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British authorities at Koh Tao crime scene

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Yeah.. They look at the people claiming the world is flat..

There's nothing but speculation here that is on csila w/o having to Wade through crazy people defending the craziness. The initial post there then move on.

Today's version of irony, to quote your signature quote.

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We have seen the CCTV footage from Milks apartment that morning. I wonder if there is some of him entering the building the previous night?

Now that the boy's have legal representation all the blanks will be covered CCTV forensically examined.

You won't see them standing on their soap boxes.

You will see it in court. Without the insane claims of the conspiracy theorists.


We have seen the CCTV footage from Milks apartment that morning. I wonder if there is some of him entering the building the previous night?

Now that the boy's have legal representation all the blanks will be covered CCTV forensically examined.

You won't see them standing on their soap boxes.

You will see it in court. Without the insane claims of the conspiracy theorists.

And again with the irony. I can't breath I am laughing so hard.


Burmese are 100% innocent if this is true

According to CSILA, Hannah was shot in the head before she was hit by the hoe. He claims he already knew this but didn't want to talk about it because the graphic nature of the image. Apparently a forensic experts told CSILA that Hannah's head looked like was suffered from a bullet wound and this is why the killer(s) used the hoe as a cover up.

I don't know it this is true, this even adds more fuel to the fire the Burmese are totally innocent because I really don't think these Burmese boys carried around a gun did they? I may add I saw the unedited picture, which I do not recommend anybody to look at, but it does makes sense to me.

Easy sorted. The cops will now have another rumble thru the bushes where they found the phone, and will find a gun in a plastic bag.

Weirdly, there was a gun and poss hand grenade in suspects room during vid clip of police search, same time they showed the phone `found`. Sorry, don`t have link (1`m in icu mbike) but I saw it a couple of weeks back posted by Dogmatrix I think.


There is, as many know from experience, a big issue with telling lies in Thailand. It is not regarded in the same way as other cultures regard it. Even government ministers lie and when caught say it's acceptable and even ethical. A lie will be told to save face, avoid conflict and avoid responsibility and accountability, from top to bottom and back again.

The RTP are no different, often just making it up as they go along. Therefore it's hard to put any substance to any of their claims.

But, you suggest other suspects were cleared that shouldn't have been, that these 2 are innocent. So you've made your mind up - based on what. Reports (usually poorly translated and badly written) based on comments from the RTP, together with conjecture and speculation on social media?

It has certainly been badly handled and far far from a perfect investigation. But, that unfortunately seems the case in many investigations here.

These 2 are presumed innocent right up to the time the judge makes his decision on the charges against them at the trial, if the prosecutor commits them to trial. So yes, these B2 are currently innocent, legally.

Yes Stephen, in most countries and in most circumstances you are presumed innocent until proven guilty. The 2 suspects have been charged with murder by the police, arrested and taken into custody. They are legally innocent of those charges until a court decides different. But they are not free to go until after that trial.

Presuming there's even going to be a trial, at the moment the prosecution does not have the evidence it requires and I doubt it ever will

does that mean another investigation..or.. boys sent home to burma and that's it. If they haven't got a case they'd be hard pressed to have one in a retrial.


We have seen the CCTV footage from Milks apartment that morning. I wonder if there is some of him entering the building the previous night?

Now that the boy's have legal representation all the blanks will be covered CCTV forensically examined.

You won't see them standing on their soap boxes.

You will see it in court. Without the insane claims of the conspiracy theorists.

And again with the irony. I can't breath I am laughing so hard.

Keep laughing. The very best thing for the accused is a vigorous defense. They should test every reasonable theory. Then when their clients are likely convicted they can say that they tried!


We have seen the CCTV footage from Milks apartment that morning. I wonder if there is some of him entering the building the previous night?

Now that the boy's have legal representation all the blanks will be covered CCTV forensically examined.

You won't see them standing on their soap boxes.

You will see it in court. Without the insane claims of the conspiracy theorists.

And again with the irony. I can't breath I am laughing so hard.

