it out to be by claiming you can lock down your home and be self sustained for 3 months without ever needing to leave, do you think it just dissapears if you go into survivalist mode?

We will all be fecked if it grips Thailand like it has some African nations and tourists would body swerve it even more so.

Want to be safe? Move to a country that doesn't have it or the potential to have it, I travel quite a bit over the Middle East they're more concerned with ISIS than Ebola.

Let's just hope you don't need to lock yourself away from the outside world eh ;-)

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So instead of sharing the cure/vacine that they personally discovered and help those in need, Thailand has decided to cash in on this whole thing by spreading unfounded crap that there is an embola outbreak in the west. Totally disgusting attitude of TAT and thier superiors in the Junta.

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I said she went off to get some shot that the Thai health care said was to do with Ebola I suggest you read a bit closer too.

And again your house isn't protected if you have to take deliveries and you never answered the question about your house water where's the source come from?

You do flush your toilets right? But not with bottled water either? It's impossible to lock down your home environmentaly and I'd assume your home lacks AC too ?

My home is impossible to lock down to prevent anything getting in that's airborne or through the water supply and I suspect yours would be the same?

Your making out as if your able to shut out all foreign objects whether that be in moisture or vapour form and I know full well the capabilities of Ebola, and how it can be delivered it's a biological agent, it's a deadly virus, and I just think you're mKing it sound like your protected because you can live off brown rice and water without considering any other potential pathogens than are already in your home that you seem to think can be locked down like an airlocked building such as the CDC has?

Thailand has nothing to give anyone that will prevent Ebola. You don't need an airlock to prevent Ebola. Try reading a bit about the disease. You have to come in contact with a person who has it. If an Ebola patient walks past your house nothing bad is going to happen to you. As long as thousands of them don't die in the water supply at the same time that chlorine is stopped you will be OK. Go read a bit and then come back and post. Ebola is not airborne.

So i took your advice -

And read abit-

But didn't get your conclusion that Ebola is not Airborne

Some of the latest Medical observations say that it is


On Fox News Sunday, Will quoted a U. of M. Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy report affirming “scientific and epidemiological evidence that Ebola virus has the potential to be transmitted via infectious aerosol particles both near and at a distance from infected patients.”

To understand the Key words "aerosol particles" suggests it can travel via the air-

In other words an infected person sneezing on a plane could have their Vapours circulated on a micro level -

Hence the rush to track down Plane passengers-

The latest evidence is coughing and a breeze or assisted particle transfer like air-conditioning , can move aerosol microns with the disease attached-

You could very well catch it by simply sitting in a hospital or train or plane with infected people were they coughing or sneezing etc

And that is a medical opinion From a Report for infectious diseases.

Edited by Fred Flinstone
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I said she went off to get some shot that the Thai health care said was to do with Ebola I suggest you read a bit closer too.

And again your house isn't protected if you have to take deliveries and you never answered the question about your house water where's the source come from?

You do flush your toilets right? But not with bottled water either? It's impossible to lock down your home environmentaly and I'd assume your home lacks AC too ?

My home is impossible to lock down to prevent anything getting in that's airborne or through the water supply and I suspect yours would be the same?

Your making out as if your able to shut out all foreign objects whether that be in moisture or vapour form and I know full well the capabilities of Ebola, and how it can be delivered it's a biological agent, it's a deadly virus, and I just think you're mKing it sound like your protected because you can live off brown rice and water without considering any other potential pathogens than are already in your home that you seem to think can be locked down like an airlocked building such as the CDC has?

Thailand has nothing to give anyone that will prevent Ebola. You don't need an airlock to prevent Ebola. Try reading a bit about the disease. You have to come in contact with a person who has it. If an Ebola patient walks past your house nothing bad is going to happen to you. As long as thousands of them don't die in the water supply at the same time that chlorine is stopped you will be OK. Go read a bit and then come back and post. Ebola is not airborne.

So i took your advice -

And read abit-

But didn't get your conclusion that Ebola is not Airborne

Some of the latest Medical observations say that it is


On Fox News Sunday, Will quoted a U. of M. Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy report affirming “scientific and epidemiological evidence that Ebola virus has the potential to be transmitted via infectious aerosol particles both near and at a distance from infected patients.”

To understand the Key words "aerosol particles" suggests it can travel via the air-

In other words an infected person sneezing on a plane could have their Vapours circulated on a micro level -

Hence the rush to track down Plane passengers-

The latest evidence is coughing and a breeze or assisted particle transfer like air-conditioning , can move aerosol microns with the disease attached-

You could very well catch it by simply sitting in a hospital or train or plane with infected people were they coughing or sneezing etc

And that is a medical opinion From a Report for infectious diseases.

