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Is min. wage really 300 THB / day?


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" Air Con is for Pussies! " Are you a great big Pussy Viewers...?

I don't know anybody in Thailand that actually uses air con! One it is very expensive and also very unhealthy for you! ( It must be noted viewers that i cannot be in an air con place without it giving me the most dreadful sore throat viewers...) I cannot travel by bus,and cannot spend much time in Shopping Malls or even watch a new " cool movie " without being dressed for " Ice Station Zebra ".You will however find in your room/ condo something called a " door and window " now if you keep them open the whole time it creates the most delightful breeze viewers.........

It's no wonder that most of you have " absolutely no idea " how normal Thai people live here in Thailand !!!

with love & a hug,

Farang Jaidee " in touch with reality ..." wub.png

I never get a room with air con, rather have a fan room anyday! Never plan to spend much time in the room anyway..

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" Air Con is for Pussies! " Are you a great big Pussy Viewers...?

I don't know anybody in Thailand that actually uses air con! One it is very expensive and also very unhealthy for you! ( It must be noted viewers that i cannot be in an air con place without it giving me the most dreadful sore throat viewers...) I cannot travel by bus,and cannot spend much time in Shopping Malls or even watch a new " cool movie " without being dressed for " Ice Station Zebra ".You will however find in your room/ condo something called a " door and window " now if you keep them open the whole time it creates the most delightful breeze viewers.........

It's no wonder that most of you have " absolutely no idea " how normal Thai people live here in Thailand !!!

with love & a hug,

Farang Jaidee " in touch with reality ..." wub.png alt=wub.png>

Personally I don't know any Thai's who don't have the aircon on full blast at every possible opportunity.

I use it less than them when I'm in Thailand. I can happily site during the day with the balcony doors wide open and not be too warm.

All the Thai's I know simply cannot and will not do that. It's aircon on full blast for them.

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I was discussing this 300 baht a day ( 9,000 baht a month ) with a few farang that live in my area and all agreed that " living on your own " you can live a great life on 9,000 baht a month! Yes The Thais love air con i agree but i would always choose a fan room any day! ( even with unlimited funds ) Also the Thais love to spend most of there day " indoors " I prefer to be " outside " all day in the gorgeous weather enjoying the sunshine! ( i don't know of any farang that could possibly choose Thailand as a country to live in and then spend all day indoors! ( " crazy " ) Why move to live in a country which offers a " fabulous outdoor lifestyle " to sit indoors all day with the air con on full blast ???? ( and looking as pale as Rentaghost )

But lets not " drift away off course viewers..." 300 baht a day is a fabulous wage and will give you an amazingly cool lifestyle why would you possibly need more..?

See you on the beach Viewers!

Farang Jaidee wub.png Are you " living the dream " viewers...?tongue.png

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Reminds me.... I haven't eaten FRUITCAKE for ages

Yes Mr Jacksam i am a " Fruitcake " ( although rather partial to a slice of Battenberg cake it should be noted...)

Now Mr Jacksam of course you will find that living on a normal Thai wage of 300 baht a day to seem a bit crazy.I don't know how you are living but If you are paying your " Girl Friend " money every month so she will continue to be your " Girl Friend " ( in Thailand we call it a " Live in Maid " ) Then of course you cannot live on 300 baht a day!

My advice would be to send your " Live in Maid " off to work for a cool 300 baht a day which will bring her in a nice 9,000 baht a month and then split all the bills 50/50 and if she has " any change " she can save some money too!

If she does not agree with it then i should " send her on her way " and then change the locks on your front door " rather swiftly " ......

Good Advice!

Greetings to you from Mr Jaidee x ( Fruitcake )wai2.gif

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Dog ..please explain how your post and that of Mr 6000 baht relates to the op. Did you read it.

Answer is 300 baht but not all adhere to it. Please someone lock this op

Yeah I am well aware of what its about.. You of course never go off track do you?? Anyway as a more learned member than me as said before " some people on here take things far too seriously"! And I agree with him!! lol

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300 baht a day is a fabulous wage and will give you an amazingly cool lifestyle why would you possibly need more..?

It doesn't matter how often you say this but it just isn't true.

