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Suthep declines court summons over killing of Japanese reporter

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Suthep claimed during a street march interview that he collectively with his group are the actual 'owners' of Thailand

Can you validate your claimed quote with a source and link?

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He declines to show up to a court summons? Arrest his ass and make him attend.

Attend what? and for what reason?

Just to repeat the same BS thrown at him over the years?

Just to explain once more the reasons behind the order, he and Adhisit issued to supress the clashes?

They had every right to order these actions.

And I hope this case is thrown out of the court.

Not because I'm not against the killings although nobody still knows where the bullets came from, but for the reasons politicians still pursue these court hearings to gain political benefits.

But didn't Suthep admit in court testimony this year that he only requested the military shoot at the feet of the protestors? His innuendo was that any bullets striking other body parts, ie., mortally, was a random and unintentional event. He hasn't ever denied he gave orders to shoot into civilian crowds, just that it was in self defense to being shot at by unknown assailants.


One is a doc I saw on youtube recently. Just put 'driving ferraris with thai elite' or something like that and you'll find it. That is a must see, not so much for the clips of yellow shirts with guns, but for the overall content. I've seen a few more. Just look for Thailand/coup/yellow shirt docs and you'll find a few. I did.

I obviously touched a nerve. I do not apologise.

I don't want to see a PDRC propaganda video, especially when there is no footage of guns in it. The search you suggested brought back no footage of the PDRC with guns.

BS touches a nerve. If there is so much footage of the PDRC with guns, then it shouldn't be too hard for you to provide a link.

I am not suggesting that there were no armed PDRC protesters, but I have seen no footage of them in pick up trucks, or anywhere else except for the "pop corn shooter".


He declines to show up to a court summons? Arrest his ass and make him attend.

Attend what? and for what reason?

Just to repeat the same BS thrown at him over the years?

Just to explain once more the reasons behind the order, he and Adhisit issued to supress the clashes?

They had every right to order these actions.

And I hope this case is thrown out of the court.

Not because I'm not against the killings although nobody still knows where the bullets came from, but for the reasons politicians still pursue these court hearings to gain political benefits.

He cannot be seen as above the law.

If he is summoned, he attends like everyone else.

That's how it works for everyone else.

Or do you think he is special?

I don't think he or Abhisit are responsible for what happened in 2010, but that is the courts decision. They decide, not suthep, not you, not me.

Not you.. not me... Who made you boss?

If I think he is responsible thats my decision, right or wrong.


i dont care now does my this family or many friends what he might be like what he did before weather he's a hiso or whatever i my this family and many this friends are just thankful he stood up to most evil nasty would be dictator controlling it all from Dubai and hopefully put an end to that person and whole vile shin clan for ever.

typing error again english is not my best subject of course i meant 1 my this family and many this friends are just grateful to him and dont care if he does not bother to attend some stupid court trying to blame him for what was IMO 100% you redshirt supporters due to the redshirts and their master

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He declines to show up to a court summons? Arrest his ass and make him attend.

Attend what? and for what reason?

Just to repeat the same BS thrown at him over the years?

Just to explain once more the reasons behind the order, he and Adhisit issued to supress the clashes?

They had every right to order these actions.

And I hope this case is thrown out of the court.

Not because I'm not against the killings although nobody still knows where the bullets came from, but for the reasons politicians still pursue these court hearings to gain political benefits.

ok then

reds have to follow the law and be quiet

yellows can do what the frunk they want..eventually turning monks until everything calm again...and ignoring the law

can i eventually refer to suthep as the mass killer monk?

He can be bracketed with the sadistic torturer monk. No names, we all know who he is.

Do you have any proof of what you accuse someone of?

