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US midterm elections: Barack Obama’s legacy could be ruined in one day

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Requiring a valid identification card is racist! shock1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Q3XOm0fuQs.png

For more than 25 years now US immigration policies which are set by the Congress and implemented by the president have favored immigrants from Latin America which is in the neighborhood of the United States.

During the 25 or so years, European immigrant quotas have been significantly reduced.

Quotas of immigrants from East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia have also been increased.

These are the folk who are directly affected by the discussions about US immigration policies, laws, rules and regulations, reforms.

Fewer Europeans, more latinos, East Asians, South Asians. That is what this discussion boils down to. smile.png

I'm sure everyone enjoyed your history lesson regarding immigration but this isn't what this "discussion boils down to." It is about the midterm elections, and how it could ruin Obama's legacy. Gee, lets think about this for a moment. Obama's legacy has been marred by one scandal after another, and deceit and lies. Come to think of it, I don't see how the outcome of the midterms elections could harm Obama's legacy.

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The saving grace on all this is an Executive Order can be cancelled by the stroke of a Presidential pen in future administrations.

Yet another good reason to keep Hillary or any other leftist Democratic candidate on the sidelines.

The fringe marginal political right has now gone to work to try to supress the popular vote in 2016 but the fringe political right can't succeed because the great mainstream of American society, culture and politics does vote in presidential elections.

As I have noted several times, the phenomenon of modern American politics is that a large voter participation benefits the Democratic party while a lesser rate of voter participation benefits the Republican party. The voting confirmed this axiom in 2008 and in 2012 when participation rates much much higher than those of 2010 and 2014 benefited the Democratic party.

The lower voter participation rates of 2010 and the even lower participation rate of 2014 decidedly benefitted the Republican party. Voter participation in 2014 was in fact -- what, the lowest rate of participation in something like 42 years?!? The right of center Americans and the fringe political right need desperately to try to replicate that in the presidential year of 2016 but will fail and will fail miserably. biggrin.png

Participation rates in 2008 and 2012 were due to obama running and 91 percent of the large Black turn out voted for obama - as would be expected... And this unproven Messiah also drew many younger voters.

Guess what ? obama is not running in 2016... And no one in the Democrat field for Presidential Candidates has any charisma - Unless an young upstart Black man or woman runs - the blacks will not be interested in the 2016 election. And all the ballyhoo of the Democrats getting young voters is dying on the vine ..... Plus there are about 55 million very pissed off Conservatives, middle of the roaders who have grown weary of the Democrat Brand, and some Libertarians and Independents thrown in... People will not be fainting in the isles to hear Hillary ... The Democrats have a dull - unexciting party now that have worn out their welcome with far too many. Oh and "Bush's Fault" after EIGHT years of obama sounds pretty hollow - if not down right ridiculous... Just keep spinning your spin -- 2016 will be a whole different world than 2008/2012... People will not be blinded by the light. Plus that 2008 Economic Meltdown that made obama look good to the gullible -- not likely to be a Economic Meltdown in 2016... Except for the 16 Million unemployed Americans who point the finger at obama's policies... Then in Coal Country which has been decimated by obama hate America First and Last policy... Lots of voters in Kentucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and adjacent Coal Country states. There is just not enough Hippies in California to make up for the lost coal miner families who vote...

Yes - I know you will counter my reply with 5 pages of convoluted narrative and 7 web links to prove me wrong... Go ahead - no one is really listening to you...

  • Like 2

Gruber ... obama's architect for obamacare ... supposedly an affordable healthcare program ... to be presented to a Nation - a Constitutional Republic under guidance of democracy ... a nation of the people - and a government responsible to the people as per the U.S. Constitution ... and obama pushes this kind of thing down our collective throats... Six Videos of this Chief adviser on the construct of obamacare... glib, disrespectful, goading, lying and worse... All of the videos are totally undeniable products and evidence of the obama mania to subdue the American public and Force a program down the citizen's throats in totally absence of honesty ... a used car salesman's wet dream... deceive, deny, obfuscate, lie... THIS IS OBAMA'S LEGACY ... a big fat lie - pushed on Americans - as it will be written in books of history...


  • Like 2


.... we of the Leftist Internationale are a tight brotherhood that sticks together. laugh.png

Why don't you cut to the chase and just use the term "left wingnuts?" laugh.png

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Liberals are Already Trying to Re-write the History of the Obama Presidency

The Obama presidency is a failed presidency. He has presided over one of the slowest economic recoveries in history. His foreign policy has been a disaster. ObamaCare is a mess. And it’s hard to lay the blame off on anyone else. The president didn’t make Republicans part of any of his decisions and most of the time he ignored congressional Democrats as well. To make matters worse, Barack Obama is the most polarizing president we have had in the past 60 years.


