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All the ED drugs are contraindicated in people with poorly controlled hypertension but can be used, under medical supervision, by people whose hypertension is well controlled with medication. However, possible medication interactions need to be considered hence the importance of consulting a doctor first.

In addition, several antihypertensive medications in and of themselves can cause ED and if that is the case a change of BP meds my do the trick. In fact, if you are on such a medication, that may be the best place to start.

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Used in moderation the common ED drugs won't have any bad effect on BP. It does when guys seriously abuse the ED drugs and go dropping a few a day but keeping dosage low and well spaced out should be OK for you. You'll need to try different brands to find the one that is right for you. I tried a herbal brand once a year ago and spewed all over the bed and bathroom. Worst result I've ever had with any ED drugs. If you're really concerned about anything then talk it through with a doc.

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I don't know for people who had cancer, so don't take this posting as recommendation. It might be harmful for you. I just throw in some ideas in the hope that someone with more knowledge can comment on it.

Maybe your Testosterone level is messed up and a replacement therapy would help. (Attention Testosterone and prostate cancer!! It might be just the absolute wrong thing to do! Please a Doc comment on that).

There is a medication "Proviron" (spelling???), which are tablets which work relative fast and some people and strong increases the lipido. It is also Testosterone related but can be taken just a few hours before.

Again: This is no recommendation, just some uneducated ideas and hopefully someone knows more.


If you take isosorbide dinitrate for angina, then the Viagra-style drugs are a no-no. (I am also on BP drugs.) So far, the best course of action that I have found is regular exercise (prolonged but low-key, and mostly aerobics-type stuff in the swimming pool) and a healthy diet. I have also been taking Korean red ginseng, but it's too soon to comment on the efficacy. However, I'm a bit leery of other things like yohimbe, so will stick with what I know for the time being.


About Sildenafil (Viagra), this works relatively short; Taldenafil (Cialis) lasts up to 72 hrs...If none of all above mentioned work, it is still possible to try local injection such as Caverject (to be injected in the corpora cavernosa) Of course you should consult a doctor if you consider using such medications.


Injections like Caverjet are highly effective , without the side effects of Viagra.

Not sure re availability in LOS.

Essential to be prescribed by urologist, to get the correct dose, very important.

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I was reading the other day on the Internet , that Viagra was originally intended to reduce hypertension and blood pressure , so could in fact be used by women as well .

I have used a variety of ED treatments , including Biogulf.com Libidus which I found excellent even taking half the recommended dose . I am 77yrs and have been using using Kamagra an Indian generic version of Viagra , which I have been able to buy at a local pharmacy in Isaan bt400 for four . Recently I was offered and bought Kamagra gel sachets bt500 for ten .

I have found Kamagra gel the best , quickest and cheapest . Thailand does have its own brand called Sinagra only prescribed by a doctor , I believe bt25 for 50ml or bt50 fpr 100ml per tablet . With regard to peeing in the night , I used to go 4 - 5 times a while ago , when I used to drink a small beer every evening . Since I stopped drinking alcohol on a regular basis , I may get up only once or sleep through the whole night .

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When salt dissolves,

It becomes one with the ocean;

When my ego dissolved,

I became one with Lord and God.

Hugs not drugs.

Come again?coffee1.gif

I doubt very many men need "drugs" to perform at hugs.


You can try this if you dont try allready, Balimojo (http://balimojoformen.com/).

Order online and receive within 2 weeks.

Its cheap, natural and Its work well for me : i'm taking some strong medecine since 15 years who kill my libido.

I have almost "rebirth" with this product.


Do you have an explanation for this?


Public Notification: Bali Mojo Contains Hidden Drug Ingredient

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Many typists on this venue will volunteer wrong or dangerous advice and I shake my head and wonder why. The site owners, nevertheless let these folks spout off but threaten banning to a person only writing the truth, me. Even in Thailand I would try to sue this site and the typist if I took some of the bad advice and hurt my health.

In the case of Viagra, it is UNQUESTIONINGLY wrong to just take 50 or worst 100 mg IF you take Beta Blockers for heart and circulatory problems. This is a severe life threatening situation and must never be pursued without very close doctor care, if at all. I would grab my cane and try to run from any doctor saying otherwise.

Many other meds can be taken with Viagra, but only under doctor supervision. This stuff was invented to affect the blood pressure, and is not to be trifled with.

To the questioner, I recommend direct injections into the penis via doctor-prescribed inject-able medication. Of course, many men shy away from this thought, but the needles are very thin and the prick to the prick is easily shrugged off by most. This treatment is direct, affects little of the rest of the body, and is reported scientifically to give a nice very firm erection sooner than Viagra and lasts for one to three hours. As the Brits would say.... Just pop in the loo for a trice and come out ready to go.

The other well-known treatments are balloon insertion, where the organ can be pumped up, just like Arnie says, with a valve at the base which leads to an inflatable balloon inside the penis (this is a simulation of an erection but will do in a pinch) and the other method of inserting a semi rigid nylon rod inside the penis which produces a mostly firm erection that never goes down.

A doctor specialist in ED is the person to see, of course.

For healthy people who want to take a chance without a doctor, not to be done, I say, start with half of a 100mg tablet. The hundreds cost the same as the 50s, so why not. Take at least one hour from eating, and not on a full stomach will just waste the pill. Avoid adding alcohol. The effect, if it is going to work, will be noticeable, along with proper direct stimulation within an hour and can last two hours....NEVER LONGER or you will hurt your penis. A three hour or more continuous erection, who knows the medical name for this condition raise your thing, uh hand.... starts with a p. .... can cause significant damage and needs immediate doctor attention.

