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Thai Court upholds sentence on Dutch child molester


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His case should be reopened.

Also the case of Mr. Thanet should be reopened.

The 'victim' confirms in the video below that Willem never abused him.

The confession the 'victim' made was out of panic at the time, as he was without his parents or lawyer.

Please view the Youtube movie:

See below the translation from Thai to English.

(This comes from the Dutch website that friends of Willem made, to prove Willem is innocent. )

The video is in the Thai language, the translation of the spoken text follows::

Interviewer : Hello.

Mr. Piman’s Mother : Hello.

Interviewer : Would you please introduce yourself?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : My name is Thongdee Kumprakul.

Mr. Piman : My name is Piman Nilklam, my nickname is Mine.

Interviewer : What about your brother?

Mr. Piman’s Brother : My name is Somkid Kantaruk.

Mr. Piman’s Mother : He is Piman’s elder brother.

Mr. Piman’s Brother : He is my brother.

Mr. Piman’s Mother : Same mother.

Mr. Piman : ...but not same father.

Mr. Piman’s Mother : Same Mother but not same father.

Interviewer : Are you the real mother...or...?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : Of course, I’m his mother.

Interviewer : Why not the same family name?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : I didn’t have a marriage registration.

Interviewer : What is your father’s name?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : His father’s name is Seree Nilklam.

Interviewer : Well, he uses the same family name as his father.

Mr. Piman’s Mother : Yes.

Interviewer : Well…..

Interviewer : How long have you been with Mr. Piman’s father, from what year?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : I was married with him since 1989.

Interviewer : …but didn’t have a marriage registration.

Mr. Piman’s Mother : Yes… yes

Interviewer : How many children do you have?

Interviewer : Two.

Interviewer : What is his number of your family?
Mr. Piman’s Mother : He is the eldest.

Interviewer : What about the other?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : The other is Nong Prae, the youngest.

Interviewer : Well…

Mr. Piman’s Mother : The girl

Interviewer : Well…

Interviewer : When was Nong Mine born?

Mr. Piman : April 8th, 1995

Interviewer : Well...and... Do you have an I.D. card now?

Mr. Piman : Yes, I do.

Interviewer : Your mother also has an I.D. card too, right?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : Yes I have.

Interviewer : May I see it, please?

Interviewer : Wait a minute….It should be better…O.K.

Interviewer : Both of you have I.D. card, right?

Interviewer : Just a few minute for the interview, both of you please depose the whole truth.

Mr. Piman : Yes.

Interviewer : This deposition is without any deceit, threat or wages, right?


Interviewer : Do you know Khun Thanet or Kwak Bualuang?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : Yes, I do.

Interviewer : How do you know him, and when?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : We are neighbors, our houses are close.

Interviewer : Well, your houses are close.

Interviewer : Normally, when Khun Thanet took Nong Mine somewhere else, Nong Mine would…

Mr. Piman’s Mother : Nong Mine would tell me.

Interviewer : Well, he would.

Interviewer : When Khun Thanet had invited Nong Mine to go to work in the year 2007, did you know about that?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : Yes I did, he told me that he went to work.

Interviewer : Well, he told you that he went to work.

Interviewer : He asked for permission, asked mother for permission to work.

Interviewer : Well, what kind of work?

Mr. Piman : Cleaning the house.

Interviewer : What did you tell your Mother?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : Just only to clean the house.

Interviewer : Well, to clean the house, how did he come to bring you there?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : He went there together, only two people.

Interviewer : How did you go there, did your Mother know about this?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : I did not know to which house he went.

Interviewer : Well, (chuckle) but you had permitted him, hadn’t you? You gave him permission.

Interviewer : Why did you ask your mother for permission, what was the reason?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : He wanted to earn money by himself.

Interviewer : Then mother gave him permission because he wanted to earn some money (chuckle).

Interviewer : Did you know his name, where did you go to work, with whom or how?

Mr. Piman : I went with Mr.Thanet, sir.

Interviewer : Did you feel something untrustworthy about Mr.Thanet?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : No, not at all.

Interviewer : Why did you feel so convinced?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : Because I knew him and his father.

Interviewer : How long did you know him?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : For a long time.

Interviewer : Since the cleaning of t5he foreigner’s house, was there something wrong with Nong Mine, or did he tell you that he had been abused.

Mr. Piman’s Mother : No, never.

Interviewer : Never, if something happened just like that…

Mr. Piman’s Mother : He would have told me.

Interviewer : In case of such events just like that... he would tell you.

