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In the context of Thailand, what is a digital nomad?

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Yes, good idea.

Provide an exit to the loop.

micmichd is on board everyone! Welcome sir/madam clap2.gif

So we have a title: "mrtoad and Soutpeel's Ultimate Digital Nomad Guide for Thailand"

But we need content from our guides. Hello?

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Come on guys, let's do this! I'm excited!smile.png

Sorry I know your excited at the mention of my name, but I actually prefer young ladies, sorry, maybe talk to JSPILL believe he was involved in gay tourism promotion he might know someone you can be happy with ;)

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Come on guys, let's do this! I'm excited!smile.png

Sorry I know your excited at the mention of my name, but I actually prefer young ladies, sorry, maybe talk to JSPILL believe he was involved in gay tourism promotion he might know someone you can be happy with wink.png

But JSpill knows nothing sir. The quality of our resource will be severely compromised, don't you think?


I am prepared to have a Skype meeting sir. Or Gmail chat if you prefer?

As I have said dear boy, I don't bat for the team, but I am flattered all the same, so need to decline your offer of pikey dating

Why don't you contact " gaylips" sure he would be interested in a bit of on line dating with you, even though I believe he has a BF already

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They are likely out source contract workers. Not direcf employees

"...most likely..."

MrToad is the same as many of the anti-nomaders on TV. Working from an base of ignorance and disbelief simply because they are cloistered from what is actually happening in business today. So sorry Mr Toad that can't even see that his arguments are based on supposition. If you knew things you would not have to guess and say most likely. that's an opinion and you are very very wrong.

Most Likely???? Do you ACTUALLY know anything or just enjoy bagging people just because you don't like the way they live?


They are likely out source contract workers. Not direcf employees

"...most likely..."

MrToad is the same as many of the anti-nomaders on TV. Working from an base of ignorance and disbelief simply because they are cloistered from what is actually happening in business today. So sorry Mr Toad that can't even see that his arguments are based on supposition. If you knew things you would not have to guess and say most likely. that's an opinion and you are very very wrong.

Most Likely???? Do you ACTUALLY know anything or just enjoy bagging people just because you don't like the way they live?

No, no, you are mistaken sir. I originally thought similarly to you, but it is simply not true, as I experienced an epiphany today—they are actually the foremost experts on the topic. Will you join us in the creation of the ultimate guide?

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I don't wish for a date sir. I want to start the "mrtoad and Soutpeel's Ultimate Digital Nomad Guide for Thailand" project.

What do you think? Should we start with the "ALBC" page?

If you are going to continue to use acronyms such as ALBC, you should at least have the intelligence to spell it out in full in the first instance that you use it. That is the universally accepted English writing convention. A number of posters have asked for a definition and so far all I have seen is what someone thinks it what be.

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I don't wish for a date sir. I want to start the "mrtoad and Soutpeel's Ultimate Digital Nomad Guide for Thailand" project.

What do you think? Should we start with the "ALBC" page?

If you are going to continue to use acronyms such as ALBC, you should at least have the intelligence to spell it out in full in the first instance that you use it. That is the universally accepted English writing convention. A number of posters have asked for a definition and so far all I have seen is what someone thinks it what be.

I replied too soon, as raybal5 is on board!

Which definition should I use sir?

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My initial proposal for a title is: "mrtoad and Soutpeel's Ultimate Digital Nomad Guide for Thailand."

What do you both think?

We would be happy to moderate the Digicoy, Pikey and Ed visa abuser forum.

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I don't wish for a date sir. I want to start the "mrtoad and Soutpeel's Ultimate Digital Nomad Guide for Thailand" project.

What do you think? Should we start with the "ALBC" page?

If you are going to continue to use acronyms such as ALBC, you should at least have the intelligence to spell it out in full in the first instance that you use it. That is the universally accepted English writing convention. A number of posters have asked for a definition and so far all I have seen is what someone thinks it what be.

