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Phuket Immigration tightens visitor notification rules


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My wife has just read the form and says it uses a Thai word not meaning farangs but more to do with Lao, Cambodians etc that work here.

She says for sure in her opinion is not me as I have a house book and so on.

Of course she could be wrong but is happy to take me to the Town police to get this Thai word sorted for sure.

I'll try and get her to translate the word and will write more if I can get it

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TM 30 is the responsibility of the hotel etc. owner, not us. Of course if you live with a Thai, then I guess you should assume some responsibility for getting them to fill out the never before or seldom required TM 30 for those of us that live with a Thai. The last time I did my extension of stay my wife had to fill out TM 30, first time ever. Since this was far from my 1st extension I do believe immigration knew where I lived, in fact the lady remembered me from last time and another lady there is from my wife's village. Still that was no big deal, and NO fine although she had not filled out the form in the 5+ yrs. we had house together. With the push on this, expect a return to short lived TM 28 plan which really is a pain in the ass next. All those that have residence, wife, gf, gik etc. they live with better download and fill out TM 30 or cough up baht at next 90 day. Who knows if just turning it in now will be sufficient to avoid the rip off, oops, I meant fine for being oh so naughty. I go next week for 90 day, my TM 30 is on file. I don't do TM 28, never have and with any luck never will. I often stay out of town, I know for a fact that hotel does not do TM 30 on me, although other farangs I think probably they do. Frankly except for the chickenshit fine for those that live with a Thai, TM 30 is no big deal, hotel etc. responsibility. TM 28 on the other hand could be a real pain in the ass.

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"They explained that checks will be made whenever a foreigner requests an extension of stay in Thailand. If the place where they are staying is not found in the notification system, the owner or manager will be fined B1,600."

I don't know why any foreigners here are getting upset. It is not aimed at the foreigner but the owner of where they stay. I am curious how some owners would even know what to do. If a foreigner is renting a place how does the owner know that he/she has to report it? It is not like they will frequently go to Immigration offices, check government links or forums like this. There are no public information commercials on TV or in the media as far as I know.

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Thanks sgtsabai. Yep thats right if the wife or gf etc gets charged the fine I the guy that lives with her will have to pay it.

Sure its only 1600 baht but it gives the Immo guy cart blanche to rip thousands of us off and that is just not right.

Next time it will be something else. And that too is just not right.

By the way I downloaded the blank form and you cannot fill it in once it downloaded unless you write over the word form text.

Maybe its meant to be filled in online. I'll try that next.

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"They explained that checks will be made whenever a foreigner requests an extension of stay in Thailand. If the place where they are staying is not found in the notification system, the owner or manager will be fined B1,600."

I don't know why any foreigners here are getting upset. It is not aimed at the foreigner but the owner of where they stay. I am curious how some owners would even know what to do. If a foreigner is renting a place how does the owner know that he/she has to report it? It is not like they will frequently go to Immigration offices, check government links or forums like this. There are no public information commercials on TV or in the media as far as I know.

You are SO right. 6 months ago my wife was scolded by the immigration officer for not reporting my presence. He threatened to fine her 10,000 baht but did not. Her response was "How was I supposed to know this?" He had no answer.

I have seen other details somewhere - TV? - that state that if I leave her house, she must inform them. To me this is where it really gets screwy. I had to get a re-entry permit or lose my extension of stay. Then I was documented leaving Thailand - then I was documented returning some weeks later. Supposedly SHE should have informed them EACH TIME. She only did the form once though. Anyone looking for logic here will be sorely disappointed.

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"They explained that checks will be made whenever a foreigner requests an extension of stay in Thailand. If the place where they are staying is not found in the notification system, the owner or manager will be fined B1,600."

I don't know why any foreigners here are getting upset. It is not aimed at the foreigner but the owner of where they stay. I am curious how some owners would even know what to do. If a foreigner is renting a place how does the owner know that he/she has to report it? It is not like they will frequently go to Immigration offices, check government links or forums like this. There are no public information commercials on TV or in the media as far as I know.

What about if you are staying with someone as a guest or even at a Wat or something similar. These regulations are designed for commercial accomodation providers. I rented a condo from a farang on a short lease and he wouldnt lodge a TM30. Whilst it is all very well saying that he is the one who will get into trouble it isnt neccessarily as simple as technically you should be lodging a TM28
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I can say from own experience that most house owners outside tourist areas don't have a clue about this, even the local police don't know that they are supposed to act on behalf of the immigration in this matter.

