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Should the US move its Cobra Gold war games out of Thailand?


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The US wanted a civil war here? OMG. BTW the last 18 coups to eliminate corruption have worked so well they needed to try again. "The USA should embrace Thailand's coup for what it is" they have and they didn't like it - you mean to say they should except it, but they don't - they tolerate it.

PS to add Thailand is like that brother in law you love but sometimes wish you could slap silly - everyone still shows up for Thanksgiving dinner.

During the last major armed conflict in Southeast Asia it was the Big Guy who got slapped silly.

Completely unrelated - it is a simple metaphor. Once had a guy thinking I called him gay because I said he seemed to be on his knees for a cause - please.

No, it's not "Completely unrelated"... and the additional blarney can be dispensed with.

The Vietnam War was an ignominious defeat for the US and its "allies",

Thailand would be well advised to avoid any military involvement with a country that hasn't won a war since 1945; but is very good at starting conflicts that it can't finish.

Yes it is - pointing out to you how a metaphor works is not even additional blarney ether - Cobra Gold is nothing to do with Vietnam or any ongoing or up coming event - it is a communications exercise to ensure in the unlikely event in the future something does happen the two countries will be on the same page and nothing more then that. I could completely give rats if you think we lost or won any war - it is completely unrelated to the OP and Thailand relationship with the US.

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The USA should embrace Thailands coup for what it is. A process to eliminate the massive corruption engaged in by the past Gov.

Thais are only tapping the surface of real democracy and perhaps the USA wanted a civil war here which was very near in coming with YL.

1) My FIL got a call last Monday that 15,000 Baht will be deposited in his account by early November and so will be another 3.3 million farmers which is 48 billion Baht r around 1.5 billion US$.

Furthermore he was offered cheap loans. Surely my FIL is a good client of the BAAC but he declined any loans.

So when I asked my FIL if he would vote for Prayuth he said anytime and he hopes to get another payment of 15,000 Baht by the end of next year maybe just before January 2016 election. Looks like Prayuth is learning from Najib in Malaysia.

Everything is the same in Thailand but this time the money goes to the farmers and not to the pockets of the politicians.

Not one got arrested in the past 5 months and after 5 months the police is same same. How can the good general leave power to a new government if the whole thing he has done is clearing some beaches for a few days and then business is back to normal. Clearing some roads in Bangkok was also not the work of the army but should have been done by the BMA who is in charge of that but they are busy busting tourists on Sukhumvit that dump a cigarette on the road but when a Thai does it it is ok.

I hope I am wrong but I have seen many generals in power from Chatchai, Suchinda, etc and it has always been money talks bullshit walks.

I believe nothing will change but I hope I am wrong as Thailand needs changes but I gave up after 24+ years in Thailand.

Edited by MobileContent
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And in regards of Cobra Gold, let them have their game. The US using Thailand to balance China that is total rubbish. Even the Thai's know the future is Asia but let me guess the Cobra Gold is paid by the US government so the Thais will gladly accept it and the US can send some kind of message to China. The Russians should offer a Viper Gold to the Thai's and they will gladly accept as long the Ivans pay for it,

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Why do we need military exercises (War Games)? This is only a forum for the US to flex it's muscles and show off, and a veiled attempt to intimidate China (who is Thailand's friend).

There is no upside in this for Thailand. Death and destruction seems to follow everywhere the US goes these days. Look at the recent attacks in Canada in the last few days.

Does Thailand want to add themselves to the list of countries to be attacked? I think not.

It would be better if the US just packed up and left Thailand for good. They are trying to split the world into two opposing camps, leading up to world war three.

I don't understand why most people around the world are blind to what is going on. The US is bankrupt, morally and financially. The military industrial complex has stolen all the money, and the US has had to print dollars like there is no tomorrow, just to keep up with interest payments.

This is all going to come to an end, and the only way out for the US is a massive war, which allows them to re-set the financial clock and sweep all to their skeletons under the carpet.

The rest of the world should not let this happen, but no, they just follow along like blind sheep. You reap what you sow.

USA having also provoated these actually problems in Ukraine.

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These types of exercises are exactly what is needed to reenforce alignment in the relatively free world.

Sometimes I just wince at the logic of misinformed individuals who say alliances, preparations, treaties, and cooperative training are not necessary. Perhaps a few hours away from facebook and TV would allow them to break out some reading material dealing with history, war, aggression and how weak, ill-prepared Nations disappear without this type of preparation.

Nobody wants war...but aggression....bombings, terrorism, anarchism and fanatical religious vendettas would have free reign in a Nation that does not prepare to counter this threat. Joint operations would be near impossible without these exercises, should the worst happen.

For those who want to absolve treaties and interactive military exercises.........here is a big slap on your wrist with a thick ruler and a dunce hat. Go to the back of the classroom.

Weakness invites war....it does not prevent it.

I agree 100%

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Completely unrelated - it is a simple metaphor. Once had a guy thinking I called him gay because I said he seemed to be on his knees for a cause - please.

No, it's not "Completely unrelated"... and the additional blarney can be dispensed with.