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Right now, Obama is the loneliest man in America.

He's spent 6 years alienating Republicans, and now the Democrats don't want anything to do with him because he is so unpopular.

He didn't get any respect from world leaders during his recent globetrotting.

The pathological narcissist will probably come out trying to hurt everyone. He doesn't even care if he hurts his own party in future elections, as evidenced by his remarks since the recent election.

  • Like 2

More of Tone Deaf obama shooting Democrats in the foot .. while wearing blinders ...

Poll: Only 20% of Tuesday's voters supported an Obama executive amnesty

The President may be the last person in town to realize how resistant Americans are to him playing the Lone Ranger on amnesty. In fact, based on his press conference yesterday he has either suspended disbelief or has no awareness of how the immigration issue and his threats to act alone contributed to his party suffering massive losses on Tuesday.


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The title of this thread is:

"US midterm elections: Barack Obama’s legacy could be ruined in one day."

Well it only proved his legacy is ruined, and apparently he's trying to ruin it and his Democrats even more.

This guy is out of control.

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According to your link, Reagan worked with congress and signed a amnesty bill that they voted for and passed. The only executive action he took was to prevent the deportation of family members of the immigrants who were in the process of legalizing. That is very different from giving 5 million illegals executive amnesty with no input from congress at all. whistling.gif


The Reagan administration issued an executive order on discretion in the deportation of illegal immigrants. Reagan did not receive congressional approval to do so; he did it with his executive authority. President Obama seems poised to do the same. As is his right.

Were you posting on Thai Visa when President George W. Bush issued nearly 300 executive orders? If so, will we find your posts about George W. Bush trying to circumvent the constitution and that he should be impeached? Something tells me the answer to the that question is "no". But please go ahead and post evidence to the contrary. thumbsup.gif

Again it's the hyper-partisanship attempting to drown out rational discussion.

I suspect most of those GWB EOs were rather functionary ... And as far as rationale discussion if you think GWB should have been impeached - you not so middle of the road as you pretend. A difference between the Presidents Raegan and GWB ... They loved their country - America ... they worked to enhance American traditions ... obama hates America and is working to destroy are cherished traditions ... if you were so clear eyed middle of the road - you would already know that... But I can see you are a closet obamabot...

The views expressed in the post are extreme in the extreme and are in fact fierce and fanatical.

  • Like 1

More of Tone Deaf obama shooting Democrats in the foot .. while wearing blinders ...

Poll: Only 20% of Tuesday's voters supported an Obama executive amnesty

The President may be the last person in town to realize how resistant Americans are to him playing the Lone Ranger on amnesty. In fact, based on his press conference yesterday he has either suspended disbelief or has no awareness of how the immigration issue and his threats to act alone contributed to his party suffering massive losses on Tuesday.


Prez Obama will not implement an amnesty.

There will be no amnesty from Prez Obama.

Prez Obama will implement the comprehensive immigration reform proposals 75% of other Americans support and which Congress has failed to enact even after two years of negotiations over comprehensive immigration reform itself, exclusive of other legislative items or issues.

There will be no amnesty.

Prez Obama will not issue any amnesty.

To say the comprehensive immigration reform 75% of Americans support from across the political spectrum is an amnesty is a fiction. It is false. It is bogus. It is a trumped up concocted claim. The comprehensive immigration reform proposal that's been kicked about the past two years does not include an amnesty.

Prez Obama will not try to do the job of the Congress. Prez Obama will do what he can as CEO of the Executive Branch under the authority of the Constitution and the laws of the land. He will do comprehensive immigration reform.

There is no one single issue involved or included. There are six major provisions of the comprehensive immigration reform, if anyone on the extreme right political fringe has bothered to look in to it.


More of Tone Deaf obama shooting Democrats in the foot .. while wearing blinders ...

Poll: Only 20% of Tuesday's voters supported an Obama executive amnesty

The President may be the last person in town to realize how resistant Americans are to him playing the Lone Ranger on amnesty. In fact, based on his press conference yesterday he has either suspended disbelief or has no awareness of how the immigration issue and his threats to act alone contributed to his party suffering massive losses on Tuesday.


Prez Obama will not implement an amnesty.

There will be no amnesty from Prez Obama.