If you had taken the time to read the whole post, you will see said acronym and definition was given earlier in the thread, so not my problem you illiterate TEFLer as you obviously can't read ;)
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They are likely out source contract workers. Not direcf employees

"...most likely..."

MrToad is the same as many of the anti-nomaders on TV. Working from an base of ignorance and disbelief simply because they are cloistered from what is actually happening in business today. So sorry Mr Toad that can't even see that his arguments are based on supposition. If you knew things you would not have to guess and say most likely. that's an opinion and you are very very wrong.

Most Likely???? Do you ACTUALLY know anything or just enjoy bagging people just because you don't like the way they live?

Good one. I really have no idea of business?

My comment that you quoted is wrong? No outsource workers? I gave no issue with legal workers, i dobt see why others feel that they should have special concessions when others get legal entities etc.

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My initial proposal for a title is: "mrtoad and Soutpeel's Ultimate Digital Nomad Guide for Thailand."

What do you both think?

We would be happy to moderate the Digicoy, Pikey and Ed visa abuser forum.

Agreed I will glady be co-moderator on an illegal digital pikery forum

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Thank you kindly guys.

Although, I am not proposing a forum, but an ultimate resource. A quicker way would be for me to cut and paste from your comments, so just let me know. However, I think you will both agree that an original resource would be best smile.png

You guys are the best!


They are likely out source contract workers. Not direcf employees

"...most likely..."

MrToad is the same as many of the anti-nomaders on TV. Working from an base of ignorance and disbelief simply because they are cloistered from what is actually happening in business today. So sorry Mr Toad that can't even see that his arguments are based on supposition. If you knew things you would not have to guess and say most likely. that's an opinion and you are very very wrong.

Most Likely???? Do you ACTUALLY know anything or just enjoy bagging people just because you don't like the way they live?

Good one. I really have no idea of business?

My comment that you quoted is wrong? No outsource workers? I gave no issue with legal workers, i dobt see why others feel that they should have special concessions when others get legal entities etc.

I believe earlier on in the thread I stated I had no problem with digital nomads provided what they do is legal and don't start demanding special privileges

As pointed out in terms of the DM definition given earlier on in the thread I belive myself to be a DM

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I don't wish for a date sir. I want to start the "mrtoad and Soutpeel's Ultimate Digital Nomad Guide for Thailand" project.

What do you think? Should we start with the "ALBC" page?

If you are going to continue to use acronyms such as ALBC, you should at least have the intelligence to spell it out in full in the first instance that you use it. That is the universally accepted English writing convention. A number of posters have asked for a definition and so far all I have seen is what someone thinks it what be.

If you had taken the time to read the whole post, you will see said acronym and definition was given earlier in the thread, so not my problem your illiterate TEFLer wink.png

Agreed! You really need to be far more thorough with your forum conduct raybal5, as Soutpeel is the expert here. I too have problems with "illiterate TEFLers" Soutpeel, so I understand completely smile.png


They are likely out source contract workers. Not direcf employees

"...most likely..."

MrToad is the same as many of the anti-nomaders on TV. Working from an base of ignorance and disbelief simply because they are cloistered from what is actually happening in business today. So sorry Mr Toad that can't even see that his arguments are based on supposition. If you knew things you would not have to guess and say most likely. that's an opinion and you are very very wrong.

Most Likely???? Do you ACTUALLY know anything or just enjoy bagging people just because you don't like the way they live?

Good one. I really have no idea of business?

My comment that you quoted is wrong? No outsource workers? I gave no issue with legal workers, i dobt see why others feel that they should have special concessions when others get legal entities etc.

I believe earlier on in the thread I stated I had no problem with digital nomads provided what they do is legal and don't start demanding special privileges

As pointed out in terms of the DM definition given earlier on in the thread I belive myself to be a DM

Thank you kindly for this Soutpeel, as I will use this for your "Bio" section: "Based on the terms of the DM definition given in the ThaiVisa thread, Soutpeel believes that he is a DM" (apologies for the formatting)

Is this okay?


Real Digital Nomads will not have a problem, visa abusers that claim they are a Nomad are very different.

