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UK female jihadists run ISIS sex-slave brothels

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Well how can we avoid all this. Forget the Quoran and religion. This is about male power. This is about the Muslim's desire to control women. I am convinced that the way to undermine the whole movement is through women's power. Obviously, given how powerfully Muslim men control their women, it's easier said than done. But I think as women find their collective strength and face down these men then they can slowly erode their power. It's OK for the US/whoever to try and bomb them out of existence : but that's a tough call. Alongside these military actions the west should be undermining islam through their women and encouraging the empowerment of women.


Sex slavery part of genocide. There is an excellent video on YouTube by Dr. Sean Hross about ISIS and connections to Swiss banks, there is even digital currency called "ISIS" operated by the British Banks. The hands working to control that region are long, but nothing is too short for this globalized world to grasp. Nazis also used sex slavery, aka MK ULTRA in some parts of the world, brainwashing, etc. The children of these sex slave women might grow up to be various types of slaves to the new order that will emerge after ISIS, with a great push from those behind the scenes, turns it into whatever they are planning. Perhaps a Disney will be built on old genocidal grounds in 50+ years time.


I read about a girl baby having her head cut off by these "religious" folk today...........coffee1.gif

Link? Can PM it to me if you can't post here.

This is shocking stuff and it doesn't seem to be improving. Bombings are not going to help get these women and children out of the brothels. There needs to be a ground operation. We need boots on the ground.

Yep, "boots on the ground" will work. How about yours?!?

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there is even digital currency called "ISIS" operated by the British Banks

Evidence? Source? Reference?

There was a digital wallet called Isis Mobile Wallet operated by AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon (none of them British or a bank). It changed its name to Softcard and has no connection that I know of to Islam.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Softcard


I read about a girl baby having her head cut off by these "religious" folk today...........coffee1.gif

Link? Can PM it to me if you can't post here.

This is shocking stuff and it doesn't seem to be improving. Bombings are not going to help get these women and children out of the brothels. There needs to be a ground operation. We need boots on the ground.

Yep, "boots on the ground" will work. How about yours?!?

Would happily join up if it ever came it to. Nothing would make me more proud than to fight for my country. Unfortunately I am nowhere near fit enough to consider that line of work. There

Bet you feel a bit stupid now don't you?


Daily Mirror would say my dog his having sex with a lizard if sold more papers

So what's your point? That this story is not true? That the muslim horror mongers have been mistreated by the press?


I read about a girl baby having her head cut off by these "religious" folk today...........coffee1.gif

Link? Can PM it to me if you can't post here.

This is shocking stuff and it doesn't seem to be improving. Bombings are not going to help get these women and children out of the brothels. There needs to be a ground operation. We need boots on the ground.

It would take literally only a month to mobilize a huge coalition ground force that would be a whole lot more effective than aerial bombing.

There are said to be over 40 countries agreed do help stamp out ISIS, so why are they mostly doing nothing other than talking and making noises as ISIS grow stronger?

If they meant what they say, then we could have over a million ground troops from between these countries ready to crush this organization within month they will be non-existent.

There will be huge collateral damage, but there is going to be anyway.

First they need to secure all the oil terminals to stop the huge amount of money they get from selling illegal oil, then put sanctions on countries such as Saudi who are funding these idiots.

Then town by town, surround them and move in on them one by one and aerial bomb the militants in retreat. Just how the yanks did it in Fallujah.

Since you got it all figured out, you should send them an email with your plan.


Well how can we avoid all this. Forget the Quoran and religion. This is about male power. This is about the Muslim's desire to control women. I am convinced that the way to undermine the whole movement is through women's power. Obviously, given how powerfully Muslim men control their women, it's easier said than done. But I think as women find their collective strength and face down these men then they can slowly erode their power. It's OK for the US/whoever to try and bomb them out of existence : but that's a tough call. Alongside these military actions the west should be undermining islam through their women and encouraging the empowerment of women.

I kinda get what your saying, and as a point of view it is at least constructive. But I dont think a plan like this has worked previously and with radical islam growing exponentially, relative to the west's denial, I only see matters getting worse if not confronted. I ask you consider this is very much about the koran and religion, but there is also another factor that many in the west are not aware of- gross sexual repression. Thus when given "license," all manner of sexual horrors will follow.

Islam is superimposed upon nation states, regions, tribes, and families. Islam provides the steering forumula for nearly all of life's requirements under sharia. However, certain practices and behaviors developed in different areas due to the duress religious austerity requires. Therefore it is not uncommon to have young men more frequently abused than young women. Indeed, in a number of places it is a nearly accepted rite of passage- Afghanistan for one. Many young men will never actually see women until they are married. This sexual repression manifests in many unwholesome ways. How might this be measured? I direct to one link only that clearly shows the manner in which sex/women are esteemed in the muslim world (for the most part). Given the suggestion this link forces us to admit it is no wonder sex is a vital component of pleasing your own army and demoralizing the enemy. Indeed, chastity is the single most precious thing a woman has, and her man. Take that and you leverage your power considerably. In this regard sex continues to be a tool of war in the modern era.



One would wish that those evil women will be identified, I presume they could be arrested and charged with "Human Trafficking" on there return to the UK, though I think prison in a country where prisoners do not have human rights more fitting.

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How can this possibly be? Aren't we Muslims fighting to rid the world of Western permissiveness and pornography...tell me the enslaving of women into brothels to service Muslim thugs and criminals... is not so!

There's an hierarchy. At the top comes Moslem men. Then comes Moslem women. Then comes Christians and Jews. And at the bottom of the heap are all other religions (Buddhist, Hindu, etc.).

