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Loan motorbike


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A boy in our soi just came to my house and was yelling to me through the gate. (why didn't he ring our bell?).

He has never ever spoken to me, one day i invited him and his mum/brother on a newyears party at our house, then he refused to speak to me even when his mum told him so. I didn't care though.

Now he asked me if he could loan my brand new bike thumbsup.gif

I said no, farang style no.

Why not he asked?

I said because you can't drive motorbikes.

Yes i can he said ( he uses a bicycle or motortaxi because he ruined his motorbike last year by driving it like a total idiot.)

I said no but offered to bring him.

Okay he said.

Then get your helmet and i will get dressed and bring you, OK he said.

So i drove to his house and then he came out with his bicycle.

I go bicycle he said.

OK so i don't have to bring you?

No he said.

Then i drove off.


Now i think that is very respectless what he did. Don't you?

They don't have to call me khun or whatever but this just goes too far. I need more respect then this.

Also their house is for sale, emergency sale is on a big sign at the gate.

I'm just perplex about this rudeness.

Would you have let him use a brand new motorbike?

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i agree certainly not but wind your neck in mate he was after all only taking the piss

Yes i guess so, well then now he learned his lesson hopefully.

If he had been kind to me in the past i even would have fixed his own old scooter but i let him do. That thing wouldn't start all the time and when it started he drove it full speed in our moobaan like....only a thai can do.

It seems he learned how to speak english, he always was brought home by one of those minibuses from the international scool. Those ones that drive full speed in a dead-end street like ours where neighbours have very young children and dogs as well.

But now i know what's gonna happen, his mum will call my wife and apologise for him. And i have to say oh mai ben rai.....

I hope they will teach them farang manners as well on those international scools, only speaking the language is not enough. He is thai/japanese by the way.

Edited by namdocmai
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But now i understand why thai people in moobaans don't want to know eachother.

We have another neighbour with only a son from 12. He wants to become fighterpilot just like his uncle so he has to learn english but he can only say "good evening" so he always comes to greet me that way which is fine. His mum always sends him to me with fruit so he can speak to me and learn english, fine. Sometimes i give them bbq meat back when i 'm grilling.

One day we were giving a party for 20 people and i was grilling meat on the bbq because they would come at night. I was alone at home in the garden.

Then his mum arrived with the car and the son, she stops in front of our gate, boy comes out and tried to open the gate which was locked but only slightly, not the full lock. He always likes to see me grilling so i ususally let him but this time not because i was busy cooking for 20 people.

He couldn;t open the gate, looked at me for a while but i didn't talk to him because i was busy...then he went home. fine.

Then his mum called my wife at her work and complainted that i closed the gate while grilling and wouldn't speak to her son.

My wife told her that her son can't speak english and that i probably was busy. Later that night 10 cars came and the whole street was full of cars from our visitors.

Later again she spoke to my wife that i was so rude to not let him be my bbq. When i let him see me grilling he always takes my fork and he will do the grilling and i have nothing to say anymore, he will do it and won't listen. I am over 40 years old, not a brat anymore i would say, his father is same age as me.

I just try to be kind to everybody in this soi but that's over from now on.

Better not know any neighbours here.

So, rant over. Time for bbq again and sure nobody gets anything from me. Buy your own bbq.wai.gif

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you are too friendly to people.....I wouldn't invite someone for NY unless I am very sure that they are nice people.

I would not offer to drive someone somewhere unless I am sure they are very nice. Ask for my motorbike is not nice.

OK, you don't make friends that way.....

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"So, rant over. Time for bbq again and sure nobody gets anything from me. Buy your own bbq.wai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cA.gif"


The fire is starting up.

Feel free to write here what you like about strange/rude conversations with Thai.

I just wanted to share my weird experiences here. There are no farangs near that i can ask for their opinions, i started thinking that i was getting crazy.tongue.png

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I better call the thread "strange situations"

let's see if i can change it, maybe you guys have to come and rescue me......bad joke, i 'll get my coat.

But i hope Tony will recover so well that one day we are allowed to make jokes so again so he also can laugh about it.

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But now i understand why thai people in moobaans don't want to know eachother.

We have another neighbour with only a son from 12. He wants to become fighterpilot just like his uncle so he has to learn english but he can only say "good evening" so he always comes to greet me that way which is fine. His mum always sends him to me with fruit so he can speak to me and learn english, fine. Sometimes i give them bbq meat back when i 'm grilling.