Prez Obama will implement the comprehensive immigration reform proposals 75% of other Americans support and which Congress has failed to enact even after two years of negotiations over comprehensive immigration reform itself, exclusive of other legislative items or issues.

There will be no amnesty.

Prez Obama will not issue any amnesty.

To say the comprehensive immigration reform 75% of Americans support from across the political spectrum is an amnesty is a fiction. It is false. It is bogus. It is a trumped up concocted claim. The comprehensive immigration reform proposal that's been kicked about the past two years does not include an amnesty.

Prez Obama will not try to do the job of the Congress. Prez Obama will do what he can as CEO of the Executive Branch under the authority of the Constitution and the laws of the land. He will do comprehensive immigration reform.

There is no one single issue involved or included. There are six major provisions of the comprehensive immigration reform, if anyone on the extreme right political fringe has bothered to look in to it.

As much as you huff and puff, amnesty is part of the package -- and the one that is of primary interest to President Obama. From the points in the Gallup poll (the six you mentioned):

This one is the one that specifies Amnesty - but tries to make it seem like you are penalizing them (bad you - there punished, you can stay)

  • Allow illegal immigrants living in the US the opportunity to become citizens after a long waiting period if they paid taxes and a penalty, pass a criminal check, and learn English.

This was a Republican priority which President Obama has consistently refused to do and opposed.... but we all know that President Obama, even after it was passed will feel no obligation to actually implement.... he will just say it is too burdensome and cannot be enforced. If children can walk across the border with no problems currently, there is no way that you can seriously argue that they are securing the border....

  • Tighten U.S. border security and provide the Border Patrol with increased technology, infrastructure, and personnel.

The following is already done, but usually they are moved from F1 to H1B the following year - and then work in the US while the green card is processed which usually takes six years. I worked with lots of foreigners with US graduate/PHD credentials in this position (at least 50+ at the company I worked for).

  • Allow engineers and scientists from other countries who earn graduate degrees in the US to remain in the US to work.

This one is in the border security grouping - a republican priority which President Obama has opposed and will likely waive using executive orders etc.

  • Require US business owners to check the immigration status of any employees they hire, with stiff fines and penalties for employers who knowingly hire unauthorized workers.

There is already a process for this - even though it is cumbersome:

  • Allow employers to hire immigrants if it can be demonstrated that they were unsuccessful in recruiting an American to fill an open position.

The Democratic Party has constantly been afraid of doing this legally since they have been afraid of angering their Labour support.

  • Vary the number of lower-skilled immigrants allowed to enter the country depending on how the US economy is doing.


It is all about playing a shell game and hiding the amnesty by obscuring it with other things to do with immigration (sort of an immigration omnibus bill).


Gruber ... obama's architect for obamacare ... supposedly an affordable healthcare program ... to be presented to a Nation - a Constitutional Republic under guidance of democracy ... a nation of the people - and a government responsible to the people as per the U.S. Constitution ... and obama pushes this kind of thing down our collective throats... Six Videos of this Chief adviser on the construct of obamacare... glib, disrespectful, goading, lying and worse... All of the videos are totally undeniable products and evidence of the obama mania to subdue the American public and Force a program down the citizen's throats in totally absence of honesty ... a used car salesman's wet dream... deceive, deny, obfuscate, lie... THIS IS OBAMA'S LEGACY ... a big fat lie - pushed on Americans - as it will be written in books of history...


That is quite the photo of Willard Mitt Romney's main man outside of the state government when the then Governor Romney successfully implemented Obamacare in Massachusetts.

Nobody heard of this guy before now in this early runup time to the 2016 presidential election and no one will know or remember him after the election.

Dredging this up from the past is a part of the Republican's and the fierce campaign of the far right to try to drive down voter participation in the 2016 presidential election. The more people are disgusted, the more are the people who don't vote. It looks as if the fringe fanatics on the extreme political right have decided they must destroy democracy in order to save it.

It won't succeed because the demographics of the country have changed radically and because the mid-term election participation is always lesser in the mid-term year than it is in the presidential year election.

This guy anyway is a professor at MIT. Anyone who's spent any time around MIT knows it is full of arrogant elitists of the Willard Mitt Romney and Republican party type.