I think there's a difference, albeit sort of subtle & technical, between "airborne" and "aerosol" or "aerosolized". Airborne means the virus just needs some nuclei (e.g., dust particle) to travel on, a relatively small one, small enough to remain suspended in the air and actually be spread by nothing more than air currents . Classic example: a child can get chicken pox from another infected child in another supermarket aisle. Aerosol transport implies a droplet nuclei with a larger diameter which doesn't stay in the air for an extended period of time. Coughing & sneezing ARE examples of aerosol transmission. It would appear that Ebola can be spread by aerosol transmission (presumably due to the fluid droplets involved with "explosive diarrhea" and "projectile vomit"), but is not, so far or so far as anyone knows, "airborne". I guess one can cough or sneeze Ebola-carrying droplets (not that coughing or sneezing are recognized as Ebola symptoms per se), but one doesn't merely exhale them.

This is my understanding; if someone has a better understanding please by all means share.

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So in just 4 weeks time they have come up with:

Electronic tagging of Tourists

Martial Law Tourism

Ebola Free Tourism

When you thought they could not beat their last stupid idea they raises the bar again. cheesy.gif

It's that pesky comet making them do it... huh.png

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What a callous and tasteless comment to think about how another's suffering and sickness might benefit you. sick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vr.png

Isn’t this the logic taught by Mr. T? Remember his quote saying: “Thailand’s rice farmer have nothing to worry about as they will benefit from increasing rice prices due to catastrophes and natural disasters in other parts of the world.”

I wonder how this callous mindset could ever be compatible with Buddhism and their so called Thainess.

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since the civilised western countries are already starting to make travellers from west africa feel more unwelcome, then the TAT might have a winning idea. To encourage more Nigerians to come here they should offer visa free travel to Thailand to get as many quality tourists as they can find. Maybe a new class of investment visa might be in order.

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I notice this board are calling people like me "some dubious (Thai junta speak members >>dangerous ) suffice the constant removal of posts - with vital information -

Its obvious Bangkok hosts many Africans and is Under Restrictive information -

EG even here


On Fox News Sunday, Will quoted a U. of M. Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy report affirming “scientific and epidemiological evidence that Ebola virus has the potential to be transmitted via infectious aerosol particles both near and at a distance from infected patients.”
Please explain openly Thai Visa why this information is forbidden ?
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'Don't think it's about the "junta" any longer. If anything, the military takeover, after the initial period, removed the fears of many that their trips might be impacted by political demonstrations, civil unrest and a mood of uncertainty. Since the curfews were lifted and most broadcast media went back on the air, martial law probably hasn't been a big deal for the vast majority of tourists except for one thing - travel insurance. And I'm not really persuaded that alone drives many away. Maybe a few. I think Ebola, maybe ISIS, and the fact that world economies seem to be slumping a bit have much more to do with it - and not just for Thailand. But I do agree that the "Ebola-fear leg up" thing is a very lame come-on.

Everyday, there is another tragedy or another hair brained statement from Thailand in the press.

With the advent of social media, stories circulate with alarming speed. Thailand cannot hide anymore. Tourists really are not that stupid and its not like there isn't a lot of choice out there.

Maybe Thailand has killed the goose. Maybe the tourists won't all come flocking back?

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So in just 4 weeks time they have come up with:

Electronic tagging of Tourists

Martial Law Tourism

Ebola Free Tourism

When you thought they could not beat their last stupid idea they raises the bar again. cheesy.gif

All.of which include peddling the existing low standard product.

It just seems like cover ups when Thai Visa constantly deletes news reports -

People know the Africans In Bangkok are really an aspect-

Too many of us see that -

Its logical information is not coming out

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'Don't think it's about the "junta" any longer. If anything, the military takeover, after the initial period, removed the fears of many that their trips might be impacted by political demonstrations, civil unrest and a mood of uncertainty. Since the curfews were lifted and most broadcast media went back on the air, martial law probably hasn't been a big deal for the vast majority of tourists except for one thing - travel insurance. And I'm not really persuaded that alone drives many away. Maybe a few. I think Ebola, maybe ISIS, and the fact that world economies seem to be slumping a bit have much more to do with it - and not just for Thailand. But I do agree that the "Ebola-fear leg up" thing is a very lame come-on.

Everyday, there is another tragedy or another hair brained statement from Thailand in the press.

