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Thai Court upholds sentence on Dutch child molester

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Sorry to haer about your son. May i ask how did he die ?

Sjaak327: As you could read from my posting I said nothing about this guy's guilt or innocence. I don't know if he's guilty or not. What I wrote in my first response was that IF he is guilty then I don't give a rat's ass about the long sentence. I also stated that seeing in the light of how unprofessional the RTP is we should question every arrest they make! This has been proven many times in the past, recently again in the case of the murders at Koh Tao.. My response to you was only about what the government can do for you when you are arrested.. In short, not much.. My son died three years ago on Koh Samui and the Dutch embassy has send immediately two staff-members to Koh Samui to aid my (ex)wife and me! I personally have had very positive experiences with the Dutch Embassy while being devastated and under gruesome circumstances.. I don't know if and if so, why they send a letter to the police regarding the alleged child-molester, but I do think that where there is smoke, there is fire! Why would an embassy do something like that? I wonder......

Jungle Jim: You may... But it would be very off-topic and a long, sad story that started 13 years earlier... Let's just say that drugs will kill you, if not directly then via via :(

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"Willem Gerard Knoppien and Thai accomplice Thanes Bualuang"

Its good to see that the Thai Court has done the wright thing and upheld the sentence.

These sick disturbed animals, have no place in human society as they can not possibly be Human, how many other children did these two dogs victimise before getting caught?

How can a normal thinking human get any pleasure out of victimising an innocent, defenceless child??

If I were the judge, my sentence would be "Give them one hundred lashes of the rattan and then tie them to an ants nest and leave them there to rot".

You seem to know a lot about this case.

How can you be sure that evidence in this case was not doctored just as with the case of the killings on Koh Tao ?

Maybe he was framed by an adversary....you can not believe all of this just because it is written in a news paper, in Thailand of all places ?!?

Yet you write under your posts "“Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools speak because they have to say something.”

Plato (427—347 BCE)


I wish to thank bluespunk, xanderbkk and Johnthailandjohn for bringing in some rational comment in the midst of all these hysterical reactions.

Paedophilia is one issue (along with terrorism) on which rational discussions are almost impossible, and I can only compare it to the 'witch hunts' of the Middle ages, or the way religious matters were handled under the Inquisition.

The 3 of you are trying, courageously, to bring some measure of reason while most of the posts show an appalling lack of judgment, but you also feel the need to almost excuse yourselves for not crying with the wolves. You have to add 'of course I'm not saying that the sentence is too harsh' etc. This says a lot.

My point is that this particular issue goes way beyond the mere notions of justice, morals,and reason. Every society needs to focus on people that everyone can hate so that it makes others feel better somehow. The problem is that it inevitably clouds the justice system and threatens to render it ineffective especially in an age where public opinion and the media work as a tight couple.

About 15 years ago I met a British guy in Pattaya who had just been caught up in a very scary scam. While sitting at the terrace of a bar in Boyz Town, a little kid came to try and sell him chewing gum. He didn't buy any but was naturally nice to the kid, and the kid immediately responded by being extremely cuddly, to the point where the guy felt very uneasy and put off. He soon understood why... 2 mafia type guys had been making polaroid photos from different angles. When he left the bar he was accosted by those 2 guys who showed him the pics and threatened to go to the police, where, they added, the kid would testify that the guy had touched him in an indecent way. They asked for 10 000 bahts right away or else. He got so scared that he went to the nearest ATM, gave them the cash, got the pics and walked away thinking he'd probably just avoided an absolute nightmare.

This kind of scam happens here. And not so infrequently. Many situations are also not that clear. A guy may be attracted to young girls or boys and make one improper gesture, which is wrong, of course, but not deserving of years behind bars.

Why some people feel sexually attracted to kids is scary, for sure, and a mind-boggling mystery for those who don't (thankfully the majority). To go from attraction to action is wrong, there's no denying that, but wanting to burn these guys simply for being what they are is a show of absolute stupidity, lack of civilization and lack of morals too. The extremely violent language and attitude in some of the posts here bring their authors right down to the level of animals, which is exactly how they qualify paedophiles.

OK guys I'm ready for the insults.

I would not be too put off by their comments, they are born out of anger. Given the opportunity they would surely vote for harsh sentences but when it comes to doing these violent acts most would not. They are but angry words on a cyber page. While I would be concerned about him having a proper trial, if guilty I have no problem with any harsh sentences or what fellow prisoner may do with him. A molested child has to deal with the experience for the rest of their life, the perpetrator deserves much worse.

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A minor is a minor under the legal guardianship of their parents - that's the law. Whether a child *seems* willing does not mean anything from either a legal or common sense point of view. A child is not responsible for their body or mind, or capable of being so - they are not a consenting adult. They are being preyed upon. It makes me sick that anyone sees a grey area here and I cannot bear to think what some children have to go through. It is truly horrible.


Well essentially he has been given a death sentence which is appropriate. And as always with these animals who gives a sh*t what happens to them in prison?

12 years old is the age of consent in some countries. Is what this guy did disgusting? Yes. Does he deserve to go to jail... Maybe. Does he deserve the death sentence or 27 years in jail? You are all out of your FN minds.