Gruber ... obama's architect for obamacare ... supposedly an affordable healthcare program ... to be presented to a Nation - a Constitutional Republic under guidance of democracy ... a nation of the people - and a government responsible to the people as per the U.S. Constitution ... and obama pushes this kind of thing down our collective throats... Six Videos of this Chief adviser on the construct of obamacare... glib, disrespectful, goading, lying and worse... All of the videos are totally undeniable products and evidence of the obama mania to subdue the American public and Force a program down the citizen's throats in totally absence of honesty ... a used car salesman's wet dream... deceive, deny, obfuscate, lie... THIS IS OBAMA'S LEGACY ... a big fat lie - pushed on Americans - as it will be written in books of history...


Nobody heard of this guy before now in this early runup time to the 2016 presidential election and no one will know or remember him after the election.

So the democrats claim. In fact Nancy Polosi says she "never heard of him", but she sure knew who he was in 2009 when the Obama administration was trying to sell this lie to the "stupid" American voters.


According to your link, Reagan worked with congress and signed a amnesty bill that they voted for and passed. The only executive action he took was to prevent the deportation of family members of the immigrants who were in the process of legalizing. That is very different from giving 5 million illegals executive amnesty with no input from congress at all. whistling.gif


The Reagan administration issued an executive order on discretion in the deportation of illegal immigrants. Reagan did not receive congressional approval to do so; he did it with his executive authority. President Obama seems poised to do the same. As is his right.

Were you posting on Thai Visa when President George W. Bush issued nearly 300 executive orders? If so, will we find your posts about George W. Bush trying to circumvent the constitution and that he should be impeached? Something tells me the answer to the that question is "no". But please go ahead and post evidence to the contrary. thumbsup.gif

Again it's the hyper-partisanship attempting to drown out rational discussion.

I suspect most of those GWB EOs were rather functionary ... And as far as rationale discussion if you think GWB should have been impeached - you not so middle of the road as you pretend. A difference between the Presidents Raegan and GWB ... They loved their country - America ... they worked to enhance American traditions ... obama hates America and is working to destroy are cherished traditions ... if you were so clear eyed middle of the road - you would already know that... But I can see you are a closet obamabot...

The views expressed in the post are extreme in the extreme and are in fact fierce and fanatical.

Baloney ... You - the self avowed member of "Leftist Internationale" are calling someone an extremist - wow - totally amazing. My views are only extreme to someone of your political position - hanging off the leftist cliff.

Tens of millions of Americans believe as I do ... many millions of those who voted last week to insure obama understands his legacy - which is... the Narcissist that turned the voters against the Democrat party after six years of progressive socialism and thumbing his nose at the American people. If obama wants to be a little big eared Napoleon we Conservatives are ready to find an island to exile him to. The isle of Elba would do - after his chooses self abdication rather than be a Lame Duck for 2 years.

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I suspect most of those GWB EOs were rather functionary ... And as far as rationale discussion if you think GWB should have been impeached - you not so middle of the road as you pretend. A difference between the Presidents Raegan and GWB ... They loved their country - America ... they worked to enhance American traditions ... obama hates America and is working to destroy are cherished traditions ... if you were so clear eyed middle of the road - you would already know that... But I can see you are a closet obamabot...

The views expressed in the post are extreme in the extreme and are in fact fierce and fanatical.

Baloney ... You - the self avowed member of "Leftist Internationale" are calling someone an extremist - wow - totally amazing. My views are only extreme to someone of your political position - hanging off the leftist cliff.

Tens of millions of Americans believe as I do ... many millions of those who voted last week to insure obama understands his legacy - which is... the Narcissist that turned the voters against the Democrat party after six years of progressive socialism and thumbing his nose at the American people. If obama wants to be a little big eared Napoleon we Conservatives are ready to find an island to exile him to. The isle of Elba would do - after his chooses self abdication rather than be a Lame Duck for 2 years.

You guys are very serious these daze....I put a roaring laff emoticon with the statement about myself and the German journalist covering the US as belonging to the "Leftist Internationale".. If you think I wuz serious you people are indeed not only very overly serious with a Russian sense of humor, you guys are dour deadbeat boring serious clap2.gif

The Leftist Marching Band performs "Crazy Train" and "The Internationale" laugh.png


Tens of millions of Americans believe as I do

More than a hundred million Americans believe as I do.

And in 1964 27 million Americans voted for the Republican Senator Barry Goldwater for president and he got his arse kicked all over the United States except for five states in the Old Confederacy plus his home state of Arizona. Come to think of it, Sen John McCain of Arizona didn't do too well in his turn at the brass ring either. That's quite the legacy.