Many men report needing 100mg or even 200mg at once, but I would not push my luck. Good luck. wai.gif

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Stay away from Viagra that stuff can be dangerous if you are not a healthy person or have high blood pressure. I heard of an Indian national in Patts a few years ago who was overweight and died from taking Viagra. I found some great herbal alternatives and they work.

Was in Chiang Rai and was talking to the Herbalist (Shop is opposite the night market) and he recommended "Jiu Jeng Pushen Jio Nang" thats what its called in English. The pack has a dark blue colour with a small bit of orange/yellow at the bottom. I took a couple of these about 2 hours before and I was bouncing the lovely Book-ee in Patts for about two hours non stop. Only problem I found it hard to come it seems to take longer or could be I was running low on juice with all the activity in patts.

You can also get these in Patts; if you are at the Jomtien Songtaew stand and you are facing the road to Jomtien, on opposite side of the street go to the second chemist (I think it has some arab writing on it) and ask for this. They may be out but can get it in fairly fast. Also another chemist close to this has Akara which I have used many times, its great. I think both are good but I am hooked on the new one and it is also cheaper. Few years ago I paid 2000 baht for the Akara but offered 1500 this time and they accepted. The new one is 350 per packet and you get 6 tabs and the Akara you get 20 tabs in a box do your maths. That herbalist in CR also gave me a couple of other herbal pills he said they are very strong have not tried them yet may try it if I ever "Take two" kitties.

With all of these pills always take them on an empty stomach preferably with warm water or tea, abstain from booze and generally stay fit and healthy and you will get the best outcome. Also try Grachai Dam herbal tablets these are available in most chemists and is a "Yaa Boran" (Ancient medicine) and works similar to the Malaysian "Tongkat Ali". These are not fast acting but you take them daily but here in farangland I only take a few a week on average just for good health. I have found if you take two of these at night before bed, the next morning you are like steel!! enjoy.

PS: Also try eating asparagus and celery heads - sworn by porn stars.

What I would like to know is if there are any Thai doctors on this forum who could comment on the above products and if they know of any cases of adverse affects.

The above tabs have not had any bad affect on me but like with most things, I just take them in moderation. Don't go throwing the whole packet down your throat like the Coyote did with the "Leg muscle tablets" it really backfired on him when he hit that iron door at 400km ph. Ha ha enjoytongue.png


I live in Pattaya and am 75. I buy Kamagra capsules and, better for me, I get the Kamagra liquid sachets.......1500 baht for a box of 50. I have highest blood pressure but have taken these herbal ones for 10 years and can still get good strength and orgasm after 30 minutes. Much cheaper than Viagra


I have used the generic version of Viagra. It is called Sidegra. I have used the 25 and 50 mg. dosages no more than once per week. The 50 mg. gives me a headache. The 25 mg. does what it is supposed to do, but for only about 12 hours. Taken with food.


When salt dissolves,

It becomes one with the ocean;

When my ego dissolved,

I became one with Lord and God.

Hugs not drugs.

maybe you should go and hug that guy on the train this morning biggrin.png


The best one you can take daily (low dosage 2/5 mg) with Hypertension meds is Cialis (Cheap online most places less than 30 Baht per pill) and last up to 30 Hrs So (ready to rock and roll anytime) 24/7 works for me (68 YRS young) clap2.gif


I've been down the same road and I recommend Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Many clinics in Thailand offer it. The latest Harvard research shows that T shots do NOT enhance or cause cancer. That is an old medicine myth that is quickly being debunked. My urologist freely prescribes TRT, Others will not.

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The latest one which was recommended to me by my chemist is Caverta 100 mg. It is basically from the same group as viagara and Cialis but to me it outshines the others. A 4 tablet pck (red pills) costs 400-450 Baht (can't remember the exact amount)


You can try this if you dont try allready, Balimojo (http://balimojoformen.com/).

Order online and receive within 2 weeks.

Its cheap, natural and Its work well for me : i'm taking some strong medecine since 15 years who kill my libido.

I have almost "rebirth" with this product.

I am told Placebos work 40 percent of the time. Like Sugar pills for all ailments. I am 68 and have a young wife here and found the liquid items from Pharmacy in the past however, the Doctors at Bumrungrad say these are not good and not consistent since they come from India. Also they tried me on all the other stuff they have that are very expensive and each one caused me great back pain that went down the back of my legs and was horrible on me. Even cutting them in quarters did not stop the pain. So the best for me as recommended was exercise about 5 times a week and a decent diet with mostly vegetables and allot of relaxation.

Mostly a good wife that is willing to work with me on this and get me going. It will never be as before but just having someone that cares and wants the best for me seems to be the most helpful.

Cheers and thanks so much for your honesty and willingness to share. When I first got to Bangkok about 9 years ago all the young guys that I met were taking many of these drugs in combination off the streets and going wild and most of them became addicted to them and had ED after the addiction either physical or mental or both.

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I have tried most of the ED Drugs Viagra, Cialis and one called Elevanta I think it was. My choice is Cialis and it actually lowers my blood pressure (20mg) They make a Cialis 5mg that you can take daily to lower BP. It was expensive but my US MD wrote me a script, don't know if you can get it in Thailand. Overall still best to talk to an MD to see what is best/works for you. Good luck!

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