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Reopen Tak Bai case, Angkhana urges

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Reopen Tak Bai case, Angkhana urges
The Sunday Nation


Human rights campaigner Angkhana Neelapaijit speaks at a panel discussion at Ramkhamhaeng University yesterday to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Tak Bai incident.

NARATHIWAT: -- Queries prosecutors' claim of lacking evidence but says court could be lenient

For a decade since the Tak Bai incident, noted human rights activist Angkhana Neelapaijit has been repeating calls for action on the death of 78 protesters at the hands of security officials while being taken away from the scene of a fatal protest in military trucks.

On the 10th anniversary of the incident, the chairwoman of the Justice of Peace Foundation has again questioned public prosecutors' claims that they dropped the indictment of security officials because of a lack of evidence.

"We have people who survived in the military trucks who can explain how the protesters died after being piled up on each other in the vehicles," she said.

The deaths were preventable if the protesters, who were bound and made to lie face down, were allowed to sit up to prevent them from suffocating or from being crushed under the weight of others. She said the media and witnesses at the incident knew which officials had given the orders for the transport - controlling the crowd, driving the trucks and guarding protesters in the trucks.

Although the victims and survivors could have filed cases on their own, they later retracted lawsuits after they were paid compensation. They had also faced the difficulty of producing witnesses and gathering evidence, she said.

This had happened even after many of them had requested for help from the National Human Rights Commission to initiate lawsuits against the officials.

"What the public prosecutor has said about the lack of evidence is untrue; there are a large number of survivors and eyewitnesses ready to testify, including many civil servants and a member of the junta-installed National Reform Council," Angkhana said.

Reopening the cases, either through public prosecutors or with the victims' relatives acting as co-plaintiffs, would lead to court trials, where the truth would be revealed about how the protesters had died and who were responsible for their deaths. However, suspended jail terms or some leniency could be granted to any defendants who were convicted, Angkhana said.

She said Thailand's image had taken a beating due to the lack of thorough inquiry into the Tak Bai incident. She cited Thailand's failure to be elected to a seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council for 2015-17 as an example of this.

The Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) and international human rights bodies still speak out on the Tak Bai case, which they deemed an unlawful act by Thai security authorities that caused in deaths while in detention.

A total of Bt700 million has been paid to the families of the victims and the survivors since 2007 while charges against 58 core leaders arrested for illegally staging the rally were dropped. The 1,280 arrested protesters were not charged, but 51 people were wounded and one became disabled.

A ruling by Songkhla Court on May 29, 2009 said that the deaths were caused by suffocation during detention by authorities, but did not name anyone as culpable. The relatives later filed a request with the Criminal Court, asking that suffocation be revoked as the cause of death.

Court battles over this plea went to the Supreme Court, which ruled on August 1, 2013 that the Criminal Court was not authorised to validate the revocation. The verdict meant that the relatives would need to start from square one beginning with the Songkhla court, after wasting many years on this issue.

Angkhana called on the government not to deem the Tak Bai incident as a case against certain individuals, but as an issue of justice for the victims and Thai society as a whole. "Giving importance to the Tak Bai incident could help ease the bitter feelings of the people over this injustice to them."

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Reopen-Tak-Bai-case-Angkhana-urges-30246257.html

-- The Nation 2014-10-26

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Officials responsible for Tak Bai should be prosecuted: HRW
The Sunday Nation

A Muslim student holds a protest placard at Pattani

PATTANI: -- Security officials responsible for the death of protesters in the Tak Bai incident in 2004 should be brought to justice, Human Rights Watch has said.

"Thailand's failure to prosecute security personnel responsible for the Tak Bai killings is a glaring injustice that brings the police, military, and courts into disrepute," the group's Asia director Brad Adams said.

"The Thai authorities' failure to deliver justice to southern Muslims has fuelled conditions for the insurgency in the deep South," he added.

"What happened in Tak Bai 10 years ago must not be forgotten," Adams said. "Delivering justice for the victims of this massacre is an important step to ending atrocities and respecting the rights of the southern Muslim community."

In its statement released yesterday, on the 10th anniversary of the incident, Human Rights Watch urged Thai authorities to make a "demonstrable commitment to holding abusive officials accountable was crucial for addressing unrest in the southern border provinces".

Previous governments have provided financial compensation and other reparations to some Tak Bai victims and their families. But the US-based group said assisting some victims did not relieve the authorities of legal obligation to prosecute those responsible for unlawful killings, disappearances, torture, and other abuses in the southern border provinces.