Keep laughing. The very best thing for the accused is a vigorous defense. They should test every reasonable theory. Then when their clients are likely convicted they can say that they tried!

Convicted based on what?

Dodgy DNA results

Bought / threatened witnesses

Cctv which does not reveal anything

Planted phone

Would love to hear what evidence they have ?

Before you answer...... I know, it will come out in court.


We have seen the CCTV footage from Milks apartment that morning. I wonder if there is some of him entering the building the previous night?

Now that the boy's have legal representation all the blanks will be covered CCTV forensically examined.

You won't see them standing on their soap boxes.

You have seen a poorly doctored picture of apparent CCTV footage. Not any actual CCTV footage.

It was allegedly from the UNi only it was uncovered that this was a lie it was actually his apartment building.

Now that the boy's have legal representation all the blanks will be covered CCTV forensically examined.

You won't see them standing on their soap boxes.

You will see it in court. Without the insane claims of the conspiracy theorists.

And again with the irony. I can't breath I am laughing so hard.

Keep laughing. The very best thing for the accused is a vigorous defense. They should test every reasonable theory. Then when their clients are likely convicted they can say that they tried!

I am hopeful that the court will be more transparent than the police investigation. Not like so many Thai trials, e.g. the Saudi diamond trial, where the judge was switched at the 11th hour.

We have seen the CCTV footage from Milks apartment that morning. I wonder if there is some of him entering the building the previous night?

Now that the boy's have legal representation all the blanks will be covered CCTV forensically examined.

You won't see them standing on their soap boxes.

You will see it in court. Without the insane claims of the conspiracy theorists.

And again with the irony. I can't breath I am laughing so hard.

Keep laughing. The very best thing for the accused is a vigorous defense. They should test every reasonable theory. Then when their clients are likely convicted they can say that they tried!

Convicted based on what?

Dodgy DNA results

Bought / threatened witnesses

Cctv which does not reveal anything

Planted phone

Would love to hear what evidence they have ?

Before you answer...... I know, it will come out in court.

It will come out in court. The suspects have defense lawyers . They can contest every aspect of the prosecution's case.

DNA from semen will very likely seal the fates of the killers.

Eirene, on 27 Oct 2014 - 03:43, said:

"I have seen this mentioned a number of times on this forum. Can someone explain how the Quebec coroner was able to perform an autopsy on the Belanger sisters if all bodies are embalmed before repatriation?"

[Quoting myself is easier]

Thanks for all the interesting and concise replies. So the question that remains unknown is....Were they embalmed?

Kind Regards,


This is not known but it's all going to come out at the inquest in the U.K. and I expect there will be no reporting restrictions given the high-profile nature of the case.


Anyone who has lived in Thailand for any period of time, knows that the best kept secrets are known by everyone. It is the nature of this country. Without question, the Koh Tao community knows exactly what happened that gruesome night and so does practically everyone who has taken an interest in this case. I have no doubt the UK and Burmese police know the identity of the murderers, I just hope they have the balls to let the world know.

JTJ and jdinasia, ask yourself, if you committed these horrific murders, would you have hung around on the island waiting to be caught?

Even the hint that you were there and ran is more damning than sticking around. Getting off an island isn't that easy for people w/o ready cash if you hope to avoid detection.

People stick around places where they killed people all over the world.

The first half of your speculative post is laughable. Rumor and gossip isn't fact.


JD, Enlighten me again... Why is The Daily Mail and MailOnline blocked

in Thailand? And no evading the topic please.

Off topic. They were blocked awhile ago, nothing to do with Koh Tao.

that is about the only thing that i can agree upon with this disruptive poster in each and every thread about this murder case posted on the forum.

There's an IGNORE button on your right hand side drop down.. problem solved

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Maybe you should extract yourself from your computer and get out and experience Thailand. Then you may understand how this country operates.


Not according to the prosecution, the police, the facts...

But keep thinking it is a conspiracy...

