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Uk - Probe Into Asylum Seekers

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If this is true and the news say there is no reason to doubt it. Is this why it is getting so difficult for the honest one's of us to get a visa for our other halves and family. :o

From SkyNews http://www.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30100-13535032,00.html

UK News

Joseph Dzumbira allegedly offered asylum for cash Probe Into Asylum Claim

Updated: 09:38, Thursday July 27, 2006

The Home Office has begun an investigation into claims an immigration officer took bribes to help hundreds of illegal immigrants enter Britain.

The official allegedly told an undercover journalist from The Sun newspaper he could get asylum seekers refugee status for up £2,000.

It is claimed he provided more than 200 people with fake documents and taught them how to cheat the system.

The claims follow revelations earlier this year that an immigration official offered visas in return for sexual favours.

That scandal centred on Lunar House asylum HQ in Croydon, south London.

The latest claims centre around allegations that Joseph Dzumbira, who worked in the same building for several years, was able to get anyone refugee status for the right price.

The Zimbabwean-born Government worker was filmed by The Sun as he allegedly demanded cash for getting the asylum seeker refugee status.

Edited by mrbojangles
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Little bit embarri......could always FINE them for overstay...if we could only FIND...."em...how many?


Reid defends HIS immigration shake-up

Mr Reid (known as "Bruiser Reid" )says there has been some misreporting of his plans

John Reid has defended his plan to sort out the immigration service with new border controls and a pledge to clear a backlog of over 400,000 asylum seekers.

The home secretary, who has unveiled a series of Home Office shake-ups, said his reforms were "realistic" and he had been the victim of misreporting.

He spoke out after the Tories accused him of throwing cash at the problems instead of getting to the root of them. The Lib Dems dismissed the reforms as a paper-shuffling exercise.

On Tuesday, Mr Reid told MPs he planned to introduce uniformed immigration officers at ports and airports and have passport checks in place by 2014 to ensure there is a record of who has left the UK. ...VE VILL HAVE BORDER GUARDS

Embarkation controls are needed to check how many failed asylum seekers and immigration offenders are in the UK, he said.

Mr Reid's action plan also outlined targets to deal with nine out of 10 asylum seekers - including deporting them if necessary - within six months of arriving in the UK by the end of 2011

...WOT before the Olympics...we need every Chippy we can get :D .

People will also be encouraged to use the Crimestoppers number to report companies they suspect are employing illegal workers.

The home secretary says he also plans to clear the backlog of up to 450,000 asylum seeker case files within five years - but the Tories say Mr Reid's "tough talk is not enough".

Shadow home secretary David Davis said: "The government doesn't have a clue how many illegal immigrants there are. HE HAS JUST SAID..450,000 :D

"Hundreds of foreign prisoners have been released on to our streets - all as a result of a policy failure so huge it has overwhelmed their system.

"The government's policy is wrong, not simply their administration."

'Not contactable' ...cant find them :o

He stressed that the backlog of 400,000 to 450,000 files were not all failed asylum seekers: "Many of them are cases where there's been agreement to grant people leave to remain here but then we can't contact them because they have moved.

"I don't mind at all people being sceptical - what I've tried to do is be realist about how we stage these things...

I do, however, take issue when people misreport what I say and treat it with cynicism." YES JOHN....OF COURSE :D

(with thanks BBC)


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Whilst i don't agree with this hysteria over a few illegals , what i really object to is the public being asked to be unpaid police officers shopping illegals and their employers to the real police via crimestoppers. I'm a live and let live person and i have no intention of shopping people who are doing me no harm

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Whilst i don't agree with this hysteria over a few illegals , what i really object to is the public being asked to be unpaid police officers shopping illegals and their employers to the real police via crimestoppers. I'm a live and let live person and i have no intention of shopping people who are doing me no harm

Well in a different BBC news report it was stated that there were 30,000 to 50,000 illegal people in the UK on fraudulent 'education' visas issued by Home Office ECOs.

I don't suppose you consider this number 'a few' and it and the cumulative effect of all the other Home Office corruption reports ( and there are many) that lead to the impression of hysteria, and comments such as that below taken from a BBC news item:

Commenting on the latest allegations, UK Independence Party leader Roger Knapman said the Home Office had become "nothing more than a comedy routine".

"The whole of this wretched government department is rotten to the core," said Mr Knapman.

And he criticised the reforms announced this week by John Reid as "meaningless spin with no real substance".


Edited by fisherd3
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Well in a different BBC news report it was stated that there were 30,000 to 50,000 illegal people in the UK on fraudulent 'education' visas issued by Home Office ECOs.
The visas were. of course, issued by ECOs, but this does not mean that the ECOs were involved in the fraud, it means that the ECOs were duped by the fraudsters!

The rules on student visas have been considerably tightened up as a result of the widespread fraud. Which means that genuine students may now find it more difficult to get their visa.

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Yes of course the ECO's were not involved in the "fraud" neccessarily but

to fisherd3

50000 is less than 0.1% of the UK population so yes i do consider this to be a few in the context. A few that have no impact on the UK or its citizens or on me or on you. Like i said its hysteria , and that sells newspapers.

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Guest endure

A piece in the Times this week suggested that the new uniformed border guards are to be taken from the ranks of the present un-uniformed immigration officials who loiter inconspicuously in places like Heathrow looking for unusual behaviour. I would have thought that incognito officers would do a much better job of detection although of course they won't impress the Sun as much as a nice man in a uniform. :o

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I received an e-mail from an I.O. which contained the following lighthearted (I hope) comments on the suggested uniform:

The uniform should comprise skintight white shirts, jodhpur black trousers fitted into knee high black patent leather boots complementing nicely a black leather sam browne belt. Mirrored sunglasses should be de rigeur as indeed the can of mace, rigid handcuffs and asp. God knows what the chaps will wear.........


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