Happy to defame then.


i dont care now does my this family or many friends what he might be like what he did before weather he's a hiso or whatever i my this family and many this friends are just thankful he stood up to most evil nasty would be dictator controlling it all from Dubai and hopefully put an end to that person and whole vile shin clan for ever.

typing error again english is not my best subject of course i meant 1 my this family and many this friends are just grateful to him and dont care if he does not bother to attend some stupid court trying to blame him for what was IMO 100% you redshirt supporters due to the redshirts and their master

try again i my thai family and many thai friends computer keyboard gets a bit stuck

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He declines to show up to a court summons? Arrest his ass and make him attend.

Attend what? and for what reason?

Just to repeat the same BS thrown at him over the years?

Just to explain once more the reasons behind the order, he and Adhisit issued to supress the clashes?

They had every right to order these actions.

And I hope this case is thrown out of the court.

Not because I'm not against the killings although nobody still knows where the bullets came from, but for the reasons politicians still pursue these court hearings to gain political benefits.

i agree. the case against Suptep was made by Tarit on orders from Taksin . All Thais know this. But some TV posters think they know better. No doubt they are peaved because he rid the country of the Shinawatta influence. All my many Thai friends suported him and my best and closest friend gave him 500,000 baht towards his campaign.


If K Suthep has nothing to hide and is blameless why does he not just get it over with, he can't just say "no I'm not going to bother"? Has guilt driven him to become a monk?

Is that what he said?

What did he really say?

Nobody knows, because there's not a single quote in the red press Khaosod so-called article.

So it's all left to conjecture and endless speculation as to what really did occur and what specifically was said.

Worse than pathetic reporting from the sham news source.

Does this count as a quote? "Suthep, who is now living as a monk in southern Thailand, said he would not attend the court hearing because he has already given testimonies in other court cases related to the 2010 crackdown, an official at the public prosecutor’s office said yesterday. "


The only reason Suthep organised a mob to take over BKK was to save his own ass. For those that feel he was doing it to save his beloved nation, are fools. He was due in court on charges of mass murder. He faced the death penalty. The PM at the time also had similar worries.

A life in prison or the possibilty of facing a firing squad and suddenly they organise a 'people's' coup by proxy? Give me a break.

Yes - and all while the alleged financier and video star instigator and orator of the insurgency wasn't charged with anything. According to the then AG, although there was plenty of evidence in the video recordings, he was out of the country at the time.

What a load of &lt;deleted&gt; that was. His successor promised to review that &lt;deleted&gt; decision but never somehow got around to it.

Wasn't little sis some kind of bag lady at the time - withdrawing large cash sums from money recently transferred to her accounts? Clearly not worth investigating - ah that would've been by Sherlock Tarit.

The trumped up charges were to give Tacky more leverage to force them to agree to his complete whitewash. Nothing more.

All a game to these rich, very amply rich, billionaires who can do anything they want with no real consequences. Just a loss of face, and nose out the trough while the other side takes a turn.

Pitty the 99.9% who don't own most of the country.

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This is not a case against him, but an inquest.

There are multiple 'on the record under oath' in court sources of this same testimony

saying the same thing the inquest could draw on for the information. But that avoids the point.

There are some who would still wish to stitch him up, so he never returns to the scene.

That is the real reason for needing his presence at the inquest.

If it is a inquest then he has nothing to fear but fear itself. Looks more like a reason to get press time.


How can someone just ignore a court?

Who the hell does he think he is. And to think thus bloke apparently appears to be on of the good guys.

Anybody here who is rich enough, from the right family, or well connected enough can ignore a court here as they are above the law and untouchable.

It's like the aristocracy used to be in Europe from the Middle Ages to, I guess, the 20th Century in some cases. They made the law and rules up for others but of course they don't apply to themselves.

Thainess - something to behold.


Thing is, I've seen loads of footage of armed yellow shirts during the protests (faces covered with scarves etc). Usually in the back of pick ups. We've all seen them. We all knew about them. The army knew about them. I have a feeling Suthep knew about them.

But somehow, we never did see the military open fire on them with such reckless abandon. Funny that...

I do take your point btw, but there is one thing that bothers me..

