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Thailand back in business, welcomes foreign investors - Apec told


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you are right, but on the other hand, capitalism has no political allegiances

ain't that the truth!

One question for all those who make such a big deal about owning land. Why did you not move to a country where you can? I know if it was that big a deal to me I would have gone to Mexico or some other country where the weather is nice.

I am not playing smart ass I really am interested in knowing what the allure is if not owning land is such a beg deal.

Good question. I guess people like and enjoy Thailand and the dream of owning something here is attractive even if the laws for land & house are not favourable to foreigners? Maybe having a Thai spouse and family is motivation? Leaving a legacy for the family or something maybe? There are other countries that employ similar or even harsher laws and people buy in those countries too. I don't own land in Thailand through a company/wife or otherwise but I have a condo which I like. I once owned in Spain but thankfully got out before the crash. I bought a house in Natal, Brazil in 2008, I own it outright but due to immigration I can only stay in the country 185 days in any year, the house and land is sound though. I think a lot of people think they're buying into an investment which might be correct in BKK but hardly anywhere else.

That is pretty much what I mean they have the dream and go to a country where it can not come to pass. I doubt they have a Thai family when they come here. As for a legacy I refuse to own any thing I can not walk away from.

But I have considered buying land of course in the wife's name for if I did pass away she would own some thing.

I chose instead to put the money into guaranteed interest things. Not much pay on them but cash she can lay her hands on right away. I guess it is to each their own. I don't regret one bit coming here. I have also found that investing in her children's future also works as a guarantee to help her if I go first. She is 15 years younger than me.

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