Mr. Piman’s Mother : He was a child, he would tell me. He was paid 20 Bahtfor the first time, and 30 Baht for the second time, that’s all I knew. He showed me the money.

Interviewer : Well, those were his incomes, the incomes that he had earned… and he told you, when he had something, he would tell you.

Mr. Piman’s Mother : I would ask him, of course I would, where have you been, so long time, he did not go for a long time, but the last time he went for a long time... the whole day.

Interviewer : This time I will ask Nong Mine or Nong Piman, just a simple question. In the year 2007, when those events happened, were you in school?

Mr. Piman : Yes I was, in Mattayom 1, Hua Hin municipality school, sir.

Interviewer : Well… Could you tell me about something that happened?

Mr. Piman : On the earlier of March 2007, Mr. Thanet invited me to clean the Foreigner’s house.

Interviewer : (chuckle).

Mr. Piman : I realized that it was work to earn some money, so I asked my father and mother for permission.

Interviewer : Well…You had asked your mother for permission each time.

Mr. Piman : Yes, if my mother was busy, I would ask my father.

Interviewer : Well, you did tell them every time.

Interviewer : In the year 2007, what height and weight were you?

Mr. Piman : About 155 centimeters in height, and 35 kilograms in weight.

Interviewer : What kind of your job and how much have you been paid for the wages?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : I had been paid by Mr. Thanet, for cleaning the house.

Interviewer : What did Mr. Thanet do?

Mr. Piman : He was a masseur, for the foreigner.

Interviewer : Well, normally if there was someone who told you to take off your clothes in front of others, would you do that?

Mr. Piman : No, I would not, sir.

Interviewer : Well…never did.

Mr. Piman : That’s right, sir.

Interviewer : Well, if he would pay you some money.

Mr. Piman : No, I would not.

Interviewer : If he told you to take off your clothes.

Mr. Piman : No, I would not, I wouldn’t want money for doing that.

Interviewer : Had Mr. Thanet ever ask you to take off your clothes?

Mr. Piman : No, never… if he did I would never go with Mr. Thanet again, and would tell my father and mother.

Interviewer : Well…. have you ever seen the foreigner at the house that you went to clean.

Mr. Piman : I have seen him when I went to clean that house.

Interviewer : Did you know his name?

Mr. Piman : I knew his name later from Mr. Thanet, his name is Mr. Willem.

Interviewer : (Chuckle) His name is Mr. Willem,…and you went to clean his house, and did you do something for Mr.Willem?

Mr. Piman : Only cleaning his house, and I did not do anything else for Mr. Willem.

Interviewer : Has Mr. Willem ever asked you to do sexual services for him?

Mr. Piman : No, never.

Interviewer : Well… he never did.

Interviewer : How much height and weight was Mr. Willem, from what you actually met him?

Mr. Piman : He was about 180 height, 80 kilograms weight up.

Interviewer : If he sat on you or would lying on top of you, how would you be?

Mr. Piman : I might not be able to breathe.

Interviewer : If he asked you to have sexual relation with him, would you agree?

Mr. Piman : No, I would not.

Interviewer : Had he ever asked you?

Mr. Piman : No, he never did.

Interviewer : When the Official, informed and inquired about those information, what did you depose to the Official?

Mr. Piman : I told them that I went to clean the foreigner’s house with Mr. Thanet, but had never been abused. They told me to go to Bangkok because they would inquire me as a witness.

Interviewer : Did you go with the Official?

Mr. Piman : Yes, I did.

Interviewer : You did, who did you go with?

Mr. Piman : I went with the Official, sir.

Interviewer : Did you have your parents, father or mother with you?

Mr. Piman : I told them to inform my father, but they did not tell him.

Interviewer : They did not tell your father, right?

Interviewer : Why did you tell the Official that Mr.Willem had abused you?

Mr. Piman : I was afraid, and confused because the Official took me to Bangkok unexpectedly.

Interviewer : (Chuckle)

Mr. Piman : Then the Official told me to sign in the document, even though I told them to inform my father to be with me while I was inquiring, but they told me to sign first.

Interviewer : Have you ever read it?

Mr. Piman : No, I have not read it , and no one read it for me.

Interviewer : Why did you testify just like that to the Court?

Mr. Piman : The Official who inquired me told me to testify the same as in the document that I had signed, even though those stories were not true, otherwise I would be guilty.

Interviewer : So, the abuse or an obscenity never happened.

Mr. Piman : No, it never did, sir.

