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UK female jihadists run ISIS sex-slave brothels


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UK female jihadists run ISIS sex-slave brothels

ISIS chiefs have reportedly given British women prominent roles in the ultra-religious all female militia because they see them as the most committed of the foreign female fighters. (Photo credit: Twitter)
Staff Writer, Al Arabiya News

Friday, 12 September 2014

Startling details have surfaced of British female jihadists forcing captured Iraqi women into sexual slavery at brothels run by militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), British media reported Thursday.

The Brothels, operated by the female “police force” called the al-Khanssaa Brigade, have been set up for the use of ISIS militants, according to the Daily Mirror.

Thousands of Iraqi women have already been forced into sex slavery at the brothels , with as many as 3,000 women and girls been taken captive from the Yazidi tribe in Iraq over the course of the militants’ offensive across the region, according to the daily.


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I read about a girl baby having her head cut off by these "religious" folk today...........coffee1.gif

Link? Can PM it to me if you can't post here.

This is shocking stuff and it doesn't seem to be improving. Bombings are not going to help get these women and children out of the brothels. There needs to be a ground operation. We need boots on the ground.

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I read about a girl baby having her head cut off by these "religious" folk today...........coffee1.gif

Link? Can PM it to me if you can't post here.

This is shocking stuff and it doesn't seem to be improving. Bombings are not going to help get these women and children out of the brothels. There needs to be a ground operation. We need boots on the ground.

I read something on yahoo news, at the bottom of the page it had subjects to read. Seems dead IS blokes had stuff removed and this shit was on a boles phone in photo..............sad.png

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Daily Mirror would say my dog his having sex with a lizard if sold more papers

There are a lot of evidence of crime commit by EI, sex slavery of Yazidi is one of them.

Are you denied this fact ?

300 British citizen are conscripted into EI forces

Are you denied this fact ?

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And all that, I'm sure, in the name of the great Allah yes? no doubt they have twisted some phrases

in the Quran to justify such bestiality and an abhorrent treatment of women ,,,

From what I can tell, they don't have to do a lot of twisting. They just have to follow it literally.

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How can this possibly be? Aren't we Muslims fighting to rid the world of Western permissiveness and pornography...tell me the enslaving of women into brothels to service Muslim thugs and criminals... is not so!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

And all that, I'm sure, in the name of the great Allah yes? no doubt they have twisted some phrases
in the Quran to justify such bestiality and an abhorrent treatment of women ,,,

Perhaps you should try reading the Koran some time. It's one of the worst horror stories of all time. I can assure you that in absolutely everything they do these Islamists are following the Mohammed's example. They have done nothing their prophet didn't do first: rape, beheading, crucifixion, sex slaves, "regular" slaves, forced conversions, killing or exiling non-Moslems, subjugating women, approving of prostitution, paedophilia, looting and plundering.

There is no twisting whatsoever of the Koran. They are taking their holy book as a literal guide on how to live in the 21st century since it is the literal, unquestionable word of their god. These are Moslems expressing Islam in its purest form. And I'm sure Allah is very pleased with them.


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I read about a girl baby having her head cut off by these "religious" folk today...........coffee1.gif

Link? Can PM it to me if you can't post here.

This is shocking stuff and it doesn't seem to be improving. Bombings are not going to help get these women and children out of the brothels. There needs to be a ground operation. We need boots on the ground.

It would take literally only a month to mobilize a huge coalition ground force that would be a whole lot more effective than aerial bombing.

There are said to be over 40 countries agreed do help stamp out ISIS, so why are they mostly doing nothing other than talking and making noises as ISIS grow stronger?

If they meant what they say, then we could have over a million ground troops from between these countries ready to crush this organization within month they will be non-existent.

There will be huge collateral damage, but there is going to be anyway.

First they need to secure all the oil terminals to stop the huge amount of money they get from selling illegal oil, then put sanctions on countries such as Saudi who are funding these idiots.

Then town by town, surround them and move in on them one by one and aerial bomb the militants in retreat. Just how the yanks did it in Fallujah.

Edited by RustBucket
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Since Muslim women are subjected to honor killings, I don't find this a particularly good place for humor. I don't know if the Yazidis practice honor killing, but the situation for these women and girls is pretty dire.

why call killing honor, Its just killing nothing honorable about that.

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And all that, I'm sure, in the name of the great Allah yes? no doubt they have twisted some phrases

in the Quran to justify such bestiality and an abhorrent treatment of women ,,,

My intention is not to put you on the spot but I would ask, if you have time, to please provide two examples of where IS and company have "twisted some phrases in the Quran to justify such bestiality and [an] abhorent treatment of women." If you can find one example this would be great but two would make a practice.

It is a common misconception that IS and other jihadis twist original intention of the Quran or otherwise assign authority for their actions that do not exist. Westerners want to believe this because it makes sense, it provides order to the world, and we cant concieve that they have legitimate authority. I have only noted a few examples where IS finesed the original intent, one is with regard to declaring the Yazhidi outside the "children of the book" and thus making them booty. If you have time, please share.

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