<deleted> were you thinking and doing at 12 years old? Be real. I know I was ready to get my freak on.


I wish to thank bluespunk, xanderbkk and Johnthailandjohn for bringing in some rational comment in the midst of all these hysterical reactions.

Paedophilia is one issue (along with terrorism) on which rational discussions are almost impossible, and I can only compare it to the 'witch hunts' of the Middle ages, or the way religious matters were handled under the Inquisition.

The 3 of you are trying, courageously, to bring some measure of reason while most of the posts show an appalling lack of judgment, but you also feel the need to almost excuse yourselves for not crying with the wolves. You have to add 'of course I'm not saying that the sentence is too harsh' etc. This says a lot.

My point is that this particular issue goes way beyond the mere notions of justice, morals,and reason. Every society needs to focus on people that everyone can hate so that it makes others feel better somehow. The problem is that it inevitably clouds the justice system and threatens to render it ineffective especially in an age where public opinion and the media work as a tight couple.

About 15 years ago I met a British guy in Pattaya who had just been caught up in a very scary scam. While sitting at the terrace of a bar in Boyz Town, a little kid came to try and sell him chewing gum. He didn't buy any but was naturally nice to the kid, and the kid immediately responded by being extremely cuddly, to the point where the guy felt very uneasy and put off. He soon understood why... 2 mafia type guys had been making polaroid photos from different angles. When he left the bar he was accosted by those 2 guys who showed him the pics and threatened to go to the police, where, they added, the kid would testify that the guy had touched him in an indecent way. They asked for 10 000 bahts right away or else. He got so scared that he went to the nearest ATM, gave them the cash, got the pics and walked away thinking he'd probably just avoided an absolute nightmare.

This kind of scam happens here. And not so infrequently. Many situations are also not that clear. A guy may be attracted to young girls or boys and make one improper gesture, which is wrong, of course, but not deserving of years behind bars.

Why some people feel sexually attracted to kids is scary, for sure, and a mind-boggling mystery for those who don't (thankfully the majority). To go from attraction to action is wrong, there's no denying that, but wanting to burn these guys simply for being what they are is a show of absolute stupidity, lack of civilization and lack of morals too. The extremely violent language and attitude in some of the posts here bring their authors right down to the level of animals, which is exactly how they qualify paedophiles.

OK guys I'm ready for the insults.

I would not be too put off by their comments, they are born out of anger. Given the opportunity they would surely vote for harsh sentences but when it comes to doing these violent acts most would not. They are but angry words on a cyber page. While I would be concerned about him having a proper trial, if guilty I have no problem with any harsh sentences or what fellow prisoner may do with him. A molested child has to deal with the experience for the rest of their life, the perpetrator deserves much worse.

Thank you for your input, I believe I understand what you're saying, and while I couldn't agree more with the second half of your post ('while I would be concerned (...) much worse'), on the other hand I couldn't disagree more on the first ('i would not be too put off (...) cyber page'.)

You are obviously being optimistic, a respectable and honourable attitude but in this case, one must acknowledge that 'angry words on a cyber page' are not just feathers blowing in the wind. Words can heal, words can kill, it was true a thousand years ago and it is still true today. Hitler reached power through words and stayed there using more words.

When more and more people start to think, say and write heinous, intolerant and totally irrational things, no matter how and where, it shows that our societies are slowly morphing (yet again) into a phase where totalitarian regimes will be regarded as normal and necessary, including by people who will likely be victims of these regimes. It's happening right now, and it's happening all over the world, not specifically within one religion or one continent, but everywhere.

I know that a lot of people are quick to bark but reluctant to act, however that's only when such acts are still punishable by law. But look at what happened in ex-Yugoslavia, look at Syria now, look at so many places in the world, nowadays, where the barbarian urges of men are unleashed by political turmoil. When they can, 'normal' people become capable of committing unspeakable atrocities, usually in the name of some high held ideal, and that frightening tendency in human beings seems to have never changed.

No matter how loudly we claim that we've come a long way since the times when people went to the nearest amphitheater to munch on antique popcorn (lat. popus cornus) while watching (for example) Christians being torn to pieces by wild beasts, barbarism is still a magma of hate and violence miraculously kept in check by an very very thin crust of civilisation. And note : while the beasts were devouring Christians to the utter delight of the local populace, writers like Suetonius, Tacitus, Pliny the Younger and so many others were busy writing amazing poetry, litterature and insightful political analyses...


If he's 56, then I'm a Dutch man smile.png

Interesting what five years in a Thai prison do to improve one's general health and youthful countenance. Imagine 32 more years like that.


John Thailand, I agree with you.

I find it shocking to see the "hang m' high" comments of many of the posters as they have no clue where they are talking about.