For myself, where I'm now, the police didn't even accept the form as they did not know what to do with it... I'm friend with half of the local police force even the chief of polic and not even he knows what to do with the form!?!? I have also asked two of my other friends. One is responsible for the network and the computers that the police use here in the province and before he worked at the HQ for RTP in BKK at the computer division and he have no idea. Another friend is chief for the border police in another province and say the same thing... don't know what to do with this form!

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"notifications can be made online"................just as long as you can read and write Thai that is.

I guess most hotel owners can read and write Thai or will have a receptionist/admin who can. The onus is on the hotel, not the tourist here

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The necessity for reporting by a landlord or whatever of a foreigner living in his property has always been the case. I own a condo in Pattaya and I informed Immigration of the details to whom it is rented on the day he moved in in 2011. When it was re-let earlier this year I went through the same process. Very simple and straightforward so why all the hysterical outbursts? Maybe by reporting that a property is let landlords are frightened of being required to pay tax on the income. If tax is payable then it must be paid.

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"notifications can be made online"................just as long as you can read and write Thai that is.

I guess most hotel owners can read and write Thai or will have a receptionist/admin who can. The onus is on the hotel, not the tourist here

The forms are in Thai and English and it is not only hotel owners that are required to report foreigners staying in their establishments.

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When the hell is this stupid shit going to stop. We report our address every 90 days and at extension of stay. What the hell else do these idiots want. They have computers update are address at the time of reporting and extending stay.

Oh dear. Don't like it? Go home.

Want to live in their country? Abide by their rules.

What a pig-headed comment. It's one thing to live in a country and expect people to fit in to their way of life, customs etc - but it's quite another to expect them to put up with stupid rules like this without complaining. How many millions of hours will be wasted logging millions of reports ?. I'll bet not a single useful end result comes of it (except the fines I suppose).

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I did my 90 day report a couple of weeks ago and also notified Immigration of a new address. I'd already reported my change of address at the local Police station as my Immigration office isn't within my province.

They were handed out leaflets, thus reading:


The alien permitted to stay longer in the kingdom must notify your place of residence to the immigration office ever 90 days. Incase of application for extension of temporary stay in kingdom by TM.7 you have notified your place of residence at the first time. Any alien who fails to comply with will be punished with a fine not exceeding 5,000.-baht and with an additional fine not exceeding 200.-baht for each day which passes until the law is complied with. ACCORDING TO IMMIGRATION ACT B.S2522 SECTION 76

It's a reminder to notify your change of address if you move, or face the consequences.

They tell me many foreigners don't change their address from one extension to the other, even on in-between 90 day reports.

So you have a requirement to fulfil and so does the home owner.

What I'm seeing in this topic is merely a reminder that the homeowner, landlord, manager etc to comply or be fined.

Nothing new.

//Edit: off topic. – Mastro

Edited by Maestro
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

When the hell is this stupid shit going to stop. We report our address every 90 days and at extension of stay. What the hell else do these idiots want. They have computers update are address at the time of reporting and extending stay.

The Thai Gestapo. Soon we'll all have to wear yellow stars on our clothes.

Isn't the Gov planning to make tourist wear hospital type wrist bans ? (I read on TV a few weeks ago)

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This a bit of a problem as say in my case where the house the wife and I live in is owned by her.

When I go to do an extension the Immo officer will fine her for not advising them and iwillhave to pay that fine i will have to pay as i am the only source of income.

There may be plenty of guys like that even though there will also be plenty where the non thai national lease or rents the home abode where they live.

Its a nightmare. Do I make a special run with the wife in tow to lodge the completed form or lodge it when next doing my extension.

Either way its like open season on us for tea money. They have even said how much the tea money it will be.

The solution here seems really, really easy: have your wife go to immigration and tell them where you live.

You are correct - the house owner must report guest to immigration ( within 48 hours ) - when I applied for a drivers licence and made the trip to get address authenticated - I got to have my own look at the reg covering this and to pay the fine ( my partner's fine ) Bt 800 for not reporting the place of abode.