Interviewer : Mr. Willem never abused or made any obscenities to you?

Mr. Piman : No.

Interviewer : Those incidents never been happened.

Mr. Piman : That’s right.

Interviewer : (Chuckle) Do you certify that was the truth?

Mr. Piman : Yes. I do

Interviewer : O.K.

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Anybody remember the actual case? Trying to figure out why he got such a severe sentence based on typical sentences for similar acts. He got 37 years and the other defendant received 26 years which seems extreme too. The victim was only 12 but doesn't appear he was forced and seems to have happened twice. (http://www.chinapost.com.tw/print/216669.htm )

Can't help but wonder if he had cooperated if he'd already be free. If he is innocent can't blame him for fighting but would guess he just simply thinks he is smarter than everyone else and can beat the system. But seems clear after 5 years in jail he has already lost. Maybe I am wrong but thought others get like 3 to 5 year sentences for similar deeds then kicked back to their home country to deal with authorities there.

The victim was 12!

I think you might have a problem John!

And at 12 you'd expect him to be able to say NO. Just as he does with some foods he doesn't like.

The article states "Knoppien then molested the boy on four occasions"...I'm presuming different occasions. Should have been NO after the first time.

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Anybody remember the actual case? Trying to figure out why he got such a severe sentence based on typical sentences for similar acts. He got 37 years and the other defendant received 26 years which seems extreme too. The victim was only 12 but doesn't appear he was forced and seems to have happened twice. (http://www.chinapost.com.tw/print/216669.htm )

Can't help but wonder if he had cooperated if he'd already be free. If he is innocent can't blame him for fighting but would guess he just simply thinks he is smarter than everyone else and can beat the system. But seems clear after 5 years in jail he has already lost. Maybe I am wrong but thought others get like 3 to 5 year sentences for similar deeds then kicked back to their home country to deal with authorities there.

The victim was 12!

I think you might have a problem John!

And at 12 you'd expect him to be able to say NO. Just as he does with some foods he doesn't like.

The article states "Knoppien then molested the boy on four occasions"...I'm presuming different occasions. Should have been NO after the first time.

Not difficult to manipulate a 12 year old. So, I put no blame on him and wouldn't say he consented because of his age but it certainly seems he was a willing a participant as much as a 12 year old can be. I saw something earlier that he was duped into going there under the pretense to clean the house. I can see this the first time but I think they next 3 times he would know why he was going to the house. No excuse for taking advantage of a child and stealing their innocence but this sentence seems more inline with him grabbing a strange® child and pulling him or her into the bushes and raping them.

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strapper1 post # 67.

This country is full of sexpats and perverts not just only pedophiles!

If that is the case and you are an expert concerning the expat population here why are you here and which category do you fall into?

Iv'e been her 23+ years and I have met about two people who could be regarded as pedophiles and they both were rapidly given their marching orders.

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Does he need to report to immigration every 90 days?cheesy.gif Rot in prison and i'm sure your gonna make some very close friends in there and be someones bitch cheesy.gif

Next time, before you spew your venom, try to read the whole thread!! Pay special attention to post #25 and some of the posts from JTJ.

Personally I think, this was another set-up by the Thai police. Why else film the socalled victim entering and leaving the suspects house, whilst the police were just waiting in the street, when the alleged crime took place??

Something smells here, and if the guy is indeed innocent, I hope he will get help to get out of hell!!

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Methinks you got a bit mixed up .

Cretons Now the removal of a ''creton'' would be a deligthful gastronomic experience.




Sadly we associate the pedophile with these unfortunates.Personally I'd rather keep the company of this little soul above than the convicted felon we are discussing

Well, that was most definitely not my intention. I have nothing but goodwill and compassion for those born with such a heavy cross to bear in life. How about cockroach? Swine? Illegal oxygen consumer? Child bugger? Heinous criminal?

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And yet another suspected conviction, considering the victim's testimony is false.

It is a disgrace the Dutch government isn't helping this bloke as it sure seems he is innocent of the charge.

The Thai Justice system is seriously flawed and cannot possibly be taken seriously.

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Someone mentioned the "Hang 'em High Brigade." Well in cases like this, Hanging is far too good for them!

I subscribe to other suggestions about Two House Bricks, a Blow Torch, the Rattan Cane and an ANT HILL!

Okay, so none of that will happen BUT I'm sure the Good Inmates in our Prison system, will ensure that this Rock Spider's Life....hopefully a long one, will be HELL ON EARTH, every day and NIGHT!

