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Beer Price War Brewing As Sales Start To Slow

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i got a top idea which all the formites will love.

since the beer is cheap lets have the annual christmas party now. :D

all the mods can shout us deciples a top night out for being a bunch of brilliant, talented people and save themselves some coin in the process.

how many backers has my good self got out there ?


outstanding idea! I'll be there for sure to make it not too cheap... :D

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I just hope all those aspiring teetotallers on the drinking problem forum don't read this news, especially those ones contributing to the how much money they're going to save thread.

Mr Jarern, owner of Chang likes his price wars, he tried to destroy Boon Rawd and its beer Sing but it came back with Leo, a better beer by far in my books.


My Doctor back in Oz reckons it's not the beer that puts on the weight

How does anyone that stupid get a medical degree?

It's insulin that packs on the pounds by putting the triglycerides into the adipose cell and locking the door afterwards. Keep putting stuff in your mouth that breaks down into carbohydrate and keep the insulin levels up as well as causing insulin resistance you will also keep adding on the pounds of fat.

Anyone who has studied biochem even at the 100 level should know that.

wow bones,

thats a real missle blasting post.!!!!

i sure glad im not going to that doctor and if i need to see a doctor im coming to see you my learn'ed friend .

BTW : how much are your rates ? :o

BTW : how much are your rates ? :o


A rich chinese guy just left my office, he owns a gold mine in Australia. He didn't complain tooooooo much about my prices. Guess I'm too cheap.

BTW : how much are your rates ? :D


A rich chinese guy just left my office, he owns a gold mine in Australia. He didn't complain tooooooo much about my prices. Guess I'm too cheap.

excellent news dr bones,

look im an aussie bleeder and this chinese guys got that much coin im sure he;ll shout me a free consultation with your good self.

ive got some mates that are doctors but they all major in one field only.

that being cockology. :o

they need to diversify id say. :D


"All Thai Beer is Cr*p, I could not drink it if it was free. Where can I buy fresh supplies of "The King of Beers" in Los?"

Sorry no prizes for correct answers :o

I agree, the only one worth guzzling is Singha, as long as it's cold and I don't want it drowned in ice.

his opinion as to the Zenith of

Beers would "a long-neck Bud"

Ok. Pud from the US is absolute <deleted> but there are times when what you want is one of these "garden" beers.

This classification comes from the idea that you've been out in the hot sun doing your gardening and you're parched and instead of a beautiful warm and flat English ale, what you really want is some cold, bubbly barley water that's been buried in crushed ice for a few hours.

Sometimes, but not very often.

Give me Duvel or La Chouffe any day. A Hopback Ale from Brewerkz in Singapore is also very hard to beat.

None of you blokes have been to Belgium then I take it? They know how to brew some beers.

good aye samran,

nope ain't never been there.!

look ive got another cracker idea,

considering you mods are going to be shouting all the drinks at our next christmas party,

how about buying a few cartons of that top belgium brew you are espousing the virtues off.

only then will we be able to give you a true answer to your complex question as you got me interested now.

thanks for that. :o

Anyone know the history of Bud Beer????

Might surprise a few if they look into it

especially those they think Thai beer is so bad!


well cedd,

im experienced in both and give me a leo over a bud any old day.

only my personal opinion mind you. :D:o:D


yes jens,

if we go on purely technical terms yes beer does'nt gain weight.

but we aint being to technical here because we all know it does make you gain weight because

of all the munchies one consumes when one is on a blinder.

so we both get ten points for our imput to this important issue.

cheers :o


I was playing pool in a bkk bar with a dude drinking a lovely looking German dark brew out of what looked like a small version of one of those British yard glasses. It looked tasty and I had to ask him what it was. He said it was a Warsteiner and went on to explain how he couldn't drink the likes of Tiger, Heine, Sing and Chang due to the massive hangovers it gave him. I toasted his glass with my bottle of Beer Lao and said "amen to that, dude". We saw eye to eye on this issue to be sure. I must say that the beer hangovers I used to experience on a daily basis have been eliminated entirely by my switchover to this great tasting Beer Lao product. I suspect that although this product is not available anywhere in Thailand at retail (only at selected bars and restaurants), that it is taking a sliver of sales from Thai brands. The Thai beer mafia is no doubt careful with this Lao brand and keeps it away from retailers or else there would be some enormous drops in sales. I must say that everyone I hang out with is now drinking Beer Lao and only Beer Lao. There is no going back. I only hope that Beer Lao will continue to be shipped once this one time large shipment here now (a 1st time shipment) is exhausted. I fear that it may have been a one time deal knowing how tightly controlled imports are coming into Thailand.


