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Koh Tao murders: Lawyer expresses doubts over new DNA test offer


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Doesn't prove anything when done in closed off room (24 hour time frame), with only Thai cops there, who are in on the original (set up) investigation, there not going to change anything, and lose face over this whole shame.

<deleted> it hang the kids and be done with it, lets all move on, the cops are never going to have anyone make a fool of them Ha ha ha , they've all been paid off to look the other way, we all know this, and I think now even the Thai defense lawyers know this also.

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You can test them a million times if you want, but unless the reference sample has come from Miss Witheridge, you may as well not bother.

Does the UK police have access to independent DNA samples taken from Hannah's body? I never read that they do. But the body is in England and you would think it's easy to obtain.

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You can test them a million times if you want, but unless the reference sample has come from Miss Witheridge, you may as well not bother.

I agree, however the prosecution is saying a cigarette butt that one of the victims used was also smoked by the defendants.

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You can test them a million times if you want, but unless the reference sample has come from Miss Witheridge, you may as well not bother.

I agree, however the prosecution is saying a cigarette butt that one of the victims used was also smoked by the defendants.
That's a good point. Have the police ever said where the DNA was found that they are testing against? Was it from Hannah's body or is it from a cigarette? Is this why the prosecution keep pushing back the case because the DNA evidence is not as "concrete" at the Thai police claim?

The only way this DNA sample yesterday would have had any merit would be if the 2 Burmese guys were tested again at the same time and all 3 samples were tested against the DNA that was found on or in Hannah to see which DNA, if any, matches. What they have just done is totally meaningless as, not only was it done in hospitals which could be easily bought off, we don't know what they were trying to match it to.

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Doesn't prove anything when done in closed off room (24 hour time frame), with only Thai cops there, who are in on the original (set up) investigation, there not going to change anything, and lose face over this whole shame.

<deleted> it hang the kids and be done with it, lets all move on, the cops are never going to have anyone make a fool of them Ha ha ha , they've all been paid off to look the other way, we all know this, and I think now even the Thai defense lawyers know this also.

I think the Burmese will be released and then the case will slowly dwindle, and the real perps allowed to continue on their merry way

w00t.gifblink.png You mean he'll graduate, along with his maties? facepalm.gif

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Brilliant, the only piece of evidence submitted to the prosecutors by the police was DNA!!

The perfect case rapped up is just being unwrapped for the world to see as a complete farce

And their report was 800 pages long blink.png

hmm...no witnesses to the DNA collection....the judge will love that! I'd think I'd be politely declining the General's offer of new tests, in light of this information.

850 pages? and only evidence is the one DNA test likely 2 pages long....so 848 pages of drivel?

Can they decline taking another test? Is that even possible?

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The entire issue is the providence of the original samples.

If this can not be proven, then it appears that the police have no case against the Burmese accused. If the prosecutor won't move on charges against them for at least rape, then how come they are still arrested.

The police are in a Gordian knot. Either they admit something is amiss or release the Burmese, but the odds of getting this to trial is getting slimmer.

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Did anybody every stop to think that there is the possibilty that the sexual encounters were interrupted by angry Thais, who had previously been rejected, and such encounters had nothing to do with the eventual physical assaults? Be there a sexual DNA match with the Burmese - that doesn't necessarily mean the physical assaults were perpretrated by the same. They could have done a runner, and the victims left to their own fate to the arms of the envious locals - Burmese beat us to it.

Just an observation, before minions jump in my insidious idea. ;)

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Brilliant, the only piece of evidence submitted to the prosecutors by the police was DNA!!

The perfect case rapped up is just being unwrapped for the world to see as a complete farce

And their report was 800 pages long blink.png

hmm...no witnesses to the DNA collection....the judge will love that! I'd think I'd be politely declining the General's offer of new tests, in light of this information.

850 pages? and only evidence is the one DNA test likely 2 pages long....so 848 pages of drivel?

Can they decline taking another test? Is that even possible?

Depends on what laws the General wants to change today.

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The police submitted DNA test as the only evidence and not a single witness was present. That's why Koh Samui prosecutors returned the case to Thai police to find further evidence.

This speaks volumes...