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Anybody remember the actual case? Trying to figure out why he got such a severe sentence based on typical sentences for similar acts. He got 37 years and the other defendant received 26 years which seems extreme too. The victim was only 12 but doesn't appear he was forced and seems to have happened twice. (http://www.chinapost.com.tw/print/216669.htm )

Can't help but wonder if he had cooperated if he'd already be free. If he is innocent can't blame him for fighting but would guess he just simply thinks he is smarter than everyone else and can beat the system. But seems clear after 5 years in jail he has already lost. Maybe I am wrong but thought others get like 3 to 5 year sentences for similar deeds then kicked back to their home country to deal with authorities there.

The victim was 12!

I think you might have a problem John!

And at 12 you'd expect him to be able to say NO. Just as he does with some foods he doesn't like.

The article states "Knoppien then molested the boy on four occasions"...I'm presuming different occasions. Should have been NO after the first time.

Not difficult to manipulate a 12 year old. So, I put no blame on him and wouldn't say he consented because of his age but it certainly seems he was a willing a participant as much as a 12 year old can be. I saw something earlier that he was duped into going there under the pretense to clean the house. I can see this the first time but I think they next 3 times he would know why he was going to the house. No excuse for taking advantage of a child and stealing their innocence but this sentence seems more inline with him grabbing a strange® child and pulling him or her into the bushes and raping them.

Have you ever tried to manipulate a 12 year old into eating his veggies if he doesn't want to? I've sat up all night with mine at the dinner table, offering all sorts of rewards, giving in at daybreak. If a kid doesn't want to do something they normally make it clear pretty quick. Never said he consented because at his age he can't. But NO is NO and he should have been taught by his parents or school about that. My comment "Should have been NO after the first time." didn't need clarification about the cleaning that's why I wrote it like that.

Blame the kid....I wouldn't do that too. Blame the parents, school, government etc yes.

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So he got bail awaiting trial and during that period went to Cambodia and Holland( separate trips)but still returned to face the charges? Something very odd if that's the case...a smell about it. Either a very stupid man ( not to mention nasty) or someone who believed very strongly that he would be vindicated. No idea which...

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Having worked with offenders like this in the prison service I have to be honest and say that they have a disease. Like any other disease such as cancer you kill it or take it out. I am not in favour of the Death Penalty and never will be. I do have a solution and after listening to similar offenders in 'group therapy' there is I believe, only one cure. That is castration. I mean done surgically and not like the recent case in India where the locals decided to chop it off with a meat clever. I am humanistic but having worked with molesters like this, there is only one cure. The one I have described.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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His case should be reopened.

Also the case of Mr. Thanet should be reopened.

The 'victim' confirms in the video below that Willem never abused him.

The confession the 'victim' made was out of panic at the time, as he was without his parents or lawyer.

Please view the Youtube movie:

See below the translation from Thai to English.

(This comes from the Dutch website that friends of Willem made, to prove Willem is innocent. )

The video is in the Thai language, the translation of the spoken text follows::

Interviewer : Hello.

Mr. Piman’s Mother : Hello.

Interviewer : Would you please introduce yourself?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : My name is Thongdee Kumprakul.

Mr. Piman : My name is Piman Nilklam, my nickname is Mine.

Interviewer : What about your brother?

Mr. Piman’s Brother : My name is Somkid Kantaruk.

Mr. Piman’s Mother : He is Piman’s elder brother.

Mr. Piman’s Brother : He is my brother.

Mr. Piman’s Mother : Same mother.

Mr. Piman : ...but not same father.

Mr. Piman’s Mother : Same Mother but not same father.

Interviewer : Are you the real mother...or...?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : Of course, I’m his mother.

Interviewer : Why not the same family name?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : I didn’t have a marriage registration.

Interviewer : What is your father’s name?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : His father’s name is Seree Nilklam.

Interviewer : Well, he uses the same family name as his father.

Mr. Piman’s Mother : Yes.

Interviewer : Well…..

Interviewer : How long have you been with Mr. Piman’s father, from what year?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : I was married with him since 1989.

Interviewer : …but didn’t have a marriage registration.

Mr. Piman’s Mother : Yes… yes

Interviewer : How many children do you have?

Interviewer : Two.

Interviewer : What is his number of your family?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : He is the eldest.

Interviewer : What about the other?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : The other is Nong Prae, the youngest.

Interviewer : Well…

Mr. Piman’s Mother : The girl

Interviewer : Well…

Interviewer : When was Nong Mine born?