In 2016 the Republican party and its fringe on the far right will continue to be lame ducks for another four years and probably for four more years after that clap2.gif


According to your link, Reagan worked with congress and signed a amnesty bill that they voted for and passed. The only executive action he took was to prevent the deportation of family members of the immigrants who were in the process of legalizing. That is very different from giving 5 million illegals executive amnesty with no input from congress at all. whistling.gif


The Reagan administration issued an executive order on discretion in the deportation of illegal immigrants. Reagan did not receive congressional approval to do so; he did it with his executive authority. President Obama seems poised to do the same. As is his right.

Were you posting on Thai Visa when President George W. Bush issued nearly 300 executive orders? If so, will we find your posts about George W. Bush trying to circumvent the constitution and that he should be impeached? Something tells me the answer to the that question is "no". But please go ahead and post evidence to the contrary. thumbsup.gif

Again it's the hyper-partisanship attempting to drown out rational discussion.

I suspect most of those GWB EOs were rather functionary ... And as far as rationale discussion if you think GWB should have been impeached - you not so middle of the road as you pretend. A difference between the Presidents Raegan and GWB ... They loved their country - America ... they worked to enhance American traditions ... obama hates America and is working to destroy are cherished traditions ... if you were so clear eyed middle of the road - you would already know that... But I can see you are a closet obamabot...

A long time ago I read the same kind of thing about Abe Lincoln in Gone With the Wind giggle.gif

Saw the movie too.

Lincoln's vice president Andrew Johnson succeeded to the presidency, was impeached, acquitted by one vote in the Senate and then included in John F. Kennedy's 1950s book Profiles In Courage.

The Old Confederacy and all of that cheesy.gif

So now we have the Neo Confederacy of the red states.

Prez Obama has two more years so the fringe political right can hide and watch cause those on the political margins don't really know what's coming yet....do you....wink.png


More of Tone Deaf obama shooting Democrats in the foot .. while wearing blinders ...

Poll: Only 20% of Tuesday's voters supported an Obama executive amnesty

The President may be the last person in town to realize how resistant Americans are to him playing the Lone Ranger on amnesty. In fact, based on his press conference yesterday he has either suspended disbelief or has no awareness of how the immigration issue and his threats to act alone contributed to his party suffering massive losses on Tuesday.


Prez Obama will not implement an amnesty.

There will be no amnesty from Prez Obama.

Prez Obama will implement the comprehensive immigration reform proposals 75% of other Americans support and which Congress has failed to enact even after two years of negotiations over comprehensive immigration reform itself, exclusive of other legislative items or issues.

There will be no amnesty.

Prez Obama will not issue any amnesty.

To say the comprehensive immigration reform 75% of Americans support from across the political spectrum is an amnesty is a fiction. It is false. It is bogus. It is a trumped up concocted claim. The comprehensive immigration reform proposal that's been kicked about the past two years does not include an amnesty.

Prez Obama will not try to do the job of the Congress. Prez Obama will do what he can as CEO of the Executive Branch under the authority of the Constitution and the laws of the land. He will do comprehensive immigration reform.

There is no one single issue involved or included. There are six major provisions of the comprehensive immigration reform, if anyone on the extreme right political fringe has bothered to look in to it.

As much as you huff and puff, amnesty is part of the package -- and the one that is of primary interest to President Obama. From the points in the Gallup poll (the six you mentioned):

This one is the one that specifies Amnesty - but tries to make it seem like you are penalizing them (bad you - there punished, you can stay)

  • Allow illegal immigrants living in the US the opportunity to become citizens after a long waiting period if they paid taxes and a penalty, pass a criminal check, and learn English.

This was a Republican priority which President Obama has consistently refused to do and opposed.... but we all know that President Obama, even after it was passed will feel no obligation to actually implement.... he will just say it is too burdensome and cannot be enforced. If children can walk across the border with no problems currently, there is no way that you can seriously argue that they are securing the border....

  • Tighten U.S. border security and provide the Border Patrol with increased technology, infrastructure, and personnel.

The following is already done, but usually they are moved from F1 to H1B the following year - and then work in the US while the green card is processed which usually takes six years. I worked with lots of foreigners with US graduate/PHD credentials in this position (at least 50+ at the company I worked for).

  • Allow engineers and scientists from other countries who earn graduate degrees in the US to remain in the US to work.

This one is in the border security grouping - a republican priority which President Obama has opposed and will likely waive using executive orders etc.

  • Require US business owners to check the immigration status of any employees they hire, with stiff fines and penalties for employers who knowingly hire unauthorized workers.