Close your eyes and imagine the scene. Thousands of red shirts storm BKK International Airport during Abhisit's period in office.

Which of the following would be the iikely outcome.

1) Same as the yellow's effort. The Democrats would allow the airport to remain closed for months and let them have parties inside on live TV. How the police and armed forces would smile and join in the fun.

2) The army would be sent in as soon as the reds got within a mile of the airport. Then, anyone brave enough to climb the final hill into the airport would be gunned down instantly. Not one red shirt would make it into the airport, hundreds would be shot trying to get near the place and thousands arrested on charges of terrorism. Any survivors would still be in jail today.

Any honest man knows the answer.

"Loads of footage of armed yellow shirts" ... so it should be easy to show some footage of armed yellow shirts in pickups then.

The Yingluck government didn't get the army involved. That's the main reason the military didn't fire on any protesters.

As far as your scenario goes, any honest man knows you're talking complete BS.

To be honest, I'm in the UK nowadays and the footage (I can remember) is from a guy that is now under lese majeste charges in the UK (a Thai national). He's an academic. I'm not going into to much as searching or viewing it in Thailand could land you in trouble (it may be blocked in LOS in all truth.) Even I'm not comfortable searching for it as he goes on an anti royal rant. I am not anti royal, I just want to make that clear. He shares a first name with a famous F1 driver of the 70s (Mr Villenueve..the spelling may be slightly out).

The footage is there, I've seen it and it's up to you to find it. Find the clips/photos if you really want. They are out there.

If you actually believe no yellows were armed, then you're mad. Mind you, you're probably deflecting from the main issue. Reds can't take over airports but yellows can.


He declines to show up to a court summons? Arrest his ass and make him attend.

"Arrest his ass and make him attend."

What would be the point of that, arresting him if it is an arrestable offence would be much more expedient, surely?


Here is more form Paul's testimony on the BBC :

"I just saw a red-shirt protester shot three feet from me. Through the chest. It happened at around 2030 local time. He was doing nothing but sitting on a pick-up truck across the road from the Khao San Road intersection and about 100m from Democracy Monument.

There were noises of shots, but I thought it was rubber bullets, so I stayed there.

The man was around 50 years old, and waving a flag from a pick up truck. His head was five feet above from the highest point of the truck."

Given there were armed protesters, he could have been shot by one of them.

yeah that's convenient, like Italian journalist Fabio Polenghi, who was shot and killed in the BACK while running away from Ratchadamri road, his colleague also shot in the back of the leg, it was blamed on the red shirts, the black shirts, a third hand, etc.

Except it has since been proven by the court that Polenghi was killed by a .223 calibre high velocity bullet of the kind used by the army, and that the only army unit present at the time was the Second Cavalry Division of the King’s Guard, which was tasked with dispersing demonstrators.

Every time it is a foreigner whose family has the means to investigate this seems to be the outcome, funny we never hear about it, anybody know the name Polenghi? nope. Any follow up articles in The Nation? nope.

you mean the same sort of guns the red shirts had stolen/taken from soldiers, at least try remain honest and quote all the facts not just your biased ones, reds and blackshirts were firing the same weapons as the army, nothing has been proven at all as yet, all we have is the ptp/red/tarit set up. We can only hope that now we will finally get to the bottom of it but I am sure if the reds are indicated you will still cry foul. I also think the mad monk still should be made to face court, this is typical of the bullsh*t we see here, everyone thinks they can do as they please and the officials simply let them, too much face involved instead of the law.

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Then why is it that it's only the red shirts that get slaughtered?

Haven't seen any yellow elites fired upon with live bullets and slaughtered.

Take over the airport and disrupt the whole world yep not a problem go right ahead etc etc.

Somebody gave those orders for live bullets and those people should be brought it justice and give the foreign families some closure.

The PMs trip to Milan and seeing the mother of the slain Italian shows it's still very raw with the families.


Well here we go again .

