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Dengue Strains in Thailand

Chao Lao Beach

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According of my last year first time after 10 years in Thailand dengue infection treatment dr in bangrunggrad told me 2 types

Daily one where is no hope or treatment and , normal, type where the treatment also must happen quickly most baby's also die on this type

Adults survive when treatment comes quickly after infection

You see no virus in blood after 3rd day it can be specified and detected

More change to live so more early treatment begin!

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The fifth serotype was only recently discovered.

All 5 serotypes have been documented in Thailand.

The two "types" Sandman refers to have nothing to do with serotypes, what he is referring to is "simple" dengue vs. dengue hemorrghic fever, a complicated form of the disease which is more common in (but not totally limited to) young children .

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So nobody dies because of the standard dengue ? Only because of the hemorrghic ?


Though one may feel like one is dying (it's very unpleasant), "simple" dengue is self-limiting and not life threatening.

With proper medical management, mortality for hemorraghic dengue is pretty low. But without it, high.

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Sheryl, on 03 Nov 2014 - 11:52, said:

The fifth serotype was only recently discovered.

All 5 serotypes have been documented in Thailand.

The two "types" Sandman refers to have nothing to do with serotypes, what he is referring to is "simple" dengue vs. dengue hemorrghic fever, a complicated form of the disease which is more common in (but not totally limited to) young children .

I am pretty sure there are only 4 serotypes currently recognized. There were reports of a "fifth serotype" - but this has only been presented at a meeting, and not been formally published (or accepted by the dengue community).

It is highly likely that the purported "5th" serotype is a spillover sylvatic dengue 4, and as far as I am aware, has only been reported in Malaysia, not Thailand.

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So what's the dengue situation in Thailand this year? Last year I thought was supposedly a bad year for it because of the rainfall patterns (not that I understand why last year would've been that much different from most). Has it subsided a bit this year?

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