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Which CM hospital for colonscopy?


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Chiang Mai RAM is good as is Rajavej. Just to give you an idea of costs: At RAM it's about 20k baht for an endoscopy AND a gastrascopy, Rajavej is 9.5k for a gastroscopy alone. I personally recommend Rajavej because the resident gastroenterology team is very good, Dr Jeerusak is excellent and he's supported by Dr Kanika who is Professor Emeritus of Gastroenterology at CMU.

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Chiang Mai RAM is good as is Rajavej. Just to give you an idea of costs: At RAM it's about 20k baht for an endoscopy AND a gastrascopy, Rajavej is 9.5k for a gastroscopy alone. I personally recommend Rajavej because the resident gastroenterology team is very good, Dr Jeerusak is excellent and he's supported by Dr Kanika who is Professor Emeritus of Gastroenterology at CMU.

This is very useful info for me. Are the equipments at Rajavej reasonably up-to-date? I've been put off on my visits to other hospitals for minor procedures as their equipments seem dated even to my untrained eyes.

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Chiang Mai RAM is good as is Rajavej. Just to give you an idea of costs: At RAM it's about 20k baht for an endoscopy AND a gastrascopy, Rajavej is 9.5k for a gastroscopy alone. I personally recommend Rajavej because the resident gastroenterology team is very good, Dr Jeerusak is excellent and he's supported by Dr Kanika who is Professor Emeritus of Gastroenterology at CMU.

This is very useful info for me. Are the equipments at Rajavej reasonably up-to-date? I've been put off on my visits to other hospitals for minor procedures as their equipments seem dated even to my untrained eyes.

I think you'll find the equipment is current, Rajavey specializes in endoscopies. My wife just has one done two weeks ago which is why I know the costs, it was a painless and easy process and she was very pleased with the doctors and staff.

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Chiang Mai RAM is good as is Rajavej. Just to give you an idea of costs: At RAM it's about 20k baht for an endoscopy AND a gastrascopy, Rajavej is 9.5k for a gastroscopy alone. I personally recommend Rajavej because the resident gastroenterology team is very good, Dr Jeerusak is excellent and he's supported by Dr Kanika who is Professor Emeritus of Gastroenterology at CMU.

This is very useful info for me. Are the equipments at Rajavej reasonably up-to-date? I've been put off on my visits to other hospitals for minor procedures as their equipments seem dated even to my untrained eyes.

I think you'll find the equipment is current, Rajavey specializes in endoscopies. My wife just has one done two weeks ago which is why I know the costs, it was a painless and easy process and she was very pleased with the doctors and staff.

OK, thanks. Is colonscopy one form of endoscopy? tongue.png

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Had a colonoscopy and upper endoscope procedure at Chiang Mai Ram last week. Dr.Jaruwat Yossombat and his GI team.

Basic cost 25000 for the two, additional fee for polyp removal. My costs 28000 including two follow up consultations. Fully documented and photographed reports of colon and esophagus.

I also checked the newly constructed Bangkok Hospital near Makro on the Super Highway.The basic cost 1000 Baht cheaper.Dependant on visiting Doctors at this stage.

Equipment at Chiang Mai Ram state of the art.

My fourth and easily the best by far. Others peformed in Hong Kong,London , and Paris.

Worth a visit .

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Had a colonoscopy and upper endoscope procedure at Chiang Mai Ram last week. Dr.Jaruwat Yossombat and his GI team.

Basic cost 25000 for the two, additional fee for polyp removal. My costs 28000 including two follow up consultations. Fully documented and photographed reports of colon and esophagus.

I also checked the newly constructed Bangkok Hospital near Makro on the Super Highway.The basic cost 1000 Baht cheaper.Dependant on visiting Doctors at this stage.

Equipment at Chiang Mai Ram state of the art.

My fourth and easily the best by far. Others peformed in Hong Kong,London , and Paris.

Worth a visit .

Thanks. I'm sure others will find all this info useful as well.

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In July I had a colonoscopy at McCormick Hospital. Painless and out like a light. Photos and detailed results to take along home. 16,500 baht. (Itemization is below.)

Here for your enjoyment is a humorous article: http://www.miamiherald.com/living/liv-columns-blogs/dave-barry/article1928847.html


Oxygen 60, medication 1915, supplies 1390, operating room equipt 2700, operating theatre 3000, nurses 125, hospital fee 50, recovery 130, physician procedures 5264, anestesia 1800

I forgot to include the 897 baht consultation and prep medications prior to the procedure.

Medication 592, Doctor 130, Nurse 125, hospital fee 50 Edited by MrBrad
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At Ram you get excellent digital copy of the taken pictures as well as print out in good quality. At Rajavej you get a print out unless they have changed lately. English communication is better at Ram >Stiphat> Rajavej if that matters. Equipment Ram=Sripaht > Rajavej. No experience with Bangkok chiangmai yet.

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Chiang Mai RAM is good as is Rajavej. Just to give you an idea of costs: At RAM it's about 20k baht for an endoscopy AND a gastrascopy, Rajavej is 9.5k for a gastroscopy alone. I personally recommend Rajavej because the resident gastroenterology team is very good, Dr Jeerusak is excellent and he's supported by Dr Kanika who is Professor Emeritus of Gastroenterology at CMU.

This is very useful info for me. Are the equipments at Rajavej reasonably up-to-date? I've been put off on my visits to other hospitals for minor procedures as their equipments seem dated even to my untrained eyes.

I think you'll find the equipment is current, Rajavey specializes in endoscopies. My wife just has one done two weeks ago which is why I know the costs, it was a painless and easy process and she was very pleased with the doctors and staff.

