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My best advice, start to write daily on what one feels, ie almost like a book, by getting the feelings out and putting on the paper"sort of speak" one can release all the negative energy and perhaps see things differently.

Disclaimer: This was advised to me by a doctor after i lost my entire family in the space of few months and did hit the bottle pretty heavy. Did work well smile.png

I read that you are over grief when you miss the ones you couldn't stand and start recalling things you don't like about the ones you missed.

  • 1 month later...

I think neither of the last 2 posters understand the difference between a true clinical depression and simply feeling "down".

It is unfortunate that the term for this serious mood disorder is the same as the lay term for a common emotional state. They are not at all the same.

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I think neither of the last 2 posters understand the difference between a true clinical depression and simply feeling "down".

It is unfortunate that the term for this serious mood disorder is the same as the lay term for a common emotional state. They are not at all the same.

OP isn't clinically depressed, he's just a bit down because of personal circumstances.

As far as I am aware clinical depression is a medical problem and not really influenced by personal circumstances.

Having your wife leave you and hide your children would make anyone feel 'down'. It certainly did me, but I have never been clinically depressed.


I think neither of the last 2 posters understand the difference between a true clinical depression and simply feeling "down".

It is unfortunate that the term for this serious mood disorder is the same as the lay term for a common emotional state. They are not at all the same.

OP isn't clinically depressed, he's just a bit down because of personal circumstances.

As far as I am aware clinical depression is a medical problem and not really influenced by personal circumstances.

Having your wife leave you and hide your children would make anyone feel 'down'. It certainly did me, but I have never been clinically depressed.

Clinical depression can be triggered by personal events, especially losses. This will not occur in everyone, of course, but it will in people who are already susceptible.

While I cannot say for sure of course, some of the things OP has posted as well as the apparent duration of his depression seem to me suggestive of clinical depression.


Besides psychiatry and the huge list of big phrama meds with their side effects and withdrawal effects, what are some treatments, if any, for clinical depression?

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT, a type of short term therapy not to be confused with pyschoanalysis), with or without medication, is the most effective treatment. Medication alone is not advisable. Some people will recover with CBT alone, others need CBT plus meds. Some need meds just for a short time, others for longer, others not at all. A therapist is in the best position to advise on this once they get to know the patient and if they find therapy alone is insufficient they will refer to a psychiatrist for prescription.

Care needs to be taken in choice of medication as in some people it is not only depression but a mix of anxiety and depression, in which case standard antidepressents may worsen the anxiety. And of course physical condition and interaction with any other medications or chronic diseases has to be considered.

Meditation can also be very helpful though in a severe depression it is best to first get stabilized with therapy/meds; not such a good idea to undertake serious meditation while in thew acute stages of a severe pyschological disorder. But as one improves -- or for more mild depressions - it can definitely help.

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I have only read the OPs three posts but my comments are..

- Reward yourself with relaxation e.g. a foot massage. This will also help you de-stress. Maybe meditation could help? When you do something good recognize it and pat yourself on the back. Telling others helps.

- Try to think more like Spock from Star Trek. If you haven't seen it he basically has zero emotion and all actions are based on logic. You need to remove the ego as that causes things like regret, shame and self hatred.

- 5-htp is a herbal drug which helps some people, in case you want to avoid proper meds. I took Prozac once and it ended very badly.

- If you start thinking negative thoughts, stop and occupy your mind, that is the logical thing to do. For example I read articles saved online or watch comedy on TV.

- Be grateful for what you have got. Take a moment to appreciate a nice view or a particular trait in one of your kids. Your parents' major concern is that you are happy, remember that because it makes you special.

- Surround yourself with more positivity. Follow the law of attraction on Facebook, give a bit of money to charity, do other good karma things, listen to uplifting music, don't watch the news.

When you smile the world smiles back at you.

  • Like 1

I have only read the OPs three posts but my comments are..

- Reward yourself with relaxation e.g. a foot massage. This will also help you de-stress. Maybe meditation could help? When you do something good recognize it and pat yourself on the back. Telling others helps.

- Try to think more like Spock from Star Trek. If you haven't seen it he basically has zero emotion and all actions are based on logic. You need to remove the ego as that causes things like regret, shame and self hatred.

- 5-htp is a herbal drug which helps some people, in case you want to avoid proper meds. I took Prozac once and it ended very badly.

- If you start thinking negative thoughts, stop and occupy your mind, that is the logical thing to do. For example I read articles saved online or watch comedy on TV.

- Be grateful for what you have got. Take a moment to appreciate a nice view or a particular trait in one of your kids. Your parents' major concern is that you are happy, remember that because it makes you special.

- Surround yourself with more positivity. Follow the law of attraction on Facebook, give a bit of money to charity, do other good karma things, listen to uplifting music, don't watch the news.

When you smile the world smiles back at you.

you are talking about feeling down, having a bad day.

If you ever had depression, you would know that your above advice (with certainly good intentions) wouldn't work.


I have only read the OPs three posts but my comments are..

- Reward yourself with relaxation e.g. a foot massage. This will also help you de-stress. Maybe meditation could help? When you do something good recognize it and pat yourself on the back. Telling others helps.

- Try to think more like Spock from Star Trek. If you haven't seen it he basically has zero emotion and all actions are based on logic. You need to remove the ego as that causes things like regret, shame and self hatred.

- 5-htp is a herbal drug which helps some people, in case you want to avoid proper meds. I took Prozac once and it ended very badly.

- If you start thinking negative thoughts, stop and occupy your mind, that is the logical thing to do. For example I read articles saved online or watch comedy on TV.

- Be grateful for what you have got. Take a moment to appreciate a nice view or a particular trait in one of your kids. Your parents' major concern is that you are happy, remember that because it makes you special.

- Surround yourself with more positivity. Follow the law of attraction on Facebook, give a bit of money to charity, do other good karma things, listen to uplifting music, don't watch the news.

When you smile the world smiles back at you.

you are talking about feeling down, having a bad day.

If you ever had depression, you would know that your above advice (with certainly good intentions) wouldn't work.

I wrote a reply but it was far too personal to reveal here. Looking back at my suggestions I can see how they look a bit trivial actually.

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