Mr. Piman : April 8th, 1995

Interviewer : Well...and... Do you have an I.D. card now?

Mr. Piman : Yes, I do.

Interviewer : Your mother also has an I.D. card too, right?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : Yes I have.

Interviewer : May I see it, please?

Interviewer : Wait a minute….It should be better…O.K.

Interviewer : Both of you have I.D. card, right?

Interviewer : Just a few minute for the interview, both of you please depose the whole truth.

Mr. Piman : Yes.

Interviewer : This deposition is without any deceit, threat or wages, right?


Interviewer : Do you know Khun Thanet or Kwak Bualuang?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : Yes, I do.

Interviewer : How do you know him, and when?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : We are neighbors, our houses are close.

Interviewer : Well, your houses are close.

Interviewer : Normally, when Khun Thanet took Nong Mine somewhere else, Nong Mine would…

Mr. Piman’s Mother : Nong Mine would tell me.

Interviewer : Well, he would.

Interviewer : When Khun Thanet had invited Nong Mine to go to work in the year 2007, did you know about that?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : Yes I did, he told me that he went to work.

Interviewer : Well, he told you that he went to work.

Interviewer : He asked for permission, asked mother for permission to work.

Interviewer : Well, what kind of work?

Mr. Piman : Cleaning the house.

Interviewer : What did you tell your Mother?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : Just only to clean the house.

Interviewer : Well, to clean the house, how did he come to bring you there?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : He went there together, only two people.

Interviewer : How did you go there, did your Mother know about this?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : I did not know to which house he went.

Interviewer : Well, (chuckle) but you had permitted him, hadn’t you? You gave him permission.

Interviewer : Why did you ask your mother for permission, what was the reason?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : He wanted to earn money by himself.

Interviewer : Then mother gave him permission because he wanted to earn some money (chuckle).

Interviewer : Did you know his name, where did you go to work, with whom or how?

Mr. Piman : I went with Mr.Thanet, sir.

Interviewer : Did you feel something untrustworthy about Mr.Thanet?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : No, not at all.

Interviewer : Why did you feel so convinced?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : Because I knew him and his father.

Interviewer : How long did you know him?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : For a long time.

Interviewer : Since the cleaning of t5he foreigner’s house, was there something wrong with Nong Mine, or did he tell you that he had been abused.

Mr. Piman’s Mother : No, never.

Interviewer : Never, if something happened just like that…

Mr. Piman’s Mother : He would have told me.

Interviewer : In case of such events just like that... he would tell you.

Mr. Piman’s Mother : He was a child, he would tell me. He was paid 20 Bahtfor the first time, and 30 Baht for the second time, that’s all I knew. He showed me the money.

Interviewer : Well, those were his incomes, the incomes that he had earned… and he told you, when he had something, he would tell you.

Mr. Piman’s Mother : I would ask him, of course I would, where have you been, so long time, he did not go for a long time, but the last time he went for a long time... the whole day.

Interviewer : This time I will ask Nong Mine or Nong Piman, just a simple question. In the year 2007, when those events happened, were you in school?

Mr. Piman : Yes I was, in Mattayom 1, Hua Hin municipality school, sir.

Interviewer : Well… Could you tell me about something that happened?

Mr. Piman : On the earlier of March 2007, Mr. Thanet invited me to clean the Foreigner’s house.

Interviewer : (chuckle).

Mr. Piman : I realized that it was work to earn some money, so I asked my father and mother for permission.

Interviewer : Well…You had asked your mother for permission each time.

Mr. Piman : Yes, if my mother was busy, I would ask my father.

Interviewer : Well, you did tell them every time.

Interviewer : In the year 2007, what height and weight were you?

Mr. Piman : About 155 centimeters in height, and 35 kilograms in weight.

Interviewer : What kind of your job and how much have you been paid for the wages?

Mr. Piman’s Mother : I had been paid by Mr. Thanet, for cleaning the house.

Interviewer : What did Mr. Thanet do?

Mr. Piman : He was a masseur, for the foreigner.

Interviewer : Well, normally if there was someone who told you to take off your clothes in front of others, would you do that?

Mr. Piman : No, I would not, sir.

Interviewer : Well…never did.

Mr. Piman : That’s right, sir.

Interviewer : Well, if he would pay you some money.

Mr. Piman : No, I would not.

Interviewer : If he told you to take off your clothes.

Mr. Piman : No, I would not, I wouldn’t want money for doing that.