OK, thanks. Is colonscopy one form of endoscopy? tongue.png


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Some useful background perhaps:

Dr Pisset at Sriphat, Dr Jeerusk at Rajavej and Dr Jaruwat at RAM were all trained by Dr Kannika at CMU, all four are good friends and have similar knowledge levels and style - Dr Pisset worked previously for Bangkok Hospital at Phuket before moving to Sriphat, at the invitation of his old boss, his status of Assistant Professor was a part of his recruitment so probably best not to get too hung up on titles, they don't mean that much.

BTW I've had both ends done at RAM and they no longer make a video of the process, two years ago the cost was 20K for top and bottom.

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At Ram you get excellent digital copy of the taken pictures as well as print out in good quality. At Rajavej you get a print out unless they have changed lately. English communication is better at Ram >Stiphat> Rajavej if that matters. Equipment Ram=Sripaht > Rajavej. No experience with Bangkok chiangmai yet.

You get an excellent digital copy ? And what use is this to you? Perhaps emailed to friends and family ?

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At Ram you get excellent digital copy of the taken pictures as well as print out in good quality. At Rajavej you get a print out unless they have changed lately. English communication is better at Ram >Stiphat> Rajavej if that matters. Equipment Ram=Sripaht > Rajavej. No experience with Bangkok chiangmai yet.

You get an excellent digital copy ? And what use is this to you? Perhaps emailed to friends and family ?

brilliant from you.

so you can consult another M.D. if need be, and also proof of no polyps. get it now?

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At Ram you get excellent digital copy of the taken pictures as well as print out in good quality. At Rajavej you get a print out unless they have changed lately. English communication is better at Ram >Stiphat> Rajavej if that matters. Equipment Ram=Sripaht > Rajavej. No experience with Bangkok chiangmai yet.

You get an excellent digital copy ? And what use is this to you? Perhaps emailed to friends and family ?

I was wondering about that myself.

I have another question how ever or I would not bother to post.

What is the purpose of this procedure is there a need for it or is it just some thing every one should do on some sort of a regular basis such as getting a check up?

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At Ram you get excellent digital copy of the taken pictures as well as print out in good quality. At Rajavej you get a print out unless they have changed lately. English communication is better at Ram >Stiphat> Rajavej if that matters. Equipment Ram=Sripaht > Rajavej. No experience with Bangkok chiangmai yet.

You get an excellent digital copy ? And what use is this to you? Perhaps emailed to friends and family ?

I was wondering about that myself.

I have another question how ever or I would not bother to post.

What is the purpose of this procedure is there a need for it or is it just some thing every one should do on some sort of a regular basis such as getting a check up?

yikes. not a brain surgeon eh? everyone should do this every 2 years or so after age 55 or thereabouts to check for polyps, colon cancer. catch it early great. i've known people with colon cancer. one of the most painful and miserable ways to go...

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At Ram you get excellent digital copy of the taken pictures as well as print out in good quality. At Rajavej you get a print out unless they have changed lately. English communication is better at Ram >Stiphat> Rajavej if that matters. Equipment Ram=Sripaht > Rajavej. No experience with Bangkok chiangmai yet.

You get an excellent digital copy ? And what use is this to you? Perhaps emailed to friends and family ?

I was wondering about that myself.

I have another question how ever or I would not bother to post.

What is the purpose of this procedure is there a need for it or is it just some thing every one should do on some sort of a regular basis such as getting a check up?

yikes. not a brain surgeon eh? everyone should do this every 2 years or so after age 55 or thereabouts to check for polyps, colon cancer. catch it early great. i've known people with colon cancer. one of the most painful and miserable ways to go...

Not exactly: an endoscopic exam is recommended every ten years for people over age 50 or more frequently for those at risk, a gastoscopic exam is recommended more frequently based on symptoms.

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At Ram you get excellent digital copy of the taken pictures as well as print out in good quality. At Rajavej you get a print out unless they have changed lately. English communication is better at Ram >Stiphat> Rajavej if that matters. Equipment Ram=Sripaht > Rajavej. No experience with Bangkok chiangmai yet.

You get an excellent digital copy ? And what use is this to you? Perhaps emailed to friends and family ?

If you need a second opinion, or if you need surgery.

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You get an excellent digital copy ? And what use is this to you? Perhaps emailed to friends and family ?

I was wondering about that myself.

I have another question how ever or I would not bother to post.

What is the purpose of this procedure is there a need for it or is it just some thing every one should do on some sort of a regular basis such as getting a check up?

yikes. not a brain surgeon eh? everyone should do this every 2 years or so after age 55 or thereabouts to check for polyps, colon cancer. catch it early great. i've known people with colon cancer. one of the most painful and miserable ways to go...

Not exactly: an endoscopic exam is recommended every ten years for people over age 50 or more frequently for those at risk, a gastoscopic exam is recommended more frequently based on symptoms.

Thanks for the intelligent answer. I very much dislike paranoiac answers.

I have it on a list of things to discus with my doctor. Never had either and sounds like both would be in order.

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I was wondering about that myself.

I have another question how ever or I would not bother to post.

What is the purpose of this procedure is there a need for it or is it just some thing every one should do on some sort of a regular basis such as getting a check up?

yikes. not a brain surgeon eh? everyone should do this every 2 years or so after age 55 or thereabouts to check for polyps, colon cancer. catch it early great. i've known people with colon cancer. one of the most painful and miserable ways to go...

Not exactly: an endoscopic exam is recommended every ten years for people over age 50 or more frequently for those at risk, a gastoscopic exam is recommended more frequently based on symptoms.

Thanks for the intelligent answer. I very much dislike paranoiac answers.

I have it on a list of things to discus with my doctor. Never had either and sounds like both would be in order.

For peace of mind, if you've never had one and are aged over 55, I recommend you have one, it's painless and inexpensive.

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