There is already a process for this - even though it is cumbersome:

  • Allow employers to hire immigrants if it can be demonstrated that they were unsuccessful in recruiting an American to fill an open position.

The Democratic Party has constantly been afraid of doing this legally since they have been afraid of angering their Labour support.

  • Vary the number of lower-skilled immigrants allowed to enter the country depending on how the US economy is doing.


It is all about playing a shell game and hiding the amnesty by obscuring it with other things to do with immigration (sort of an immigration omnibus bill).

That's not how Gallup presented Prez Obama's comprehensive immigration reform package to his sample national survey of Americans.

I think the post contains the wrong proposal.

Check out the Gallup survey again plse, thx.

And don't forget your meds this time.


According to your link, Reagan worked with congress and signed a amnesty bill that they voted for and passed. The only executive action he took was to prevent the deportation of family members of the immigrants who were in the process of legalizing. That is very different from giving 5 million illegals executive amnesty with no input from congress at all. whistling.gif


The Reagan administration issued an executive order on discretion in the deportation of illegal immigrants. Reagan did not receive congressional approval to do so; he did it with his executive authority. President Obama seems poised to do the same. As is his right.

Were you posting on Thai Visa when President George W. Bush issued nearly 300 executive orders? If so, will we find your posts about George W. Bush trying to circumvent the constitution and that he should be impeached? Something tells me the answer to the that question is "no". But please go ahead and post evidence to the contrary. thumbsup.gif

Again it's the hyper-partisanship attempting to drown out rational discussion.

I suspect most of those GWB EOs were rather functionary ... And as far as rationale discussion if you think GWB should have been impeached - you not so middle of the road as you pretend. A difference between the Presidents Raegan and GWB ... They loved their country - America ... they worked to enhance American traditions ... obama hates America and is working to destroy are cherished traditions ... if you were so clear eyed middle of the road - you would already know that... But I can see you are a closet obamabot...

A long time ago I read the same kind of thing about Abe Lincoln in Gone With the Wind giggle.gif

Saw the movie too.

Lincoln's vice president Andrew Johnson succeeded to the presidency, was impeached, acquitted by one vote in the Senate and then included in John F. Kennedy's 1950s book Profiles In Courage.

The Old Confederacy and all of that cheesy.gif

So now we have the Neo Confederacy of the red states.

Prez Obama has two more years so the fringe political right can hide and watch cause those on the political margins don't really know what's coming yet....do you....wink.png

Prez Obama has two more years so the fringe political right can hide and watch cause those on the political margins don't really know what's coming yet....do you....wink.png????? Are you implying you have inside information about Obama's next sinister plan? Do you think the midterms had a negative effect on Obama's legacy???

  • Like 2

Prez Obama will not implement an amnesty.

There will be no amnesty from Prez Obama.

Prez Obama will implement the comprehensive immigration reform proposals 75% of other Americans support and which Congress has failed to enact even after two years of negotiations over comprehensive immigration reform itself, exclusive of other legislative items or issues.

There will be no amnesty.

Prez Obama will not issue any amnesty.

To say the comprehensive immigration reform 75% of Americans support from across the political spectrum is an amnesty is a fiction. It is false. It is bogus. It is a trumped up concocted claim. The comprehensive immigration reform proposal that's been kicked about the past two years does not include an amnesty.

Prez Obama will not try to do the job of the Congress. Prez Obama will do what he can as CEO of the Executive Branch under the authority of the Constitution and the laws of the land. He will do comprehensive immigration reform.

There is no one single issue involved or included. There are six major provisions of the comprehensive immigration reform, if anyone on the extreme right political fringe has bothered to look in to it.

As much as you huff and puff, amnesty is part of the package -- and the one that is of primary interest to President Obama. From the points in the Gallup poll (the six you mentioned):

This one is the one that specifies Amnesty - but tries to make it seem like you are penalizing them (bad you - there punished, you can stay)

  • Allow illegal immigrants living in the US the opportunity to become citizens after a long waiting period if they paid taxes and a penalty, pass a criminal check, and learn English.

This was a Republican priority which President Obama has consistently refused to do and opposed.... but we all know that President Obama, even after it was passed will feel no obligation to actually implement.... he will just say it is too burdensome and cannot be enforced. If children can walk across the border with no problems currently, there is no way that you can seriously argue that they are securing the border....

  • Tighten U.S. border security and provide the Border Patrol with increased technology, infrastructure, and personnel.

The following is already done, but usually they are moved from F1 to H1B the following year - and then work in the US while the green card is processed which usually takes six years. I worked with lots of foreigners with US graduate/PHD credentials in this position (at least 50+ at the company I worked for).