Interviewer : Had Mr. Thanet ever ask you to take off your clothes?

Mr. Piman : No, never… if he did I would never go with Mr. Thanet again, and would tell my father and mother.

Interviewer : Well…. have you ever seen the foreigner at the house that you went to clean.

Mr. Piman : I have seen him when I went to clean that house.

Interviewer : Did you know his name?

Mr. Piman : I knew his name later from Mr. Thanet, his name is Mr. Willem.

Interviewer : (Chuckle) His name is Mr. Willem,…and you went to clean his house, and did you do something for Mr.Willem?

Mr. Piman : Only cleaning his house, and I did not do anything else for Mr. Willem.

Interviewer : Has Mr. Willem ever asked you to do sexual services for him?

Mr. Piman : No, never.

Interviewer : Well… he never did.

Interviewer : How much height and weight was Mr. Willem, from what you actually met him?

Mr. Piman : He was about 180 height, 80 kilograms weight up.

Interviewer : If he sat on you or would lying on top of you, how would you be?

Mr. Piman : I might not be able to breathe.

Interviewer : If he asked you to have sexual relation with him, would you agree?

Mr. Piman : No, I would not.

Interviewer : Had he ever asked you?

Mr. Piman : No, he never did.

Interviewer : When the Official, informed and inquired about those information, what did you depose to the Official?

Mr. Piman : I told them that I went to clean the foreigner’s house with Mr. Thanet, but had never been abused. They told me to go to Bangkok because they would inquire me as a witness.

Interviewer : Did you go with the Official?

Mr. Piman : Yes, I did.

Interviewer : You did, who did you go with?

Mr. Piman : I went with the Official, sir.

Interviewer : Did you have your parents, father or mother with you?

Mr. Piman : I told them to inform my father, but they did not tell him.

Interviewer : They did not tell your father, right?

Interviewer : Why did you tell the Official that Mr.Willem had abused you?

Mr. Piman : I was afraid, and confused because the Official took me to Bangkok unexpectedly.

Interviewer : (Chuckle)

Mr. Piman : Then the Official told me to sign in the document, even though I told them to inform my father to be with me while I was inquiring, but they told me to sign first.

Interviewer : Have you ever read it?

Mr. Piman : No, I have not read it , and no one read it for me.

Interviewer : Why did you testify just like that to the Court?

Mr. Piman : The Official who inquired me told me to testify the same as in the document that I had signed, even though those stories were not true, otherwise I would be guilty.

Interviewer : So, the abuse or an obscenity never happened.

Mr. Piman : No, it never did, sir.

Interviewer : Mr. Willem never abused or made any obscenities to you?

Mr. Piman : No.

Interviewer : Those incidents never been happened.

Mr. Piman : That’s right.

Interviewer : (Chuckle) Do you certify that was the truth?

Mr. Piman : Yes. I do

Interviewer : O.K.

Is this genuine?

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And yet another suspected conviction, considering the victim's testimony is false.

It is a disgrace the Dutch government isn't helping this bloke as it sure seems he is innocent of the charge.

The Thai Justice system is seriously flawed and cannot possibly be taken seriously.

Such is not the task of any government! That is the task of the lawyer! His lawyer should present the boy's confession and ask for a new process, not the Dutch government. Do you have any idea how many Dutch guy's are in prison outside The Netherlands? On April the first 2013 there were 2333 Dutch persons imprisoned in foreign country's.. And of course they are all innocent thumbsup.gif The only thing you might expect from your government is that maybe they will help you to get a decent lawyer, the rest is up to you and your lawyer....

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And yet another suspected conviction, considering the victim's testimony is false.

It is a disgrace the Dutch government isn't helping this bloke as it sure seems he is innocent of the charge.

The Thai Justice system is seriously flawed and cannot possibly be taken seriously.

Such is not the task of any government! That is the task of the lawyer! His lawyer should present the boy's confession and ask for a new process, not the Dutch government. Do you have any idea how many Dutch guy's are in prison outside The Netherlands? On April the first 2013 there were 2333 Dutch persons imprisoned in foreign country's.. And of course they are all innocent thumbsup.gif The only thing you might expect from your government is that maybe they will help you to get a decent lawyer, the rest is up to you and your lawyer....

I guess I left out some information as to why I mentioned the Dutch government, as instead of helping him, the dutch embassy allegedly were the ones alarming the Thai police, allthough the person in question did not have a single conviction related to child abuse anywhere in the Schengen states.