I read this as 'I'm losing the debate, I'll latch on to the fact jspill doesn't turn up to his Thai classes and doesn't leave Thailand much'.

Nomads have already left their country to generate passive income in Thailand, that's nomadic. Maybe I'll do 15 years here then try Vietnam. I've done a couple weeks here and there in Laos, Cambo, Phils, and moved around between BKK, Udon and Hua Hin. If that's not nomadic enough for you draw me up a travel itinerary and I'll do my best to tour around a bit more.

WOW a real jet setting I must say, what your describing is a gap year students do before they get their first real job

And there is Soutpeel's ignorance and arrogance showing again.

He does not understand what IT jobs are and cannot accept that a real job can in fact be done online and does not need to be done at a particular location. Just because online jobs are different from his so-called real jobs, it mustn't be a job at all can it Soutpeel. You see folks, real jobs are ones which you go to a particular location and do what your boss tells you to do. Anything different cannot possibly be a real job.

Some advice for you Soutpeel. Just because something exisits beyond your sphere of personal experience or understanding, that does not mean it does not exist at all. I'm sure that outside of TV you might come across as a worldly person with some life experience and a modicum of intelligence. I just wonder why you choose to come online and sprout on about a topic you have little to zero knowledge on and pretend to be an expert about it. That is a really dumb thing to do. I wonder what drives you. Jealousy, spite, the need to be seen as an expert? Whatever it is, it's not working for you. You are just coming across as an ignorant bigot.

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Digital Pikery for dummies?

I felt it fit more in with the 'Complete idiot's guide to' range :P

It may well do.


The first time in my life I heard about digital Nomads was about a month ago when the thread appeared on TVF.

From what I understood from that thread is that digital nomads are mainly young people that have an idea of how to use a computer and try to convince themselves that they have a job.

The don't offer any benefits to anybody, no taxes paid no social security just instead of trying to find a proper job they are pissing around the globe pretending they offer something to society.

From what I understood also they are earning a pittance of money.

I would call them lazy bums and I would advise them to go and get a job.

As a digital nomad that makes online games, Once a game is made it runs online with virtually no more time needed on it maybe 1-2 weeks a year to add some new content to the game. It is easy to make 6 figures or more a year from this type of work and travel the globe, Maybe many of us limit our taxes but we provide much more then the average worker. Not only do we spend the same amount if not more then most people that work in the country we stay in but every worker gets a lot of benefits from the country it is working in, medical etc where as digital nomads pay it all themselves. Where as the country a worker resides in has to cover them with certain benefits at a cost to that country, in the case of a digital nomad the country gets a good amount of money spent by the nomad with NO cost/risk to the country at all!!

And this is all well and good, but please don't start bleating on you want the thai government to give you special privileges or visa's

So what Soutpeel is saying is that once a law is written, it should and can, never be changed.

Thank you for that almost biblical viewpoint.

The main issue is that the current Alien Employment Act takes a very narrow view of what work is. It was drafted into law in 2008 with no acknowledgement of the rapidly changing international nature of internet commerce and focuses on the traditional view of employment. People doing physical or intellectual work for a company. eg, building roads, working in factories, being a teacher, selling things face to face, managing a company, and so on. It barely touches on the entirely legitimate structure of a sole trader business.

Since that time there has been a lot of change and I don't think it is unreasonable for people to ask for a review of such an important area. To put people down and cast aspersions or their character merely for expressing the need for a review is typical of what tyrannical Luddites and later, the Nazi's, did.

Current day Thai bureaucrats themselves are reported as saying that being a self-employed person who works only on the internet and gets paid outside of Thailand is a grey area and possibly not breaking any Thai law. Quite a lot more moderate than the likes of Soutpeel and others of his ilk who see the world only in black or white and will fight for the blackness regardless of a dearth of knowledge or logic on their part.

Rather than fighting for a rigid adherence for the status quo, perhaps if the naysayers would open their minds and discuss the issues rather than launching personal attacks and saying it can't be done because it hasn't been done before.

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