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Koh Tao: Prosecutors unfazed by retraction of confession in British tourists' killing


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No. A random smattering of conspiracy theorists have a problem. Not "the world" which is yet another straw man.

As for "side with".. Another one...

A random smattering of conspiracy theorists cheesy.gif Would you call the UK PM one of those and the hundreds of thousands of Thai people, let alone the even bigger international community. Oh and by the way "without theory there is no learning" W. Edwards Deming

"The world is in a constant conspiracy against the brave. It's the age-old struggle: the roar of the crowd on the one side, and the voice of your conscience on the other."


Yes there is a difference between a theory and a conspiracy theory smile.png


Can you please show me where the UK PM has said there is a conspiracy?

coffee1.gif , gawd.........................cheesy.gif ...........................Do you understand the word "Diplomacy".....YES/NO.......................coffee1.gif

You are sooooooooooo BiB-ed I really have to laugh....laugh.png ..........coffee1.gif

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No. A random smattering of conspiracy theorists have a problem. Not "the world" which is yet another straw man.

As for "side with".. Another one...

A random smattering of conspiracy theorists cheesy.gif Would you call the UK PM one of those and the hundreds of thousands of Thai people, let alone the even bigger international community. Oh and by the way "without theory there is no learning" W. Edwards Deming

"The world is in a constant conspiracy against the brave. It's the age-old struggle: the roar of the crowd on the one side, and the voice of your conscience on the other."


Yes there is a difference between a theory and a conspiracy theory smile.png


Can you please show me where the UK PM has said there is a conspiracy?

yes and there is a difference between the truth and a cover up, you are siding with your own conspiracy theory in that everyone else is wrong and you are right. Oh yes next you'll say leave it to the courts to decide, but we've already covered that one no?

Can I show you where the UK PM said there was a conspiracy? aaaah do I need to spell it out what it means for the top Thai diplomat to be 'summoned' actually means in diplomatic circles, or for the UK PM to make the request for UK police intervention. Some times things stare you in the face and if you still dispute them then you are covering up for something, guess your very experienced at that now.

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jdinasia #409 Are you a forensic pathologist? I am not.

I guess he's not but then the RTP forgot to call one in, and so we have the mess we are in today................perfect investigation not

Nah, he's just pathological.

I don't know why so many of you entertain him, obviously he is just trolling.

I have asked him repeatedly to answer a simple, direct question regarding an interview broadcast on Channel 3 News, where it was disclosed that a third DNA sample was found on the torso of Hannah.

The person giving the information was a police pathologist, credible I would say?

Here is the link

Answered your questions before. Feel free to continue posting personal attacks and Thai language sources as often as you like :)

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No. A random smattering of conspiracy theorists have a problem. Not "the world" which is yet another straw man.

As for "side with".. Another one...

A random smattering of conspiracy theorists cheesy.gif Would you call the UK PM one of those and the hundreds of thousands of Thai people, let alone the even bigger international community. Oh and by the way "without theory there is no learning" W. Edwards Deming
"The world is in a constant conspiracy against the brave. It's the age-old struggle: the roar of the crowd on the one side, and the voice of your conscience on the other."


Yes there is a difference between a theory and a conspiracy theory smile.png


Can you please show me where the UK PM has said there is a conspiracy?

yes and there is a difference between the truth and a cover up, you are siding with your own conspiracy theory in that everyone else is wrong and you are right. Oh yes next you'll say leave it to the courts to decide, but we've already covered that one no?

Can I show you where the UK PM said there was a conspiracy? aaaah do I need to spell it out what it means for the top Thai diplomat to be 'summoned' actually means in diplomatic circles, or for the UK PM to make the request for UK police intervention. Some times things stare you in the face and if you still dispute them then you are covering up for something, guess your very experienced at that now.

So, the answer is "no" you can't.

Got it!

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Interesting. Because they haven't really come up with anything apparently very compelling for a few weeks now

For eg, have the police released any findings on the weapon that was used to cause the very obvious wounds to David? Some sort of pushknife I understand? Was this weapon every found? Or would the RTP reveal during the trial that this was found in the suspects residence and contains undeniable DNA evidence?

The push knife theory comes from conjecture on social media.

Surely a hoe could not inflict those injuries, could it?

Are you a forensic pathologist? I am not.

Why would you need to be a forensic pathologist? I asked you in a post what you thought caused David's injuries to his face.

Apart from the blow to the back of his head there is no way those injuries were causes by a hoe. Impossible.

Square pegs in round holes comes to mind. One inch puncture wounds could not be made by a hoe.