The Vietnam War was an ignominious defeat for the US and its "allies",

Thailand would be well advised to avoid any military involvement with a country that hasn't won a war since 1945; but is very good at starting conflicts that it can't finish.

Yes it is - pointing out to you how a metaphor works is not even additional blarney ether - Cobra Gold is nothing to do with Vietnam or any ongoing or up coming event - it is a communications exercise to ensure in the unlikely event in the future something does happen the two countries will be on the same page and nothing more then that. I could completely give rats if you think we lost or won any war - it is completely unrelated to the OP and Thailand relationship with the US.

The peevish tone of your post suggests frustration that you can't challenge any of my points.

The circumstances surrounding the military relationship between Thailand and the US during the Indochina Wars shouldn't go down the memory hole.

The consequences were disastrous on many levels, and they were ongoing until the American forces got their marching orders in 1976... written in the blood of Thammasat students.

We don't want history to repeat itself as tragedy, or even as farce.

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The US will treat Thailand as every powerful nation treats a military government - as a political pawn. The Junta is clearly desparate for international acceptance, especially after its humilitating rejection by the UN General Assembly for membership in the Human Rights Council that probably would have been a smal dunk under the Yingluck administration who originally applied for membership. Notice that the Obama "administration plans merely to scale Cobra Gold down." This means essentially that the Thai admirality will be allowed to observe the exercise from the bridge of an American flagship and play a little Strageo with the Tha armed forces. And since the Thai military holds control of the government's purse strings, the US may sneak in a couple military sales for the good of its own military-industrial complex.

Thank you and goodbye, the US military owns you.

I would say the US weapon industry owns whole USA and more or should I say the capital behind.

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Nonsense, ric.

The US will treat this like every odd year Cobra Gold. There will be both military and humanitarian exercises.

No weapon sales will occur.

CULP Thailand continued after the coup and is still scheduled for next year as well.

Maybe no sales will appears, but it is a very good event to demonstrate the newest weapons.

Business as usual. whistling.gif

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Nonsense, ric.

The US will treat this like every odd year Cobra Gold. There will be both military and humanitarian exercises.

No weapon sales will occur.

CULP Thailand continued after the coup and is still scheduled for next year as well.

Maybe no sales will appears, but it is a very good event to demonstrate the newest weapons.

Business as usual. whistling.gif

Nope... Very little advanced weapons are demonstrated. Most of the exercises are about command and control. Comms etc

Edit - no sales or even gifts of military equipment can happen until there are elections.

Edited by jdinasia
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I, as a former 82nd paratrooper, think that they should cut these dumb games. . its not like they are learning anything from the thai military. PLUS, participating ? in a joint exercise? I think its realllllly clear that foreigners are no t allowed to participate in thai matters, foreigners can only OBSERVE and take it up the ass.

I'm afraid that the most of the thai army will react like 1954 in Dien Bien Phu.

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Nonsense, ric.

The US will treat this like every odd year Cobra Gold. There will be both military and humanitarian exercises.

No weapon sales will occur.

CULP Thailand continued after the coup and is still scheduled for next year as well.

Maybe no sales will appears, but it is a very good event to demonstrate the newest weapons.

Business as usual. whistling.gif

Nope... Very little advanced weapons are demonstrated. Most of the exercises are about command and control. Comms etc

Edit - no sales or even gifts of military equipment can happen until there are elections.

It's hard for me to believe in a Statement of any USA government.

Remember the Iran Contra Affair.

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Completely unrelated - it is a simple metaphor. Once had a guy thinking I called him gay because I said he seemed to be on his knees for a cause - please.

No, it's not "Completely unrelated"... and the additional blarney can be dispensed with.

The Vietnam War was an ignominious defeat for the US and its "allies",

Thailand would be well advised to avoid any military involvement with a country that hasn't won a war since 1945; but is very good at starting conflicts that it can't finish.

Yes it is - pointing out to you how a metaphor works is not even additional blarney ether - Cobra Gold is nothing to do with Vietnam or any ongoing or up coming event - it is a communications exercise to ensure in the unlikely event in the future something does happen the two countries will be on the same page and nothing more then that. I could completely give rats if you think we lost or won any war - it is completely unrelated to the OP and Thailand relationship with the US.

The peevish tone of your post suggests frustration that you can't challenge any of my points.

The circumstances surrounding the military relationship between Thailand and the US during the Indochina Wars shouldn't go down the memory hole.

The consequences were disastrous on many levels, and they were ongoing until the American forces got their marching orders in 1976... written in the blood of Thammasat students.

We don't want history to repeat itself as tragedy, or even as farce.

Well I would know I was here - and we were planning the out before May of 75 already shipping things out, and by Aug 75 most were already gone - the few that remained were gone by June of 76.

The blood of students was to do with the protest of the possible return of Thai military rule and the Right wing groups like the yellow shirts of today - the already leaving US forces were not an issue that was contested there were a ton of other internal issues going on. Right wing groups used propaganda to justify a crackdown on the students - the blood of students is completely on the hands of Thai's on Thai.

Peevish no rather direct yes - sorry. I am not challenge by your post at all. The memory of the relationship is not forgotten and that is why we still have cobra gold. If you don't want history to repeat itself go careful with this reform as sold.