  • Allow engineers and scientists from other countries who earn graduate degrees in the US to remain in the US to work.

This one is in the border security grouping - a republican priority which President Obama has opposed and will likely waive using executive orders etc.

  • Require US business owners to check the immigration status of any employees they hire, with stiff fines and penalties for employers who knowingly hire unauthorized workers.

There is already a process for this - even though it is cumbersome:

  • Allow employers to hire immigrants if it can be demonstrated that they were unsuccessful in recruiting an American to fill an open position.

The Democratic Party has constantly been afraid of doing this legally since they have been afraid of angering their Labour support.

  • Vary the number of lower-skilled immigrants allowed to enter the country depending on how the US economy is doing.


It is all about playing a shell game and hiding the amnesty by obscuring it with other things to do with immigration (sort of an immigration omnibus bill).

That's not how Gallup presented Prez Obama's comprehensive immigration reform package to his sample national survey of Americans.

I think the post contains the wrong proposal.

Check out the Gallup survey again plse, thx.

And don't forget your meds this time.

This is the link you provided....

So if I got it wrong - it was your sources that I followed... The points were typed as is from your link which was an image file....


That is very different from giving 5 million illegals executive amnesty with no input from congress at all. whistling.gif

Prez Obama will implement the comprehensive immigration reform the polling surveys by people such as Gallop show are supported by the vast majority of Americans across the socio-cultural and political spectrum, to include Republicans, Independents, Democrats.

Only the fringe marginal political right says the lie Obama wants an amnesty. That's outright fiction.

Prez Obama will implement comprehensive immigration reform. Amnesty is and always has been off the table.

Comprehensive immigration reform, point by point by point, not amnesty and not any lone or single issue per se.

I'm glad you posted that American laws are decided by Gallup polls. I had always thought the congress passed the laws. Has Gallop told the Pres where to get the money for his new immigration laws?

I never said that.

You said that.

You said I said that.

You said it in your own post.

Find and point out to me my post(s) where I said what you falsely said I said.

Have a nice day....smile.png


As much as you huff and puff, amnesty is part of the package -- and the one that is of primary interest to President Obama. From the points in the Gallup poll (the six you mentioned):

This one is the one that specifies Amnesty - but tries to make it seem like you are penalizing them (bad you - there punished, you can stay)

  • Allow illegal immigrants living in the US the opportunity to become citizens after a long waiting period if they paid taxes and a penalty, pass a criminal check, and learn English.

This was a Republican priority which President Obama has consistently refused to do and opposed.... but we all know that President Obama, even after it was passed will feel no obligation to actually implement.... he will just say it is too burdensome and cannot be enforced. If children can walk across the border with no problems currently, there is no way that you can seriously argue that they are securing the border....

  • Tighten U.S. border security and provide the Border Patrol with increased technology, infrastructure, and personnel.

The following is already done, but usually they are moved from F1 to H1B the following year - and then work in the US while the green card is processed which usually takes six years. I worked with lots of foreigners with US graduate/PHD credentials in this position (at least 50+ at the company I worked for).

  • Allow engineers and scientists from other countries who earn graduate degrees in the US to remain in the US to work.

This one is in the border security grouping - a republican priority which President Obama has opposed and will likely waive using executive orders etc.

  • Require US business owners to check the immigration status of any employees they hire, with stiff fines and penalties for employers who knowingly hire unauthorized workers.

There is already a process for this - even though it is cumbersome:

  • Allow employers to hire immigrants if it can be demonstrated that they were unsuccessful in recruiting an American to fill an open position.

The Democratic Party has constantly been afraid of doing this legally since they have been afraid of angering their Labour support.

  • Vary the number of lower-skilled immigrants allowed to enter the country depending on how the US economy is doing.


It is all about playing a shell game and hiding the amnesty by obscuring it with other things to do with immigration (sort of an immigration omnibus bill).

That's not how Gallup presented Prez Obama's comprehensive immigration reform package to his sample national survey of Americans.

I think the post contains the wrong proposal.

Check out the Gallup survey again plse, thx.

And don't forget your meds this time.

This is the link you provided....

So if I got it wrong - it was your sources that I followed... The points were typed as is from your link which was an image file....

These statements you wrote in the above post are your opinion, your bias, your outlander political bent. Your statements were not in the Gallup national survey and for good reason, i.e., they would skew and significantly alter the nature of the survey.