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Interesting. Because they haven't really come up with anything apparently very compelling for a few weeks now

For eg, have the police released any findings on the weapon that was used to cause the very obvious wounds to David? Some sort of pushknife I understand? Was this weapon every found? Or would the RTP reveal during the trial that this was found in the suspects residence and contains undeniable DNA evidence?

The push knife theory comes from conjecture on social media.

Surely a hoe could not inflict those injuries, could it?

Are you a forensic pathologist? I am not.

Why would you need to be a forensic pathologist? I asked you in a post what you thought caused David's injuries to his face.

Apart from the blow to the back of his head there is no way those injuries were causes by a hoe. Impossible.

Square pegs in round holes comes to mind. One inch puncture wounds could not be made by a hoe.

Why is it impossible? Because you say it is? You say that they are puncture wounds, how did you arrive at that conclusion?

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jdinasia does not want the UK expertise to take a look at stuff. I wonder why, do you lot wonder why, cos I do.....whistling.gif

Another straw man.

You can come up with a shit comment as much as you like but this English guy wants the truth to a couple of UK kids mutilation, if you don't want that then f off somewhere with your BiB mates....

YOU are a disgrace to their memory............

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It's impossible because of the size of a hoe to the wound. Plus the power of a hoe hitting you would cause fracturing not wounds.

How did I come about that they are puncture wounds? Well they about an inch wide and maybe a little deeper.

I would of thought you would of seen the photos considering your in depth and consistent postings on this subject.

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The British Police already know who did this crime and who for sure who did not, they will present the facts to the RTP and Dear Leader, they will quietly withdraw back to England and report back to the Met and more importantly the British Prime Minister, David Cameron.

Mr Cameron will then act accordingly,

f I was Dear Leader, I would listen closely to the British Police Officers, because if you don't, Thailand is going to get one hell of a slap from the governments of the World, a slap so severe the repercussions will be severe and long lasting.

When the slap comes the following will also be mentioned, Gang Rape, Date Rape ,Multiple Unsolved Murders throughout the Kingdom of Thailand on Foreign Nationals, Human Trafficking, Pedophillia , Drugs, Money Laundering, International Property Right Theft, Extortion and the Gold Medal....Passport Theft.....If and when Thailand staggers to its feet bang the biggest one of the lot.......but thats for another time.........

Edited by BoristheBlade
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It's impossible because of the size of a hoe to the wound. Plus the power of a hoe hitting you would cause fracturing not wounds.

How did I come about that they are puncture wounds? Well they about an inch wide and maybe a little deeper.

I would of thought you would of seen the photos considering your in depth and consistent postings on this subject.

Again you are not a forensic pathologist.

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It's impossible because of the size of a hoe to the wound. Plus the power of a hoe hitting you would cause fracturing not wounds.

How did I come about that they are puncture wounds? Well they about an inch wide and maybe a little deeper.

I would of thought you would of seen the photos considering your in depth and consistent postings on this subject.

Again you are not a forensic pathologist.
I know as you aren't. I will tell you as a fact with 25 years experience as a qualified tradesman that witnessing many accidents that I'm a pretty good judge of tools and the force of them.

So I will ask you. Have you seen the photos? And what is so your thoughts on the weapon?

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It's impossible because of the size of a hoe to the wound. Plus the power of a hoe hitting you would cause fracturing not wounds.

How did I come about that they are puncture wounds? Well they about an inch wide and maybe a little deeper.

I would of thought you would of seen the photos considering your in depth and consistent postings on this subject.

Again you are not a forensic pathologist.

Again, and nor are you, so how do you know he is wrong?

Again, the RTP failed to engage a forensic pathologist at the scene of the murders, the most basic of routine. The banana man said the wounds were done by a bottle, the first police reports said they were not done with a hoe, and your out here wondering why the masses question this??????????? shame on you

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That anyone here would believe and trust the Thai police is really amazing.

One can only presume that they are trolling, and not actually so dumb.

Ok let's look at it your way.

Let's assume there has been a cover up/stitch up and the police know who the real culprits are.

With well over 100 Policeman working on the case, all the reporters who have spoken to locals who are bound to know who they are supposidly protecting

The forensic people involved, their bosses the Prime Minister's own people and my Aunty Mary's big black dog called Bob.

Pray tell where did the Hundred Million Zillion Dollars come from to pay every single one off, so some local farm boys or whoever can walk free?

There isn't enough money in Thailand to shut everyone up and keep the world media silent.

The biggest liars aren't the police but the media who are loving every minute of this....without one shred of evidence they word things in such a way to get people to start doubting

because they survive on creating drama and don't give a hoot about who sufers.

Not one single person has stood up and said it wasn't these boys they were somewhere else.....Not one person has come to their defence

but their own friend is a witness for the prosecution.......their only defense is "we were beaten" in the hope it gets them public support

The real dummies are those that believe no matter what the Thai Police are all liars and follow other Thai bashers like a bunch of brainless sheep.