Moslem women can be prostitutes. Islam allows for fixed term "marriage contracts" which can be as little as an hour ("short time" in local parlance), for a bit longer ("long time"), years or for life. It's basically a cover for prostitution, but the woman at willing (or financially desperate) participants.

However, non-Moslem women have even fewer rights, and can be sex slaves or brothel workers.

Yes, rid the world of Western permissiveness and pornography. (After all, Islam bans the depiction of the human form.) Get rid of Western education and civilization at the same time. Indeed, get rid of one and a half millennia of social, technical and scientific advancement. But definitely keep Islamic prostitutes and sex slaves. It's what Allah wants.

I can understand that you may be an Islam and muslims hater.

But do not take your dreams for reality.

Would you bring the proof from coran of your assertion that there is fixed term marriage contracts?

There is none. It is a chiite tradition that doesn't exist in any Muslim country.


How can this possibly be? Aren't we Muslims fighting to rid the world of Western permissiveness and pornography...tell me the enslaving of women into brothels to service Muslim thugs and criminals... is not so!

There's an hierarchy. At the top comes Moslem men. Then comes Moslem women. Then comes Christians and Jews. And at the bottom of the heap are all other religions (Buddhist, Hindu, etc.).

Moslem women can be prostitutes. Islam allows for fixed term "marriage contracts" which can be as little as an hour ("short time" in local parlance), for a bit longer ("long time"), years or for life. It's basically a cover for prostitution, but the woman at willing (or financially desperate) participants.

However, non-Moslem women have even fewer rights, and can be sex slaves or brothel workers.

Yes, rid the world of Western permissiveness and pornography. (After all, Islam bans the depiction of the human form.) Get rid of Western education and civilization at the same time. Indeed, get rid of one and a half millennia of social, technical and scientific advancement. But definitely keep Islamic prostitutes and sex slaves. It's what Allah wants.

No Jews and Christians Defo bottom of the heap in the Koran and they never knew about Hindus and Budhists when it was written just camels and sand and stuff like that.


No boots on the ground? Many govts and many, many mooslims WANT the ISIS to succeed so that the caliphate of old islam can rule as it did 1100 years ago. Religion comes above all, and the favored religion is totally directed by men only. In islam there are 3 classes of women: mothers, virgins and whores.

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Seems like the promise of 17 virgins in the afterlife was not enough motivation for the new Jihadis. Now ISIS offers them free rape of young kidnapped girls in the here & now. One reason, I'm sure, so many deviants & misfits in the west are seduced into "joining the cause".

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Another atrocity commited by the followers of the religion of peace. How am I not surprised?

Well apparently they must also get their piece!


There's an hierarchy. At the top comes Moslem men. Then comes Moslem women. Then comes Christians and Jews. And at the bottom of the heap are all other religions (Buddhist, Hindu, etc.).

No Jews and Christians Defo bottom of the heap in the Koran and they never knew about Hindus and Budhists when it was written just camels and sand and stuff like that.

In the Koran there are Moslems, Jews & Christians (referred to as "people of the book" because the shared scriptures and beliefs with Moslems and notionally revered the same god) and "others". In Mohammed's time that was mostly animists.

People of the book could live alongside Moslems if they paid a special tax (jizyah). The "others" weren't allowed to do this, and either had to flee the country or be executed.

Buddhists and Hindus fall into the category of "others", so they are the lowest of the low.

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I can understand that you may be an Islam and muslims hater.

But do not take your dreams for reality.

Would you bring the proof from coran of your assertion that there is fixed term marriage contracts?

There is none. It is a chiite tradition that doesn't exist in any Muslim country.

I am not a Moslem hater. In fact a pity them for their religion which is so backwards and unenlightened in its thinking. It's a religion that holds back their development and keeps half the population in a state of subjugation. (I would add that I pity adherents of all religions. Belief in a god or gods is clearly ludicrous. There is no god, and to believe otherwise is as rational as believing in the tooth fairy or leprechauns.)

Fixed term marriage is known as nikah mut‘ah. True, it's not clearly supported in the Koran, but claims its authority from the hadith. True, it's a Shiite only practice (Sunnis reject it), but how you can say that it "doesn't exist in any Muslim country" when it blatantly does? What I'm not sure of is ISIS' religious justification for their sex-slave brothels, given that ISIS is a Sunni institution. I'm guessing it's based upon zawaj al-misyar (travellers' marriage), but don't know.

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The Yazidis are not people of the book and so they are classed almost less than human. Keeping them as sex slaves is acceptable. At least that is my understanding, but there are probably those who are better informed that can shed some light on to the ISIS version of Soi Cowboy.



Well how can we avoid all this. Forget the Quoran and religion. This is about male power. This is about the Muslim's desire to control women. I am convinced that the way to undermine the whole movement is through women's power. Obviously, given how powerfully Muslim men control their women, it's easier said than done. But I think as women find their collective strength and face down these men then they can slowly erode their power. It's OK for the US/whoever to try and bomb them out of existence : but that's a tough call. Alongside these military actions the west should be undermining islam through their women and encouraging the empowerment of women.

Yes. We need to empower more women like Madeline Albright, Hillary Clinton and Janet Napolitano.

This article is just another marketing piece in the re-branding of 'Al Qaeda' which was getting tired. Now it's 'ISIS', which has Islamic in the name. Same outfit just with better PR.


Obviously virgins and paradise are not high on the list of ISIS members' beliefs.

But British women pimping for ISIS? Emphatically not! Not with the Muslim names we know they will be sporting, and have been since birth. And the sooner the UK government realises this and moves to disenfranchise these women of their claimed nationality, the better.

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