On October 25, 2004, four Muslim protesters were killed in a clash with police and military personnel outside Tak Bai police station. Later, another 78 protesters suffocated or were crushed to death while being transported to an Army camp in Pattani.

In August 2013, the Supreme Court ruled that the security personnel were blameless because they had only been performing their duties.

"The cycle of human rights abuses and impunity in Thailand contributes to an atmosphere in which state security personnel show less regard for the civilian population and abusive insurgents commit ever greater atrocities," the organisation said.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Officials-responsible-for-Tak-Bai-should-be-prosec-30246254.html

-- The Nation 2014-10-26

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For victims and relatives, nothing can get rid of the pain and anguish
Lekha Kliangklao

NARATHIWAT: -- "I cannot forget that incident, even though it was many years ago," said a mother, who lost a son in the Tak Bai incident, that left 85 Muslims dead, most of them dying during a post-crackdown transport to a military base.

Yesterday marked the 10th anniversary of the infamous incident. Despite large sums being paid out in compensation, the survivors based in Narathiwat's Tak Bai district still live in agony.

Tragedy has chased Kamoh, 59, whose second son died during the crackdown outside Tak Bai Police Station on October 25, 2004, while her husband had died of natural causes two months earlier. Her eldest son died of an illness later and she now lives alone, as her youngest child works in Malaysia.

She said the money given to her as compensation could never remove the pain of losing her second son. "It is like I had received cash in exchange for his life. I can never forget the injustice I have endured in the past 10 years.

"The authorities never accepted their guilt, and I don't like wrongdoers who never show remorse. I shall never forget what the officials did that day," she added.

The alleged use of violence on the protesters during the crackdown, and suffocation in the trucks, have left many survivors disabled. Sanusi Jehmae, 38, has lost control over the movement of his right arm after surviving the agonising 200km transport to the military barracks in Pattani.

On October 25, 2004, a large crowd of Muslim men, who were protesting outside the Tak Bai Police Station, were detained and piled into military trucks, face down, one on top of the other. Many of them were found dead after the one-hour drive to the barracks, either crushed under the weight of others, or from suffocation.

Sanusi, 38, said he was unable to walk for two days and there was no medical attention during his two days at the barracks, before he was admitted to a hospital. His right arm was heavily swollen and he lost control over it. It became numb after he returned home and since then he has been unable to use the arm.

During the transport, Sanusi said he thought he was going to die, as he was at the bottom of the human pile, almost crushed by the weight of the people above him.

Many men, who were beaten by rifle butts or assaulted, kept moaning in pain while people on the top urinated or defecated, he said. "I could only listen to the moaning and tried to keep myself awake, while having trouble breathing," he added.

Sanusi is still single, and works as a hand at a construction materials shop. He said he was fine with the money given, as he believed it was the amount Allah had fixed for him. "But the money's not worth what I suffered and the disability," he added.

He said officials had often told him not to "reopen the old wounds" during frequent discussions. "But if they do not accept that they had wronged me, there is no justice. I don't want to talk about this but what happened has been deeply imprinted in my mind and I have never forgotten it," he added.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/For-victims-and-relatives-nothing-can-get-rid-of-t-30246256.html

-- The Nation 2014-10-26

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Sounds like a your A typical Thai Muslims making trouble again.

Compensation was paid and charges were dropped, it happened Ten years ago, get over it and move on, and learn your place Khon Islam.coffee1.gif

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Do you honestly think that the military regime we have at present would re-open an investigation into the Army officers who were responsible for the appalling treatment of these prisoners. It was the Army that tied them up bundled them into trucks and let them suffocate. The Army does as it pleases in this Country, they are not answerable to civilian authority, 19 coups in recent years is ample proof of this.

There's more than enough responsibility and accountability to go around but neither words are in common use or acted upon here.

Nothing was ever done to those who gave the order to.open fire on the students all those years ago and every year they went on vacation at the time of the anniversary of the incident. The vacation was a mere coincidence of course.

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Sounds like a your A typical Thai Muslims making trouble again.

Compensation was paid and charges were dropped, it happened Ten years ago, get over it and move on, and learn your place Khon Islam.coffee1.gif

And had it been your father or brother died in such terrible circumstances, I'm sure you'd let it lie too!!

Sounds to me like you think all Muslims are trouble makers. bah.gif

Not all Muslims are trouble makers, but all trouble makers ARE MUSLIMS...

need I list where, how and when?

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Sounds like a your A typical Thai Muslims making trouble again.

Compensation was paid and charges were dropped, it happened Ten years ago, get over it and move on, and learn your place Khon Islam.coffee1.gif

Oh what a sad excuse for a human being you are.