The embassy denied they did send the letter and the ambassador at the time hides behind diplomatic immunity. Something about this case stinks. Also refer to the video in which the alleged victim claims he made a false testimony and the accused never did the things he has been sentenced for.

Apart from the high sentence (which in this case is life) the evidence seems to not be sufficient or suspect. Yet they uphold the sentence and probably will not even consider the victim's confession as witnessed in the video.

It's funny how in the Ko Tao case everyone but a few cry faul at the RTP and believe the accused are innocent, yet in this case they aparantly believe the very same justice system has it right. Maybe the words child abuse don't warrent a close look at the actual evidence or lack thereof ?

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I have no time for sex offenders, however this guy seems to have got a long time.

I didn't read about rape, I read that the victim was molested 4 times, I don't know what was involved but assuming it was not rape this sentence is very long indeed. If it was forced rape then it's about right in my mind.

It's interesting that Thai Visa members have no faith whatsoever in the Thai justice system until the accused is a sex-offender !

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I wish to thank bluespunk, xanderbkk and Johnthailandjohn for bringing in some rational comment in the midst of all these hysterical reactions.

Paedophilia is one issue (along with terrorism) on which rational discussions are almost impossible, and I can only compare it to the 'witch hunts' of the Middle ages, or the way religious matters were handled under the Inquisition.

The 3 of you are trying, courageously, to bring some measure of reason while most of the posts show an appalling lack of judgment, but you also feel the need to almost excuse yourselves for not crying with the wolves. You have to add 'of course I'm not saying that the sentence is too harsh' etc. This says a lot.

My point is that this particular issue goes way beyond the mere notions of justice, morals,and reason. Every society needs to focus on people that everyone can hate so that it makes others feel better somehow. The problem is that it inevitably clouds the justice system and threatens to render it ineffective especially in an age where public opinion and the media work as a tight couple.

About 15 years ago I met a British guy in Pattaya who had just been caught up in a very scary scam. While sitting at the terrace of a bar in Boyz Town, a little kid came to try and sell him chewing gum. He didn't buy any but was naturally nice to the kid, and the kid immediately responded by being extremely cuddly, to the point where the guy felt very uneasy and put off. He soon understood why... 2 mafia type guys had been making polaroid photos from different angles. When he left the bar he was accosted by those 2 guys who showed him the pics and threatened to go to the police, where, they added, the kid would testify that the guy had touched him in an indecent way. They asked for 10 000 bahts right away or else. He got so scared that he went to the nearest ATM, gave them the cash, got the pics and walked away thinking he'd probably just avoided an absolute nightmare.

This kind of scam happens here. And not so infrequently. Many situations are also not that clear. A guy may be attracted to young girls or boys and make one improper gesture, which is wrong, of course, but not deserving of years behind bars.

Why some people feel sexually attracted to kids is scary, for sure, and a mind-boggling mystery for those who don't (thankfully the majority). To go from attraction to action is wrong, there's no denying that, but wanting to burn these guys simply for being what they are is a show of absolute stupidity, lack of civilization and lack of morals too. The extremely violent language and attitude in some of the posts here bring their authors right down to the level of animals, which is exactly how they qualify paedophiles.

OK guys I'm ready for the insults.

You are posting here what I have been saying for years and years. Pedophilia is the new witchcraft and people will not discuss this subject without becoming extremely emotional and irrational - and I often wonder why. Throughout society's history and in every corner of the world, the rich, the rulers, and others such as religious leaders have had unfettered access to children for sex. Chairman Mao is reported to have had a penchant for young virgin females. Muslims countries still have girls wedded to guys 60 years their senior. This has been part of society ever since historical records were kept. There's nothing new here. What is lacking is an understanding of why guys (and some women) are attracted to younger girls or boys. Has anyone done any research? Is this a natural state? Or is there a missing gene? I cannot join the hang 'em brigade because all it does is profess ignorance and prejudice and my goodness, that comes out in droves on this forum whenever this topic is raised. Personally, I am happy that these type of sexual inclinations have no interest to me but I think people who express the views that we see here, may be the same guys who will look at semi-naked pictures of 19-year olds dressed in school uniform ...........