300B a day is enough to pay rent on a basic apartment, eat (street food) and drink (water), and walk everywhere and little else/

There's no money left over for entertainment, hobbies, activities or enjoyment.

You can't treat yourself to a meal in a restaurant or mall, go see a film, go out for drinks with friends, go on a date, take public transport or do much else other than the real basics...aka surviving.

Not many people just want to live / survive. Most, Thai and farang, want to ENJOY life and have fun. 300B a day doesn't allow for anything other than the basics.

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300 baht a day is a fabulous wage and will give you an amazingly cool lifestyle why would you possibly need more..?

It doesn't matter how often you say this but it just isn't true.

300B a day is enough to pay rent on a basic apartment, eat (street food) and drink (water), and walk everywhere and little else/

There's no money left over for entertainment, hobbies, activities or enjoyment.

You can't treat yourself to a meal in a restaurant or mall, go see a film, go out for drinks with friends, go on a date, take public transport or do much else other than the real basics...aka surviving.

Not many people just want to live / survive. Most, Thai and farang, want to ENJOY life and have fun. 300B a day doesn't allow for anything other than the basics.

Mr Spade - lovely to hear from you!

You are correct in some things that you say BUT it all " hinges " on the amount you are paying for your rent! ( this is the key ) if you are paying 2000 to 4,000 in rent then you will be fine! Paying more than that and things will become " rather tight " ( you can find some nice rooms and condos in that price range but it does mean getting out there and " knocking on doors " ( i also don't drink or smoke which is a huge difference! ) Hobbies such as photography,socializing ( idle chit chat whist in motion ) swimming ,sunbathing and lovely long walks are all " FREE " If you use the Trains then they are " real prices " and such fabulous fun! ( Bangkok to Hua Hin is only 44 baht viewers! ) a movie costs about 100 baht ( i can't enjoy the cinemas in Thailand due to " seriously cold air con " makes the experience rather unpleasant! )

The only " real hurdle " from your above list is " going on a date " - i haven't been on a date in over 10 years! ( perhaps you could admire my honesty viewers...) and after living in Thailand for 4 years i haven't really ever met anybody that i would wish to get " involved " with.. ( i guess miracles can happen ... ) So yes it is quite simple to live on 300 baht a day ( i wish i had as much as that! ) but it depends if you like the " simple life " ( like me...) or if you are the " materialistic type " ( there are many of those! lol ) then you won't find it quite so easy..........

Farang Jaidee - reporting absolutely " live " from his 2000 baht room drinking a " Buddy Dean 3 in 1 coffee " and generally feeling " rather relaxed "..... giggle.gif

Are you feeling a bit twitchy viewers......? x

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I was discussing this 300 baht a day ( 9,000 baht a month ) with a few farang that live in my area and all agreed that " living on your own " you can live a great life on 9,000 baht a month! Yes The Thais love air con i agree but i would always choose a fan room any day! ( even with unlimited funds ) Also the Thais love to spend most of there day " indoors " I prefer to be " outside " all day in the gorgeous weather enjoying the sunshine! ( i don't know of any farang that could possibly choose Thailand as a country to live in and then spend all day indoors! ( " crazy " ) Why move to live in a country which offers a " fabulous outdoor lifestyle " to sit indoors all day with the air con on full blast ???? ( and looking as pale as Rentaghost )

But lets not " drift away off course viewers..." 300 baht a day is a fabulous wage and will give you an amazingly cool lifestyle why would you possibly need more..?

See you on the beach Viewers!

Farang Jaidee wub.png Are you " living the dream " viewers...?tongue.png

Was that the annual TSA meeting? Thailand Scratcher Association.

Personally i am trying to avoid skin cancer it's just not cool, bit like your shack.

Enjoying a real coffee, feeling relaxed

Edited by mrtoad
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It is 300Baht per day according to the law.

Except for Cambodians, Burmese, Laotians, farang teachers, Digital nomads and some others.

I think they get a little less.whistling.gif

if nation can get any good worker for 300 a day be he/she burmese forang teacher or other and they are any good come work for us we pay good workers Burmese at least 400 a day but they do have to be good and not lazy sods as most here IMO are

If you have 2 who are good and looking for work let me know.........cant find anyone except stupid or lazy, 400 a day is fine by me.

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