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Urgent - stay now in singapor

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hey all

im in singapore now waiting to get my non B VISA more 1-2 hours,
i was in the embassy yestrday but some Document was missing, anyway i paid 100 $ and the officer told me
that i have to fax the the missind documant Because without this i cant get the visa. isend the fax allredy (yestrday) but unil now
i dont know if they get the fax or not....( i try to call 1000 times, but they not ansower)

now i have to go collect my passport at 14:00 and at 17:30 i book flight beck to thiland ( they also ask to show the this ticket)
lets say i wil not get non b visa, then what? they can give just a normal tourist visa and then i can beck to thaialnd
to organize agin all my compeny documant and go out agin?

or i can get my passport without any visa, and jsut flight to thaialnd and get visa on arrival for 30 days ?
i just finish few daya ago a tourist visa with 2 entray - so i stay there 6 month, and then go to singapor

any advice please....?!

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very difficult ! i thins from line with 50 pepole there wait there, somthins like 30 pepole get ansower like " this missing....this you forget"

when you say "
bringing them a printed copy of it"
ita maen you bring it day after ? you bring the copy of the decumet you send or

or Proof that you sent the fax ?

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1st time I went, she went through everything...handed me back a bunch of stuff and said I needed XX form. I called back and told the office to fax and email me a copy of XX form.. My office faxed it as well I returned later with a email copy. I walked back up to the window of the lady who helped me before because she waved me over. I handed it to her and I left. I picked mine up the next day. If you have the proof of the fax just bring it with you. Like I said, Singapore is notoriously harsh on any visa, so count yourself lucky you got the chance to to fax it.

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What if he did not get the visa and entered on a visa exempt entry, could he change to Non-B in Bangkok?

Possibly, but it could take two trips and two weeks that delay issuance of work permit, so most people find more practical to leave country to get a visa.

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