With the advent of social media, stories circulate with alarming speed. Thailand cannot hide anymore. Tourists really are not that stupid and its not like there isn't a lot of choice out there.

Maybe Thailand has killed the goose. Maybe the tourists won't all come flocking back?

I think you're hitting on something valid there. The goose is dead. Thailand has done so many things wrong, for so long now, with respect to attracting tourists, that simple solutions are no longer realistic. 'Become famous for scams. ...famous for double-pricing. ...famous for thai-on-foreigner crime. ...famous for corruption - esp. police. famous for ill thought-out "crackdowns" that are mainly just for show. ...famous for immigration "issues". ...famous for some pretty silly public statements. ...NOT famous for fair and equitable treatment of foreigners. ...NOT so much the bargain tourist destination it used to be. ...NOT so much the gracious, foreigner-welcoming oasis it used to be. I think these things collectively have more to do with tourist volume than the military takeover at this point in time. I actually think the military govt has tried to tackle some of these things, but they certainly pre-existed this government long-term.

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What a callous and tasteless comment to think about how another's suffering and sickness might benefit you. sick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vr.png

Isn’t this the logic taught by Mr. T? Remember his quote saying: “Thailand’s rice farmer have nothing to worry about as they will benefit from increasing rice prices due to catastrophes and natural disasters in other parts of the world.”

I wonder how this callous mindset could ever be compatible with Buddhism and their so called Thainess.

The Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus FRS (13 February 1766 – 23 December 1834 was an English cleric and scholar, influential in the fields of political economy and demography.

His An Essay on the Principle of Population observed that sooner or later population will be checked by famine and disease, leading to what is known as a Malthusian catastrophe.

Is Malthus a bad person or just demonstrating his Englishness?


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'Don't think it's about the "junta" any longer. If anything, the military takeover, after the initial period, removed the fears of many that their trips might be impacted by political demonstrations, civil unrest and a mood of uncertainty. Since the curfews were lifted and most broadcast media went back on the air, martial law probably hasn't been a big deal for the vast majority of tourists except for one thing - travel insurance. And I'm not really persuaded that alone drives many away. Maybe a few. I think Ebola, maybe ISIS, and the fact that world economies seem to be slumping a bit have much more to do with it - and not just for Thailand. But I do agree that the "Ebola-fear leg up" thing is a very lame come-on.

Everyday, there is another tragedy or another hair brained statement from Thailand in the press.

With the advent of social media, stories circulate with alarming speed. Thailand cannot hide anymore. Tourists really are not that stupid and its not like there isn't a lot of choice out there.

Maybe Thailand has killed the goose. Maybe the tourists won't all come flocking back?

I think you're hitting on something valid there. The goose is dead. Thailand has done so many things wrong, for so long now, with respect to attracting tourists, that simple solutions are no longer realistic. 'Become famous for scams. ...famous for double-pricing. ...famous for thai-on-foreigner crime. ...famous for corruption - esp. police. famous for ill thought-out "crackdowns" that are mainly just for show. ...famous for immigration "issues". ...famous for some pretty silly public statements. ...NOT famous for fair and equitable treatment of foreigners. ...NOT so much the bargain tourist destination it used to be. ...NOT so much the gracious, foreigner-welcoming oasis it used to be. I think these things collectively have more to do with tourist volume than the military takeover at this point in time. I actually think the military govt has tried to tackle some of these things, but they certainly pre-existed this government long-term.

Declaring war on the UK and USA was a biggie. They seemed to get over that OK. I have no doubt in comparison these are quite small events in history. You might want to google, "Lord Mountbatten in Bangkok" for Pathe movies of the reconciliation.

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What a callous and tasteless comment to think about how another's suffering and sickness might benefit you. sick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vr.png

Isn’t this the logic taught by Mr. T? Remember his quote saying: “Thailand’s rice farmer have nothing to worry about as they will benefit from increasing rice prices due to catastrophes and natural disasters in other parts of the world.”

I wonder how this callous mindset could ever be compatible with Buddhism and their so called Thainess.

The Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus FRS (13 February 1766 – 23 December 1834 was an English cleric and scholar, influential in the fields of political economy and demography.

His An Essay on the Principle of Population observed that sooner or later population will be checked by famine and disease, leading to what is known as a Malthusian catastrophe.

Is Malthus a bad person or just demonstrating his Englishness?


Yeap. This was fairly popular subject matter if you were taking any macro-economics courses back in the 70s. Nowadays of course we have emissions control, recycling, open borders, and income redistribution to save us...

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