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Immigration Act B.E. 2522

Chapter 4

Temporary Stay in the Kingdom

Section 37 : An alien having received a temporary entry permit into the Kingdom must comply with the

following :

1. Shall not engage in the occupation or temporary or employment unless authorized by the

Director General. or competent official deputized by the Director General . If , in any case , there is a law

concerning alien employment provided hereafter , the granting of work privileges must comply with the

law concerned.

2. Shall stay at the place as indicated to the competent official. Where there is proper reason

that he cannot stay at the place as indicated to the competent official, he shall notify the competent official

of the change in residence , within 24 hours from the time of removing to said place.

3. Shall notify the police official of the local police station where such alien resides, within twenty

– four hours from the time of arrival. In the case of change in residence in which new residence is not

located the same area with the former police stations , such alien must notify the police official of the

police station for that area within twenty – four hours from the time of arrival.

4. If the alien travels to any province and will stay there longer than twenty – four hours , such

alien must notify the police official of the police station for that area within forty – eight hours from the time

of arrival.

5. If the alien stays in the Kingdom longer than ninety days, such alien must notify the

competent official at the Immigration Division , in writing , concerning his place of stay , as soon as

possible upon expiration of ninety days. The alien is required to do so every ninety days. Where there is

an Immigration Office , the alien may notify a competent Immigration Official of that office.

The provision of ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) shall not apply to any cases under Section 34 by any conditions as

prescribed by the Director General.

In making notification under this Section , the alien may make notification in person or send a

letter of notification to the competent official , in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the

Director General .

Section 38 : The house – master , the owner or the possessor of the residence , or the hotel manager

where the alien , receiving permission to stay temporary in the Kingdom has stayed , must notify the

competent official of the Immigration Office located in the same area with that hours , dwelling place or

hotel, within 24 hours from the time of arrival of the alien concerned. If there is no Immigration Office

located in that area , the local police official for that area must be notified.

Section 76 details the fines for foreigners and owners for not complying.

5000 baht for the foreigner and 200 baht a day until he reports his address.

The homeowner gets of lightly.

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They are only interested in the money, B1600. Has nothing to do with fixing any problems. It is just another of many shake downs.

Are the bars closed in Phuket? The rather frantic, accusatory, foul-mouthed posts in this thread seem even more maniacal than usual, suggesting a collective withdrawal from something.

Some of you need to use one of these pacifiers for a few minutes, it may help you relax and regain perspective.

Please tell us what purpose this serves ? Is it to protect Thais from foreigners or the other way around ?

Neither. It creates jobs, and in a country where labor is very cheap, probably not a bad thing. It's bureaucratic rubbish, but keeps people employed.

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Thanks Faz for the full rules.

It effectively means every time you stay overnight in another place your change of address must be reported.

So visiting and staying with family must be reported.

Going back to stay at your home again must be reported - every time!

Often it is the hotel or GH who have to do it, but, in many cases it will fall on family or friends where you stay to make the report.

For me it's a day wasted each time to get to immigration and queue up of course, and he return cost of a taxi, about 300b each way!

Edited by laislica
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In the case that a person infected with Ebola slips through immigration, I guess that it will be handy for the authorities to know where he/she is. Of course, it wouldn't be known if the person has Ebola unless he/she self-reports. I wonder what other utility there might be in the authorities knowing where we reside.

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Yes amazing theyt are talking about VISITORS, not the ones who are resident here. maybe some posters need to learn to read before opening mouths and putting their collective foots in them.

The section reads (according to the OP): "the alien, having receiving (sic) permission to stay temporarily in the Kingdom". That covers everyone who has not established "permanent residence" (which is very few people). If you are here on a retirement visa, work permit, spouse visa, etc., you are "temporarily in the Kingdom".

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When the hell is this stupid shit going to stop. We report our address every 90 days and at extension of stay. What the hell else do these idiots want. They have computers update are address at the time of reporting and extending stay.

I don't make the rules since I am not in charge. I live life on life's terms and accept those things I cannot change. I live a happier life doing that.

Those that choose the alternative of acceptance are certainly free to do so.

One Day at a Time.

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So let me get this straight.....as I own my home (condo) in Bangkok and I live with my son (100% farang) and we are both in Thailand on extensions of stay, am I required then to report myself to Immigration and/or report my son to Immigration on top of our 90-day reporting?

Confused (as usual).

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