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people taking photos of others.


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OK first of all I acknowledge that "taking pics/video of people in public locations is LEGAL.

SO here is my issue. I think the dills with cell cameras or the big lense stuff need to grow a brain.


I try and live and let live.... But tonight here is what happened.

I'm drinking in soi 4.... A bloke with camera (I mean the news size one) not on tripod but huge mother.

No id etc just 3 blokes in jeans filming a popular bar in soi 4.

I'm not drunk its about 6pm ... Me two beers about to go home. I walk over ...acknowledge its legal and start yaping about they are just plain rude and hope it makes a splash on Facebook.

Point is the old laws in regards to this cannot keep pace with social media.

Am I a silly old critta or does anyone agree.

This also comes from my travels where dills just walk up to family groups in busy soi esp HCMC and just take up close pics of babies and children..... Are you people that do this for real.

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This has become the age where the rights of people as private living individuals is being eroded piece by piece.

Our personal details can now be easily searched and found on the Internet, including our names, dates of births, marriages, divorces, ages, criminal records, where we live, how long we have lived there, how much our properties are worth, where we work, our past employments, our work positions and how much we earn, plus our birth and marriage records including our whole family backgrounds are available on sites such as ancestry.com.

Then there is good old Google, our homes and whereabouts are available for viewing on Google Street view for the whole world to see, our addresses can be found including who lives with us. We are being tagged and monitored everywhere we go by public CCT cameras. And of course let us not forget the good old favourite, facebook, where everyone can easily look up peoples photos and personal details. Even those who are not members of social networking sites may have had their photos uploaded by others.

As for members of the public taking photos of us, this is now trivial compared to the information available about people online. Of course it could be embarrassing for those having a time out with their mistresses or being in places where they shouldn`t be or up to no good.

To answer the OP, get used to it and welcome to the technical age of big brother is watching you, as there is no longer anywhere to escape or anywhere to hide without detection.

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yeah some of these are lame. seen people just standing there and shooting without pause. almost like a visual rape. and you never know where they post this stuff.

you may want to try taking their pic in return. i have tried this with people taking pics of others since i have a cell that takes great pics and sometimes i get a laugh, but it's always a short lived one. i have not found one of these pic takers who wants me taking their pic (or shooting a video) while they are trying to concentrate.

in fact, i have some great shots of people taking pics. its great practice training for action shots for police or surveillance stuff. you really have to be aware and fast to get the shot. also positioning is strategic and after awhile you can get right up close to people taking pics while they are shooting and they dont even notice the shot. those are the best shots of people takkng pics. i guess you never know whos shooting you as you take that pic, but thats life.

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It's funny, the big lense, long and bulky is probably a zoom lense. The guy is probably taking a photo of a particular thing, as opposed to a whole screen. Everyone jumps up and down, ducks and dives to get out of the way but they're not even in the frame.

Enter the small short lense on the same camera, all of a sudden everyone pays little or no attention and NOW they're all in the frame, which can be cropped down later to zoom on someone in particular.


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there is an ngo that does this with suspected pedos in cambodia. you can even call them and they will show up in a short time if your in a major city like sihanoukville or phenom pehn.

one of the things they do is take constant pics. they also post them online. not sure if they are in thailand but likely less so. they look for old fat white dudes with suspected underage prostitutes or girls.

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Don't go to places where you wouldn't like your photo taken.

How easy is that?

But some people object to having their photo taken by a complete stranger anywhere in a public place. What are you suggesting, don't go out?

Personally i think Billy Connolly had the right idea, when he was woken up early one Sunday morning by a moron with a camera on his doorstep, after his marriage break up. He threw a tube of KY jelly at the moron and informed him to slap plenty on the camera "cos it's going up your arse in a minute".

well it looks like theyll have to stay in because taking pictures in a public place is not illegal. assault, on the other hand, is!

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Red light districts are popular places for wannabe journalist/film maker types. They were probably writing an article/doing a documentary are lonely sex tourists and chose OP as a good candidate to represent that stereotype.

That's a bit harsh. Someone writes about what is commonly disliked ~ read :intrusion of privacy & all that you can come up is that?

You must be of the rare breed that has never been photographedcrazy.gif

but it isnt invasion of privacy

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Red light districts are popular places for wannabe journalist/film maker types. They were probably writing an article/doing a documentary are lonely sex tourists and chose OP as a good candidate to represent that stereotype.

That's a bit harsh. Someone writes about what is commonly disliked ~ read :intrusion of privacy & all that you can come up is that?

You must be of the rare breed that has never been photographedcrazy.gif

But that IS what many people taking videos at Nana/Soi Cowboy/Walking Street etc are doing. And the people filmed are lucky if they're only portrayed as lonely sex tourists and not pedofiles, rapists, or sex slavers.

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Weird actually, that some people will object to having their photos taken by complete strangers yet will willingly slap maybe hundreds of photos of themselves, friends and associates, including personal details on facebook, sometimes these photos can be quite provocative and explicit and could end up anywhere, but no one ever complains.

So I ask, what is the difference between having ones photos taken out in public and having photos uploaded to facebook and other social networking sites in the public domain?

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There is a huge difference. In this particular case it was a large television camera. The sort you see on news reporting. In any event even if it was just a happy snap camera, I personally find it offensive. You may not.

Perhaps if you sitting in a cafe with your family and someone was filming you perhaps a different perspective would seen.

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Weird actually, that some people will object to having their photos taken by complete strangers yet will willingly slap maybe hundreds of photos of themselves, friends and associates, including personal details on facebook, sometimes these photos can be quite provocative and explicit and could end up anywhere, but no one ever complains.

So I ask, what is the difference between having ones photos taken out in public and having photos uploaded to facebook and other social networking sites in the public domain?

If you are the person uploading the pics to Facebook, you have total control over what is uploaded. If someone uploads a picture of you to Facebook and you don't like it, you can report it as such and have it removed.

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I heard a discussion on TV recently about the advances in mobiles phones for taking "selfies". One of the participants likened a "selfie" to a parrot in a cage constantly pecking at his reflection in the mirror.....A man after my own heart.

Edited by dotpoom
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the reality is that many public and private places are camed already, and a lot of photos are taken undercover, so we are all being photographed in public if we like it or not, and much of it goes thru facial recognition software as well, if you use an android phone google has already recorded the identities of most of the people you photograph and can even detect if they are naked or not, and thats all stored on their servers with government access for as long as civilization lasts, so theres not much point on getting uptight it and your mother isnt likely to ever see it in any case

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Every morning not raining I take my hike down to spot on Jomtien beach with a guitar slung over my back... which I then produce notes from. I seem to be a favorite subject (My Gawd Martha! Look at that! No beer in his mitts!). They don't ask permission.... guess that is the price of fame. My friend did say "20 baht!" this morning (didn't get... save from 20k work permit fine I reckon). I consider this part of Thailand to be open air zoo, so makes sense they take snaps.

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Don't go to places where you wouldn't like your photo taken.

How easy is that?

Didn't the OP say they just slam their cameras in villagers faces? I've seen people photographing women bathing in their saris in India <deleted>. And you ever heard of Street Photography? How do you suggest we avoid those? Stay off the streets? Yes, I get bloody annoyed when I'm included in a 'family group' photo. However, if they come and ask permission I've no problem with that.

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