Stupid comment!!! Do you believe they waited that some hundred Tourist come look when they do it? If the DNA match 100% it is enough evidence!!!

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The police submitted DNA test as the only evidence and not a single witness was present. That's why Koh Samui prosecutors returned the case to Thai police to find further evidence.

This speaks volumes...

Stupid comment!!! Do you believe they waited that some hundred Tourist come look when they do it? If the DNA match 100% it is enough evidence!!!

Calm down buddy... Did I offend you? I just expressed my opinion here... blink.png

You can express yours without resort to insults, if you want to debate with me. But I doubt that.

Edit: if you think the part in bold is stupid you should have blamed who made the report, not me.

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You can test them a million times if you want, but unless the reference sample has come from Miss Witheridge, you may as well not bother.

I agree, however the prosecution is saying a cigarette butt that one of the victims used was also smoked by the defendants.

In films, it goes a bit like this:

"Don't worry, we only want to find the right killer, we don't want to hurt you. Really can you think of any information that could help us? Come on, let's be friends - here, would you like some of this cigarette? Maybe it will help you calm down"

Slightly more subtle than, for example, forcible masturbation of a suspect as alleged here, http://www.chiangmaicitynews.com/news.php?id=751

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If the UK Police will interview the suspect without restriction, its can obtain material for a DNA testing very easily and with discretion to compare with its have in the UK (if its have it)...but..the question is what its can do with that results, even if that does not match.

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What are the police going to compare the boys DNA too. They should offer evidence to show that the sample they are using for a comparison came from Hannah. The sample therefore must be a mix of Hannah and the rapist. The Lab should also be able to tell if the sample contained sperm.

The biggest problem, is that the boys have been in the hands of the police for weeks. This has given the police ample time to find DNA samples.

Of course it is also possible that they are guilty.

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The police submitted DNA test as the only evidence and not a single witness was present. That's why Koh Samui prosecutors returned the case to Thai police to find further evidence.

This speaks volumes...

Stupid comment!!! Do you believe they waited that some hundred Tourist come look when they do it? If the DNA match 100% it is enough evidence!!!

Then how can it be confirmed independently that the DNA samples come from Miss Witheridge's body and belong to the killers?

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The police submitted DNA test as the only evidence and not a single witness was present. That's why Koh Samui prosecutors returned the case to Thai police to find further evidence.

This speaks volumes...

Stupid comment!!! Do you believe they waited that some hundred Tourist come look when they do it? If the DNA match 100% it is enough evidence!!!

Then how can it be confirmed independently that the DNA samples come from Miss Witheridge's body and belong to the killers?

This can be confirmed easy. Today they can check where the DNA comes from. vagina, mouth, blood,...!!!

I'm sure the Brit Cops have a DNA check from Miss Witheridge's body.

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So now even Thai lawyers doubt the integrity of the Thai police!!

Welcome to the club!!thumbsup.gif

They always have!

I believe more that the lawyer is worry that a new dna test Show again that they done it.

As a lawyer him must do the best for his Clients. Innocent or not!!!

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We must all stay modest and cautious:it is a very difficult inquiry!No material proofs,no witness!!!!!

It would be a very hard work for any police...even a western one....

Not really. An island surrounded by miles of ocean that nobody could get on or off; a crime scene only hours old; a raft of DNA evidence; a slew of witnesses who were with the victims until just before they were killed; cc tv footage; etc; etc; etc....

And they STILL managed to make a horse's backside of the investigation - turning it into a shoddy Thai soap. They didn't even secure the crime scene for pity's sake! What a shower of clowns!

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We must all stay modest and cautious:it is a very difficult inquiry!No material proofs,no witness!!!!!

It would be a very hard work for any police...even a western one....

Not really. An island surrounded by miles of ocean that nobody could get on or off; a crime scene only hours old; a raft of DNA evidence; a slew of witnesses who were with the victims until just before they were killed; cc tv footage; etc; etc; etc....

And they STILL managed to make a horse's backside of the investigation - turning it into a shoddy Thai soap. They didn't even secure the crime scene for pity's sake! What a shower of clowns!

I might have added - a crime committed on SAND on which every footprint......sigh

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