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Although I do think that the US should find some way to express their displeasure with the way in which the current regime came to power I don't think cancelling Cobra Gold is the best way to do so. Having said that, should an alternative present itself (the Philippines has been making friendly overtures lately) perhaps a little competition would be healthy! coffee1.gif

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The US wanted a civil war here? OMG. BTW the last 18 coups to eliminate corruption have worked so well they needed to try again. "The USA should embrace Thailand's coup for what it is" they have and they didn't like it - you mean to say they should except it, but they don't - they tolerate it.

PS to add Thailand is like that brother in law you love but sometimes wish you could slap silly - everyone still shows up for Thanksgiving dinner.

During the last major armed conflict in Southeast Asia it was the Big Guy who got slapped silly.

Completely unrelated - it is a simple metaphor. Once had a guy thinking I called him gay because I said he seemed to be on his knees for a cause - please.

No, it's not "Completely unrelated"... and the additional blarney can be dispensed with.

The Vietnam War was an ignominious defeat for the US and its "allies",

Thailand would be well advised to avoid any military involvement with a country that hasn't won a war since 1945; but is very good at starting conflicts that it can't finish.

Vietnam was not a defeat,

South Vietnam now flourishes with US companies, and of course, military weaponry and it did serve many other purposes.

The Vietnamese people are also still in need of protection from China.

That story is much broader that just the military defeats, which were legendary

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I have written to US congressmen about the need to disengage with Thailand while Military junta are holding the country hostage=

Many in the US are seeing that its strategic position in South East Asia is best served with its Political credibility intact.

What is likely is a winding Back similar to Australia who now has placed Bans on the Thai junta also.

The first step in creating a climate for democracy to reappear in Thailand is not recognise the Marshal law enforcers in their capacity- this includes Co- operation .

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The US does not need duplicitous, feckless military alliances in Asia. Cobra Gold needs to be cancelled, but not for the reasons in the OP.

The US needs to develop Vietnam as the military ally in SEA. The PRC know that aside from Japan, ROK and Australia the US has no reliable allies with convergent values and interests.

In other words, would you rely on the France equivalent in SEA if it came down to the short hairs?

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Why does the US have to have any military envolvement in Thailand. Could you imagine if China had bases in Mexico or military excersises. When The US has democracy then they may have a point but there governments and media are bought and paid for before any vote is cast. Hypocracy of the highest order. Thailand should tell the US where to go IMHO

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Why does the US have to have any military envolvement in Thailand. Could you imagine if China had bases in Mexico or military excersises. When The US has democracy then they may have a point but there governments and media are bought and paid for before any vote is cast. Hypocracy of the highest order. Thailand should tell the US where to go IMHO

The point is Thais can't say anything- they are in a vault called Marshall law-

Every single attempt on this site to pretend it represents Thais is not acknowledged-

Be its silly threads to make the thinker forget the country is under the Gun < to pointless mind numbing approval ratings -

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I have written to US congressmen about the need to disengage with Thailand while Military junta are holding the country hostage=

Many in the US are seeing that its strategic position in South East Asia is best served with its Political credibility intact.

What is likely is a winding Back similar to Australia who now has placed Bans on the Thai junta also.

What is more likely, as evidenced by the OP, is the opposite of your speculation. ;)

What were the congressmen's response to your recommendations?


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Too many quotes

"You sound like an American lawyer.

Getting rid of the dictatorship and the American military bases were the prime objectives of the 1976 student revolt.

Stating otherwise is ignorance or willful misinformation.

As for the poster who claimed "Vietnam was not a defeat"... that is just ludicrous."


and the vary last base was closed 4 months before this happened - empty gone - everyone knew years before they were already going - no longer an issue by then - unrelated to the current events at that time. By the time of this protest that issue was completely ended - How do you protest the presents of something that is not there. Getting rid of what bases? where? Which base was operating in Thailand that they wanted closed in Oct. 76? Even as far back as 73 the US bases were never the center piece of anything that was happening even if it came up as part of some concerns and used as a wage - that is standard Thai politic - 10,000 other inter Thai issues were on top the charts. I am sorry but it is simply not America's fault that it happened and we did not, do not and never will have any responsibility for any type of dictatorship in Thailand past - present or future - wishing it was so does not change real history.

I see no point in continuing this. farewell.

Besides accusing me of being a lawyer is a low blow.wai.gif

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The US is responsible for the overthrow of over 50 governments in the last 60 years many of them democracies including Indonesia and now recently come to light the Australian Premeirship of Gough Whitlam. America does not promote democracy only its own self serving interest. And in that I include the UK France and Germany not just the US. The US are imerialists in denial. They had such an opportunity to promote good in the world and there citizens are now thankfully waking up to the fact that there neo liberal and neo con agenda are the same face with a different mask. You only have to look at Afganistan Iraq and now bombing the same people in Syria now known as ISIS they were calling Rebals not 12 months ago. All pledging allegence to a flag that was proberbly made in China. Start spreading love not hate then they have the ears and hearts of the world

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