It's not conspiracy, its a murder case and the police get the wrong man from time to time in every country. I don't have a clue who did this but I sure hope its these two Burmese lads as they have been through too much hell if they are innocent. You state in a post that letting someone other than the BIB into the crime scene might be "sketchy police work", well its been sketchy police work from day one.

Why would someone like yourself have so much trust in an organisation that operates in a sketchy way?.

Oh and learn how to tidy up posts when quoting 5 or more, strange why the mods let you do it.


Burmese are 100% innocent if this is true

According to CSILA, Hannah was shot in the head before she was hit by the hoe. He claims he already knew this but didn't want to talk about it because the graphic nature of the image. Apparently a forensic experts told CSILA that Hannah's head looked like was suffered from a bullet wound and this is why the killer(s) used the hoe as a cover up.

I don't know it this is true, this even adds more fuel to the fire the Burmese are totally innocent because I really don't think these Burmese boys carried around a gun did they? I may add I saw the unedited picture, which I do not recommend anybody to look at, but it does makes sense to me.

Easy sorted. The cops will now have another rumble thru the bushes where they found the phone, and will find a gun in a plastic bag.

Weirdly, there was a gun and poss hand grenade in suspects room during vid clip of police search, same time they showed the phone `found`. Sorry, don`t have link (1`m in icu mbike) but I saw it a couple of weeks back posted by Dogmatrix I think.

Yes I saw the the gun in the video clip it was actually in a case, but it still does not mean she was shot......
culicine, on 27 Oct 2014 - 04:49, said:
RigPig, on 27 Oct 2014 - 04:26, said:

All this talk about DNA, and I'm no scientist but it seems to me that all there really is, is a report from a lab, a couple of "print outs" if you would, from a computer, labelled as whatever, taken from "X" taken from "Y"..

So what you are REALLY relying on is the integrity of the person collecting the samples and "labelling" the printouts accordingly.

Without independent sample collection, testing and labelling there is NO WAY you could be even close to 100% certain it is what it is, without the integrity of the people involved handling the evidence (i.e. not substituting), DNA evidence is useless without it.

There has been no verification the British have independently collected DNA samples (that I have seen), the bodies were probably cleaned out and embalmed before shipping, the samples would probably have been "corrupted" beyond total integrity just as a matter of course.

The only hope therefore is that samples were sent to Singapore, before the arrests were made, this seems to have gone quiet since the first mention of it.

I suspect that DNA has been used to "fit" people for crimes before and not just in Thailand. Plant some hair, whatever.

The problem is it is so technical that to dispute it in a court of law would be all but impossible, no one would understand what the "experts" on both sides were on about. Quoting there is a 1 in 4,000,000 chance is just another statistic, and can probably be manipulated as such.

It is at the stage where the mere mention of DNA in a court of law produces a conviction (or otherwise). It is just accepted.

Now I am not saying it can't be 99.999% accurate, but that depends on a lot of factors (my understanding), especially the integrity of the samples, what the samples were and methods used.

Just my opinion....

I really wouldn't trust lab tests here. A relative was asked to interfere with lab results (have them become negative, rather for positive), so another family member could secure a job. With a positive drug result, he could not take the position. The relative refused to do this, and had no authority to do so anyway.

The DNA test itself is fine - it's how the samples are handled is the problem. I still think the original samples are held in Singapore. It would be simple enough to reswab the suspects and have another independent test done. I just see the BiB refusing that, but I'm sure the defense could demand it is redone.

The reliability of DNA is often called into question in court cases. For example in the case of the British student Meredith Kercher who was murdered in Italy, the possible contamination of the DNA samples was a big issue.

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Guns n now hand grenades. If I remember rightly certain trolls on here have military lunches with top ranking colonels. Perhaps the military have something to hide hence employment of trolls. What to make of these islands if military grenades are being found. Trolls who is supplying the grenades...

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Anyone know who the UK officers are, their rank, what department they come from and what previous experience they have of dealing with investigations overseas? I do hope they've sent over officers who have actually had practical hands-on experience, not senior ranked pen-pushers on a jolly.