With the constant elections and re-elections and now another round of general

election, no wonder the sale of beer and hard liquor are way down the expected sale level this year.

Next year should be a better year for them.

Should the new government let the discos and bars closing time like good old days, then the sale will go up instantly!

Sometimes they ask me to stop as the excitment gets too much for them, Then I know I am doing a good job.


Rrrrriiiiigggggghhhhhtttttt........ :o:D


if only the oil companies would learn by these kind of tactics, lets see fuel prices drop with the recent downturn in consumption.

off to the shop to stock up on beer!


DJs? Don't they make the price of beer higher?? I don't want to hear none of that.

I do admit that after drinking a few cheap beers, I have turned into a DJ on numerous occasions. I think that is the point ALex was trying to make. People enjoy or will put up with other person's music if they get cheap (read free) beer. If there is no beer, they might leave once somebody starts playing "their" music.

I checked the local Singapore prices of beer and they have not gone down. Something tells me this "lower beer pricing" may not be a worldwide phenomena.


Nearly eveyone has candida yeast infection to some degree - men included. sugars and dough are a great bed for yeast growth, which speads to every part of the body - particularly via the lymph system. You get that from the toast and jam you cram in your mouth. Then take fermented yeast - which, because yeast is competative, competes with candida for space in your body - and each produces toxins to ward the other off. You get the fermented yeast from beer and spirits. In conclusion, is it surprising that beer drinkers are most often overweight and dog-tired? But the ladies love you, and that's what's important - especially when you sally over to the ATM so often with a big pink grin plastered on yer face.


I used to drink the king of beer in the USA. I have since decided that I can save a lot of money on hot days by putting ice in my Archa. After it is mixed about 50 percent with melted ice it tastes a LOT like Bud. I do have a little confession to make. I can't find Archa in Pattaya so when I go out with my pervert friends and really don't want to get drunk I drink Heineken. That's like drinking Chang with 60 percent water added. :o


if i only grew 6-8 % in the first 6 months of my job then ran flat the rest year , i wouldnt have a job . we are expected to grow atleast 10% and hit budgets that are 10% higher than last years or you commission suffers . shouldnt be that hard !

It's all the Thaivisa members who have taken the pledge and given up for 90 days.

Well done lads and lasses!!!!


Yes indeed it iis us.

Therefor all profits and savings incurred by all you drinkers thanks to this price cut can be sent to

Chris De Maktub'ar (c/o Tv.com Drinkers Diary)

Western Union Office

Commercial bank,



I reckon we should be rakin in a nice profit for the next few months, fellow wagoneers... When we all fall off the wagon, the Maktub' ar is shouting hte drinks.

Yes indeed it iis us.

Therefor all profits and savings incurred by all you drinkers thanks to this price cut can be sent to

Chris De Maktub'ar (c/o Tv.com Drinkers Diary)

Western Union Office

Commercial bank,



I reckon we should be rakin in a nice profit for the next few months, fellow wagoneers... When we all fall off the wagon, the Maktub' ar is shouting hte drinks.

All we have to do to collect is to go to Guatemala, right Kayo?


[ I must say that everyone I hang out with is now drinking Beer Lao and only Beer Lao. There is no going back. I only hope that Beer Lao will continue to be shipped once this one time large shipment here now (a 1st time shipment) is exhausted. I fear that it may have been a one time deal knowing how tightly controlled imports are coming into Thailand.

I was in Laos when they introduced the new or almost new Dark beer, its not bad. But I have it on good infomation that. Yes its a farrang guy in partnership with a certain Thai company, who produce this beer. Nice work if you can get it??


Yes indeed it iis us.

Therefor all profits and savings incurred by all you drinkers thanks to this price cut can be sent to

Chris De Maktub'ar (c/o Tv.com Drinkers Diary)

Western Union Office

Commercial bank,



I reckon we should be rakin in a nice profit for the next few months, fellow wagoneers... When we all fall off the wagon, the Maktub' ar is shouting hte drinks.

All we have to do to collect is to go to Guatemala, right Kayo?



Beer Chang has a headache in every bottle. I have tried over 300 differant Brands of beer and in MHO Belhaven is the best beer in the world. Anyone that has tried anything better is welcome to send a few samples to try and change my mind.

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