As much as you huff and puff, amnesty is part of the package -- and the one that is of primary interest to President Obama. From the points in the Gallup poll (the six you mentioned):

This one is the one that specifies Amnesty - but tries to make it seem like you are penalizing them (bad you - there punished, you can stay)

This was a Republican priority which President Obama has consistently refused to do and opposed.... but we all know that President Obama, even after it was passed will feel no obligation to actually implement.... he will just say it is too burdensome and cannot be enforced. If children can walk across the border with no problems currently, there is no way that you can seriously argue that they are securing the border...

The following is already done, but usually they are moved from F1 to H1B the following year - and then work in the US while the green card is processed which usually takes six years. I worked with lots of foreigners with US graduate/PHD credentials in this position (at least 50+ at the company I worked for).

This one is in the border security grouping - a republican priority which President Obama has opposed and will likely waive using executive orders etc

There is already a process for this - even though it is cumbersome:

The Democratic Party has constantly been afraid of doing this legally since they have been afraid of angering their Labour support.

You forgot your meds again.

My god.

The comprehensive immigration reform package 75% of Americans across the political spectrum support does not have amnesty in it, not the word, not the reality of amnesty. Anyone posting the word "amnesty" alongside mention of the comprehensive immigration reform package is writing fiction.

Only the politically extreme on the right are trying this completely discredited tactic. People who say things that are discredited do in fact discredit themselves.


I never said that.

You said that.

You said I said that.

You said it in your own post.

Find and point out to me my post(s) where I said what you falsely said I said.

Have a nice day....smile.png

Me thinks you're a politician.... say something, then deny you said something... say something... then deny you said something....

  • Like 1

Gruber ... obama's architect for obamacare ... supposedly an affordable healthcare program ... to be presented to a Nation - a Constitutional Republic under guidance of democracy ... a nation of the people - and a government responsible to the people as per the U.S. Constitution ... and obama pushes this kind of thing down our collective throats... Six Videos of this Chief adviser on the construct of obamacare... glib, disrespectful, goading, lying and worse... All of the videos are totally undeniable products and evidence of the obama mania to subdue the American public and Force a program down the citizen's throats in totally absence of honesty ... a used car salesman's wet dream... deceive, deny, obfuscate, lie... THIS IS OBAMA'S LEGACY ... a big fat lie - pushed on Americans - as it will be written in books of history...


That is quite the photo of Willard Mitt Romney's main man outside of the state government when the then Governor Romney successfully implemented Obamacare in Massachusetts.

Nobody heard of this guy before now in this early runup time to the 2016 presidential election and no one will know or remember him after the election.

Dredging this up from the past is a part of the Republican's and the fierce campaign of the far right to try to drive down voter participation in the 2016 presidential election. The more people are disgusted, the more are the people who don't vote. It looks as if the fringe fanatics on the extreme political right have decided they must destroy democracy in order to save it.

It won't succeed because the demographics of the country have changed radically and because the mid-term election participation is always lesser in the mid-term year than it is in the presidential year election.

This guy anyway is a professor at MIT. Anyone who's spent any time around MIT knows it is full of arrogant elitists of the Willard Mitt Romney and Republican party type.

The paymasters in HHS certainly knew who Gruber was.

This from a blog that I can't verify. The article is from the Mail and it is blocked in Thailand.

More to follow but I must take the wife to Erawan Cave for lunch.


Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber has billed federal and state governments at least $5.9 million
Four U.S. states and the federal government have padded Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber's wallet to the tune of $5.9 million since 2000, including millions connected to his work on the Affordable Care Act.
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology economist has been pilloried for collecting $392,600 from the Obama administration's Health and Human Services Department while the law was being written, but that was just the tip of the iceberg.
Gruber's consulting contracts give states and the feds access to a proprietary formula that can determine how changes in a health care system's structure will affect costs.
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Except on the obama propaganda channels, Americans are in a uproar over the revelations about J. Gruber - obama' chief consultant on obamacare... Nope obama's legacy will not be ruined in one day... just a slice of it everyday as more and more of the scandalous secrets come out... The Affordable Care Act - what a misnomer - 47 million Americans now without health coverage with 9 million under obamacare... and these jerks laugh...

Judge Jeanine: Are You Stupid? Obamacare’s Jonathan Gruber Says You Are

"...Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber is giddy with glee over the fraud he helped perpetrate...this monstrous fraud by misrepresentation would have put the perpetrators in prison for life. But not in Washington, where they congratulate themselves and keep right on defrauding We the People."


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