No need for insults here, the OP was right when he stated the facts, right now, Muslim leaders

will do well not to stir any raw emotions as right now, they're not the flavor of the months,

nothing but killing, enslaving, pillaging, raping and mass executions coming from many places

being carried out for the so called " good Muslims and Allah fearing warriors "

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Sounds like a your A typical Thai Muslims making trouble again.

Compensation was paid and charges were dropped, it happened Ten years ago, get over it and move on, and learn your place Khon Islam.coffee1.gif

Oh what a sad excuse for a human being you are.

No need for insults here, the OP was right when he stated the facts, right now, Muslim leaders

will do well not to stir any raw emotions as right now, they're not the flavor of the months,

nothing but killing, enslaving, pillaging, raping and mass executions coming from many places

being carried out for the so called " good Muslims and Allah fearing warriors "

Not an insult,pure fact.I am not a muslim lover but this incident coincided with the war on drugs,and guess who was in charge? Don't forget there is no accountability in this country,whether it be any event directed towards muslims,farangs or any foreign national.Have you ever asked yourself who re-ignited the current world problems regarding muslim nations.I am sure even you can work that one out.

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Sounds like a your A typical Thai Muslims making trouble again.

Compensation was paid and charges were dropped, it happened Ten years ago, get over it and move on, and learn your place Khon Islam.coffee1.gif

And had it been your father or brother died in such terrible circumstances, I'm sure you'd let it lie too!!

Sounds to me like you think all Muslims are trouble makers. bah.gif

Not all Muslims are trouble makers, but all trouble makers ARE MUSLIMS...

need I list where, how and when?

What an incredible attitude you have! All trouble makers ARE MUSLIMS? blink.png Indeed?

Yes, if not all than 99% of them either Muslim inspired, imitated, wannabe terrorist and ISIS combatants, how about if you list all the atrocities perpetrated by NON Muslims,

and I'll list same by radicalized terrorists/Muslims all over the world, your list will much, much shorter

than mine...

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Sounds like a your A typical Thai Muslims making trouble again.

Compensation was paid and charges were dropped, it happened Ten years ago, get over it and move on, and learn your place Khon Islam.coffee1.gif

Oh what a sad excuse for a human being you are.

No need for insults here, the OP was right when he stated the facts, right now, Muslim leaders

will do well not to stir any raw emotions as right now, they're not the flavor of the months,

nothing but killing, enslaving, pillaging, raping and mass executions coming from many places

being carried out for the so called " good Muslims and Allah fearing warriors "

Not an insult,pure fact.I am not a muslim lover but this incident coincided with the war on drugs,and guess who was in charge? Don't forget there is no accountability in this country,whether it be any event directed towards muslims,farangs or any foreign national.Have you ever asked yourself who re-ignited the current world problems regarding muslim nations.I am sure even you can work that one out.

As the OP stated, case closed compensations were paid and peace was restored, sort of,

what will be the benefits of rehashing and re opening old wounds, who's going to benefit out of it?

no one, except for more animosity and hurt feelings resurfacing all over again,

right now, Thailand doesn't need that sort of crap, move on and learn from mistakes, both

side of the divides...

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Sounds like a your A typical Thai Muslims making trouble again.

Compensation was paid and charges were dropped, it happened Ten years ago, get over it and move on, and learn your place Khon Islam.coffee1.gif

And had it been your father or brother died in such terrible circumstances, I'm sure you'd let it lie too!!

Sounds to me like you think all Muslims are trouble makers. bah.gif

Not all Muslims are trouble makers, but all trouble makers ARE MUSLIMS...

need I list where, how and when?

Hmmm. Just in recent news, and in this neighborhood...




But you just go ahead and keep drinking the Kool-Aid being fed to us by the war mongers who miss having the Russkies to justify their existence...

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Sounds like a your A typical Thai Muslims making trouble again.

Compensation was paid and charges were dropped, it happened Ten years ago, get over it and move on, and learn your place Khon Islam.coffee1.gif

And had it been your father or brother died in such terrible circumstances, I'm sure you'd let it lie too!!

Sounds to me like you think all Muslims are trouble makers. bah.gif

Not all Muslims are trouble makers, but all trouble makers ARE MUSLIMS...

need I list where, how and when?

Hmmm. Just in recent news, and in this neighborhood...




But you just go ahead and keep drinking the Kool-Aid being fed to us by the war mongers who miss having the Russkies to justify their existence...

After drinking few cool-aid bottles/can, I see a flow in your rebuttal that you fail to distinguish

between state's trouble makers for political gains and individual, radicalized terrorist group

committing major atrocities and genocides in a name of a deity or a religion, and for monetary gains

being supported and financed by rouge, rich country with a huge agendas...