Why would you like to personally endorse their CV,s on behalf of TV CSI Thailand ?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The relentless posting in defence of the police by JTJ, jdinasia and Baerboxer is extraordinary to say the least. So much that they cannot simply be dismissed as trolls. Why on earth would these people spend so much time defending the RTP case, when practically everyone else who has objectively considered this believes the case is corrupt. Not one person (farang or Thai) I have spoken to believes the Burmese boys carried out the crime. I can only assume these guys have a vested interest in the outcome.

Majority of us have blocked these people..on the right hand side of your screen name there's an IGNORE pref. relief...

Done wai.gif


JD, Enlighten me again... Why is The Daily Mail and MailOnline blocked

in Thailand? And no evading the topic please.

Off topic. They were blocked awhile ago, nothing to do with Koh Tao.

that is about the only thing that i can agree upon with this disruptive poster in each and every thread about this murder case posted on the forum.

There's an IGNORE button on your right hand side drop down.. problem solved

just be aware that when your list gets to about 200 or so blocks they will suddenly all reappear, hope they fix it soon

  • Like 1

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The relentless posting in defence of the police by JTJ, jdinasia and Baerboxer is extraordinary to say the least. So much that they cannot simply be dismissed as trolls. Why on earth would these people spend so much time defending the RTP case, when practically everyone else who has objectively considered this believes the case is corrupt. Not one person (farang or Thai) I have spoken to believes the Burmese boys carried out the crime. I can only assume these guys have a vested interest in the outcome.

Majority of us have blocked these people..on the right hand side of your screen name there's an IGNORE pref. relief...

Done wai.gif

Welcome to the gang

  • Like 2

I just hope they get the right guys for this atrocious crime.

Some on here would argue the toss over anything at all and clearly some have a vested interest.

Very sad indeed....a lot of us are simply checking in to see what details emerge.

Have to say I'm extremely sceptical about the case against these Burmese guys....let's see what happens.


I fully concur this forum is a much better read when the ignore button is put to good use. Also highlights just how much these trolls post.

Do you have to have a work permit to be a troll. Do they get paid by post or what.


The relentless posting in defence of the police by JTJ, jdinasia and Baerboxer is extraordinary to say the least. So much that they cannot simply be dismissed as trolls. Why on earth would these people spend so much time defending the RTP case, when practically everyone else who has objectively considered this believes the case is corrupt. Not one person (farang or Thai) I have spoken to believes the Burmese boys carried out the crime. I can only assume these guys have a vested interest in the outcome.

Majority of us have blocked these people..on the right hand side of your screen name there's an IGNORE pref. relief...

Thanks for that!

I wasn't aware of that option.

My mind is much clearer...


Trolls indeed.

Re-posting pages and pages, clogging it all up...


The relentless posting in defence of the police by JTJ, jdinasia and Baerboxer is extraordinary to say the least. So much that they cannot simply be dismissed as trolls. Why on earth would these people spend so much time defending the RTP case, when practically everyone else who has objectively considered this believes the case is corrupt. Not one person (farang or Thai) I have spoken to believes the Burmese boys carried out the crime. I can only assume these guys have a vested interest in the outcome.

Majority of us have blocked these people..on the right hand side of your screen name there's an IGNORE pref. relief...

Why go through the trouble of blocking when CSI Facebook encourages ignoring facts and coming up with and spreading unfounded theories. wink.png

  • Like 1

I fully concur this forum is a much better read when the ignore button is put to good use. Also highlights just how much these trolls post.

Do you have to have a work permit to be a troll. Do they get paid by post or what.

You can ignore signatures too.! I still can't find the ignore button though.


I fully concur this forum is a much better read when the ignore button is put to good use. Also highlights just how much these trolls post.

Do you have to have a work permit to be a troll. Do they get paid by post or what.

You can ignore signatures too.! I still can't find the ignore button though.

top right corner..click the arrow aside your name

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