In the case of the Koh Tao murders everyone is convinced the police made lots of blunders and the so called murderers are most likely shapegoats but when it comes to child abuse it is evident the guy who got arrested did it. Of course i am against child abuse but in this case things are not what they seem to. The arrested guy, Mr Willem , indeed 66 now, was involved in a business conflict and had two attempts to kill him shortly before the accusations. A Dvd was made later by his lawyer where the victim denied anything had happened and he was brought to Bangkok and been threatened that he would not see his parents back anymore if he would not cooperate. There was no lawyer present. Sure, Mr Willem is or was a stubborn man who thought there was no problem at all. He got bail and even went to Holland and Cambodia and just came back because he felt all should be cleared. No, he got convicted and the nightmare started. Did he do it or not? I was not there so I do not know. Only thing I know is that in Thailand things are not always what they seem to be so please do not draw your conclusions too fast.

Blimey. I haven't checked if any of this is actually true, but if it is, Thailand is becoming a dangerous place for Honkies.

Who in their right mind would come back to Thailand on such a charge? Surely, only someone who knows that they are innnocent? If he did it, sure...go medieval on his ass if you like, but if there is any truth in this post then a rat is smelled.

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I feel that the sentence is to severe, when you consider that far worse crimes sometimes are just a slap on the wrist. There are people who have raped,tortured and murdered that have received less punishment!

So because someone picks up a lesser sentence for something else this is too harsh? bit like saying someone bought a Ferrari for 100 baht so I don't want to buy yours for 200 baht.

There is no sentence too high for scumbags that hurt children, its impossible to give "too severe" a sentence.

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Then there's the thai kid who killed both his parents 25 years. And the doctor who chopped up his wife 20 years and now out of prison on parole. Guilty or not a very heavy sentence.


Hi, 37 years might seem to be extreme from a British perspective, but you must remember that as far as the court is concerned, a crime is a crime and Thai law applies. In Holland, smoking hash in a street cafe is legal and approved whereas in Malaysia that will get you hanged. It makes no difference if you claim that because it is legal at home, you should be exempt from punishment. Many people, both men and women, come to Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam specifically because in these countries they will not be penalized for what is a crime at home. This is finally starting to end and very rightly and properly so. I do not belong to the " Hang-em High " school or to the " slap their hands and send-em home " clan. I call this behaviour totally anti-social and as such, as it should be, it is a crime. Perhaps it does take more than 20 years to fully emotionally re-educate. I am afraid that I simply don't care. Do the deed, do the time.

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Thailand is the perfect choice for foreign criminals and overall dodgy misbehaved jerks both men and women. have no problem seeing the jailed and or deported.

Hi, 37 years might seem to be extreme from a British perspective, but you must remember that as far as the court is concerned, a crime is a crime and Thai law applies. In Holland, smoking hash in a street cafe is legal and approved whereas in Malaysia that will get you hanged. It makes no difference if you claim that because it is legal at home, you should be exempt from punishment. Many people, both men and women, come to Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam specifically because in these countries they will not be penalized for what is a crime at home. This is finally starting to end and very rightly and properly so. I do not belong to the " Hang-em High " school or to the " slap their hands and send-em home " clan. I call this behaviour totally anti-social and as such, as it should be, it is a crime. Perhaps it does take more than 20 years to fully emotionally re-educate. I am afraid that I simply don't care. Do the deed, do the time.


John Thailand, I agree with you.

I find it shocking to see the "hang m' high" comments of many of the posters as they have no clue where they are talking about.

In the case of the Koh Tao murders everyone is convinced the police made lots of blunders and the so called murderers are most likely shapegoats but when it comes to child abuse it is evident the guy who got arrested did it. Of course i am against child abuse but in this case things are not what they seem to. The arrested guy, Mr Willem , indeed 66 now, was involved in a business conflict and had two attempts to kill him shortly before the accusations. A Dvd was made later by his lawyer where the victim denied anything had happened and he was brought to Bangkok and been threatened that he would not see his parents back anymore if he would not cooperate. There was no lawyer present. Sure, Mr Willem is or was a stubborn man who thought there was no problem at all. He got bail and even went to Holland and Cambodia and just came back because he felt all should be cleared. No, he got convicted and the nightmare started. Did he do it or not? I was not there so I do not know. Only thing I know is that in Thailand things are not always what they seem to be so please do not draw your conclusions too fast.

Wow, Xanderbkk you do know a lot about the case judging from your post.

And your information is 100 % correct, apart from the business conflict, as I believe it was more of a private matter.

That conflict also proves Willem is way too trustworthy towards other farangs (in this case a woman from Germany who will now probably start to enjoy and own his land and house since the verdict is upheld) as well as towards Thai justice.

However, even if the claim of the 12 year old is false, he did enjoy the company of very young boys and did so for years, in a small Soi in a small town like Hua Hin he could have known that he can't get away with that, even if the boys came out of their own free will.

I mean everybody living in his street knew for years that he had very young boys coming over to visit an old man in his sixties.

How it all came down does not really matter here anymore, but I believe I have to agree with some posters here that you cannot expect to get away with certain behaviour which is illegal in our home country just because this is a highly corrupt place.

He misjudged and now he has to pay the price, a very high one I agree, but that also has to do with him talking to the wrong lawyers and trusting the wrong people while in jail.

Thailand is a very bad place for stubborn, or impatient, or hot headed people all the same....

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