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In Thailand, police and military brass pay money (to higher ups) to get promoted. It's also about 'who-you-know' and social status, not about skills nor intelligence. That partly explains why top brass at the Tak Bai made such poor decisions. Just before Tak Bai, there was a problematic handling of another Muslim incident at Kru Sae. Just after Kru Sae, PM Thaksin made it crystal clear that if any top military brass had a question about something, they should call him. All the generals had his personal phone number. Then Tak Bai happened. Not only the top brass at the scene, but also Thaksin should be hauled off to ICC to face charges of genocide.

If it's an in-house investigation, nothing will happen in the discipline dept.

There's a story from Tak Bai, where a Muslim man, who was at the upper layer of men (stacked like cordwood in the trucks) had asked a soldier not to stand on the pile, "because my brother is lower down, and he can't breathe." The soldier started jumping up and down.

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Sounds like a your A typical Thai Muslims making trouble again.

Compensation was paid and charges were dropped, it happened Ten years ago, get over it and move on, and learn your place Khon Islam.coffee1.gif

Oh what a sad excuse for a human being you are.

I lived in a Thai Muslim community for two years in Krabi.

My experience with Southern Thai Muslims is extensive, I still have a lot of Thai Muslim friends that I visit every time I go back to LOS.

My wife's family were once Muslims, dating back generations coming from Songkla, Pattanni and Pattalung.

And Yes, I can tell you for sure that there are a lot of A typical Thai Muslims that are trouble makers, hate Thai Buddhists and want a separate Muslim state in Thailand.

Personal Examples of my experience.

1. My wife purchased land and wanted to build a house in a Thai Muslim Area in Krabi, The local A Typical Muslim trouble maker, made so much trouble for my wife over this land that she had a mis carriage, and was sick and depressed for months after.

2.My wife was driving back from her mothers house in her pick up truck when a Motor cycle with three people on it overtook her on the left, the rider was so close to her car that he hit his head on the left hand rear view mirror and crashed his bike, my wife stopped and asked them if they were ok, they were already on the phone calling the local A typical Thai Muslim trouble maker,

My wife went to the local Police station to report the accident.

At least two hundred people related to the bike rider came to the Police station looking for blood.

They trashed my brand new Pick up and I had to pay 5000Baht to the bike rider at the demand of the local trouble maker, there was no damage to the bike or the riders as they were doing less than 20kms and fell over in the grass.

My car was a wreck and needed a full panel and paint job, I sold it as soon as I drove it out of the paint shop.


Edited by Paulzed
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Sounds like a your A typical Thai Muslims making trouble again.

Compensation was paid and charges were dropped, it happened Ten years ago, get over it and move on, and learn your place Khon Islam.coffee1.gif

TVF should have a dislike button.

If they did, I would use it here!

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Sounds like a your A typical Thai Muslims making trouble again.

Compensation was paid and charges were dropped, it happened Ten years ago, get over it and move on, and learn your place Khon Islam.coffee1.gif

Oh what a sad excuse for a human being you are.

I lived in a Thai Muslim community for two years in Krabi.

My experience with Southern Thai Muslims is extensive, I still have a lot of Thai Muslim friends that I visit every time I go back to LOS.

My wife's family were once Muslims, dating back generations coming from Songkla, Pattanni and Pattalung.

And Yes, I can tell you for sure that there are a lot of A typical Thai Muslims that are trouble makers, hate Thai Buddhists and want a separate Muslim state in Thailand.

Personal Examples of my experience.

1. My wife purchased land and wanted to build a house in a Thai Muslim Area in Krabi, The local A Typical Muslim trouble maker, made so much trouble for my wife over this land that she had a mis carriage, and was sick and depressed for months after.

2.My wife was driving back from her mothers house in her pick up truck when a Motor cycle with three people on it overtook her on the left, the rider was so close to her car that he hit his head on the left hand rear view mirror and crashed his bike, my wife stopped and asked them if they were ok, they were already on the phone calling the local A typical Thai Muslim trouble maker,

My wife went to the local Police station to report the accident.

At least two hundred people related to the bike rider came to the Police station looking for blood.

They trashed my brand new Pick up and I had to pay 5000Baht to the bike rider at the demand of the local trouble maker, there was no damage to the bike or the riders as they were doing less than 20kms and fell over in the grass.

My car was a wreck and needed a full panel and paint job, I sold it as soon as I drove it out of the paint shop.


So you lived in a Muslim community for 2 years, and that makes your experience 'extensive'?