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Sjaak327: As you could read from my posting I said nothing about this guy's guilt or innocence. I don't know if he's guilty or not. What I wrote in my first response was that IF he is guilty then I don't give a rat's ass about the long sentence. I also stated that seeing in the light of how unprofessional the RTP is we should question every arrest they make! This has been proven many times in the past, recently again in the case of the murders at Koh Tao.. My response to you was only about what the government can do for you when you are arrested.. In short, not much.. My son died three years ago on Koh Samui and the Dutch embassy has send immediately two staff-members to Koh Samui to aid my (ex)wife and me! I personally have had very positive experiences with the Dutch Embassy while being devastated and under gruesome circumstances.. I don't know if and if so, why they send a letter to the police regarding the alleged child-molester, but I do think that where there is smoke, there is fire! Why would an embassy do something like that? I wonder......

Edited by SamuiAxe
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My question is how do so many foreigner criminals make it into Thailand. My guess is that there are thousands here already. Interpol could fill plane loads if they did their job. In Hua Hin alone i would guess over a hundred could be caught.

JTJ, I copied this from your earlier post.....# 16

The thing that I find disgusting is the fact that the police did not raid the house whilst the child was in there!!!!!

Posted 2007-12-04 08:42:42

Thai police nab Dutch paedophile suspect

Bangkok - Acting on an Interpol tip-off, Thai police arrested a 60-year-old Dutch national at Hua Hin beach resort on child sex abuse charges, authorities said Monday. Williem Genard Knoppien, 60, was arrested Sunday shortly after police filmed a 12-year-old Thai boy entering and leaving his rented home in Hua Hin, 130 kilometres south of Bangkok.

"We had received a warning from Netherlands Interpol that Knoppien had a child abuse record so we were keeping an eye on him," said Police Colonel Banya Pinsuk, of Thailand's Crimes Against Women and Children unit.

"We asked Knoppien's neighbours to tell us if anything suspicious happened," he added.

On Sunday morning a man on a motorcycle brought a 12-year-old Thai boy to Knoppien's Hua Hin home. Police filmed the boy entering the foreigner's house and leaving one hour later.

Banya said the boy had confessed to having sex with Knoppien for 120 baht, while the man who delivered him on the motorcycle received another 200 baht.

Knoppien, a frequent visitor to Thailand, denied having sex with the child.

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Sorry to haer about your son. May i ask how did he die ?

Sjaak327: As you could read from my posting I said nothing about this guy's guilt or innocence. I don't know if he's guilty or not. What I wrote in my first response was that IF he is guilty then I don't give a rat's ass about the long sentence. I also stated that seeing in the light of how unprofessional the RTP is we should question every arrest they make! This has been proven many times in the past, recently again in the case of the murders at Koh Tao.. My response to you was only about what the government can do for you when you are arrested.. In short, not much.. My son died three years ago on Koh Samui and the Dutch embassy has send immediately two staff-members to Koh Samui to aid my (ex)wife and me! I personally have had very positive experiences with the Dutch Embassy while being devastated and under gruesome circumstances.. I don't know if and if so, why they send a letter to the police regarding the alleged child-molester, but I do think that where there is smoke, there is fire! Why would an embassy do something like that? I wonder......

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Sjaak327: As you could read from my posting I said nothing about this guy's guilt or innocence. I don't know if he's guilty or not. What I wrote in my first response was that IF he is guilty then I don't give a rat's ass about the long sentence. I also stated that seeing in the light of how unprofessional the RTP is we should question every arrest they make! This has been proven many times in the past, recently again in the case of the murders at Koh Tao.. My response to you was only about what the government can do for you when you are arrested.. In short, not much.. My son died three years ago on Koh Samui and the Dutch embassy has send immediately two staff-members to Koh Samui to aid my (ex)wife and me! I personally have had very positive experiences with the Dutch Embassy while being devastated and under gruesome circumstances.. I don't know if and if so, why they send a letter to the police regarding the alleged child-molester, but I do think that where there is smoke, there is fire! Why would an embassy do something like that? I wonder......

I understand and was just expanding on why I mentioned the Dutch government in this case. Sorry to hear about your loss and good the embassy did what they did.

I however am less than impressed with them on several ocassions, including one just today in which a fellow countryman witnessed first hand how his taxpayer money is spend.

Regarding the guilt of the alledged sex offender, I am indeed not convinced and find the alledge role of the Dutch embassy to be strange just as the later denial of sending the letter in the first place.

If there was a just reason for the warning, why would they later deny meddling in the first place, and more interestingly on what basis was the warning sent.

Edited by sjaak327
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Do enjoy your vacation.. now you have been granted permanent residency for the rest of your miserable life, you need not bother about visa extension anymore <deleted>hole

he just have to find the money for the ticket,

visa expired , more than a year already,

so he will be extorded and blackmailed !

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