The self proclaimed peoples champion is now the bullet proof monk.

Yinglucks got the gonads to go the distance yet this bloke hides behind monks robes and thinks he's above the law.

Oh those elite there just a little bit above the average thai so why should any of them take notice of the law.

That's funny. I remember when the protests started, Yingluck and her gonads ran away up country while Suthep walked the streets while grenades were going off for his belief.

Have you managed to spot the back-room manoeuvring yet from Yingluck to avoid having to take her gonads to court and face her accusers - like Suthep and Abhisit already did ?.

Never let facts get in the way of a good whine cheesy.gif

Suthep walked the streets while grenades were going off because he most likely was directing the grenade throwers and knew he was never in harms way.

PS: Yingluck is actually female and therefore has no gonads (perhaps the Thai ladies that you've been fraternising with aren't exactly ladies - better do a quick check or you could end up in all sorts of trouble my friend)

I really hate to break the news to you but gonads are not limited to tetis. Gonads refer to sexual organs that produce Gametes. Female gonads are called ovaries. SO perhaps some review of your biology will help you.

So you weren't using the term as part of an idiom along the lines of "putting your balls on the chopping block", you actually literally meant gonads?

Yingluck hasn't got the ovaries to face court - can't say that I've ever heard this saying before - you are indeed a trailblazer.

BTW: (gonads) vulgar slang A man’s testicles or genitals.


I hope one day these evil criminals are dealt with -

Its really pathetic Thailand allows so many murderous types to roam

"these evil criminals............so many murderous types."

Freddy, apart from Suthep, the subject of this thread , you must have others in mind since you used plurals?

Its clear who were behind the 2010 slaughter -

Names need not be mentioned

Let me mention the names for you. Thaksin and his red and black militia.

Soldiers were given the orders and their Ammunition was found to have caused the carnage- the orders were given by the then PM and his deputy- Its disgraceful they are not in Prison

Troops fired M-16 rifles at fleeing protesters and shouted: "Come out and surrender or we'll kill you."


Don't the courts realise who this idiot is? How dare they have the gall/arrogance to even think they can speak to such a man. Suthep is untouchable and answers to no one. Not even the P.M would dare to treat Suthep which such disrespect.

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He declines to show up to a court summons? Arrest his ass and make him attend.

"Arrest his ass and make him attend."

What would be the point of that, arresting him if it is an arrestable offence would be much more expedient, surely?

Don't know about Thailand, but in Australia if you are summonsed to give evidence before a court and fail to turn up you can be arrested. The charge is fail to answer summons and you can also be charged with contempt of court which carries a prison sentence.
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If K Suthep has nothing to hide and is blameless why does he not just get it over with, he can't just say "no I'm not going to bother"? Has guilt driven him to become a monk?

Is that what he said?

What did he really say?

Nobody knows, because there's not a single quote in the red press Khaosod so-called article.

So it's all left to conjecture and endless speculation as to what really did occur and what specifically was said.

Worse than pathetic reporting from the sham news source.

Does this count as a quote? "Suthep, who is now living as a monk in southern Thailand, said he would not attend the court hearing because he has already given testimonies in other court cases related to the 2010 crackdown, an official at the public prosecutors office said yesterday. "


Quotation marks surrounding what someone said are usually a good indication of a quote.




To be honest, I'm in the UK nowadays and the footage (I can remember) is from a guy that is now under lese majeste charges in the UK (a Thai national). He's an academic. I'm not going into to much as searching or viewing it in Thailand could land you in trouble (it may be blocked in LOS in all truth.) Even I'm not comfortable searching for it as he goes on an anti royal rant. I am not anti royal, I just want to make that clear. He shares a first name with a famous F1 driver of the 70s (Mr Villenueve..the spelling may be slightly out).

The footage is there, I've seen it and it's up to you to find it. Find the clips/photos if you really want. They are out there.

If you actually believe no yellows were armed, then you're mad. Mind you, you're probably deflecting from the main issue. Reds can't take over airports but yellows can.