I'm sorry your wife miscarried also, but that does still not give you the right to make the comment; 'ALL TROUBLE MAKERS ARE MUSLIM'.

That in itself is a very blind observation, and a conceited one at that.

You ought to have thought a little more before making such a rude and untrue remark. There are plenty of non-Muslims around the world who equally make as much trouble, and you don't seem to have taken that into account, because you still have a huge chip on your shoulder, alledgedly.

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Sounds like a your A typical Thai Muslims making trouble again.

Compensation was paid and charges were dropped, it happened Ten years ago, get over it and move on, and learn your place Khon Islam.coffee1.gif

Oh what a sad excuse for a human being you are.

I lived in a Thai Muslim community for two years in Krabi.

My experience with Southern Thai Muslims is extensive, I still have a lot of Thai Muslim friends that I visit every time I go back to LOS.

My wife's family were once Muslims, dating back generations coming from Songkla, Pattanni and Pattalung.

And Yes, I can tell you for sure that there are a lot of A typical Thai Muslims that are trouble makers, hate Thai Buddhists and want a separate Muslim state in Thailand.

Personal Examples of my experience.

1. My wife purchased land and wanted to build a house in a Thai Muslim Area in Krabi, The local A Typical Muslim trouble maker, made so much trouble for my wife over this land that she had a mis carriage, and was sick and depressed for months after.

2.My wife was driving back from her mothers house in her pick up truck when a Motor cycle with three people on it overtook her on the left, the rider was so close to her car that he hit his head on the left hand rear view mirror and crashed his bike, my wife stopped and asked them if they were ok, they were already on the phone calling the local A typical Thai Muslim trouble maker,

My wife went to the local Police station to report the accident.

At least two hundred people related to the bike rider came to the Police station looking for blood.

They trashed my brand new Pick up and I had to pay 5000Baht to the bike rider at the demand of the local trouble maker, there was no damage to the bike or the riders as they were doing less than 20kms and fell over in the grass.

My car was a wreck and needed a full panel and paint job, I sold it as soon as I drove it out of the paint shop.


So you lived in a Muslim community for 2 years, and that makes your experience 'extensive'?

I'm sorry your wife miscarried also, but that does still not give you the right to make the comment; 'ALL TROUBLE MAKERS ARE MUSLIM'.

That in itself is a very blind observation, and a conceited one at that.

You ought to have thought a little more before making such a rude and untrue remark. There are plenty of non-Muslims around the world who equally make as much trouble, and you don't seem to have taken that into account, because you still have a huge chip on your shoulder, alledgedly.

I never said that all Muslims are trouble makers, that was someone else's post. I Have a lot of Thai and non Thai Muslim friends, I said that there is always an A typical shit stirrer that revs up the plebs and in my opinion that Angkhana is one of those shit stirrers, really its ten years on, people were paid compensation and charges were dropped.

Come on Really, get a hair cut and a real job.

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For a decade since the Tak Bai incident, noted human rights activist Angkhana Neelapaijit has been repeating calls for action on the death of 78 protesters

While on the subject of atrocities committed upon those in opposition during the Thaksin regime, it would be good to also include the unsolved murder of Angkhana's husband, human rights attorney Somchai.

Somchai Neelapaijit (May 13, 1951 – last seen in 2004), a Thai Muslim lawyer and human rights activist who "disappeared" on March 12, 2004 during Thaksin Shinawatra's regime


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For a decade since the Tak Bai incident, noted human rights activist Angkhana Neelapaijit has been repeating calls for action on the death of 78 protesters

While on the subject of atrocities committed upon those in opposition during the Thaksin regime, it would be good to also include the unsolved murder of Angkhana's husband, human rights attorney Somchai.

Somchai Neelapaijit (May 13, 1951 – last seen in 2004), a Thai Muslim lawyer and human rights activist who "disappeared" on March 12, 2004 during Thaksin Shinawatra's regime


Makes you wonder why the yellows pursue silly corruption allegations and trumped up vote buying accusations against Thaksin when they could possibly find more success here, with issues and events like the disappearance of Somchai.

Fact is there are permanent powers who do as they please regardless of who's in government and they remain unanswerable to all.

If they could nail Thaksin for this or Tak Bai or the Drug War without revealing their own greater role in these sad events they would.

As it stands they never mention it, none of this stuff ever passed Sutheps lips as he preached his anti-Thaksin bile from the PDRC stages.

You won't see justice served here - at least not until democracy has well an truly taken root in Thailand and a whole new generation of politicians are running the show.

Edited by Robespiere
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