One day we were giving a party for 20 people and i was grilling meat on the bbq because they would come at night. I was alone at home in the garden.

Then his mum arrived with the car and the son, she stops in front of our gate, boy comes out and tried to open the gate which was locked but only slightly, not the full lock. He always likes to see me grilling so i ususally let him but this time not because i was busy cooking for 20 people.

He couldn;t open the gate, looked at me for a while but i didn't talk to him because i was busy...then he went home. fine.

Then his mum called my wife at her work and complainted that i closed the gate while grilling and wouldn't speak to her son.

My wife told her that her son can't speak english and that i probably was busy. Later that night 10 cars came and the whole street was full of cars from our visitors.

Later again she spoke to my wife that i was so rude to not let him be my bbq. When i let him see me grilling he always takes my fork and he will do the grilling and i have nothing to say anymore, he will do it and won't listen. I am over 40 years old, not a brat anymore i would say, his father is same age as me.

I just try to be kind to everybody in this soi but that's over from now on.

Better not know any neighbours here.

So, rant over. Time for bbq again and sure nobody gets anything from me. Buy your own bbq.wai.gif

Get an electric gate they can't even open a little bit :-)

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But now i understand why thai people in moobaans don't want to know eachother.

We have another neighbour with only a son from 12. He wants to become fighterpilot just like his uncle so he has to learn english but he can only say "good evening" so he always comes to greet me that way which is fine. His mum always sends him to me with fruit so he can speak to me and learn english, fine. Sometimes i give them bbq meat back when i 'm grilling.

One day we were giving a party for 20 people and i was grilling meat on the bbq because they would come at night. I was alone at home in the garden.

Then his mum arrived with the car and the son, she stops in front of our gate, boy comes out and tried to open the gate which was locked but only slightly, not the full lock. He always likes to see me grilling so i ususally let him but this time not because i was busy cooking for 20 people.

He couldn;t open the gate, looked at me for a while but i didn't talk to him because i was busy...then he went home. fine.

Then his mum called my wife at her work and complainted that i closed the gate while grilling and wouldn't speak to her son.

My wife told her that her son can't speak english and that i probably was busy. Later that night 10 cars came and the whole street was full of cars from our visitors.

Later again she spoke to my wife that i was so rude to not let him be my bbq. When i let him see me grilling he always takes my fork and he will do the grilling and i have nothing to say anymore, he will do it and won't listen. I am over 40 years old, not a brat anymore i would say, his father is same age as me.

I just try to be kind to everybody in this soi but that's over from now on.

Better not know any neighbours here.

So, rant over. Time for bbq again and sure nobody gets anything from me. Buy your own bbq.wai.gif

So busy with a BBQ you can't speak. Learn to relax a bit.

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If i 'm cooking meat on a bbq for like 10k baht then i can't speak Thai at the same time. It's not the 10k baht that makes me nervous but the fact that i want to serve my guests proper bbq meat, not burned or anything.

Also that boy doesn't know the word NO and sure won't listen to my advice. He has never bbq=ed himself because his daddy is never home and he is far to smart to be taught anything from a simple farang like me.

He will grab my tongues out of my hand and he will decide when to baste them ribs or add more wood for smoking. If i would grab the tongues back and tell him to not interfere with my bbq he will go to his mummy and cry there.

This thread is more about the rudeness i suffer from Thai neighbours kids. They don't teach them how to deal with older foreigners in their street. Not that i'm old but sure older then those kids and they should have learned by now what they can do to strangers and what not.

Those kids are very spoiled and that's why they behave this way. In Europe i sure would teach them a lesson (the hard way but also the honest way) like i had to learn those things myself while being unadult. I have learned the word NO since i was a brat, if i cried like crazy then i had to go stand in the cornerof the room facing the wall for 15 minutes. If i still cried more i could get some spanking on the butt. That always worked perfect.

Well the boy that asked my motorbike clearly never learned what you can ask a stranger and what not. He doesn't have a fatherfigure though, his dad has a company in japan and lives there. I guess that's the main problem behind this.

But i see Thai kids driving motorbike everywhere, also very young ones. I wonder if they also loaned them from their neighbours, it wouldn't surprise me. Also i wonder what happens if one of those kids drive into a farang who is walking on the pavement where they drive with 3 young kids on 1 motorbike.

If they ever drive into me that way then daddy will have to pay the Bungumrad hospital for me, bet they don't realise that.

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