Believe me I knowhere are bent cops here, we all do, but in a case like this?

Just imagine what would happen if these 2 guys were executed and it came to light it wasn't them and the police knew so.

Who in authority is powerful enough and would be willing to take that risk in one of the highest profile cases in Thailands history?

Actually the boys Friend refused to speak against them , even though he was tortured. He said the boys were asleep in their beds when he went back to the room. Not a scratch or spot of blood on them. That was about half an hour after the murders happened.

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David skull would have been fractured in numerous places if he was beaten to within an inch of his life and then drowned, these injuries would be included in the pathologist report, oh wait didn't Thailands prominent pathologist state already that there was so many flaws in the start of the investigation ?

The truth over the cause of deaths will already be known as no doubt UK pathologists would have conducted their own inquests into the causes of death including toxicology reports. I don't know why people would think otherwise?

I had 4 good personal mates who were with Garda World taken hostage in Iraq and subsequently executed by their captives, eventually when their remains were returned all apart from Al McMenemy the pathologists in the UK still had to determine a "cause of death" despite it being pretty obvious they were shot to death.

Thaialnd has their procedures which in this case were piss poor and the UK FCO pathologist will also have had his procedures just to make sure they arrive ar the same conclusions as their Thai counterparts.

Not too difficult to understand is it?

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It's impossible because of the size of a hoe to the wound. Plus the power of a hoe hitting you would cause fracturing not wounds.

How did I come about that they are puncture wounds? Well they about an inch wide and maybe a little deeper.

I would of thought you would of seen the photos considering your in depth and consistent postings on this subject.

Again you are not a forensic pathologist.

Again, and nor are you, so how do you know he is wrong?

Again, the RTP failed to engage a forensic pathologist at the scene of the murders, the most basic of routine. The banana man said the wounds were done by a bottle, the first police reports said they were not done with a hoe, and your out here wondering why the masses question this??????????? shame on you

The claims that people know the details of how the wounds were made and what weapon/s did or did not cause them is the issue.

There apparently were only 7 officers posted on KT at the time. Police work with what they have.

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Nomsods too busy trying to get his left arm straightened before the Met come and have a chat

Jdinasia is probably a high ranking member of the "tourist" police :-)

Probably nomsod in disguise.

Trying to confuse us all.

Stay focused.

Nomsod isn't old enough to have 18,000 plus posts. You seem to be the one that is easily confused.

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Jdinasia is probably a high ranking member of the "tourist" police :-)

Probably nomsod in disguise.

Trying to confuse us all.

Stay focused.

Got it!! Just because I confront conspiracy theorists' delusional posts about.. Well, about everything since they have less consistency than even the RTP did early on... That means I am the person you hope killed the 2 British folk. (while it is far more likely that they have the actual killers in custody.)

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It's impossible because of the size of a hoe to the wound. Plus the power of a hoe hitting you would cause fracturing not wounds.

How did I come about that they are puncture wounds? Well they about an inch wide and maybe a little deeper.

I would of thought you would of seen the photos considering your in depth and consistent postings on this subject.

Again you are not a forensic pathologist.

Again, and nor are you, so how do you know he is wrong?

Again, the RTP failed to engage a forensic pathologist at the scene of the murders, the most basic of routine. The banana man said the wounds were done by a bottle, the first police reports said they were not done with a hoe, and your out here wondering why the masses question this??????????? shame on you

The claims that people know the details of how the wounds were made and what weapon/s did or did not cause them is the issue.

There apparently were only 7 officers posted on KT at the time. Police work with what they have.

Moonie is there a question in your above post?

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Jdinasia is probably a high ranking member of the "tourist" police :-)

Probably nomsod in disguise.

Trying to confuse us all.

Stay focused.

Got it!! Just because I confront conspiracy theorists' delusional posts about.. Well, about everything since they have less consistency than even the RTP did early on... That means I am the person you hope killed the 2 British folk. (while it is far more likely that they have the actual killers in custody.)

Are all investigations not carried out based on "theories " ?

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Jdinasia is probably a high ranking member of the "tourist" police :-)

Probably nomsod in disguise.

Trying to confuse us all.

Stay focused.

Got it!! Just because I confront conspiracy theorists' delusional posts about.. Well, about everything since they have less consistency than even the RTP did early on... That means I am the person you hope killed the 2 British folk. (while it is far more likely that they have the actual killers in custody.)
Are all investigations not carried out based on "theories " ?

Well inThailand investigation is manipulated by FACE and influential family status and everyone who dares to find out the truth will simply be shot dead, in secret...

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