I have already said that there were some armed PDRC "protesters". What I'm asking for is pictures of armed PDRC protesters riding around in pick up trucks. You said that there was plenty of footage out there, but can't give me a link to one thing. Then you use an excuse that it's on the website of a guy charged with LM. Is that they ONLY place that this "plenty of footage" is? Surely if there is plenty of footage, there must be some somewhere else.

And you're worried about *looking* at a website while you're in the UK? How much of a reach do you think the Thai police/army have?

You're the one that is saying that there is plenty of footage. It's up to you to prove it.

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Don't know about Thailand, but in Australia if you are summonsed to give evidence before a court and fail to turn up you can be arrested. The charge is fail to answer summons and you can also be charged with contempt of court which carries a prison sentence.

And that's the whole point here. As far as I'm concerned it's the only point. The politics can be (and no doubt will be) argued forever. There is bad and worse on both sides, but put that whole debate aside. Nobody is above the law. Everybody who is issued with a summons MUST comply. Thailand can't move on as a country until this happens.

The whole feudal system has to go, and that can only happen when the higher-up's comply with the law, and the lower-down's enforce it. Until these two things both happen, any notion of democracy can be forgotten. It won't happen overnight, my great passion for 3 decades was English history and in the UK it took a long, long time to transition from absolute power to true democracy, as it very likely did all over Europe. There are differences in modern day Thailand but there are also a lot of similarities, and the experiences of Europe should be observed, particularly by the majority. Allow our hindsight to be your foresight, if you like. The barons in England tried to hold on to that power for as long as they could. The majority were always going to emerge as the new ruling power. That's exactly what's happening here. We, with the benefit of hindsight and knowledge can see the injustices of the system in Thailand. During this great shift of society, I'm sure that the people who would be the equivalent of us back then were led by the noses, with that resigned to life as it is and not thinking to question it attitude that we find so hard to understand. Convinced even that things are nice and settled the way things are, no need to change anything or rock the boat - that is what a lot of Thai people will be feeling at the moment, although the big difference is that some have seen the real democracy that we have - an experience of course not available a couple of hundred years ago. Once it was passed into law though, it was different. That's when the real changes happened. These things are law in Thailand, and until it stops being flouted - and being allowed to be flouted - the country can't possibly move forward.

Incidentally, I'm not aware of any society in the world still emerging from this feudal system. In many countries there is a system of patronage, but they've been brought about by shifting politics or stemming from colonialism. Outside Europe, most of the feudal societies were brought to a very abrupt end in recent times. Thailand seems set to struggle with this for a long time to come.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


Refusing to obey a court summons, Shows complete contempt for the court and even more contempt for the victim and the people he was supposed to serve, Throw his ass in gaol...

Also many people cliam that as the PM and ministers of government they should be held responsible for their policy's, fair enough, agreed,

well the "crack down " that cost people their lives was ordered and ok'ed by Mark and Suthep, If you want Yingluk to be held responsible for her policy's then that must also hold for Mark and Suthep, but that won't happen just as the people involved in the government's microphone scam won't be responsible but a statement is on it's way of no wrong doing just a misunderstanding. TIT.


Refusing to obey a court summons, Shows complete contempt for the court and even more contempt for the victim and the people he was supposed to serve, Throw his ass in gaol...

Also many people cliam that as the PM and ministers of government they should be held responsible for their policy's, fair enough, agreed,

well the "crack down " that cost people their lives was ordered and ok'ed by Mark and Suthep, If you want Yingluk to be held responsible for her policy's then that must also hold for Mark and Suthep, but that won't happen just as the people involved in the government's microphone scam won't be responsible but a statement is on it's way of no wrong doing just a misunderstanding. TIT.

And you've said that Yingluck shouldn't be held responsible for PTP's policy failures, so you must agree that Abhisit and Suthep shouldn't be held responsible either.

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